21 research outputs found

    Macroeconomic Policies: Stabilization and Transition in Former Czechoslovakia and in the Czech Republic

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    Paper discusses reform process in the Czech Republic (and former Czechoslovakia), which after some preparations in 1990 started in 1991 has been implemented along two major reform lines: - microeconomic restructuring including privatization, liberalization of prices and markets, and - creation of a market-typed institutional framework with the stress put on commercial banking and capital markets. The success which was achieved up till now in the field of macroeconomic stabilization is clearly visible. In spite of the price shock in the first three months of 1991 due to the price liberalization and the cuts of subsidies, the monthly consumer price increases since then until the end of 1992 did not surpass 2 percent and in 1992 annual inflation rate was 11.3 per cent, which was the lowest figure among all the ex-communist countries. The external stabilization of the economy has been reflected in the exchange rate of the Czechoslovak Koruna (CSK). This stability has been maintained in spite of the widening scope of internal convertibility. After the split the Czech Republic has kept the exchange rate of the Czech Koruna (CK) unchanged while Slovakia devalued the Slovak Koruna (SK) by 10 per cent. The price paid for the macroeconomic stabilization and the collapse of Comecon was a sharp decline in economic activity. Some progress was achieved within microeconomic restructuring. Almost one thousand big industrial enterprises were privatized through voucher privatization representing the property of more than USD 7 bn (in book value). A number of other firms have been privatized using standard privatization methods. A relatively successful macroeconomic stabilization has been accompanied by a surprisingly low unemployment - especially in the Czech Republic - where unemployment rate stayed at 3.4 in December 1993, which indicates that microeconomic restructuring has Macroeconomic Policies not yet taken place in the extent that could be compared with macroeconomic performance. This in turn means that the issue of macroeconomic stabilization will have to be addressed again in the near future.Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, Transition Economics

    Web portal of scout center using SkautIS

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    Cílem této práce bylo vytvoření webového portálu pro skautské středisko v Doksech. Práce v úvodu obsahuje popis použitých technologií a rešerši jiných řešení. Další částí práce je popis informačního systému SkautIS a jeho knihovny pro práci s ním. Práce popisuje administrační a uživatelskou část webového por-tálu a navržený databázový model. Další částí práce je řízení přístupů a oprávnění uživatelů a následná implementaci a testování portálu.Webový portál byl vytvořen v jazyce PHP s použitím českého frameworku Nette, databázového systému MySQL a moderních technologií HTML5, CSS3 a jQuery.Main goal of this work was to create web portal for scout center in Doksy. In in-troduction this work contains description of used technologies and recherches of another's solutions. Next part of this work is about information system SkautIS and description of its library. The work describes administration and user part of the web portal and its database model. Next part of this work is about access con-trol, authorization of users and implementation and testing web application.xWeb portal was created in programming language PHP using Czech frame-work Nette, database system MySQL and modern technologies HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery

    Substitute or complement? Assessing renewable and nonrenewable energy in OECD countries

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    The elasticity of interfuel substitution between renewable and nonrenewable energy is key to establishing effective climate change policy. This is the first study to estimate the elasticity of substitution between different fossil fuels and renewable resources. We used 12 manufacturing industry-level datasets for the OECD countries from 1995 to 2009. We found a complementary relationship from nonrenewable energy to renewable energy in eight industries, whereas a substitute relationship was maintained for four industries. In particular, the food and pulp industries had a strong complementary relationship

    Satisfying needs of people living in the House with community care Service

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    The prime object of this work is to find out the level of satisfying seniors´needs in the House with community care service Vyšehrad in Český Krumlov. The work is engaged in supply of community care service and supply of services with a view to the interests of inhibitants of this institution. The theoretical part consists of common informatik regarding the old age and aging of a person. Other aspects on which this work is engaged in are needs of seniors in the period of senility, care about seniors and community care service itself. In link-up futher to the theoretical part the practical on eis engaged in exclusively to community care service in concrete institutionand to the ralationship between age and needines of help within the framethe human needs. On the base of the research it is possible to say, that if needs of a person are completing on high level as i tis in the case of the House with community care service Vyšehrad in Český Krumlov, retired people can spend joyful time in the House with community care service, too

    Web portal of scout center using SkautIS

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    Precautionary Saving And Currency Substitution In An Optimizing Model Of The Czech Economy

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    The paper investigates the importance of domestic and foreign liquidity constraints and variablity of various sources of household income for the properties of the consumption function in the Czech economy, with the consequences for monetary policy and the exchange rate. For this purpose, the paper develops a model of consumption and investment. in an open economy under diffusion uncertainty with soft liquidity constraints. The model is solved by means of the stochastic maximum principle including the adjoint equation for the co-state process. One of the equations of the model, which describes the equilibrium exchange rate, is then used to estimate the precautionary saving and currency substitution effects in the Czech economy of the period 1993-1997. We find that either liquidity constraint factor for precationary saving or the currency substitution are significant in aggregate. Precautionary saving as a reaetion on income uncertainty, is, Oll the other hand, prominent. Considerable are also deviations from simple uncovered parity relations caused by the transaetion technology in the forex market.

    The Demand-for-money Function

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    The stability and credibility of a national currency is one of the key factors for successful national economic development. Knowledge of the long-run demand for money helps the monetary authorities to determine what is the rate of growth of the money stock that would not lead to an excessive money supply and, consequently, would not accelerate inflation. Also, it allows to avoid the costs incurred by the central bank in case it has to curb down an excess demand for money, and in doing so contribute to economic recession. The possible costs of mistakes in targeting the money stock are likely to be much higher for a transitional economy: a trade-off between transitional inflation and recession is much more difficult to discern than in a standard market economy, and credibility once lost is extremely hard to re-gain.

    Guidelines for creating bibliographic records of broadside prints with Ignis 2 online tool

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    The guidelines for creating bibliographic records of broadside ballads or chapbook prints in the online tool Ignis 2 were created to enable enriched functionality of the internet library of broadside ballads Špalíček (www.spalicek.net). The guidelines are based on international XML format for the description of text documents Text Encoding Initiative (TEI P5) and describe the creation of bibliographic records of broadside ballads and chapbook prints. They replace older guidelines for already outdated program Ignis - XML Record Editor, clarifies and expands description of the prints in currently valid TEI P5, improves the compatibility of records with other library formats and enables name authority and geographical authority records to be linked with the records