88 research outputs found


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    The approach to the allocation of climate factors, that influence on gas consumption with consideration of their interdependence, nonlinearity and inertia of factors has been reviewed. In addition to the classical approach of linear consideration of the dependence on the degree-days of heating and air conditioning, an additional consideration of the factors of lighting and precipitation level has been offered. The nonlinearity of dependences has been modelled by power functions, and the inertia effect by averaging data for the previous few months. The proposed mechanism makes it possible to exclude climatic factors from the actual data of gas consumption and, as a consequence, to allocate the influence of macroeconomic factors and the energy saving factor


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    An approach to the allocation of economic and macroeconomic factors, affecting the final energy consumption, taking into account the seasonal unevenness of industrial production and the inertia of changes in the production of final products relative to the consumption of energy required for their production, has been considered in the article. In addition, factors have been reviewed not only at the end of the value chain on the basis of gas-consuming industries, but also taking into account the indicators of the raw material sector of the economy, which determines the beginning of the value chain

    System approach to energy saving potential estimation on the сertain countries and regions level

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    The energy saving potential is related directly to the increase of gas application efficiency. Herewith, energy use efficiency is a complex concept, including not only the issues of technological efficiency, but also the requirements for the economic, social and environmental components of the processes. Meanwhile, the problem of energy efficiency assessment is a more general problem of effective use of resources in comparison with alternative energy and resource-using processes, reduced to comparable analysis conditions. In addition, efficiency should be distinguished from the point of view of consumers, producers and suppliers of energy resources, as well as from the point of view of general economic (state) efficiency

    Категории времени и пространства в информационных естественно-языковых технологиях

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    В роботі аналізуються мовні засоби відтворення просторових та часових відношень для потреб автоматичного опрацювання мовного матеріалу. Акцентується увага на структурній організації цих засобів, які багато в чому подібні між собою. Ретельно аналізуються мовні засоби кількісного та якісного характеру для відтворення часу та простору, простежуються структурні особливості їх організації та взаємодії на шляху відтворення мовними засобами складних просторово-часових відношень.The language means of creation of spatial and sentinel relations are in-process analysed for the necessities of the automatic working of linguistic material. Attention is accented on structural organization of these facilities which in a great deal similar between itself. The language means of quantitative and high-quality character are carefully analysed for the creation of time and space, the structural features of their organization and cooperation on the way of creation of difficult spatio-temporal relations language means are traced.В работе анализируются языковые средства отображения пространственных и временных отношений с целью их использования для обработки текстовой информации. Акцентируется внимание на структурной организации этих средств, которые во многом подобные между собой. Тщательным образом анализируются языковые средства количественного и качественного характера для отображения времени и пространства, прослеживаются структурные особенности их организации и взаимодействия на пути представления языковыми средствами сложных пространственно-временных отношений

    The electric double layer has a life of its own

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    Using molecular dynamics simulations with recently developed importance sampling methods, we show that the differential capacitance of a model ionic liquid based double-layer capacitor exhibits an anomalous dependence on the applied electrical potential. Such behavior is qualitatively incompatible with standard mean-field theories of the electrical double layer, but is consistent with observations made in experiment. The anomalous response results from structural changes induced in the interfacial region of the ionic liquid as it develops a charge density to screen the charge induced on the electrode surface. These structural changes are strongly influenced by the out-of-plane layering of the electrolyte and are multifaceted, including an abrupt local ordering of the ions adsorbed in the plane of the electrode surface, reorientation of molecular ions, and the spontaneous exchange of ions between different layers of the electrolyte close to the electrode surface. The local ordering exhibits signatures of a first-order phase transition, which would indicate a singular charge-density transition in a macroscopic limit

    Ionic liquids at electrified interfaces

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    Until recently, “room-temperature” (<100–150 °C) liquid-state electrochemistry was mostly electrochemistry of diluted electrolytes(1)–(4) where dissolved salt ions were surrounded by a considerable amount of solvent molecules. Highly concentrated liquid electrolytes were mostly considered in the narrow (albeit important) niche of high-temperature electrochemistry of molten inorganic salts(5-9) and in the even narrower niche of “first-generation” room temperature ionic liquids, RTILs (such as chloro-aluminates and alkylammonium nitrates).(10-14) The situation has changed dramatically in the 2000s after the discovery of new moisture- and temperature-stable RTILs.(15, 16) These days, the “later generation” RTILs attracted wide attention within the electrochemical community.(17-31) Indeed, RTILs, as a class of compounds, possess a unique combination of properties (high charge density, electrochemical stability, low/negligible volatility, tunable polarity, etc.) that make them very attractive substances from fundamental and application points of view.(32-38) Most importantly, they can mix with each other in “cocktails” of one’s choice to acquire the desired properties (e.g., wider temperature range of the liquid phase(39, 40)) and can serve as almost “universal” solvents.(37, 41, 42) It is worth noting here one of the advantages of RTILs as compared to their high-temperature molten salt (HTMS)(43) “sister-systems”.(44) In RTILs the dissolved molecules are not imbedded in a harsh high temperature environment which could be destructive for many classes of fragile (organic) molecules

    Dermacentor reticulatus: a vector on the rise

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    Dermacentor reticulatus is a hard tick species with extraordinary biological features. It has a high reproduction rate, a rapid developmental cycle, and is also able to overcome years of unfavourable conditions. Dermacentor reticulatus can survive under water for several months and is cold-hardy even compared to other tick species. It has a wide host range: over 60 different wild and domesticated hosts are known for the three active developmental stages. Its high adaptiveness gives an edge to this tick species as shown by new data on the emergence and establishment of D. reticulatus populations throughout Europe. The tick has been the research focus of a growing number of scientists, physicians and veterinarians. Within the Web of Science database, more than a fifth of the over 700 items published on this species between 1897 and 2015 appeared in the last three years (2013–2015). Here we attempt to synthesize current knowledge on the systematics, ecology, geographical distribution and recent spread of the species and to highlight the great spectrum of possible veterinary and public health threats it poses. Canine babesiosis caused by Babesia canis is a severe leading canine vector-borne disease in many endemic areas. Although less frequently than Ixodes ricinus, D. reticulatus adults bite humans and transmit several Rickettsia spp., Omsk haemorrhagic fever virus or Tick-borne encephalitis virus. We have not solely collected and reviewed the latest and fundamental scientific papers available in primary databases but also widened our scope to books, theses, conference papers and specialists colleagues’ experience where needed. Besides the dominant literature available in English, we also tried to access scientific literature in German, Russian and eastern European languages as well. We hope to inspire future research projects that are necessary to understand the basic life-cycle and ecology of this vector in order to understand and prevent disease threats. We conclude that although great strides have been made in our knowledge of the eco-epidemiology of this species, several gaps still need to be filled with basic research, targeting possible reservoir and vector roles and the key factors resulting in the observed geographical spread of D. reticulatus. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13071-016-1599-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Dismantling founder's syndrome

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    Founder’s syndrome is widely whispered about in the non-profit sector but rarely analyzed or dismantled. Contributor Susanna Kislenko has been studying the phenomenon for years and offers some insight

    Organized chaos: mapping the definitions of social entrepreneurship

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    Over the last 20 years, social entrepreneurship has attracted the attention of researchers from a wide variety of disciplines which has generated a great range of definitions of the term social entrepreneurship. This paper maps the existing definitions, using a citation map and cluster analysis methods. Studying 307 documents in total, the analysis reveals that – contrary to what has been commonly believed – there does, in fact, exist widespread consensus within the academic community on the definition and meaning of the term social entrepreneurship and it is primarily centred on the combination of social and financial goals, community ideals and innovation

    Structural and functional level of natural-language knowledge base

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    В даній статті розглядається питання побудови природно-мовної бази знань як складової індивідуальної мовної системи, що постає основою формування всіх сучасних технологій, орієнтованих на опрацювання природно-мовної інформації. В основу проектування бази знань закладається системний рівень мовної організації, що базується на інтегральному підході до аналізу мовленнєвої діяльності людини. На цьому шляху вдалося чітко визначити поняття базової семантико-синтаксичної структури, яка постає похідною від структурно-функціонального рівня зорового аналізатора. Ця структура постає квантом знань, тобто структурно організуючим компонентом формування і функціонування природно-мовної бази знань, що власне і визначає архітектуру такої БЗ. Пропонується створення бази знань на основі мережі взаємно повязаних квантів знань, представлених БССС. Розглядається можливість формування міждисциплінарної БЗ, в яку на структурному рівні закладається можливість автоматичного накопичення та доповнення знань, вимоги до структури такої БЗ, її загальні особливості та можливості її розширення. Розглядається можливість гнучкого налаштування процесу обміну інформацією з базою знань шляхом використання маркерів. Окремо окреслюються деякі обмеження і вимоги до лінгвістичного процесора як повязаної з БЗ складової індивідуальної мовної системи.This paper is focused on topic of creating of natural-language knowledgebase as part of individual language system proposed as a core of all modern technologies focused on processing of natural language information. The basis of design of knowledge base is system-level language organization based on an integrated approach to the analysis of speech activity. The basic syntax-semantic structure (BSSS) was defined as derivate from the structural and functional level of human visual analyzer. This structure is proposed as the quantum of knowledge, an organizing structural component of the natural-language knowledge base, and actually defines the architecture of such knowledge base .The authors propose creation of a knowledge base as a network of mutually connected quanta of knowledge, which are presented by BSSS. Also issue is the possibility of forming interdisciplinary KB, with the ability to automatically accumulate and supplement knowledge added at structural level and possibilities of its expansion, and the possibility of flexible adjustment of the communication with such knowledge base through the use of markers. Also some of the limitations and requirements for linguistic processor associated with the KB component of individual linguistic system are provided