38 research outputs found

    System-Scenario Methodology to Design a Highly Reliable Radiation-Hardened Memory for Space Applications

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    Cache memory circuits are one of the concerns of computing systems, especially in terms of power consumption, reliability, and high performance. Voltage-scaling techniques can be used to reduce the total power consumption of the caches. However, aggressive voltage scaling significantly increases the probability of memory failure, especially in environments with high radiation levels, such as space. It is, therefore, important to deploy techniques to deal with reliability issues along with voltage scaling. In this chapter, we present a system-scenario methodology for radiation-hardened memory design to keep the reliability during voltage scaling. Although any SRAM array can benefit from the design, we frame our study on the recently proposed radiation-hardened cell, Nwise, which provides high level of tolerance against single event and multi event upsets in memories. To reduce the power consumption while upholding reliability, we leverage the system-scenario-based design methodology to optimize the energy consumption in applications, where system requirements vary dynamically at run time. We demonstrate the use of the methodology with a use case related to satellite systems and solar activity. Our simulations show that we achieve up to 49.3% power consumption saving compared to using a cache design with a fixed nominal power supply level

    READEX gjør dynamiske HPC-applikasjoner energieffektive

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    EU-prosjektet READEX (Runtime Exploitation of Application Dynamism for Energy-efficient eXascale computing) kombinerer teknikker fra superdatamaskindomenet (high performance computing, HPC) og innvevde systemer (embedded systems). Slik blir HPC programmer med dynamisk oppførsel energieffektive

    Runtime Precomputation of Data-Dependent Parameters in Embedded Systems

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    Runtime Precomputation of Data-Dependent Parameters in Embedded Systems

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    In many modern embedded systems, the available resources (e.g., CPU clock cycles, memory, and energy) are consumed nonuniformly while the system is under exploitation. Typically, the resource requirements in the system change with different input data that the system process. These data trigger different parts of the embedded software, resulting in different operations executed that require different hardware platform resources to be used. A significant research effort has been dedicated to develop mechanisms for runtime resource management (e.g., branch prediction for pipelined processors, prefetching of data from main memory to cache, and scenario-based design methodologies). All these techniques rely on the availability of information at runtime about upcoming changes in resource requirements. In this article, we propose a method for detecting upcoming resource changes based on preliminary calculation of software variables that have the most dynamic impact on resource requirements in the system. We apply the method on a modified real-life biomedical algorithm with real input data and estimate a 40% energy reduction as compared to static DVFS scheduling. Comparing to dynamic DVFS scheduling, an 18% energy reduction is demonstrated

    Memory requirement optimization with loop fusion and loop shifting

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    Loop fusion and loop shifting are well recognized loop transformations for memory requirement reduction. Stateof-the-art optimizations with loop fusion and shifting are based on heuristics without any evaluation of the resulting effects during each optimization step. Thus we cannot guarantee that each step results in a reduced overall memory requirement. On the other hand, most memory requirement estimations at system level are inefficient and slow. Also the estimation is not started until the optimization is done. Having to iterate between optimization and estimation is very time consuming. In this paper, we present a storage requirement optimization method which combines the optimization and estimation processes with the goal to have continuous estimates during the optimization and hence to achieve lower memory requirements. 1

    Nwise: an Area Efficient and Highly Reliable Radiation Hardened Memory Cell Designed for Space Applications

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    In the electronics space industry, memory cells are one of the main concerns, especially in term of reliability, since radiation particles may hit cell nodes and disturb the state of the cell, possibly causing fatal errors. In this paper we propose the Nwise SRAM cell, an area-efficient and highly reliable radiation hardened memory cell for use in high-density memories for space applications. Simulations confirm that the proposed Nwise cell is fully tolerant to single event upsets (SEU) in any one of its nodes regardless of upset polarity. Meanwhile, compared with the RHBD-10T cell, the latest area-efficient radiation hardened memory cell, it has higher robustness: the minimum critical charge of Nwise is 4.1× higher than the minimum critical charge of the RHBD-10T cell. It also shows 23% and 12% improvements in read and write static noise margin (SNM). Furthermore, compared with RHBD-10T, up to 18.4% and 7.0% power savings are obtainable during write and read operations respectively. Nwise is about 2.28× faster than RHBD-10T during the more frequent read operation, with a similar penalty in write time. Finally, Nwise is the first proposed high density and reliable radiation hardened memory cell that has been designed using the 28nm FD-SOI technology node. Index Terms—space applications, radiation hardening, single event upset (SEU), multiple event upset (MEU), SRAM design, 28nm FD-SOI, reliability, soft errors, Nwise cel

    Hierarchical Memory Size Estimation for Loop Fusion and Loop Shifting in Data-Dominated Applications

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    Abstract — Loop fusion and loop shifting are important transformations for improving data locality to reduce the number of costly accesses to off-chip memories. Since exploring the exact platform mapping for all the loop transformation alternatives is a time consuming process, heuristics steered by improved data locality are generally used. However, pure locality estimates do not sufficiently take into account the hierarchy of the memory platform. This paper presents a fast, incremental technique for hierarchical memory size requirement estimation for loop fusion and loop shifting at the early loop transformations design stage. As the exact memory platform is often not yet defined at this stage, we propose a platform-independent approach which reports the Pareto-optimal trade-off points for scratch-pad memory size and off-chip memory accesses. The estimation comes very close to the actual platform mapping. Experiments on realistic test-vehicles confirm that. It helps the designer or a tool to find the interesting loop transformations that should then be investigated in more depth afterward. I

    Detection of Partially Simultaneously Alive Signals in Storage Requirement Estimation for Data Intensive Applications

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    In this paper, we propose a novel storage requirement estimation methodology for use in the early system design phases when the data transfer ordering is only partially fixed. At that stage, none of the existing estimation tools are adequate, as they either assume a fully specified execution order or ignore it completely. Using representative application demonstrators, we show how our technique can effectively guide the designer to achieve a transformed specification with low storage requirement

    Storage Requirement Estimation for Data Intensive Applications with Partially Fixed Execution Ordering

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    In this paper, we propose a novel storage requirement estimation methodology for use in the early system design phases when the data transfer ordering is only partly fixed. At that stage, none of the existing estimation tools are adequate, as they either assume a fully specified execution order or ignore it completely. Using a representative application demonstrator, we show how our technique can effectively guide the designer to achieve a transformed specification with low storage requirement