90 research outputs found

    Preparation of anti-idiotypic antibodies for the diagnosis of bovine leukemia

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    The basic components of the diagnostic test systems are antigens and specific antibodies. The main objective of developing express tests for the diagnosis of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is to obtain a virus antigen drug, which is very time-consuming to prepare. This problem can be solved by producing anti-idiotype antibodies that have a chemical structure identical to that of the viral antigen and does not require large expenditures to manufacture [1, 2]

    Preparation of anti-idiotypic antibodies for the diagnosis of bovine leukemia

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    The basic components of the diagnostic test systems are antigens and specific antibodies. The main objective of developing express tests for the diagnosis of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is to obtain a virus antigen drug, which is very time-consuming to prepare. This problem can be solved by producing anti-idiotype antibodies that have a chemical structure identical to that of the viral antigen and does not require large expenditures to manufacture [1, 2]

    Note on Triangle Anomalies and Assignment of Singlet in 331-like Model

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    It is pointed out that in the 331331-like model which uses both fundamental and complex conjugate representations for an assignment of the representations to the left-handed quarks and the scalar representation to their corresponding right-handed counterparts, the nature of the scalar should be taken into account in order to make the fermion triangle anomalies in the theory anomaly-free, i.e. renormalizable in a sense with no anomalies, even after the spontaneous symmetry breaking.Comment: 8 page no figures, acknowledgments adde

    Fabrication of submicron structures by three-dimensional laser lithography

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    As a demonstration of unique capabilities of three dimensional laser lithography, an example complex shape microobject and photonic crystals with “woodpile” structure for the infrared spectral range are fabricated by this technique. Photonic dispersion relations for the woodpile structure are calculated for different values of the permittivity contrast and the filling factor.This study was partially supported by the Government of the Russian Federation (project no. 074U01) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 130200186)

    Stat1 nuclear translocation by nucleolin upon monocyte differentiation

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    BACKGROUND: Members of the signal transducer and activator of transcription (Stat) family of transcription factors traverse the nuclear membrane through a specialized structure, called the nuclear pore complex (NPC), which represents a selective filter for the import of proteins. Karyophilic molecules can bind directly to a subset of proteins of the NPC, collectively called nucleoporins. Alternatively, the transport is mediated via a carrier molecule belonging to the importin/karyopherin superfamily, which transmits the import into the nucleus through the NPC. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, we provide evidence for an alternative Stat1 nuclear import mechanism, which is mediated by the shuttle protein nucleolin. We observed Stat1-nucleolin association, nuclear translocation and specific binding to the regulatory DNA element GAS. Using expression of nucleolin transgenes, we found that the nuclear localization signal (NLS) of nucleolin is responsible for Stat1 nuclear translocation. We show that this mechanism is utilized upon differentiation of myeloid cells and is specific for the differentiation step from monocytes to macrophages. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our data add the nucleolin-Stat1 complex as a novel functional partner for the cell differentiation program, which is uniquely poised to regulate the transcription machinery via Stat1 and nuclear metabolism via nucleolin

    Применение методики Пирсона для нахождения законов распределения характеристик корональных выбросов массы на Солнце

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    Сферами впливу сонячної погоди на Землю є супутникові та орбітальні станції, космонавтика, телекомунікації й навігація, авіація, наземні системи, електроніка та транспорт, клімат, біосфера. Саме тому з розвитком новітніх технологій, космонавтики, систем зв’язку, телекомунікаційних та кабельних мереж, з будовою нафтопроводів, газопроводів, трубопроводів, з видобуванням корисних копалин у світі почали приділяти велику увагу дослідженням сонячної активності. Вкрай актуальною задачею сьогодення є задача аналізу та прогнозування процесів сонячної активності на основі даних, отриманих з сонячних супутників (SOHO, STEREO тощо). Основна проблема цієї задачі - відновлення істинних законів динаміки сонячної активності. Розглядається методика Пірсона для знаходження законів розподілу випадкових величин. Знайдено закони розподілу основних характеристик корональних викидів маси (КВМ): тривалості події, проміжку часу між початками подій та максимальної площі діммінгу, а також представлено результати експериментальних досліджень.The spheres of influence of solar weather on the Earth are the satellite and space stations, astronautics, telecommunications and navigation, aviation, ground systems, electronics and transport, climate, biosphere. That is why with the development of new technologies, astronautics, communication, telecommunication and cable networks, with the construction of oil pipelines, gas pipelines, with mining operations much attention has been paid to the study of solar activity in the world. The extremely urgent task of our time is the task of analysis and forecast of solar activity on the basis of data obtained from solar satellites (SOHO, STEREO, etc.). The main problem of this task is the restoration of the true distributions of the solar activity dynamics. In this paper, the Pearson method for determining the distributions of random variables is considered. The distributions were found for the following general characteristics of coronal mass ejections (CMEs): event’s duration, the time interval between the beginnings of events and the maximal area of dimming; also the experimental research results are presented.Сферами влияния солнечной погоды на Землю являются спутниковые и орбитальные станции, космонавтика, телекоммуникации и навигация, авиация, наземные системы, электроника и транспорт, климат, биосфера. Именно поэтому с развитием новейших технологий, космонавтики, систем связи, телекоммуникационных и кабельных сетей, со строительством нефтепроводов, газопроводов, трубопроводов, с добычей полезных ископаемых в мире стали уделять большое внимание исследованиям солнечной активности. Крайне актуальной задачей современности является задача анализа и прогнозирования процессов солнечной активности на основе данных, полученных из солнечных спутников (SOHO, STEREO и др.). Основная проблема этой задачи - восстановление истинных законов динамики солнечной активности. Рассматривается методика Пирсона для нахождения законов распределения случайных величин. Найдены законы распределения основных характеристик корональных выбросов массы (КВМ): продолжительности события, промежутка времени между началами событий и максимальной площади димминга, а также представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований

    Synthesis and optical properties of silver nanoparticles in ORMOCER

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    Experimental results on synthesis of metal nanoparticles in ORMOCER by ion implantation are presented. Silver ions were implanted into organic/inorganic matrix at an accelerating energy of 30 keV and doses in the range of 0.25·10 17 to 0.75·10 17ion/cm 2. The silver ions form metal nanoparticles, which demonstrate surface plasmon absorption at the wavelength of 425-580 nm. The nonlinear absorption of new composite materials is measured by Z-scan technique using 150 fs laser pulses at 780 nm wavelength. ORMOCER matrix shows two-photon nonlinear absorption, whereas ORMOCER with silver nanoparticles demonstrates saturated absorption. Some optical applications of these composite materials are discussed. © Springer-Verlag 2012

    Broadband Faraday Isolator

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    Driving on an analogy with the technique of composite pulses in quantum physics, we propose a broadband Faraday rotator and thus a broadband optical isolator, which is composed of sequences of ordinary Faraday rotators and achromatic quarter-wave plates rotated at the predetermined angles.Comment: submitted to JOSA A, comments are welcom

    Electron affinity of Li: A state-selective measurement

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    We have investigated the threshold of photodetachment of Li^- leading to the formation of the residual Li atom in the 2p2P2p ^2P state. The excited residual atom was selectively photoionized via an intermediate Rydberg state and the resulting Li^+ ion was detected. A collinear laser-ion beam geometry enabled both high resolution and sensitivity to be attained. We have demonstrated the potential of this state selective photodetachment spectroscopic method by improving the accuracy of Li electron affinity measurements an order of magnitude. From a fit to the Wigner law in the threshold region, we obtained a Li electron affinity of 0.618 049(20) eV.Comment: 5 pages,6 figures,22 reference

    Photodetachment study of the 1s3s4s ^4S resonance in He^-

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    A Feshbach resonance associated with the 1s3s4s ^{4}S state of He^{-} has been observed in the He(1s2s ^{3}S) + e^- (\epsilon s) partial photodetachment cross section. The residual He(1s2s ^{3}S) atoms were resonantly ionized and the resulting He^+ ions were detected in the presence of a small background. A collinear laser-ion beam apparatus was used to attain both high resolution and sensitivity. We measured a resonance energy E_r = 2.959 255(7) eV and a width \Gamma = 0.19(3) meV, in agreement with a recent calculation.Comment: LaTeX article, 4 pages, 3 figures, 21 reference