220 research outputs found
Ecology and Management of Black Walnut (Juglans nigra L.) in Hungary
Background and Purpose: Black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) was one of the first forest tree species introduced and acclimated from North America to Europe in the 17th century. Although native to North America, black walnut is now naturalized and widely planted throughout Europe. In Hungary, this species has played an important role in forest management. Black walnut can grow on various sites, but careful site selection and well-planned management practices are needed to produce successful plantations. Due to the increasing interest in black walnut growing in many countries this study complied with the aim of giving a summary on the base of research and improvement connected with the species over the past decades.
Materials and Methods: Black walnut produces a well-closing, favourably differentiated stand structure in consequence of the great genetic diversity of single trees. It utilizes well the leaks of the tending cuttings. In this manner, because of its quick height growth, the systematic, individual selective method can be favourably combined with more frequent stem number reduction. The objective of tending should be to produce a high proportion of good quality saw logs from stands of yield class I, II, III and IV, and some other smaller-dimension industrial wood from stands of yield class V and VI.
Conclusions: In Hungary, black walnut is one of the most valuable exotic tree species, mainly because of its wood excessively used in furniture industry. Black walnut is used in furniture industry both as solid wood and veneer. This species is among the most expensive furniture woods in the world due to its appealing surface figure and colour. Its wood is also used for making musical instruments, turned and carved ornaments, statues and marquetry. Black walnut stands are to be important in carbon sequestration, soil stabilization, and water quality protection as well
Az élelmiszergazdaság szerkezetének és termelékenységének területi különbségei az EU-ban = Regional differencies in structure and productivity of the agro-industry sector in the EU
The structural differences within the food chains of EU-members are the most important sources of tensions on the centrally controlled, single EU-food market. Because these differences, the food chain actors are continously forced to winner-loser situation during the free capital and commidity flow within the Union. It is very important for the farmers and the manufacturers of peripheral regions, to knowing their own economic positions. There is also needed provide development strategies, which may help moderating the inequality of competition. We introduce the structural differences by use of statistical data series (maintained by Eurostat). Our recommandations provide market-oriented adaptation strategies, which are based on voluntary cooperation of food chain actors. Further development of these strategies may assist in formation and operation of succesful horizontal and vertical cooperations in the food chains
Categorization and geovisualization of climate change strategies using an open-access WebGIS tool
The focus of our paper is to present the power of collaboration of databases in a web environment, where data contain or are related to different types of social geography spatial data. Implementing different data gained from the Climate Change Laws of the World, the United Nations Treaty Collection, the World Bank and The World Factbook, we ourselves developed the Climate Change Strategies of the world’s countries (called CCS). Our purpose is to publish and demonstrate the spatial visualization and categorization of the climate change strategies (CCS) of the world’s countries, and also highlight the power of geovisualization in terms of cognitive InfoCommunications, using open-access WebGIS tools and geoinformatics software. The evolved geographic database is able to provide information for users about the different types of climate change strategies of the world’s countries in a visual way, but can also be extended by uploading new data
Radiostereometric analysis for measuring tibial component migration. Early results
Bevezetés: A Szent János Kórház Ortopéd-Traumatológiai Osztályán az UmRSA marker alapúradiosztereometriai családba tartozó analitikai módszer használatával 2009-ben kezdődött megaz all-poly és fémtálcás térdízületi endoprotézis beültetések migrációjának korai és késői utánkövetése.A cikk célja a korai eredményeik összefoglalása.Anyag és módszer: A térdízületi endoprotézis beültetés 5 esetben - 4 all-poly, 1 fémtálcás protézissel- a hagyományos műtéti technikával történt. A vizsgált protézisek környezetébe, valamintaz insertbe tantalum jelzőgolyókat lőttünk. A műtétet követően 3, 6, 12 havonta, ezt követőenévente végeztünk marker alapú radiosztereometriai vizsgálatot. Az UmRSA rendszerhez kifejlesztettfeldolgozó programok segítségével határoztuk meg a térdízületi protézisek migrációjáta tér mindhárom irányába.Eredmények: Az all-poly komponensek átlagos éves térbeli elmozdulása 0,0676 mm, a fémtálcásé0,2143 mm, ami megfelel a nemzetközi adatoknak. A kétféle tibialis komponens háromdimenziósmigrációja esetében csak a fémtálcás komponensnél tapasztaltunk cranialis és mediáliselmozdulást.Következtetés: A tibialis komponens migrációjának vizsgálatánál eredményeink korrelálnak anemzetközi irodalommal. A kétféle tibialis komponens 3D migrációjának jellegzetességei közöttlényeges különbségek lehetnek. DOI: 10.17489/biohun/2013/2/03The authors carry out radiostereometric measurements since 2006 at Szent János Hospital, Budapest. The follow-up study started in 2009 to investigate the migration of all-polyethylene and metal-backed tibial components in total knee arthroplasty. Authors publish below their early results from the fi rst three years. Materials and method. Total knee arthroplasty is performed in the traditional surgical technique. Markers are then shut with a special pistol into the bone of distal femur, proximal tibia and the polyethylene insert – 5–8 each, altogether 12–16 pieces. Radiostereometric examination is performed postoperatively and 3, 6, 12, 24, 36 months after surgery with a special biplanar frame. X-ray fi lms are then scanned, and evaluated by a digital programme made especially for UmRSA, called DIRSA (Digital Interactive Roentgen Stereometric Analysis). 3D migration have been calculated in 5 cases till now – 4 all-poly, 1 metal-backed. Results. Mean annual migration by all-poly components is 0.0676 mm, by metal backed tibial component 0.2143 mm, which suits international data. We found signifi cant difference in the metal-backed tibial component’s 3D migration patterns compared to all-poly components’. Conclusion. The early fi ndings for tibial component migration suits the international data. Increasing the number of cases – especially by metal-backed measurements – is needed for further investigation of the migration characteristics of the two types of components
A fogyasztók, mint kooperatív partnerek a vállalati értékteremtésben = Consumers, as cooperative partners in the company's valuation
Many companies are still thinking of products, instead of recognizing the XXI. century consumer experiences of possibility. In recent years, there is an increasing demand for marketplaces where companies are actively engaged with consumers, so the company recognizes the importance of consumers’ ability and know-how. Thanks to the Internet, the flow of information all over the world has become enormous, which led to an exponential decline in the information disadvantage of consumers against companies. As a result, consumers have nearly as much information as companies and this is a major shift in power relations. In this study, we focus on analyzing the co-operative attitudes towards corporate stakeholders, and we illustrating this through two Internet businesses. Our aim are to focus on value-creating consumers and “adventure businesses”, in addition we would like to review the related literature, research, and we are focusing on the DART model
Az államadósság mértékét meghatározó mutatók vizsgálata – A V4 és GIPS országcsoportok összehasonlító elemzése egylépéses dinamikus panelregresszió segítségével
A 2008-as válság következményeként az államadósságok növekedésnek indultak a világban, amely további gazdasági problémákat okozott az országoknak. Több európai uniós tagállam kényszerült a Trojka segítségét igénybe venni finanszírozási nehézségeik enyhítésére. Tanulmányunk célja az államadósságot befolyásoló tényezők vizsgálata. A Visegrádi országok és a Ciprus adatsoraival kiegészített GIPS államadósságára ható tényezőket hasonlítottuk össze egylépéses dinamikus panelmodell segítségével. Mindkét panelben azonosítani tudtuk a szakirodalom által korábban feltárt összefüggéseket. A deficit, az infláció, a folyó fizetési mérleg romlása az államadósság növekedéséhez, a reálkamat, a GDP-növekedés és foglalkoztatottság javulása az államadósság csökkenéséhez vezet. A reál effektív árfolyam azonban egyik panelben sem lett szignifikáns
A fogyasztók, mint kooperatív partnerek a vállalati értékteremtésben = Consumers, as cooperative partners in the company's valuation
Many companies are still thinking of products, instead of recognizing the XXI. century consumer experiences of possibility. In recent years, there is an increasing demand for marketplaces where companies are actively engaged with consumers, so the company recognizes the importance of consumers’ ability and know-how. Thanks to the Internet, the flow of information all over the world has become enormous, which led to an exponential decline in the information disadvantage of consumers against companies. As a result, consumers have nearly as much information as companies and this is a major shift in power relations. In this study, we focus on analyzing the co-operative attitudes towards corporate stakeholders, and we illustrating this through two Internet businesses. Our aim are to focus on value-creating consumers and “adventure businesses”, in addition we would like to review the related literature, research, and we are focusing on the DART model
Pénzügyi idősorok hiányzó adatainak kezelése : afrikai devizaárfolyamok példáján
A tanulmány célja a pénzügyi idősorokban megjelenő adathiányok kezelésére alkalmazott főbb eljárások összehasonlítása, azok momentumokra, volatilitás-modellezésre és Value-at-Risk jelzésekre gyakorolt hatásain keresztül. Tekintettel arra, hogy a hiányzó adatok kezelését elsősorban kérdőíves lekérdezésekből származó adathiányok esetében tárgyalja a szakirodalom elsődlegesen, szükséges a pénzügyi idősorokon történő összehasonlításuk. A szerzők a listaszerű adattörlést, átlaggal pótlást és a likelihood-becsléseken alapuló általános várakozásmaximalizációs eljárásokat hasonlítják össze napi záró devizás idősorokon. A vizsgált minta az afrikai lebegő devizákat tartalmazza 2000. március 8. és 2015. március 6. között dollárban denominálva, kiegészítve az euróval és az ahhoz kötött CFA frankkal. Az elvégzett számítások eredményei alapján az EM-eljárás alkalmazását nem javasolják, annak a volatilitásra, korrelációra és extrém elmozdulásokra gyakorolt hatásai miatt
A hálózatépítésről alkotott vélemények és a network marketing tényezőinek vizsgálata = The opinion about networking and monitoring of the network marketing's factors
In my study I represent the Network Marketing as a form of enterprise, which is really disputed networking subject in the last decades. Despite of the negative opportunities, the trade of MLM companies is extending in Hungary but especially in foreign countries. I constructed an anonym questionnaire to deeply recognise the personal opinions in this subject and to know the experience. Most people who took part in my research, is or was in connection with some MLM company. During the data processing I examined the questionnaire with several kinds of statistic methods and I analysed with the help of a computer programme. It was outstanding to see that networking people prefer in their life their personal development and self-education. However, in some case, the results disproved my waits, at the same time it can be said that most people have a negative attitude in connection with MLMs
A hálózatépítésről alkotott vélemények és a network marketing tényezőinek vizsgálata = The opinion about networking and monitoring of the network marketing's factors
In my study I represent the Network Marketing as a form of enterprise, which is really disputed networking subject in the last decades. Despite of the negative opportunities, the trade of MLM companies is extending in Hungary but especially in foreign countries. I constructed an anonym questionnaire to deeply recognise the personal opinions in this subject and to know the experience. Most people who took part in my research, is or was in connection with some MLM company. During the data processing I examined the questionnaire with several kinds of statistic methods and I analysed with the help of a computer programme. It was outstanding to see that networking people prefer in their life their personal development and self-education. However, in some case, the results disproved my waits, at the same time it can be said that most people have a negative attitude in connection with MLMs
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