32 research outputs found

    Protein foszfatázok szabályozása kölcsönható fehérjékkel = Regulation of protein phosphatases by protein-protein interactions

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    A pályázatban a miozin foszfatáz foszforilációval történő szabályozását és az enzim fehérje-fehérje kölcsönhatásait tanulmányoztuk. A holoenzimben protein foszfatáz-1 katalitikus alegység (PP1c) kapcsolódik a miozinhoz is kötődő szabályozó alegységhez (MYPT). A MYPT Rho-kináz általi foszforilációja gátolta a miozin foszfatáz aktivitását és simaizom kontrakciót indukált alacsony Ca2+-koncentrációnál. Ez a gátló foszforiláció nem-izom sejtek esetén stressz-rostok képződését és a sejtek migrációjának gátlását eredményezte. A MYPT protein kináz G általi foszforilációja viszont csökkentette a gátló foszforiláció mértékét, elősegítve ezzel a simaizom relaxációt. A miozin foszfatáz nem-izom sejtekben számos, a kontraktilitástól eltérő sejtfolyamatot is szabályozhat. Erre a PP1c és a MYPT neuronális, sejtmag és mitokondriális fehérjékkel történő kölcsönhatásából következtettünk. A miozin foszfatáz változatos lokalizációja és kölcsönhatásai az idegrendszerben a neurotranszmissziót szabályozó szerepét sejteti. Jellemeztük egy új, elsősorban idegszövetben előforduló fehérje foszforilációját és kimutattuk miozin foszfatázt gátló képességét. Az enzimnek a retinoblasztóma fehérje defoszforilációjában játszott szerepe pedig arra utal, hogy a miozin foszfatáz a sejtciklust is szabályozhatja. További kutatásaink olyan molekulák azonosítására irányulnak, amelyek az enzim szelektív gátlásával/aktiválásával elősegíthetik sejtfolyamatokat szabályozó szerepének mélyebb megértését. | In this project the regulation of myosin phosphatase by phosphorylation and by protein-protein interactions were studied. The holoenzyme is composed of protein phosphatase-1 catalytic subunit (PP1c) and myosin-binding regulatory subunit (MYPT). Phosphorylation of MYPT by Rho-kinase resulted in the inhibition of the activity of myosin phosphatase and induced smooth muscle contraction at low Ca2+-concentration. In non-muscle cells this inhibitory phosphorylation increased stress-fiber formation and supressed cell migration. Phosphorylation of MYPT by protein kinase G decreased the extent of inhibitory phosphorylation and resulted in smooth muscle relaxation. In non-muscle cells the myosin phosphatase may regulate cellular events distinct from the contractile processes suggested by the interaction of PP1c and MYPT with neuronal, nuclear and mitochondrial proteins. The widespread localization of myosin phosphatase in neuronal cells implicates this enzyme in the regulation of neuronal transmission. We characterized the phosphorylation and myosin phosphatase inhibitory potency of a novel protein which is mainly enriched in neuronal tissue. The myosin phosphatase dephosphorylate also the retinoblastoma protein implying its regulatory role in the cell cycle. Our further studies aim to identify molecules able to inhibit/activate the myosin phosphatase selectively; therefore they may help to clarify the regulatory role of this enzyme in the various cellular processes

    Assessing quality of life: mother–child agreement in depressed and non-depressed Hungarian

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    Purpose: An important question in child psychiatry is the agreement between parents and children. We studied mother–child concordance about the quality of life of children (QoL). We hypothesized that mothers of depressed children rate lower QoL than children for themselves while mothers of non-depressed children rate better QoL; that inter-informant agreement is higher in the non-depressed sample; and finally that agreement increases with age of the child. Methods: QoL of depressed children (N = 248, mean age 11.45 years, SD 2.02) were compared to that of non-depressed children (N = 1695, mean age 10.34 years, SD 2.19). QoL was examined by a 7 item questionnaire (ILK). Results: Mothers of depressed children rated lower QoL than their children while mothers of nondepressed children rated higher QoL than their children. Agreement was low in both samples but higher in the controls. Inter-informant agreement was only influenced by depression. Conclusions: Our results show that mothers relate more serious negative effects to childhood depression than their children and rate less problems for their non-depressed children compared to self-reports. Mother–child agreement is negatively influenced by depression which further stresses the importance of obtaining reports from the child and at least one parent in order to understand the subjective experiences caused by the illness

    Geochemical implications for the magma origin of granitic rocks from the Ditrău Alkaline Massif (Eastern Carpathians, Romania)

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    In addition to a series of ultramafic to mafic and alkaline igneous rocks, a granite body also occurs in the Ditrău AlkalineMassif, Eastern Carpathians, Romania. We present and discuss mineral chemical data, and major and traceelement compositions of the granites in order to define their nature and origin and to determine the depth of the magmaemplacement. The granites consist of K-feldspar, albite to oligoclase and quartz accompanied by Ti-rich annite± calcic amphiboles. Depending on the amphibole content they are classified as less fractionated amphibole-bearingand amphibole-free varieties. Accessories include zircon, apatite, magnetite, ilmenite, and allanite or monazite.High Zr, Nb, Ga, Ce and Y content and Ga/Al and Fe/Mg ratios, together with low CaO, Sr and Ba contents and Y/Nbratios of 0.04-0.88 are consistent with A1-type granites and mantle differentiates correspond to an intra-plate environment.The Ditrău Alkaline Massif granites were emplaced at middle – upper crustal levels between 14 and 4 km depthas indicated by the calculated crystallization pressure of 370 ± 40 MPa and the stability limit of calcic amphiboles. </p

    Potential effects of "social" distancing measures and school lockdown on child and adolescent mental health

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    Age-related metabolic and renal changes predispose older people to an increased risk of diabetes mellitus and diabetic kidney disease, respectively. As the prevalence of the ageing population is increasing, because of increased life expectancy, the prevalence of older people with diabetic kidney disease is likely to increase. Diabetic kidney disease is associated with an increased risk of adverse outcomes and increased costs to healthcare systems. The management includes promotion of a healthy lifestyle and control of cardiovascular risk factors such as hyperglycaemia, hypertension and dyslipidaemia. Older people are a heterogeneous group of people from a community-living fit and independent person to a fully dependent individual residing in a care home. Therefore, management in this age group should be based on a patient's functional level adopting tight metabolic control in the fit individual and relaxed targets in the frail person. However, despite the maximum available therapy, a significant number of patients with diabetic kidney disease still progress to renal failure and experience adverse cardiac outcomes. Therefore, future research is required to explore methods of early detection of diabetic kidney disease and to investigate novel therapeutic interventions to further improve the outcomes.Age-related metabolic and renal changes predispose older people to an increased risk of diabetes mellitus and diabetic kidney disease, respectively. As the prevalence of the ageing population is increasing, because of increased life expectancy, the prevalence of older people with diabetic kidney disease is likely to increase. Diabetic kidney disease is associated with an increased risk of adverse outcomes and increased costs to healthcare systems. The management includes promotion of a healthy lifestyle and control of cardiovascular risk factors such as hyperglycaemia, hypertension and dyslipidaemia. Older people are a heterogeneous group of people from a community-living fit and independent person to a fully dependent individual residing in a care home. Therefore, management in this age group should be based on a patient's functional level adopting tight metabolic control in the fit individual and relaxed targets in the frail person. However, despite the maximum available therapy, a significant number of patients with diabetic kidney disease still progress to renal failure and experience adverse cardiac outcomes. Therefore, future research is required to explore methods of early detection of diabetic kidney disease and to investigate novel therapeutic interventions to further improve the outcomes.Age-related metabolic and renal changes predispose older people to an increased risk of diabetes mellitus and diabetic kidney disease, respectively. As the prevalence of the ageing population is increasing, because of increased life expectancy, the prevalence of older people with diabetic kidney disease is likely to increase. Diabetic kidney disease is associated with an increased risk of adverse outcomes and increased costs to healthcare systems. The management includes promotion of a healthy lifestyle and control of cardiovascular risk factors such as hyperglycaemia, hypertension and dyslipidaemia. Older people are a heterogeneous group of people from a community-living fit and independent person to a fully dependent individual residing in a care home. Therefore, management in this age group should be based on a patient's functional level adopting tight metabolic control in the fit individual and relaxed targets in the frail person. However, despite the maximum available therapy, a significant number of patients with diabetic kidney disease still progress to renal failure and experience adverse cardiac outcomes. Therefore, future research is required to explore methods of early detection of diabetic kidney disease and to investigate novel therapeutic interventions to further improve the outcomes.Non peer reviewe

    Szondi Lipót sorsanalízise

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    A tanulmány Szondi Lipót sorsanalízisének szemléleti, elméleti alapjait mutatja be. Szondi sorsanalí-zisét az 1930-as években kezdte el kidolgozni, melyre elsődlegesen Freud pszichoanalízise és a kora-beli orvosi-, genetikai, természettudományos ismeretek voltak nagy hatással. Az első sorsanalitikus tanulmány 1937-ben jelent meg Hágában, melyben az elmélet megszületé-sének kiinduló koncepcióját követhetjük nyomon. Az alapkoncepció változása Szondi kényszerű emig-rációja - 1944 - után a svájci pályaszakasz publikációiban jelenik meg. A szerző a sorsanalízis olyan alapvető fogalmait mutatja be, mint például a sors, az ösztön, ösztönfaktorok és -tendenciák, az én, a Pontifex oppositorum, mely fogalmak a magyarországi és svájci munkásság összegzéseként jelentek meg Szondinál

    Sorsanalízis és genetika: családfa-kutatás, párválasztás, öröklődés

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    A szerzők Szondi párválasztási elméletének genealógiai alapjait mutatják be, melyet Szondi első sorsanalitikus témájú tanulmányában 1937-ben hozott nyilvánosságra Analysis of Marriages címmel. A kötet Révész Géza segítségével Hágában látott napvilágot, melyben Szondi családfák és esetelem-zések segítségével ábrázolja az új tárgyválasztási elmélet különböző aleseteit. Szondi koncepciójával kapcsolatban azonban - mintegy hatvan évvel a teória megszületése után - természetszerűleg új nézőpontok és új kérdések merülnek fel, melyeket jelen sorokban elsősorban a modern genetika perspektívájából tekintünk át


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    One of the most important success factors in the organic food industry is the positive image that a significant number of customers attach to organic products in many countries, which includes the perception of healthiness and also sensory characteristics such as smell, texture or taste. Several papers have examined the effect of organic certification on consumer perceptions for many types of products from a number of perspectives. The present study aims to reveal the effect of organic (‘bio’) labels on customers’ evaluation of chocolates regarding five product attributes: fragrance, taste, healthiness, calorie content and price. The two research questions are: (1) ‘How do consumers modify their perceptions about a given chocolate after receiving information as to whether the given chocolate is an organic or a non-organic product?’ and (2) ‘How do consumers’ evaluations of organic and non-organic chocolates relative to each other change after it is revealed which ones have an organic certificate?’ To find the answers an experiment was conducted on a sample of 32 second year bachelor university students from the ‘Commerce and Marketing’ major. During the experiment the students tasted 4 dark (2 regular and 2 organic) and 3 milk (2 regular and 1 organic) chocolates in two phases. In the first phase they had no information as to whether organic products were involved in the experiment, but in the second the organic products were labelled. The students had to evaluate fragrance, taste, healthiness, and calorie content, and estimate the price in both phases. The results show that ‘organic’ labels can significantly modify consumers’ perception and evaluation of chocolates with every attribute for one or more of the chocolates. Labelling can also widen the perceived gap between organic and regular chocolates according to fragrance, healthiness, calorie content and price. However, changes were identified only in the case of healthiness and price. Both were absolutely and relatively evaluated as higher for organic products after labelling