125 research outputs found

    ‘Head’ first: Principal self-care to promote teacher resilience

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    As leaders of school communities, principals have a significant impact on school culture and teachers’ well-being at work. A school principal’s positive or negative emotions can influence the mood of their teaching staff and can enhance or hinder a teacher’s resilience. Unfortunately, though, many school principals suffer from their own high levels of stress, emotional exhaustion and fatigue-related issues, whilst concurrently being tasked with the responsibility and management of the well-being of their staff. In this chapter, we explore the role of mindfulness and self-care in promoting resilience as a way for school principals to meet the challenges of their role. Principals who are mindful and employ self-compassion are better placed and more resilient to positively impact others and flourish in their role. Leadership does matter and ensuring that we address leaders’ well-being and resilience will mean they will be better equipped to engender resilience in their staff

    Copolymerization of ε-caprolactone and morpholine-2,5-dione derivatives

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    Novel biodegradable poly(ester-amide)s were prepared by ring-opening copolymerization of -caprolactone and 3- and/or 6-alkyl-substituted morpholine-2,5-dione derivatives. The copolymerizations were carried out in the bulk using stannous octoate as an initiator. Molecular weights of the copolymers ranged from 1,0 · 104 to 8,3 · 104 and decreased with increasing mole fractions of morpholine-2,5-dione derivatives in the feed. 13C NMR sequence analysis indicated that the copolymers had a random distribution of -oxycaproyl and depsipeptide units, which resulted from the occurrence of transesterification reactions during copolymerization. The results of the DSC measurements and 13C NMR sequence analysis showed a close relationship between the crystallinity and average length of ε-oxycaproyl blocks. Copolymers with a mole fraction of depsipeptide units smaller than 0,20 were semi-crystalline, whereas incorporation of larger amounts of depsipeptide units resulted in amorphous copolymers. The melting point depression as a function of the molar composition of the semi-crystalline copolymers was in good agreement with the melting point depression predicted by the Baur equation, which indicated the rejection of depsipeptide units from crystals consisting of ε-oxycaproyl units

    Cross-linguistic study of vocal pathology: perceptual features of spasmodic dysphonia in French-speaking subjects

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    Clinical characterisation of Spasmodic Dysphonia of the adductor type (SD) in French speakers by Klap and colleagues (1993) appears to differ from that of SD in English. This perceptual analysis aims to describe the phonetic features of French SD. A video of 6 French speakers with SD supplied by Klap and colleagues was analysed for frequency of phonatory breaks, pitch breaks, harshness, creak, breathiness and falsetto voice, rate of production, and quantity of speech output. In contrast to English SD, the French speaking SD patients demonstrated no evidence pitch breaks, but phonatory breaks, harshness and breathiness were prominent features. This verifies the French authors’ (1993) clinical description. These findings suggest that phonetic properties of a specific language may affect the manifestation of pathology in neurogenic voice disorders

    Chemische samenstelling van bodem en grondwater in het stroomgebied van de Drentse Aa : inventarisatie ten behoeve van de parametrisatie en validatie van de standplaatsmodule van het GREINS - model

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    In 1994 is een inventarisatie uitgevoerd van de chemische samenstelling van de bodem en het freatische grondwater in het stroomgebied van de Drentse Aa. Doel was om het voorgestelde fysiotoopmodel te valideren en de modellering van de bodemontwikkeling te parametriseren en te valideren. De resultaten voor de vaste fase (o.a. organischestofgehalte, C/N-ratio en basenbezetting), het grondwater (ion-concentraties en similariteit met de Maion-referentietypen) en het bodemvocht (ion-concentraties en -ratio's) geven een redelijke onderbouwing van het fysiotoopmodel. De basenklasse is meestal de belangrijkste predictor, en voor de vaste fasegehaltes de grondsoort. Enkele kleine aanpassingen lijken noodzakelijk

    CO2-dosering bij roos onder verschillende temperaturen en belichtingniveaus : vervolgonderzoek kwantificering van CO2-effecten op productie en kwaliteit bij roos

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    Uit eerder onderzoek van PPO bleek dat met een hogere CO2-dosering en meer assimilatiebelichting een hogere productie van een betere kwaliteit kon worden gerealiseerd. De gegevens uit dat onderzoek werden gebruikt om een groeimodel voor groente (ECP) te valideren. Omdat het ECP-productiemodel niet geschikt bleek te zijn voor roos, is een vervolgonderzoek gestart om een dynamisch productiemodel te ontwikkelen specifiek voor roos. Zo kan de teler de productie en kwaliteit sturen door middel van drie "knoppen": CO2, licht en temperatuur. In deze publicatie staat een beschrijving van dit vervolgonderzoek. Twee CO2-concentraties (700 en 1400 ppm), twee lichtintensiteiten (3750 en 7100 lux), drie teelttemperaturen (17, 20 en 23°C) en twee gewasleeftijden (een jonge aanplant en een twee jaar oud gewas van ‘Indian Femma’) zijn onderling gecombineerd in 6 verschillende afdelingen. Daarnaast zijn twee extra afdelingen in gebruik genomen, waarin door middel van koelen met behulp van verneveling geprobeerd is CO2-verlies door ventilatie te vermindere

    Effect van concentratie en besmettingsmethode op mate van aantasting van begonia door Fusarium foetens : onderzoek naar ontwikkeling en bestrijding/beheersing van Fusarium foetens in Begonia

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    Sinds twee jaar wordt in de begoniateelt uitval gevonden veroorzaakt door een nieuwe Fusarium vaatschimmel welke recentelijk de naam Fusarium foetens gekregen heeft. Uitval op verschillende bedrijven is aanzienlijk en aantasting is moeilijk te beheersen en te bestrijden. DLV Facet heeft in samenwerking met Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving Business Unit Glastuinbouw en Naktuinbouw een stappenplan (4 fasen) uitgewerkt waarmee in de praktijk een verbeterde beheersing van de ziekte gerealiseerd moet worden. In dit korte verslag worden de resultaten van enkele proeven beschreven waarbij het effect van concentratie en besmettingsmethode op mate van aantasting van begonia door Fusarium foetens bestudeerd is. De doelstelling van het hier beschreven onderzoek is te bepalen wat de invloed van infectiedruk op de mate en snelheid van aantasting van F. foetens op begonia is

    Multi-Omics Analysis Reveals MicroRNAs Associated With Cardiometabolic Traits

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are non-coding RNA molecules that regulate gene expression. Extensive research has explored the role of miRNAs in the risk for type 2 diabetes (T2D) and

    Influence of climatic variables on crown condition in pine forests of Northern Spain

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    Producción CientíficaThe aim of this study was to find relationships between crown condition and some climatic parameters to identify which are those having a main influence on crown condition, and how this influence is shown in the tree (crown transparency), and to contribute to the understanding of how these parameters will affect under future climate change scenarios

    Lignin biomarkers as tracers of mercury sources in lakes water column

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    This study presents the role of specific terrigenous organic compounds as important vectors of mercury (Hg) transported from watersheds to lakes of the Canadian boreal forest. In order to differentiate the autochthonous from the allochthonous organic matter (OM), lignin derived biomarker signatures [Lambda, S/V, C/V, P/(V ? S), 3,5-Bd/V and (Ad/Al)v] were used. Since lignin is exclusively produced by terrigenous plants, this approach can give a non equivocal picture of the watershed inputs to the lakes. Moreover, it allows a characterization of the source of OM and its state of degradation. The water column of six lakes from the Canadian Shield was sampled monthly between June and September 2005. Lake total dissolved Hg concentrations and Lambda were positively correlated, meaning that Hg and ligneous inputs are linked (dissolved OM r2 = 0.62, p\0.0001; particulate OM r2 = 0.76, p\0.0001). Ratios of P/(V ? S) and 3,5-Bd/V from both dissolved OM and particulate OM of the water column suggest an inverse relationship between the progressive state of pedogenesis and maturation of the OM in soil before entering the lake, and the Hg concentrations in the water column. No relation was found between Hg levels in the lakes and the watershed flora composition—angiosperm versus gymnosperm or woody versus non-woody compounds. This study has significant implications for watershed management of ecosystems since limiting fresh terrestrial OM inputs should reduce Hg inputs to the aquatic systems. This is particularly the case for largescale land-use impacts, such as deforestation, agriculture and urbanization, associated to large quantities of soil OM being transferred to aquatic systems

    Screening for Domestic Violence Among Adult Women in the United States

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    BACKGROUND: Domestic violence is a problem frequently encountered in health care settings and a risk factor for physical and mental health problems. OBJECTIVE: To provide nationally representative estimates of rates of domestic violence screening among women, to identify predictors of screening, and to describe settings where women are screened. DESIGN AND PARTICIPANTS: We examined 4,821 women over the age of 18 from the second wave of Healthcare for Communities, a nationally representative household telephone survey conducted in 2000–2001. MEASUREMENTS: Self-reports concerning whether the respondent was ever asked about domestic or family violence by any health care provider. RESULTS: Only 7% (95% CI, 6%–8%) of women reported they were ever asked about domestic violence or family violence by a health care professional. Of women who were asked about abuse, nearly half (46%) were asked in a primary care setting, and 24% were asked in a specialty mental health setting. Women with risk factors for domestic violence were more likely to report being asked about it by a health care professional, but rates were still low. CONCLUSIONS: Self-reported rates of screening for domestic violence are low even among women at higher risk for abuse. These findings reinforce the importance of developing training and raising awareness of domestic violence and its health implications. This is especially true in primary care and mental health specialty settings