325 research outputs found

    Етапи формування та дистинктивні ознаки терміносистеми комп’ютерних технологій англійської мови (The stages of forming and distinctive features of the computer science terminological system of the English language)

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    Статтю присвячено визначенню та аналізу етапів розвитку та формування терміносистеми комп’ютерних технологій англійської мови. У статті розглядаються також основні дистинктивні ознаки вказаної терміносистеми. (The article is devoted to defining and investigation of the stages of the development and forming of the computer science terminological system in the English language. The notion of computer science appeared in the late thirtieth of the previous century while first programmed machines that carried out a set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically appeared much more lately. Their development and constant updating lead to the advent of the new sphere of scientific and technical knowledge – the sphere of the computer science or technologies. This sphere and its notions needed to be designated and named. Due to this a huge number of terms which lately made up the terminological system of the computer science appeared in the English language. Terminological units became a part of the abovementioned terminological system due to the terminologization of number of words of the common stock and reterminologization of other scientific and technical terms. A great number of terms were neologisms which constanly appeared and enriched the terminological system of the computer science under the development. The process of the computer terminology forming was elemental and spontaneous at first. Its regulation and normalization began only in seventieth year of the twentieth century with the final formation of the computer science as a scientific discipline and its achievements and results fixation in different kinds of scientific and popular-scientific literature. Personal computers and the Internet widely spread and available to common users later caused the appearance of new computer terms that enriched the terminological system as well.

    Integrated short and medium term underground mine production scheduling

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    The development of short- and medium-term mine production schedules in isolation from each other has meant that only a local optimum can be achieved when each scheduling phase is carried out. The globally optimal solution, however, can be achieved when integrating scheduling phases and accounting for the interaction between short-term and medium-term activities simultaneously. This paper addresses the task of integrating short- and medium term production plans by combining the short-term objective of minimizing deviation from targeted mill feed grade with the medium-term objective of maximizing net present value (NPV) into a single mathematical optimization model. A conceptual sublevel stoping operation comprising 30 stopes is used for trialling segregated and integrated scheduling approaches. Segregated medium- and short-term scheduling using separate models achieved an NPV of 42654456.ThefinalschedulingapproachinvolvedintegratingthetwoschedulinghorizonsusingthenewlydevelopedgloballyoptimalintegratedproductionschedulingmodeltoachieveanNPVof42 654 456. The final scheduling approach involved integrating the two scheduling horizons using the newly-developed globally optimal integrated production scheduling model to achieve an NPV of 42 823 657 with smoother mill feed grade. The larger the stope data set, the larger the difference between the two scheduling approaches is likely to be. At the very least, an integrated approach ensures feasibility across the two scheduling horizons, which cannot always be assumed when using a segregated approach

    Use of virtual reality in mining education and training

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    Procjena serumskoga srčanog troponina I u ovaca s akutnom mliječnokiselinskom acidozom buraga.

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    Cardiac troponin I (cTnI) is known to be a sensitive cardio biomarker to determine the myocardial damage in diseases affecting the cardiac muscles. However, there has not been sufficient research about cTnI concentration, which is the most sensitive indicator of myocardial damage in sheep with acute ruminal lactic acidosis (ARLA). For this reason this study aimed to evaluate the serum cTnI concentration in sheep with ARLA. Those diagnosed with ARLA (n = 20) from the total of 40 Akkaraman (White karaman) sheep, aged between 1-2 years used in this study comprised the affected group and the healthy ones (n = 20) comprised the control group. Ruminal fluid was obtained from the animals from both groups with the help of a stomach tube, and examined immediately. Blood samples were taken from the jugular vein of the sheep and the serum was separated. Serum cTnI concentration was measured with a commercial immunoassay system, using the one-step sandwich method. Serum enzyme (ALT, AST, CK-MB and LDH) activities were determined via a clinical biochemistry autoanalyzer. The average serum cTnI concentration was at the level of 0.035 ± 0.015 ng/mL (range; 0.02-0.06 ng/mL) in the control group sheep. It was determined that there was a substantial increase in the group with ARLA and the average concentration reached the level of 0.103 ± 0.080 ng/mL (range; 0.03-1.7 ng/mL) (P<0.0001). It was observed that another cardio marker, CK-MB, was found in the group with ARLA 454.50 ± 191.88 U/L (range; 214-861 U/L) and increased in comparison with the control group 224.35 ± 83.33 U/L (range; 133-421 U/L) (P<0.0001). An increase in LDH (P<0.001) and AST (P<0.001) from liver enzymes in the group with ARLA and ALT activities compared to the control group was identified (P<0.01). In conclusion, this present study determined that the serum cTnI concentration was high in sheep with ARLA and it was concluded that it could be useful to evaluate cTnI concentration as an important marker to determine the prognosis in sheep with ARLA.U bolestima koje zahvaćaju srčani mišić, srčani troponin I (cTnI) poznat je kao osjetljivi biomarker za određivanje oštećenja srčanog mišića. Ipak, nema puno istraživanja o koncentraciji cTnI kao najosjetljivijeg indikatora za oštećenje srčanog mišića kod ovaca s akutnom mliječno-kiselinskom acidozom buraga. Zbog navedenog, u ovom istraživanju namjera je bila procijeniti koncentraciju serumskog cTnI kod ovaca s akutnom mliječno-kiselinskom acidozom. Ovce s dijagosticiranom akutnom mliječno-kiselinskom acidozom (n = 20) u skupini od ukupno 40 akaraman (bijeli karaman) ovaca, u dobi od jedne do dvije godine, činile su pokusnu skupinu bolesnih jedinki. Preostale ovce (n = 20) činile su kontrolnu skupinu zdravih jedinki. Tekućina buraga od svih pretraženih životinja dobivena je sondiranjem i odmah analizirana. Uzorci krvi uzeti su iz jugularne vene te je iz njih izdvojen serum. Koncentracija serumskog cTnI mjerena je komercijalnim imunoenzimnim testom, sendvič postupkom. Aktivnosti serumskih enzima (ALT, AST, CK-MB i LDH) utvrđene su uporabom kliničkog biokemijskog autoanalizatora. Prosječna serumska koncentracija cTnI u kontrolnoj skupini ovaca bila je na razini 0,035 ± 0,015 ng/mL (raspon: 0,02 - 0,06 ng/mL). U skupini ovaca s acidozom utvrđeno je postojano povećanje koncentracije cTnI koja je dosegla razinu od 0,103 ± 0,080 ng/mL (raspon: 0,03 - 1,7 ng/mL) (P<0,0001). U pokusnoj skupini opaženo je povećanje i drugog srčanog markera CK-MB koji je u ovoj skupini iznosio 454,50 ± 191,88 U/I (raspon: 214 - 861 U/I), a u kontrolnoj 224,35 ± 83,33 U/I (raspon: 133 - 421 U/I) (P<0,0001). Također je ustanovljeno da su ovce s acidozom u odnosu na ovce kontrolne skupine imale povišene jetrene enzime LDH (P<0,001) i AST (P<0,001), odnosno ALT (P<0,01). Zaključeno je da ovce s acidozom imaju povećanu koncentraciju serumskog cTnI koji može poslužiti kao važan biljeg za prognozu bolesti

    Modelling of the Occurrence of Hydrogen Sulphide in Coal Seams

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    Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) has been encountered within a number of Bowen Basin collieries, Central Queensland, Australia. High concentration occurrence during mining of a longwall panel raises a number of potential problems, which demand greater understanding to allow efficient mining while maintaining safe and healthy environmental conditions. Longwall panels at Mine A and Mine B have recently mined through H2S zones. The high H2S zone mined through at Mine A was wide and covering the whole length of the face comparing to the narrow H2S zone which was cutting the panel at 45° at Mine B. Longwall panels had been sampled for H2S in pre-mining phases with vertical and inseam exploration boreholes and rib sampling of gateroad development headings. During mining face coal samples were collected in an intensive program and tested in a drum tumbler to determine an indicated seam concentration level through contouring that could be used to calculate the concentrations of H2S liberated to the atmosphere. Data was analysed to determine a geostatistical method, which would best represent the indicated seam concentration level from the given data and the block dimension of the data set. This study discusses the different sampling methods used, selection of the most suitable geostatistical method and the impact of grid size on results of data analysis. Some general observations are made correlating indicated seam H2S concentrations from production face sampling with both predictions made from exploration and liberation rates during mining of the longwall panel

    Improving the performance of the hardy cross algorithm for large ventilation models

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    The Hardy Cross algorithm offers a reliable method of solving network systems of fluid flow and has become widely used for solving water and ventilation flow networks. A limitation is that computational iterations and time to solve a network rises rapidly with the size of the model and modern detailed ventilation networks have typically grown to thousands of airways. Non-linear matrix solving methods can offer improved performance, however these are more complex and may be unstable if initial estimates are poor. This paper presents improvements that can be applied to the traditional Hardy Cross algorithm to greatly reduce iterations and solving time for large ventilation models

    Welcome to the new world disorder: conflict and transformation in Ian McEwan’s saturday

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    Ian McEwan‘s novel Saturday deals with the complex issues of conflict and transformation in the age of terrorism. The plot presents one internal dilemma and several interpersonal altercations that occur within a mere twenty-four hours: a) Perowne (the protagonist) vs. himself, in face of his ambivalent thoughts regarding British military participation in the war in the Middle East; b) The protagonist vs. Baxter, a ruffian from East End, in the context of a car accident; c) Perowne vs. a fellow anaesthetist, Jay Strauss, during a squash game; d) Perowne‘s daughter, Daisy vs. her grandfather, John Grammaticus, both poets and rivals; e) Perowne‘s family vs. Baxter, who intrudes the protagonist‘s house. In this paper, I exemplify, analyse and discuss how: a) Understanding the causes of what we call evil constitutes an important step towards mutual understanding; b) Both science and arts (which Perowne considers, at first, irrelevant) are important elements in the process of transformation; c) Both personal and interpersonal conflicts are intrinsic to human nature — but they also propitiate healthy changes in behaviour and opinion, through reflection. In order to do so, I resort to Saturday, and to the work of several specialists in the field of conflict management.O romance Saturday, de Ian McEwan, aborda as complexas questões do conflito e da transformação na era do terrorismo. O enredo apresenta um dilema interno e várias altercações interpessoais que ocorrem em apenas vinte e quatro horas: a) Perowne (o protagonista) vs. ele próprio, perante opiniões ambivalentes acerca da participação britânica na guerra do Médio Oriente; o protagonista vs. Baxter, um rufia de East End, no contexto de um acidente rodoviário; c) Perowne vs. um colega anestesista, Jay Strauss, no decorrer de uma partida de squash; d) Daisy, a filha de Perowne vs. o avô, John Grammaticus, ambos poetas e rivais; e) A família de Perowne vs. Baxter, que invade a residência do protagonista. Neste artigo, exemplifico, analiso e debato como: a) Compreender as causas daquilo a que chamamos o mal constitui um passo importante para uma compreensão mútua; b) Tanto a ciência como a arte (que Perowne considera, inicialmente, irrelevante) são elementos importantes no processo de transformação; c) Os conflitos pessoais e interpessoais são intrínsecos à natureza humana, mas também propiciam saudáveis mudanças de comportamento e ideias, através da reflexão. Para tanto, recorro ao romance Saturday e ao trabalho de vários especialistas no campo da gestão de conflitos