915 research outputs found

    Opportunities and limits of application principles and Civil Code rules in Hungarian labour law Crisis management with means of civil law

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    This Working Paper describes the correlation between the new Labour Code (of 2012) and the new Civil Code (of 2013) in the Hungarian law system. The examination is not autotelic. Since labour law was artificially separated from private law before the regime’s economic and political change on the grounds of political and law policy, the implementation of principles and rules of civil law was out of the question, despite the fact that a cautious opening could be observed in law enforcement. After the change of regime, labour law created a relatively closed system and consequently could not find a solution to a number of problems that were raised by the labour market. Labour law was characterised by random flexibility and marginal security. In the course of the elaboration of the new Labour Code (LC) and the new Civil Code (CC), the indicated problem resurfaced, already as a possible crisis management tool, in order to also create a new type of flexibility and security. However, the endeavour to establish a transparent connection between labour law and private law failed, despite the initial intentions

    A szakszervezetek jogdogmatikai helyzete és jogpolitikai lehetőségei a magyar munkajogi szabályozás alapján 1992-től napjainkig

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    A tanulmány az egyéni és a kollektív munkajog elemeinek korrelatív kapcsolatát mutatja be rövid történeti és összehasonlító bevezető elemzéssel. Rzt követően a szakszervezetek jogállását és jogpolitikailehetőségeit vizsgálja a rendszerváltoztatástól napjainkig

    The problem of persons having a similar legal status as employees (workers), and the absence of regulating this legal status in the Hungarian labour code: The “third estate” of the labour market

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    The new Hungarian Labour Code (Act I of 2012 of the Labour Code) (hereinafter referred to as the “Current Labour Code”) was adopted by the Parliament in December 2011 and came into force on 1 July 2012. This code brought about a conceptual change in relation to the former regulation and obviously will induce many debates in the future. In this study the problem of the legal status of “persons having a similar status as employees” is analysed. The new approach of the different legal status of employees (in a wider sense) and the employment relationship can be deemed as the basis of the reformation of the labour law. The clarification of this legal status can change the structure and personal scope of the labour law. In this study the author analyses, as a starting point, the substance of traditional employment (Section 1). After this it is necessary to show why this formula became instable, with special regard to the change of the employer’s structure (Section 2). The next part deals with the differentiation of the legal status of employees (Section 3), and then the criteria of the legal status of persons having a similar status as employees are listed (Section 4). Finally it is expoundded the legal status of persons having a similar status as employees (Section 5)

    A munkavállalóhoz hasonló jogállású személy problematikája az Európai Unióban és e jogállás szabályozásának hiánya a Munka Törvénykönyvében

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    The Problem of Person having Similar Legal Status as Employee (worker) and Absence of Regulation of this Legal Status in the Labour Hungarian Code The study analyses an important change of labour law in these days, namely differentiation of legal status of employee and the possibility of elaborating the legal status of person having similar status to the employee (worker). Recognition of this legal status enlarges the scope of certain elements of labour law to these persons and over and above that such extension can indicate important effect on social and tax law. The basis of the regulation is a demand for social protection of theses workers. Unfortunately the regulation of such legal status of worker was refused by the social partners in course of the elaboration of the new Hungarian Labour Code

    The legal dogmatic status and law policy opportunities of trade unions based on Hungarian employment regulations from 1992 till today

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    Rhe study describes the correlative connection between elements of individual and collective labour law. The author analyzes tje legal status of trade unnions with particular regard to the collectile agreement as a source of a labour law. The paper pays particular attention to the politycal opportunities of trade unions from 1992 till today

    A survey on semiovals

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    Foglalkoztatás gazdasági válság idején - a munkajogviszonyban rejlő lehetőségek a munkajogviszony tartalmának alakítására (Jogdogmatikai alapok és jogpolitikai indokok)

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    A tanulmány a munkajogban rejlő azokat az eszközöket vizsgálja, amelyek a tartós munkajogviszony tartalmának alakításában szerepet játszhatnak, biztosítva a rugalmasságot és biztonságot. A munkaszerződés megkötésének egy adott pillanathoz való kötöttsége és a munkajogviszony szükségszerűen tartam jellege (Dauerschuldverhältnis) különös jelentést és jelentőséget ad a pacta sunt servanda és a clausula rebus sic stantibus elveinek

    Some Remarks to the Future of the Social Dialogue in the Hungarian Constitutional System

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    In October 2008 the Constitutional Court declared unconstitutional certain provisions of the drafts on National Council for the Reconciliation of Interests and on Council of Social Dialogue on Branch Level. In my opinion with this decision an era of the social dialogue ended, but without elaboration of a new concept
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