97 research outputs found

    Phenomenon of Divorce in the Modern World

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    In this paper, the author analyses the institute of divorce in the modern world. Given the fact that the institute of divorce is inseparable from the institute of marriage, in the introductory part the author points out to the specific characteristics of marriage in the contemporary society and discusses some factors which are presently perceived as the primary causes of instability of marital relations. In the central part of the article, the author provides an overview of divorce legislation in some European countries which are traditionally used as role models in the field of regulating family relations, thereupon focusing on the applicable divorce law in Serbia. In particular, the author looks into the process of liberalization of divorce legislation and examines its impact on the growing divorce rate in the contemporary societies. Key words: divorce, marriage, spouses, modern world, contemporary law

    Review of a Book Entitled Critical Pedagogy in Nursing by Sue Dyson (2018)

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    The aim of the paper is to describe the contents of a book entitled Critical Pedagogy in Nursing. The pur­pose of the Letter to the Editor is to increase the level of knowledge of all those involved in the implemen­tation of educational programs for nurses, students, and teachers who are involved in nursing programs, and of those who think about the strategic, organiza­tional, and managerial future of the development of nursing in the Republic of Croatia

    Priprema kućanstava za elementarne nepogode: pregled literature

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    Numerous literature reviews have been carried out in the area of household preparedness activities for natural disasters. The present study aims to summarize the latest findings of natural disaster preparedness levels and aims to address the following research questions: What evidence is there for natural disaster preparedness levels? What are the demographic characteristics and potential variables that influence natural disaster preparedness? What has been reported in major bibliographic databases? The first step involved a systematic search to identify relevant studies published between 1995 and 2019 in the following electronic databases EBSCOhost, Scopus, ScienceDirect, and Web of Science. Nineteen studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the final review. By analysing the available literature, it has been observed that the in the area of preparedness activities for natural disasters most households do not have a rapid development plan for preparation. Although little research has been done on the preparedness of the older population, it will be necessary to analyse which communication methods would be used in case of a natural disaster, as well as look into the benefits of their use for networking and rapid communication of information before and during the natural disaster.U području pripreme kućanstava za elementarne nepogode provedeno je mnogo istraživanja. Cilj ove studije bio je pregledati i sažeti najnovija saznanja o razinama pripremljenosti za elementarne nepogode. Cilj je ovog istraživanja pronaći odgovore na sljedeća istraživačka pitanja: Koji su dokazi o razinama pripremljenosti za elementarne nepogode? Koje su demografske karakteristike i potencijalne varijable koje utječu na pripremljenost na elementarne nepogode? Prvi je korak uključivao sustavno pretraživanje kako bi se identificirale relevantne studije objavljene između 1995. i 2019. u sljedećim elektroničkim bazama podataka: EBSCOhost, Scopus, ScienceDirect i Web of Science. U ovom je istraživanju devetnaest studija ispunilo kriterije uključivanja te je uključeno u završni pregled. Analizom pregleda literature uočeno je da u području pripremljenosti kućanstava za elementarne nepogode većina kućanstava nema plan za pripremu. Iako je proveden malen broj istraživanja o pripremljenosti starije populacije, bit će potrebno analizirati koje će se komunikacijske metode rabiti u slučajevima elementarnih nepogoda te koja će biti korist njihove uporabe za umrežavanje i brzu komunikaciju prije i tijekom elementarne nepogode

    Continuous slow dynamic slope approach for stationary base internal combustion engine mapping

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    Engine control optimization, with its always growing complexity, is in permanent focus of engine researchers and developers all over the world. Automotive engines are dominantly used in dynamic conditions, but generally, steady-state operating points are used for building up mathematical models which are later subject to the numerical optimization. For this purpose, a large amount of steady-state regimes needs to be evaluated through experimental work at the engine test stand, which is an extremely time and funds consuming process. Consequently, the methodology for data gathering during engine dynamic excitation could lead to significant savings at the expense of acceptable data accuracy loss. The slow dynamic slope method starting from a stationary operating point was evaluated by several authors in the past. In this paper, slow dynamic slope method with exclusively transient excitation will be presented drawing attention to some of its advantages and drawbacks. The rate of change of engine load as a main control parameter during dynamic test is of great importance for the quality of the final data and for total test duration. In this regard, several tests of different duration were applied for fixed engine speed values to cover engine speed-load usage domain. An approximation of stationary testing results obtained in this way could be used for evaluation of the map gradients and thus as a guideline for additional stationary tests based on design of experiment method

    Numerical analyses of a hydraulic hybrid powertrain system for a transit bus

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    A dynamic programming optimization algorithm has been applied on a transit bus model in MATLAB in order to assess the fuel economy improvement potential by implementing a hydraulic hybrid powertrain system. The numerical model parameters have been calibrated using experimental data obtained on a Belgrade's public transport bus. This experiment also provided the representative driving cycle on which to conduct simulation analyses. Various functional parameters of a hydraulic hybrid system have been evaluated for obtaining the best possible fuel economy. Dynamic programming optimization runs have been completed for various hydraulic accumulator sizes, preload values and accumulator foam quantities. It has been shown that a fuel economy improvement of 28% can be achieved by implementing such a system

    A thermodynamic work cycle simulation of a syngas-fueled engine

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    Sprovedena je simulacija radnog procesa motora SUS koji koristi sintezni gas kao gorivo u simulacionom okruženju AVL BOOST. Cilj simulacije je sticanje uvida u očekivane radne parametre motora. Studija takođe daje uvid u toplotni bilans motora koji omogućava dimenzionisanje uređaja za rekuperaciju otpadnih toplota u kogenerativnom pogonu. Jedan turbopunjeni, 6-cilindarski gasni motor čini osnovu nad kojom je sprovedena numerička studija. Za modelovanje procesa oslobađanja toplote korišćen je Vibeov model sa korelacionim parametrima koji uzimaju u obzir uticaj sastava smeše i ugla pretpaljenja na ukupno trajanje sagorevanja i oblik diferencijalnog toka oslobađanja toplote. U radu je data i jednostavna metodologija za utvrđivanje potrebne radne zapremine motora za dati protok sinteznog gasa. Dobijene vrednosti srednjeg efektivnog pritiska kao i stepena korisnosti motora su značajno manje u poređenju sa motorima koji koriste prirodni gas, ali upotreba sinteznog gasa može predstavljati zanimljivu alternativu, naročito u slučaju korišćenja kogenerativnog postrojenja.A syngas-fueled engine work cycle simulation has been conducted in the AVL BOOST environment in order to gain some insights into the expected engine performance and efficiency parameters. The study also provides the energy balance that will dictate the design of engine coolant and exhaust gas heat recuperation systems. A turbocharged six-cylinder gas engine serves as the basis on which the numerical studies have been conducted. A Vibe-based heat release model, customized to take into account the effect of excess-air ratio and ignition timing variations on the combustion duration and MFB curve shape is used to predict the heat release rate. A simple methodology for determining the total engine displacement for a given fuel production rate is also presented. The resulting brake mean effective pressure and efficiency parameters are lower than on a comparable natural gas-fueled engine but syngas is still an interesting alternative, particularly for cogeneration units

    A method for quick estimation of engine moment of inertia based on an experimental analysis of transient working process

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    This paper presents an unconventional approach in a fast estimation of the overall engine inertia based on engine testing under transient condition (acceleration and deceleration) with simultaneous in cylinder working process analysis and friction losses estimation. The presented procedure is based on a single slow dynamic slope full load engine speed sweep test which, coupled with a simple lumped-mass engine dynamometer model, provides correct overall engine inertia estimation. Compared with the more conventional approaches in deriving information on engine inertia, besides its speed and accuracy, presented procedure provides more in depth information on both engine's dynamic response and friction as a surplus

    Functional and control parameters optimization for a transit bus hybrid povertrain system

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    Погонски системи савремених возила предмет су истраживања великог броја научника широм света. Основни циљ истраживања огледа се у задовољавању све сложенијих и оштријих законских одредби у погледу токсичне издувне емисије и смањења потрошње горива, уз задржавање повољних перформанси возила. Хибридни погонски системи који, поред мотора са унутрашњим сагоревањем, обухватају и додатну погонску машину и алтернативни акумулатор енергије, нуде велике могућности у погледу уштеде горива. Од пресудне важности за остваривање потенцијалних уштеда јесу оптимизација функционалних и управљачких параметара система. Предмет ове дисертације јесте експериментално и теоријско истраживање у области оптимизације хидрауличног хибридног погонског система намењеног погону возила јавног градског превоза путника. Важна одлика таквих система огледа се у употреби хидро-пнеуматских акумулатора које карактеришу ниске вредности специфичне енергије. Управо зато, јавља се потреба да се пажљивим избором параметара акумулатора омогући максимално прикупљање енергије кочења у фазама возног циклуса када ће и резултујуће уштеде у потрошњи бити највеће. Формирањем детаљног симулационог модела хидрауличног хибридног погонског система, извршено је одређивање утицаја масе еластомерне пене, притиска преднапрезања и радне запремине хидро-пнеуматског акумулатора на степен корисности погонског система у целини. Такође, испитана је могућност примене метода заснованих на неуронским мрежама у процесу извођења и примене оптималног управљачког алгоритма. На основу снимљених возних циклуса, формиран је оптималан алгоритам управљања употребом референтне методе динамичког програмирања који је потом употребљен као улазни скуп података за тренирање вештачких неуронских мрежа различитих конфигурација. Применом функционалне оптимизације и предложене методе управљања, постигнуто је смањење потрошње горива од 23,9% у смеру кретања 1 и 25,5% у смеру кретања 2 и степен оптималности управљачког алгоритма од 83,7% и 79,8%, респективно.Great scientific and engineering effoorts are being invested in improving the fuel economy and emission performance standards of powertrain systems amid ever-increasing legislative pressure. Hybrid powertrain systems, comprising a conventional internal combustion engine and an additional prime mover and its corresponding energy storage system, offeffoer great opportunities for fuel economy improvements. However, functional and control parameters optimization is of crucial importance in order to achieve the full extent of potential improvements. The subject of this dissertation is experimental and theoretical investigation into the ficeld of optimization of a hydraulic hybrid powertrain system intended for the propulsion of a transit bus. TheTheese hybrid propulsion solutions employ hydro-pneumatic accumulators for energy storage, which are characterized by low specific energy values. Because of this, it is of crucial importance to carefully choose the accumulator parameters in order to harness the maximum amount of regenerative braking energy during the deceleration phases that will yield the greatest fuel economy improvement. A comprehensive simulation model of a hydraulic hybrid powertrain system has been devised, which has allowed for the determination of the influfluuence of elastomeric foam mass, preload pressure and accumulator capacity on the resulting powertrain system efficfficciency and the potential fuel savings. For maximizing the achievable fuel savings, a neural network-based control algorithm trained using the optimal control trajectories derived using Dynamic Programming has been investigated. By applying the functional and optimal control optimizations presented in this dissertation, average fuel savings of 23.9% have been achieved in direction 1 of the transit bus driving cycle and 25.5% in direction 2. TheTheese ficgures represent 83.7% and 79.8% of the fuel economy improvements obtained using the unimplementable Dynamic Programming algorithm, respectively

    Continuous slow dynamic slope approach for stationary base internal combustion engine mapping

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    Engine control optimization, with its always growing complexity, is in permanent focus of engine researchers and developers all over the world. Automotive engines are dominantly used in dynamic conditions, but generally, steady-state operating points are used for building up mathematical models which are later subject to the numerical optimization. For this purpose, a large amount of steady-state regimes needs to be evaluated through experimental work at the engine test stand, which is an extremely time and funds consuming process. Consequently, the methodology for data gathering during engine dynamic excitation could lead to significant savings at the expense of acceptable data accuracy loss. The slow dynamic slope method starting from a stationary operating point was evaluated by several authors in the past. In this paper, slow dynamic slope method with exclusively transient excitation will be presented drawing attention to some of its advantages and drawbacks. The rate of change of engine load as a main control parameter during dynamic test is of great importance for the quality of the final data and for total test duration. In this regard, several tests of different duration were applied for fixed engine speed values to cover engine speed-load usage domain. An approximation of stationary testing results obtained in this way could be used for evaluation of the map gradients and thus as a guideline for additional stationary tests based on design of experiment method

    An ontology-based model for risk management in mining

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    Rudarska proizvodnja obuhvata kompleksne tehnološke sisteme, što nameće potrebu za uspostavljanjem i unapređivanjem sistema upravljanja rizikom. Heterogenost i obim podataka neophodnih za upravljanje rizikom zahtevaju sistem koji ih na fleksibilan način integriše i omogućava njihovo optimalno korišćenje. Osnovni cilj ove disertacije je razvoj ontologije za domen rudarstva i na njoj zasnovanog modela za upravljanje rizikom. Njegova realizacija podrazumeva i implementaciju algoritama ekstrakcije informacija za popunjavanje ontologije, kao i odgovarajuće softversko rešenje. Razvoj modela obuhvata i značajno proširenje rudarskog korpusa, kao i kreiranje terminološke baze podataka, realizovano korišćenjem metoda računarske lingvistike i korpusa dokumenata iz oblasti rudarstva (planova, izveštaja, zakona, udžbenika i monografija). Korišćena je i deskriptivna metoda za sistematizaciju podataka, zatim konačni automati i statističke analize za ekstrakciju informacija, kao i komparativna i analitička istraživačka metoda za vrednovanje i interpretaciju dobijenih rezultata. Za razvoj modela korišćeni su alati informacionih tehnologija: UML za modeliranje koncepata , OWL za razvoj ontologije, SWRL pravila za mehanizam zaključivanja, upitni jezici CQL nad korpusom i SPARQL nad ontologijom . Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je moguće formalizovati informacije i znanje o rizicima u rudarstvu, te razviti model koji će unaprediti efikasnost upravljanja rizikom i pomoći menadžmentu rudnika u donošenju odluka o primeni mera za smanjenje uticaja rizika identifikovanih u rudniku. Ostvarenjem ciljeva ove disertacije dat je doprinos povećanju efikasnosti u identifikaciji, analizi i reagovanju na rizik kroz izgradnju specifične domenske ontologije za rizike u rudarstvu.Mining production involves complex technological systems, which calls for the need to create and improve risk management systems. The heterogeneity and scope of data necessary for risk management require a system that integrates them in a flexible way and enables their optimal use. The main goal of this dissertation is to develop an ontology for the mining domain and a risk management model based on it. Its realization includes the implementation of information extraction algorithms for improving the ontology, as well as an appropriate software solution. The development of the model includes a significant expansion of the mining corpus, as well as the creation of a terminological database, realized using methods of computational linguistics and a corpus of documents from the mining domain (plans, reports, laws, textbooks and monographs). For systematization of data a descriptive method was used, finite automata and statistical analyzes for information extraction, and comparative and analytical research methods for evaluation and interpretation of the obtained results. Information technology tools were used for model development: UML for concept modeling, OWL for ontology development, SWRL rules for inference mechanism, query languages CQL for corpus and SPARQL for ontology. The research results show that it is possible to formalize information and knowledge about risks in mining and develop a model that will improve the efficiency of risk management and assist mine management in making decisions on implementing measures to reduce the impact of risks identified in a mine. Achieving the goals of this dissertation has contributed to increasing efficiency in identification, analysis and response to risk by developing a specific domain ontology for risks in mining