254 research outputs found

    Comparison of Turkish and US Pre-Service Teachers’ Web 2.0 Tools Usage Characteristics.

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    As the Internet and computer develop, the world is changing dramatically and fantastically. Usage of technological tools is increased day by day in daily life besides ICT. All the technological tools shape individual behavior, life style and learning style as well as individual lives. Today's child use different tools and different way to socialize. Most of the educational institutions support their education with Web and Web 2.0 applications. Pre-service teachers are the people who use technology in their learning experience and the people who use technology in their teaching experience. In this research Web 2.0 habits of pre-service teachers from Turkey and US was studied. And results show that Turkish participants use more frequently Web 2.0 tools than US participants. Especially Turkish male participants who have blog account and who have microblog account use more frequently Web 2.0 tools in learning and entertainment activities.As the Internet and computer develop, the world is changing dramatically and fantastically. Usage of technological tools is increased day by day in daily life besides ICT. All the technological tools shape individual behavior, life style and learning style as well as individual lives. Today's child use different tools and different way to socialize. Most of the educational institutions support their education with Web and Web 2.0 applications. Pre-service teachers are the people who use technology in their learning experience and the people who use technology in their teaching experience. In this research Web 2.0 habits of pre-service teachers from Turkey and US was studied. And results show that Turkish participants use more frequently Web 2.0 tools than US participants. Especially Turkish male participants who have blog account and who have microblog account use more frequently Web 2.0 tools in learning and entertainment activities.As the Internet and computer develop, the world is changing dramatically and fantastically. Usage of technological tools is increased day by day in daily life besides ICT. All the technological tools shape individual behavior, life style and learning style as well as individual lives. Today's child use different tools and different way to socialize. Most of the educational institutions support their education with Web and Web 2.0 applications. Pre-service teachers are the people who use technology in their learning experience and the people who use technology in their teaching experience. In this research Web 2.0 habits of pre-service teachers from Turkey and US was studied. And results show that Turkish participants use more frequently Web 2.0 tools than US participants. Especially Turkish male participants who have blog account and who have microblog account use more frequently Web 2.0 tools in learning and entertainment activities

    Metabolic and Lipid Profile of Middle-aged Sedentary Women doing Aerobic Exercise Plus Weightlifting

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    AbstractMiddle-aged sedentary females (42.8±4.1 years, mean±SD) were subjected to aerobic exercise (AE, n=20) and aerobic exercise with weightlifting (AEWT, n=18) 3 times a week for a period of 20 weeks to determine changes in body weight, body fat, blood pressure, heart rate, and serum lipid profile. At the end of training program, subjects in both groups lost weight and body fat. Cardiac parameters and serum lipid profile also decreased in both groups. These beneficial changes were noted at a greater extent in the subjects performing AE than in the subjects performing AEWT. In conclusion, light but continuous exercise is sufficient to achieve health benefits in middle-aged sedentary women

    A Meta-Analytic Reliability Generalization Study of the Computational Thinking Scale

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    This study aims to analyze the reliability generalization of the computational thinking scale. There are five dimensions of computational thinking: creativity, algorithmic thinking, coopera-tivity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. A Bonett transformation was used to standardize the reliability coefficient of Cronbach’s alpha. A random-effects meta-analysis was conducted since the heterogeneity among the studies was high. Results supported the RG of the computational thinking scale and its sub-dimensions, which were calculated as 0.843 for general, 0.799 for creativity, 0.848 for algorithmic thinking, 0.863 for cooperativity, 0.799 for critical thinking, and 0.817 for problem-solving. Besides that, the moderator analysis was conducted for the sample type, test length, country, and language of the study. According to the findings, there were no significant moderator effects on the reliability estimation


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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of six week sprint training applied to soccer players on antioxidant levels. Eighteen football players participated voluntarily and six-weekly sprint training was applied. Soccer players were given a 20-m sprint test to determine antioxidant levels before training, and blood samples were taken before and after the test and this were repeated after six weeks. The effects of the training to the antioxidant systems were searched by the estimated the levels of SOD, CAT and MDA on the taken blood samples before and after the sprint training. The statistically significant results were obtained for serum CAT (2,89±0,85 and 8,42±0,81 U/ml) and MDA (16,39±2,66 and 29,10±2,62 mmol/L) (p<0,05) values before and after the sprint test of the athletes at the end of the 6-week sprint training, but there was no statistically significant result despite the difference in SOD (1,74±0,13and 2,49±0,13 U/ml) value. On the other hand statistically significant results were found in serum SOD (1.67±0.36 and 0,88±0,20  U/ml) and CAT (0.15±0.01and 5,25±0,47 U/ml) (p<0,05) values before and after sprint test of athletes, but there was no statistically significant result even though there was a difference in MDA (4.83±0.99 and 3,68±0,77 mmol/L) value. Consequently, making training can cause development on antioxidant defense, and it can affect the antioxidant production.  Article visualizations


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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of six week sprint training applied to soccer players on antioxidant levels. Eighteen football players participated voluntarily and six-weekly sprint training was applied. Soccer players were given a 20-m sprint test to determine antioxidant levels before training, and blood samples were taken before and after the test and this were repeated after six weeks. The effects of the training to the antioxidant systems were searched by the estimated the levels of SOD, CAT and MDA on the taken blood samples before and after the sprint training. The statistically significant results were obtained for serum CAT (2,89±0,85 and 8,42±0,81 U/ml) and MDA (16,39±2,66 and 29,10±2,62 mmol/L) (p<0,05) values before and after the sprint test of the athletes at the end of the 6-week sprint training, but there was no statistically significant result despite the difference in SOD (1,74±0,13and 2,49±0,13 U/ml) value. On the other hand statistically significant results were found in serum SOD (1.67±0.36 and 0,88±0,20 U/ml) and CAT (0.15±0.01and 5,25±0,47 U/ml) (p<0,05) values before and after sprint test of athletes, but there was no statistically significant result even though there was a difference in MDA (4.83±0.99 and 3,68±0,77 mmol/L) value. Consequently, making training can cause development on antioxidant defense, and it can affect the antioxidant production


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    ABSTRACT Internet is an important facilitator for human and human use this medium almost every phase. As a shopping medium, internet attract human so attract researcher. Younger people can adapt newer technologies so they can adapt internet as shopping tool. In this research it is tried to define college of education students&apos; online shopping behavior and online shopping activities. Research results show that male students teacher are more familiar and have more positive attitude than female student teacher. Teacher students, who have more monthly income and have more internet self efficacy have positive attitude and intension to shop online. Participants who have credit card, have more familiarity and less anxiety concerning internet shopping

    Engineering Design-Based Thematic Activities: An Investigation of Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Entrepreneurship Mindsets

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    The purpose of this study is to examine changes in pre-service science teachers’ entrepreneurship mindsets during engineering design-based activities. A holistic single-case study was used in the study. Twenty-eight pre-service teachers carried out engineering design-based activities (five weeks, 20 hours) in the science teaching laboratory practices course. The pre-service teachers’ use of Entrepreneurship Mindsets (EM) in solving the water pollution problem during engineering design-based activities was examined in this study. Data were collected via engineering design challenge worksheets and public service announcements. The data were analyzed with the Extended KEEN Student Outcomes (eKSOs) rubric. Frequency tables were created in line with the sub-dimensions of EM (curiosity, connections, creating value, communication, character, and collaboration). As a result of the research, it was found that the pre-service teachers mostly used curiosity, connections, and creating value during the water treatment and wastewater assessment plant design process. Engineering is an important context for the development of EM as it creates various contexts that contribute to the development of these mindsets in pre-service science teacher education

    Investigation of the Effectiveness of a CEIT Undergraduate Program on Students’ Competencies

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    Bu çalışma, bir Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi (BÖTE) lisans programının öğrencilerin farklı mesleklere yönelik yeterliklerine katkısının incelenmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla, 2015 yılında Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Öğretmenliği Programında öğrenim gören son sınıf öğrencilerinin dört yıl boyunca aldıkları eğitimin, gerçekleştirebilecekleri farklı mesleklere yönelik yeterliklerine ve ayrıca öğretim programında yer alan derslerin bu mesleklere yönelik yeterliklerine etkisi incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi BÖTE bölümünde; birinci öğretim ve ikinci öğretim olmak üzere son sınıfta öğrenim gören toplam 108 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma 2014–2015 güz yarıyılında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu tarih aralığında programların öz değerlendirmelerinin yapılması ve sürekli geliştirilmesine yönelik yapılan bilimsel çalışmalardan biridir. Çalışma kesitsel tarama modelinde yürütülmüştür. Çalışma kapsamında, öğrencilerin gelecekte yapmayı düşündükleri meslek, bu meslek ile ilgili kendilerini yeterli görme düzeyleri, BÖTE lisans programı ve bu programda dört yıl boyunca gördükleri derslerin yeterliklerine ne kadar katkı sağladığıyla ilgili görüşlerini belirlemeyi içeren bir anket veri toplama aracı olarak kullanılmıştır. Veriler betimleyici ve anlam çıkarıcı istatistikler kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre öğrenciler gelecekte en çok bilgisayar öğ- retmeni, bilişim teknolojileri rehber öğretmeni, formatör öğretmen ve eğitim teknoloğu mesleklerini yapmakta kendilerini yeterli görmektedirler. Kendilerini en az yeterli gördükleri meslekler ise; sunucu sistemleri uzmanı, yazılım geliştirici, ağ sistemleri uzmanı ve web yazılımı geliştirici şeklindedir. Bunlara ek olarak “ölçme değerlendirme”, “özel öğretim yöntemleri”, “çoklu ortam tasarımı ve üretimi” ve “eğitimde bireysel farklılıklar” derslerinin kendilerine en çok katkı sağladığını ifade etmişlerdir. Araştırma sonucunda, öğrencilerin devlet sektöründe istihdam edilebilecekleri meslekler dışında kalan meslekleri yeterince tanımadığı, mesleki çeşitlilik sağlaması açısından verilen yazılım vb. derslerin mesleki yeterliklerine yeterince katkı sağlamadı- ğı görülmüştür. Araştırmanın sonuçları dikkate alınırken yayına hazırlanma ve değerlendirme süreçlerinde geçen zaman göz ardı edilmemelidir. Fakat yöntem ve öz değerlendirme açısından benzer çalışmalar yapılarak öğretim programlarının kalitesinin artırılmaya çalışılması önerilmektedir. Ayrıca mesleki yeterliklerin ve farkındalıkların artırılması için mezuniyet öncesi mesleki rehberlik konusunda öğrencilere destek olmak üzere, üniversitelerde lisans programlarıyla iş birliği içinde çalışan kariyer rehberlik servislerinin açılmasının fayda sağlayabileceği düşünülmektedir.This study was carried out to examine the contribution of the undergraduate program of a Computer Education and Instructional Technologies_x000D_ (CEIT) to students’ various professional competencies. For this purpose,_x000D_ CEIT preservice teachers’ views on the adequacy of their undergraduate_x000D_ education to develop their competencies for various professions offering_x000D_ potential employment and the effect of the CEIT undergraduate courses on_x000D_ these competencies were investigated. The participants were enrolled in the_x000D_ CEIT Undergraduate Program of the Faculty of Education at Sakarya_x000D_ University. The study was conducted with 108 senior students in the fall_x000D_ semester of 2014–2015 by applying the cross-sectional survey model, as part_x000D_ of a self-assessment and continuous development of the program. A questionnaire was used for the data collection that included questions about target professions of preservice teachers, efficacy beliefs as an indicator of their_x000D_ competencies related to the profession, their perceptions about the CEIT_x000D_ program, and their perceptions about the contribution of the undergraduate_x000D_ courses to their professional competencies. The data were analyzed via inferential statistics. The results indicate that the preservice teachers felt the most_x000D_ qualified in working as a computer teacher, information technology counsellor, formative teacher, and an educational technologist. The professions in_x000D_ which the participants saw themselves the least qualified were server systems_x000D_ specialist, software developer, network systems specialist, and web software_x000D_ developer. Moreover, it was reported that the courses in the CEIT curriculum providing the highest benefit for improving their competencies were_x000D_ “measurement and evaluation”, “special teaching methods”, “multimedia_x000D_ design”, and “individual differences in education”. Furthermore, the participants did not know much about the jobs that they can work except for those_x000D_ in the public sector, such as working as a teacher or information technology_x000D_ counsellor. Additionally, the software courses in the CEIT curriculum did_x000D_ not contribute enough to develop their competencies to work in softwarerelated jobs. To interpret the results of the current study in a more appropriate way, it is important to take into account the time lost before the publication of the study. However, it is strongly recommended to conduct further research to find out the effects of the CEIT undergraduate program_x000D_ curricula on developing job-related competencies and to conduct self-evaluation studies for continuous development. Besides, establishing career guidance services in universities may help CEIT students to be aware of the_x000D_ potential job prospects related to their competencies, and help them gain_x000D_ better knowledge and skills regarding their major

    Vitamin B12 Levels of Subjects Aged 0-24 Year(s) in Konya, Turkey

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    Research reports indicate that vitamin B12 levels show racial differences, which suggests that using the reference ranges of varied populations may lead to inaccurate results. This study aimed to determine normal serum levels of vitamin B12 among children and young people in the Konya region of Turkey. It evaluated 1,109 samples; 54 were from cord-blood and 1,055 were from healthy subjects aged 0-24 year(s), who were admitted to primary healthcare centres. The normal reference levels obtained for vitamin B12 at 2.5-97.5 percentile (P2.5-P97.5) range were 127-606 pg/mL for girls, 127-576 pg/mL for boys, and 127-590 pg/mL for the entire study group. The reported reference values for vitamin B12 in other studies were higher than the current results. Vitamin B12 levels vary from country to country; comparisons between countries may not be valid, and normal levels for each population should be obtained