19 research outputs found

    Adsorption of Urinary Proteins on the Conventionally Used Urine Collection Tubes: Possible Effects on Urinary Proteome Analysis and Prevention of the Adsorption by Polymer Coating

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    One possible factor determining recovery of trace amount of protein biomarker candidates during proteome analyses could be adsorption on urine tubes. This issue, however, has not been well addressed so far. Recently, a new technical device of surface coating by poly(2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC)-co-n-butyl methacrylate (BMA)) (poly(MPC-co-BMA)) has been developed mainly to prevent the adsorption of plasma proteins. We assessed whether conventionally used urine tubes adsorb trace amount of urinary proteins and, if any, whether the surface coating by poly(MPC-co-BMA) can minimize the adsorption. Proteinuric urine samples were kept in poly(MPC-co-BMA)-coated and noncoated urine tubes for 15 min and possibly adsorbed proteins and/or peptides onto urine tubes were analyzed by SDS-PAGE, 2-DE, and the MALDI-TOF MS. It was found that a number of proteins and/or peptides adsorb on the conventionally used urine tubes and that surface coating by poly(MPC-co-BMA) can minimize the adsorption without any significant effects on routine urinalysis test results. Although it remains to be clarified to what extent the protein adsorption can modify the results of urinary proteome analyses, one has to consider this possible adsorption of urinary proteins when searching for trace amounts of protein biomarkers in urine

    IMiDs uniquely synergize with TKIs to upregulate apoptosis of Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells expressing a dominant-negative IKZF1 isoform

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    Abstract The long-term prognosis of Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Ph + ALL) is still unsatisfactory even after the emergence of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) against chimeric BCR-ABL, and this is associated with the high incidence of genetic alterations of Ikaros family zinc finger 1 (IKZF1), most frequently the hemi-allelic loss of exons 4–7 expressing a dominant-negative isoform Ik6. We found that lenalidomide (LEN), a representative of immunomodulatory drugs (IMiDs), which have been long used for the treatment of multiple myeloma, specifically induced accumulation of Ik6 with the disappearance of functional isoforms within 24 h (i.e., abrupt and complete shut-down of the IKZF1 activity) in Ik6-positive Ph+ALL cells in a neddylation-dependent manner. The functional IKZF3 isoforms expression was also abruptly and markedly downregulated. The LEN treatment specifically suppressed proliferation of Ik6-positive-Ph+ALL cells by inducing cell cycle arrest via downregulation of cyclins D3 and E and CDK2, and of importance, markedly upregulated their apoptosis in synergy with the TKI imatinib (IM). Apoptosis of IM-resistant Ph+ALL cells with T315I mutation of BCR-ABL was also upregulated by LEN in the presence of the newly developed TKI ponatinib. Analyses of flow cytometry, western blot, and oligonucleotide array revealed that apoptosis was caspase-/p53-dependent and associated with upregulation of pro-apoptotic Bax/Bim, enhanced dephosphorylation of BCR-ABL/Akt, and downregulation of oncogenic helicase genes HILLS, CDC6, and MCMs4 and 8. Further, the synergism of LEN with IM was clearly documented as a significant prolongation of survival in the xenograft mice model. Because this synergism was further potentiated in vitro by dexamethasone, a key drug for ALL treatment, the strategy of repositioning IMiDs for the treatment of Ik6-positive Ph+ALL patients certainly shed new light on an outpatient-based treatment option for achieving their long-term durable remission and higher QOL, particularly for those who are not tolerable to intensified therapeutic approaches


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    下肢閉塞性動脈硬化症治療の最先端 重症虚血肢に対するバイパス手術の最先端 困難例に対する挑戦

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    出版社版重症虚血肢(CLI)に対するバイパス手術の困難例について検討した。対象は最近10年間に治療した閉塞性動脈硬化症によるCLI 194例224肢であった。方法は通常では救肢困難な、1)末梢吻合動脈の高度石灰化では石灰化の薄い部分を吻合部とし、全周性石灰化ではバルーンカテーテルで血流遮断を行なった。2)大伏在静脈使用不能例では小伏在静脈や上肢静脈、大腿静脈を用いた。3)広範な組織欠損例では遊離筋皮弁移植で欠損部を補填した。4)吻合可能な末梢動脈欠如例では、MRAで吻合可能動脈の描出や末梢動脈からの造影を試みたり、弁を手術的に破壊した末梢静脈へバイパスするdistal venous arterialization(DVA)を行なった。入院死亡は13例(6.7%)で、1)では血行再建断念例はなく、2)では静脈グラフト内膜肥厚を反復した2例が自家静脈枯渇で晩期に大切断となった。3)では2〜3ヵ月で治癒可能となる良好な結果が得られ、4)では全例で救肢に成功した。尚、224肢の5年累積救肢率は94.1%であった

    Surgical Site Infectionの新しい対策―術後感染を防ぐためのわれわれの工夫―大動脈・末梢血管手術

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    出版社版血管外科手術は、人工物を頻繁に使用するという特殊性から、surgical site infection(SSI)対策の進歩とともに発展してきたと言っても過言ではない。しかしながら、近年の手術対象患者の高齢化、糖尿病や維持透析例の顕著な増加、感染を伴う壊疽肢の増加、さらには耐性菌の蔓延などにより、SSIは解決されつつあるどころか、むしろ増加傾向にある可能性がある。血管外科領域で最も重篤なSSIは、人工血管感染であり、リスクファクターとして患者側の要因の他、長い術前入院期間や、長時間手術、術後早期の再手術などが挙げられている。人工血管感染対策として、リファンピシン結合人工血管等の抗菌人工血管が期待されているが、万能ではなく、さらなるSSI対策が求められている


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