43 research outputs found

    Effect of Ketamine on Dendritic Arbor Development and Survival of Immature GABAergic Neurons In Vitro

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    Ketamine, a noncompetitive antagonist of the N-methyl-D-aspartate type of glutamate receptors, was reported to induce neuronal cell death when administered to produce anesthesia in young rodents and monkeys. Subanesthetic doses of ketamine, as adjuvant to postoperative sedation and pain control, are also frequently administered to young children. However, the effects of these low concentrations of ketamine on neuronal development remain unknown. The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of increasing concentrations (0.01-40 μg/ml) and durations (1-96 h) of ketamine exposure on the differentiation and survival of immature γ-aminobutyric acidergic (GABAergic) interneurons in culture. In line with previous studies (Scallet et al., 2004), we found that a 1-h-long exposure to ketamine at concentrations ≥ 10 μg/ml was sufficient to trigger cell death. At lower concentrations of ketamine, cell loss was only observed when this drug was chronically (> 48 h) present in the culture medium. Most importantly, we found that a single episode of 4-h-long treatment with 5 μg/ml ketamine induced long-term alterations in dendritic growth, including a significant (p 24 h) of neurons to ketamine at concentrations as low as 0.01 μg/ml also severely impaired dendritic arbor development. These results suggest that, in addition to its dose-dependent ability to induce cell death, even very low concentrations of ketamine could interfere with dendritic arbor development of immature GABAergic neurons and thus could potentially interfere with the development neural network

    VEGF is a chemoattractant for FGF-2–stimulated neural progenitors

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    Mmigration of undifferentiated neural progenitors is critical for the development and repair of the nervous system. However, the mechanisms and factors that regulate migration are not well understood. Here, we show that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A, a major angiogenic factor, guides the directed migration of neural progenitors that do not display antigenic markers for neuron- or glia-restricted precursor cells. We demonstrate that progenitor cells express both VEGF receptor (VEGFR) 1 and VEGFR2, but signaling through VEGFR2 specifically mediates the chemotactic effect of VEGF. The expression of VEGFRs and the chemotaxis of progenitors in response to VEGF require the presence of fibroblast growth factor 2. These results demonstrate that VEGF is an attractive guidance cue for the migration of undifferentiated neural progenitors and offer a mechanistic link between neurogenesis and angiogenesis in the nervous system

    Structural and Functional Aberrations in the Cerebral Cortex of Tenascin-C Deficient Mice

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    The extracellular matrix glycoprotein tenascin-C (TNC) has been implicated in neural development and plasticity but many of its functions in vivo remain obscure. Here we addressed the question as to whether the constitutive absence of TNC in mice affects cortical physiology and structure. Defined major cell populations (neurons and inhibitory neuronal subpopulations, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and microglia) were quantified in the somatosensory and motor cortices of adult TNC deficient (TNC−/−) and wild-type (TNC+/+) mice by immunofluorescence labelling and stereology. In both areas studied we found abnormally high neuronal density, astrogliosis, low density of parvalbumin-positive interneurons and reduced ratios of oligodendrocytes to neurons and of inhibitory to excitatory neurons in the TNC deficient as opposed to the non-deficient animals. Analysis of Golgi-impregnated layer V pyramidal neurons in TNC−/− animals showed aberrant dendrite tortuosity and redistribution of stubby spines within first- to third-order dendritic arbors. Significantly enhanced responses upon whisker stimulation were recorded epicranially over the barrel and the motor cortices of TNC−/− as compared to TNC+/+ animals, and this effect might be associated with the diminished inhibitory circuitry. These results indicate that TNC is essential for normal cortical development and functio

    Functional Deficit and Recovery of Developing Sensorimotor Networks following Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury in the Rat

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    Neonatal hypoxia-ischemia (HI) is the most important cause of brain injury in the newborn. Here we studied structural alterations and functional perturbations of developing large-scale sensorimotor cortical networks in a rat model of moderate HI at postnatal day 3 (P3). At the morphological level, HI led to a disorganized barrel pattern in the somatosensory cortex without detectable histological changes in the motor cortex. Functional effects were addressed by means of epicranial mapping of somatosensory-evoked potentials (SEPs) during the postischemic recovery period. At P10, SEPs were immature and evoked activity was almost restricted to the somatosensory and motor cortices of the contralateral hemisphere. Peak and topographic analyses of epicranial potentials revealed that responses were profoundly depressed in both sensory and motor areas of HI-lesioned animals. At the end of the postnatal period at P21, responses involved networks in both hemispheres. SEP amplitude was still depressed in the injured sensory region, but it completely recovered in the motor area. These results suggest a process of large-scale network plasticity in sensorimotor circuits after perinatal ischemic injury. The model provides new perspectives for investigating the temporal and spatial characteristics of the recovery process following HI and eventually developing therapeutic intervention

    Early Postnatal Migration and Development of Layer II Pyramidal Neurons in the Rodent Cingulate/Retrosplenial Cortex

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    The cingulate and retrosplenial regions are major components of the dorsomedial (dm) limbic cortex and have been implicated in a range of cognitive functions such as emotion, attention, and spatial memory. While the structure and connectivity of these cortices are well characterized, little is known about their development. Notably, the timing and mode of migration that govern the appropriate positioning of late-born neurons remain unknown. Here, we analyzed migratory events during the early postnatal period from ventricular/subventricular zone (VZ/SVZ) to the cerebral cortex by transducing neuronal precursors in the VZ/SVZ of newborn rats/mice with Tomato/green fluorescent protein-encoding lentivectors. We have identified a pool of postmitotic pyramidal precursors in the dm part of the neonatal VZ/SVZ that migrate into the medial limbic cortex during the first postnatal week. Time-lapse imaging demonstrates that these cells migrate on radial glial fibers by locomotion and display morphological and behavioral changes as they travel through the white matter and enter into the cortical gray matter. In the granular retrosplenial cortex, these cells give rise to a Satb2+ pyramidal subtype and develop dendritic bundles in layer I. Our observations provide the first insight into the patterns and dynamics of cell migration into the medial limbic corte

    Anesthetics Rapidly Promote Synaptogenesis during a Critical Period of Brain Development

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    Experience-driven activity plays an essential role in the development of brain circuitry during critical periods of early postnatal life, a process that depends upon a dynamic balance between excitatory and inhibitory signals. Since general anesthetics are powerful pharmacological modulators of neuronal activity, an important question is whether and how these drugs can affect the development of synaptic networks. To address this issue, we examined here the impact of anesthetics on synapse growth and dynamics. We show that exposure of young rodents to anesthetics that either enhance GABAergic inhibition or block NMDA receptors rapidly induce a significant increase in dendritic spine density in the somatosensory cortex and hippocampus. This effect is developmentally regulated; it is transient but lasts for several days and is also reproduced by selective antagonists of excitatory receptors. Analyses of spine dynamics in hippocampal slice cultures reveals that this effect is mediated through an increased rate of protrusions formation, a better stabilization of newly formed spines, and leads to the formation of functional synapses. Altogether, these findings point to anesthesia as an important modulator of spine dynamics in the developing brain and suggest the existence of a homeostatic process regulating spine formation as a function of neural activity. Importantly, they also raise concern about the potential impact of these drugs on human practice, when applied during critical periods of development in infants

    Expression of FGF-2 in neural progenitor cells enhances their potential for cellular brain repair in the rodent cortex

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    Strategies to enhance the capacity of grafted stem/progenitors cells to generate multipotential, proliferative and migrating pools of cells in the postnatal brain could be crucial for structural repair after brain damage. We investigated whether the over-expression of basic fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2) in neural progenitor cells (NPCs) could provide a robust source of migrating NPCs for tissue repair in the rat cerebral cortex. Using live imaging we provide direct evidence that FGF-2 over-expression significantly enhances the migratory capacity of grafted NPCs in complex 3D structures, such as cortical slices. Furthermore, we show that the migratory as well as proliferative properties of FGF-2 over-expressing NPCs are maintained after in vivo transplantation. Importantly, after transplantation into a neonatal ischaemic cortex, FGF-2 over-expressing NPCs efficiently invade the injured cortex and generate an increased pool of immature neurons available for brain repair. Differentiation of progenitor cells into immature neurons was correlated with a gradual down-regulation of the FGF-2 transgene. These results reveal an important role for FGF-2 in regulating NPCs functions when interacting with the host tissue and offer a potential strategy to generate a robust source of migrating and immature progenitors for repairing a neonatal ischaemic corte