9 research outputs found

    Poesi på liv og død

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    Lotte Thyrring Andersen og Bruno Svindborg: Poetiske forposter. Jens Kruuse og Heretica. Breve 1947-72 & Per Højholt og Heretica. Breve 1948-53, København 2007 (Gyldendal)

    At give det løse los

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    Stefan Kjerkegaard: At give det løse lo

    Cristine Sarrimo: Det spökskrivna jaget. Zlatan, marknaden och läsarna

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    Anmeldelse af Cristine Sarrimo: Det spökskrivna jaget. Zlatan, marknaden och läsarna. Makadam 2021.book revie

    Genreopbrud i 00’ernes danske poesi. Det selvbiografiske digt

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    Stefan Kjerkegaard: “Genre-Flux in Danish Poetry of the 00s: The Autobiographical Poem”This article deals with what it defines as the autobiographical poem and tries to show how this specific genre is an emergent and shared feature of a genre-flux in the Danish poetry of the 00s. Much poetry of the 00s seems to be in a divergent relationship to what has been called “the lyric poem” and in contrast with the ways poetry as such has been perceived and confused with “lyric poetry”. Today poetry seems to be more in accordance with poetry as a spacious and intermedial genre, ranging from oral performances to the written poem