3 research outputs found
Interactable objects in games
Undersökningen har som syfte att testa frågeställningen "Är prominensvärde eller association viktigast vid val av färger på interagerbara objekt i en spelmiljö inspirerad av fantasygenren?". För att göra detta har artiklar kring form, färg och interaktion granskats gällande hur prominens och association sett ut i tidigare undersökningar inom dessa områden. Till undersökningen skapades en artefakt i form av en kort spelsekvens. Spelsekvensen är avsedd att upplevas som ett typiskt fantasy-spel och har därför utvecklad grafik och narrativ inom ett fantasy-tema. De färger som används på de interagerbara objekten i denna undersökning är RGB. Deltagare i undersökningen spelar igenom spelsekvensen och får sedan svara på frågor kring valen de gör i sekvensen samt hur deras associationer ser ut kring de färger som använts i artefakten ser ut generellt men också inom fantasy-spel. Resultatet visar att en kombination av associationer och prominens är viktigt vid skapandet av interagerbara objekt i spel
Nandrolone decanoate and testosterone undecanoate differently affect stress hormones, neurotransmitter systems, and general activity in the male rat.
Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are frequently used to improve physical appearance and strength. AAS are known to affect muscle growth, but many AAS-users also experience psychiatric and behavioral changes after long-term use. The AAS-induced effects on the brain seem to depend on the type of steroid used, but the rationale behind the observed effect is still not clear. The present study investigated and compared the impact of nandrolone decanoate and testosterone undecanoate on body weight gain, levels of stress hormones, brain gene expression, and behavioral profiles in the male rat. The behavioral profile was determined using the multivariate concentric squared field test (MCSF-test). Blood plasma and brains were collected for further analysis using ELISA and qPCR. Nandrolone decanoate caused a reduction in body weight gain in comparison with both testosterone undecanoate and control. Rats receiving nandrolone decanoate also demonstrated decreased general activity in the MCSF. In addition, nandrolone decanoate reduced the plasma levels of ACTH in comparison with the control and increased the levels of corticosterone in comparison with testosterone undecanoate. The qPCR analysis revealed brain region-dependent changes in mRNA expression, where the hypothalamus was identified as the region most affected by the AAS. Alterations in neurotransmitter systems and stress hormones may contribute to the changes in behavior detected in the MCSF. In conclusion, both AAS affect the male rat, although, nandrolone decanoate has more pronounced impact on the physiological and the behavioral parameters measured
The decanoate esters of nandrolone, testosterone, and trenbolone induce steroid specific memory impairment and somatic effects in the male rat
Long-term use of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) in supratherapeutic doses is associated with severe adverse effects, including physical, mental, and behavioral alterations. When used for recreational purposes several AAS are often combined, and in scientific studies of the physiological impact of AAS either a single compound or a cocktail of several steroids is often used. Because of this, steroid-specific effects have been difficult to define and are not fully elucidated. The present study used male Wistar rats to evaluate potential somatic and behavioral effects of three different AAS; the decanoate esters of nandrolone, testosterone, and trenbolone. The rats were exposed to 15 mg/kg of nandrolone decanoate, testosterone decanoate, or trenbolone decanoate every third day for 24 days. Body weight gain and organ weights (thymus, liver, kidney, testis, and heart) were measured together with the corticosterone plasma levels. Behavioral effects were studied in the novel object recognition-test (NOR-test) and the multivariate concentric square field-test (MCSF-test). The results conclude that nandrolone decanoate, but neither testosterone decanoate nor trenbolone decanoate, caused impaired recognition memory in the NOR-test, indicating an altered cognitive function. The behavioral profile and stress hormone level of the rats were not affected by the AAS treatments. Furthermore, the study revealed diverse AAS-induced somatic effects i.e., reduced body weight development and changes in organ weights. Of the three AAS included in the study, nandrolone decanoate was identified to cause the most prominent impact on the male rat, as it affected body weight development, the weights of multiple organs, and caused an impaired memory function