32 research outputs found

    Abcb4 acts as multixenobiotic transporter and active barrier against chemical uptake in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos

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    BACKGROUND: In mammals, ABCB1 constitutes a cellular “first line of defense” against a wide array of chemicals and drugs conferring cellular multidrug or multixenobiotic resistance (MDR/MXR). We tested the hypothesis that an ABCB1 ortholog serves as protection for the sensitive developmental processes in zebrafish embryos against adverse compounds dissolved in the water. RESULTS: Indication for ABCB1-type efflux counteracting the accumulation of chemicals in zebrafish embryos comes from experiments with fluorescent and toxic transporter substrates and inhibitors. With inhibitors present, levels of fluorescent dyes in embryo tissue and sensitivity of embryos to toxic substrates were generally elevated. We verified two predicted sequences from zebrafish, previously annotated as abcb1, by cloning; our synteny analyses, however, identified them as abcb4 and abcb5, respectively. The abcb1 gene is absent in the zebrafish genome and we explored whether instead Abcb4 and/or Abcb5 show toxicant defense properties. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analyses showed the presence of transcripts of both genes throughout the first 48 hours of zebrafish development. Similar to transporter inhibitors, morpholino knock-down of Abcb4 increased accumulation of fluorescent substrates in embryo tissue and sensitivity of embryos toward toxic compounds. In contrast, morpholino knock-down of Abcb5 did not exert this effect. ATPase assays with recombinant protein obtained with the baculovirus expression system confirmed that dye and toxic compounds act as substrates of zebrafish Abcb4 and inhibitors block its function. The compounds tested comprised model substrates of human ABCB1, namely the fluorescent dyes rhodamine B and calcein-am and the toxic compounds vinblastine, vincristine and doxorubicin; cyclosporin A, PSC833, MK571 and verapamil were applied as inhibitors. Additionally, tests were performed with ecotoxicologically relevant compounds: phenanthrene (a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) and galaxolide and tonalide (two polycyclic musks). CONCLUSIONS: We show that zebrafish Abcb4 is a cellular toxicant transporter and provides protection of embryos against toxic chemicals dissolved in the water. Zebrafish Abcb4 thus is functionally similar to mammalian ABCB1, but differs from mammalian ABCB4, which is not involved in cellular resistance to chemicals but specifically transports phospholipids in the liver. Our data have important implications: Abcb4 could affect bioavailability - and thus toxicologic and pharmacologic potency - of chemicals to zebrafish embryos and inhibition of Abcb4 therefore causes chemosensitization, that is, enhanced sensitivity of embryos to toxicants. These aspects should be considered in (eco)toxicologic and pharmacologic chemical screens with the zebrafish embryo, a major vertebrate model

    Zebrafish biosensor for toxicant induced muscle hyperactivity

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    Robust and sensitive detection systems are a crucial asset for risk management of chemicals, which are produced in increasing number and diversity. To establish an in vivo biosensor system with quantitative readout for potential toxicant effects on motor function, we generated a transgenic zebrafish line TgBAC(hspb11:GFP) which expresses a GFP reporter under the control of regulatory elements of the small heat shock protein hspb11. Spatiotemporal hspb11 transgene expression in the musculature and the notochord matched closely that of endogenous hspb11 expression. Exposure to substances that interfere with motor function induced a dose-dependent increase of GFP intensity beginning at sub-micromolar concentrations, while washout of the chemicals reduced the level of hspb11 transgene expression. Simultaneously, these toxicants induced muscle hyperactivity with increased calcium spike height and frequency. The hspb11 transgene up-regulation induced by either chemicals or heat shock was eliminated after co-application of the anaesthetic MS-222. TgBAC(hspb11:GFP) zebrafish embryos provide a quantitative measure of muscle hyperactivity and represent a robust whole organism system for detecting chemicals that affect motor function

    Transcriptional Response of Zebrafish Embryos Exposed to Neurotoxic Compounds Reveals a Muscle Activity Dependent hspb11 Expression

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    Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors are widely used as pesticides and drugs. Their primary effect is the overstimulation of cholinergic receptors which results in an improper muscular function. During vertebrate embryonic development nerve activity and intracellular downstream events are critical for the regulation of muscle fiber formation. Whether AChE inhibitors and related neurotoxic compounds also provoke specific changes in gene transcription patterns during vertebrate development that allow them to establish a mechanistic link useful for identification of developmental toxicity pathways has, however, yet not been investigated. Therefore we examined the transcriptomic response of a known AChE inhibitor, the organophosphate azinphos-methyl (APM), in zebrafish embryos and compared the response with two non-AChE inhibiting unspecific control compounds, 1,4-dimethoxybenzene (DMB) and 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP). A highly specific cluster of APM induced gene transcripts was identified and a subset of strongly regulated genes was analyzed in more detail. The small heat shock protein hspb11 was found to be the most sensitive induced gene in response to AChE inhibitors. Comparison of expression in wildtype, ache and sopfixe mutant embryos revealed that hspb11 expression was dependent on the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) activity. Furthermore, modulators of intracellular calcium levels within the whole embryo led to a transcriptional up-regulation of hspb11 which suggests that elevated intracellular calcium levels may regulate the expression of this gene. During early zebrafish development, hspb11 was specifically expressed in muscle pioneer cells and Hspb11 morpholino-knockdown resulted in effects on slow muscle myosin organization. Our findings imply that a comparative toxicogenomic approach and functional analysis can lead to the identification of molecular mechanisms and specific marker genes for potential neurotoxic compounds

    Molekulare Analyse der Gonadenentwicklung im Medaka (Oryzias latipes) und Oryzias celebensis

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    The process of sex-determination can be better understood through examinations of developing organs and cells, which are involved in the formation of undifferentiated gonad. This mechanisms show in fish a broad variety, ranging from hermaphroditism to gonochorism and environmental to genetic sex determination. Hormones and abiotic factors such as temperature and pH can influence teleost development and reproductive traits. These factors are vulnerable to pollutants and climate changes. Therefore, it is important to examine gonad development and sex-determination/differentiation in teleost fish. Teleost fish are the largest known group of vertebrates with approximately 25,000 species and are used for such kind of examinations as model organisms. Recently, in Oryzias latipes (medaka), dmrt1bY (or dmy), a member of the Dmrt gene family, has been described as testis-determining gene. However, this gene is not the universal master sex-determining gene in teleost fish. Although dmrt1bY is present in the most closely related species of the genus, namely Oryzias curvinotous, it is absent from other Oryzias species, like Oryzias celebensis, and other fish. During my thesis, I studied gonad development in medaka and in the closely related species Oryzias celebensis. Germ cell specification in medaka seems to be dependent on maternally provided cytoplasmatic determinants, so called germ plasm. Nanos and vasa are such germ cell specific genes. In zebrafish they are asymmetrically localized in the early embryo. I have shown that nanos mRNA is evenly distributed in the early embryo of medaka. A similar pattern has been already described for the medaka vasa homolog, olvas. This suggests differences in PGC specification in zebrafish and medaka. Further, the vasa homolog was isolated and the expression pattern examined in O. celebensis. The results show that it can be used as a germ cell specific marker. Additionally, the primordial germ cell migration in O. celebensis was followed, which is similar to medaka PGC migration. Primordial germ cell migration in vertebrates is dependent on the chemokine stromal cell-derived factor 1 (Sdf-1). Medaka has two different sdf-1 genes, sdf-1a and sdf-1b. Both genes are expressed in the lateral plate mesoderm (LPM). During late embryonic development, I could show that sdf-1a is expressed in newly formed somites and not longer in the LPM. Sdf-1b expression persisted in the posterior part of the lateral plate mesoderm in the developing gonad. In terms of early and late functions, this suggests subfunctionalization of sdf-1a and sdf-1b. In “higher” vertebrates, genes that are involved in the process of gonad development have been studied in detail, e.g. Wt1, Sox9, and Amh. I have analyzed the expression pattern of wt1 and sox9 co-orthologs and amh. In both, the medaka and O. celebensis, wt1a transcripts were localized in the LPM and its expression was similar to sdf-1a gene expression in medaka. Wt1b expression was restricted to the developing pronephric region. During later embryonic development, wt1a is specifically expressed in the somatic cells of the gonad primordium in both sexes. This is the first time that in fish wt1 gene expression in developing gonads has been described. Therefore, this result suggests that wt1a is involved in the formation of the bipotential gonad. Furthermore, I have analyzed the gonad specific function of the wt1 co-orthologs in medaka. I could show that a conditional co-regulation mechanism between Wt1a and Wt1b ensures PGC maintenance and/or survival. The expression of sox9 genes in medaka and sox9b in O. celebensis were detected in the somatic cells of the gonad primordium of both sexes. Additionally, I have shown that amh and amhrII in medaka are expressed in somatic cells of the gonad primordium of both sexes. This suggests that sox9b, amh and amhrII are involved in gonad development and have specific functions in the adult gonad. In O. celebensis I could detect an expression of dmrt1 already six days after fertilization in half of the embryos, which is similar to the dmrt1bY expression in medaka. Whether the expression of dmrt1 is male specific in O. celebensis is currently under investigation. Altogether, the obtained results provide new insights into gene expression patterns during the processes of gonad development. Furthermore, no differences in the expression pattern of wt1a and sox9b during gonad development between the medaka and O. celebensis could be detected. This might indicate that the genetic mechanisms during gonad development are similar in both species.Die Untersuchung der Keimzellwanderung in O. celebensis zeigte hohe Ähnlichkeiten zu der bereits Beschriebenen im Medaka. Die Keimzellwanderung in Wirbeltieren ist abhĂ€ngig von stromal cell-derived factor 1 (Sdf-1), einem chemotaktisch wirkendem Zytokinin. Im Medaka existieren zwei sdf-1 Gene, sdf-1a und sdf-1b, die wĂ€hrend der embryonalen Entwicklung im Seitenplattenmesoderm (LPM) exprimiert werden. Die Expression der beiden Gene unterscheiden sich jedoch zeitlich und auch örtlich im LPM. Dies lĂ€sst vermuten, dass sich im Verlauf der Evolution eine frĂŒhe und eine spĂ€te keimzellspezifische Funktion zwischen sdf-1a und sdf-1b aufgeteilt hat. In „höheren“ Wirbeltieren wurden schon verschiedene Gene, z.B. Wt1, Sox9 und Amh, in dem Prozess der Gonadenentwicklung beschrieben. Die Expressionsmuster von wt1 und sox9 Co-Orthologen und amh habe ich wĂ€hrend meiner Arbeit untersucht. Im Medaka und in O. celebensis wird wt1a im LPM transkribiert und Ă€hnelt der von sdf-1a im Medaka. Die Expression von wt1b erfolgt hingegen nur in der Region der VorlĂ€ufer-Niere. Im weiteren Verlauf der Embryogenese ließen sich wt1a Transkripte erstmalig in somatischen Zellen des Gonaden-VorlĂ€ufers nachweisen. Wt1a spielt vermutlich eine Rolle in der Entwicklung der bipotentialen Gonade. Die funktionelle Analyse von wt1 Genen im Medaka zeigte, dass durch eine konditionale Co-Regulation zwischen wt1a und wt1b die Keimzellen ĂŒberleben bzw. erhalten bleiben. Die Expression von sox9b im Medaka und in O. celebensis ließ sich in somatischen Zellen des Gonaden-VorlĂ€ufers nachweisen. ZusĂ€tzlich werden amh und amhrII ebenfalls in somatischen Zellen beider Geschlechter exprimiert, daher kann man eine wichtige Rolle dieser Gene wĂ€hrend der Gonadenentwicklung und in der adulten Gonade annehmen. Die Expression von dmrt1 in O. celebensis konnte ich, in etwa der HĂ€lfte der beobachteten Embryonen, bereits schon frĂŒh in der embryonalen Entwicklung (6 Tage nach der Befruchtung) nachweisen. Das Transkriptionsmuster von dmrt1 in O. celebensis ist Ă€hnlich der Expression von dmrt1bY im Medaka. Inwieweit diese Expression in O. celebensis spezifisch fĂŒr MĂ€nnchen ist wird zurzeit noch untersucht. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse zeigen neue Einblicke in die Genexpressionsmuster der Gonadenentwicklung von Medaka und O. celebensis und weisen neue Möglichkeiten fĂŒr weitere Forschungen auf. Des Weiteren konnte ich im Verlauf der Gonadenentwicklung keine Unterschiede in der Genexpression von wt1a und sox9b zwischen Medaka und O. celebensis nachweisen. Dies deutet an, dass die genetischen Mechanismen der Gonadenentwicklung zwischen den beiden nahverwandten Arten sehr Ă€hnlich sind

    Using zebrafish to assess developmental neurotoxicity

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    It is widely accepted that the developing nervous system is especially vulnerable to a variety of chemicals, including drugs and environmental contaminants; however our understanding of the risks from chemical exposures during development is rudimentary. Zebrafish have become a popular test species in toxicology, pharmacology, and biomedical research. This chapter was written as an introduction to the use of zebrafish in developmental neurotoxicology, and to encourage the use of this model either for human or ecological risk characterizations. We have endeavored to make the reader aware of significant research findings, and to offer a balanced view of the advantages and limitations in using zebrafish as a model for investigating developmental neurotoxicity

    Influence of pH on the uptake and toxicity of ÎČ-blockers in embryos of zebrafish, Danio rerio

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    beta-Blockers are weak bases with acidity constants related to their secondary amine group. At environmental pH they are protonated with the tendency to shift to their neutral species at more alkaline pH. Here we studied the influence of pH from 5.5 to 8.6 on the toxicity of the four beta-blockers atenolol, metoprolol, labetalol and propranolol in zebrafish embryos, relating toxicity not only in a conventional way to external aqueous concentrations but also to measured internal concentrations.Besides lethality, we evaluated changes in swimming activity and heartbeat, using the Locomotor Response (LMR) method and the Vertebrate Automated Screening Technology (VAST) for high throughput imaging.Effects of metoprolol, labetalol and propranolol were detected on phenotype, heart rate and swimming activity. External effect concentrations decreased with increasing neutral fraction for all three pharmaceuticals, attributed by an enhanced uptake of the neutral species in comparison to the corresponding charged form. The LC50 of metoprolol decreased by a factor of 35 from 1.91 mM with almost complete cationic state at pH 7.0 to 0.054 mM with 8% neutral fraction at pH 8.6. For propranolol the LC50 of 2.42 mM at pH 5.5 was even 100 fold higher than the LC50 at pH 8 with 0.023 mM where 3% were neutral fraction. No effects were detected in the zebrafish embryo exposed to atenolol.The internal concentrations for metoprolol and propranolol were quantified at non-toxic concentrations and at the LC10. Apparent bioconcentration factors (BCF) ranged from 1.96 at pH 7.0 to 32.0 at pH 8.6 for metoprolol and from 1.86 at pH 5.5 to 169 at pH 8.0 for propranolol. The BCFs served to predict the internal effect concentrations from the measured external effect concentrations.Internal effect concentrations of metoprolol and propranolol were in a similar range for all pH-values and for all endpoints. Interestingly, the internal effect concentrations were in the internal concentration range of baseline toxicity, which suggests that the effects of the beta-blockers are rather unspecific, even for sublethal effects on heart rate. In summary, our data confirm that the pH-dependent toxicity related to external concentrations can be explained by toxicokinetic effects and that the internal effect concentrations are pH-independent

    pH‐dependent uptake and sublethal effects of antihistamines in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos

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    Reported off-target effects of antihistamines in humans draw interest in ecotoxicity testing of first- and second-generation antihistamines, the latter of which have fewer reported side effects in humans. Because antihistamines are ionizable compounds, the pH influences uptake and toxicity and thus is highly relevant when conducting toxicity experiments. Zebrafish embryo toxicity tests were performed with the 3 first-generation antihistamines ketotifen, doxylamine, and dimethindene and the 2 second-generation antihistamines cetirizine and levocabastine at pH 5.5, 7.0, and 8.0. We detected effects on survival, phenotype, swimming activity, and heart rate for 4 antihistamines with the exception of levocabastine, which did not show any lethal or sublethal effects. When compared to lethal concentrations, effect concentrations neither of phenotype malformation nor of swimming activity or heart rate deviated by more than a factor of 10 from lethal concentrations, indicating that all sublethal effects were fairly nonspecific. First-generation antihistamines are weak bases and showed decreasing external effect concentrations with increasing neutral fraction, accompanied by increased uptake in the fish embryo. As a result, internal effect concentrations were independent from external pH. The pH-dependent toxicity originates from speciation-dependent uptake, with neutral species taken up in higher amounts than the corresponding ionic species. Cetirizine, which shifts from a zwitterionic to an anionic state in the measured pH range, did not show any pH-dependent uptake or toxicity. Environ Toxicol Chem 2019;00:1-11. © 2019 SETAC

    A mechanistic understanding of the effects of polyethylene terephthalate nanoplastics in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo

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    Abstract Plastic pollution, especially by nanoplastics (NPs), has become an emerging topic due to the widespread existence and accumulation in the environment. The research on bioaccumulation and toxicity mechanism of NPs from polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is widely used for packaging material, have been poorly investigated. Herein, we report the first use of high-resolution magic-angle spinning (HRMAS) NMR based metabolomics in combination with toxicity assay and behavioural end points to get systems-level understanding of toxicity mechanism of PET NPs in intact zebrafish embryos. PET NPs exhibited significant alterations on hatching and survival rate. Accumulation of PET NPs in larvae were observed in liver, intestine, and kidney, which coincide with localization of reactive oxygen species in these areas. HRMAS NMR data reveal that PET NPs cause: (1) significant alteration of metabolites related to targeting of the liver and pathways associated with detoxification and oxidative stress; (2) impairment of mitochondrial membrane integrity as reflected by elevated levels of polar head groups of phospholipids; (3) cellular bioenergetics as evidenced by changes in numerous metabolites associated with interrelated pathways of energy metabolism. Taken together, this work provides for the first time a comprehensive system level understanding of toxicity mechanism of PET NPs exposure in intact larvae