605 research outputs found

    Trans-boundary relations between Russia and Ukraine and common logistic policy

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    Modern state of crossborder cooperation between Russia and Ukraine on the base of program-project principle was analyzed. Systemic steps for sustainable development of border area with consideration of ecological problem and new logistic were proposed

    Top-4 secrets for science literacy promotion

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    У статті наведено інформацію про новий сегмент наукової діяльності, який швидко розвивається в усьому світі та має умовну назву — наукова грамотність. Для підтвердження цієї думки наведено приклади з двох міжнародних конференцій, які були присвячені вказаному питанню (Пекін, 2018 та 2019 роки). Дискусії на зазначених конференціях надають достатньо підтверджень того, що наукова грамотність може мати власну нішу (цільова група, методологія тощо), яка відрізняється від добре відомого STEM (наука, технологія, інженерія, математика).В статье приведена информация о новом сегменте научной деятельности, который стремительно развивается во всем мире и носит условное название — научная грамотность. Для подтверждения приведены примеры из двух международных конференций по этому вопросу (Пекин, 2018 и 2019 годы). Дискуссии на этих конференциях дают достаточно подтверждений относительно того, что научная грамотность может иметь свою нишу (целевая группа, методология и т. д.), которая отличается от хорошо известного STEM (наука, технология, инженерия, математика).This article informs about new segment of scientific activity, which is developing rapidly through the entire world, namely: science literacy. The results of two international conferences on the subject (Beijing, 2018 and 2019) were presented. Discussions on these conferences gives enough confirmations that science literacy has its own niche (target group, methodology, etc.), which is differ from well-known STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics)

    An X-Ray Induced Structural Transition in La_0.875Sr_0.125MnO_3

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    We report a synchrotron x-ray scattering study of the magnetoresistive manganite La_0.875Sr_0.125MnO_3. At low temperatures, this material undergoes an x-ray induced structural transition at which charge ordering of Mn^3+ and Mn^4+ ions characteristic to the low-temperature state of this compound is destroyed. The transition is persistent but the charge-ordered state can be restored by heating above the charge-ordering transition temperature and subsequently cooling. The charge-ordering diffraction peaks, which are broadened at all temperatures, broaden more upon x-ray irradiation, indicating the finite correlation length of the charge-ordered state. Together with the recent reports on x-ray induced transitions in Pr_(1-x)Ca_xMnO_3, our results demonstrate that the photoinduced structural change is a common property of the charge-ordered perovskite manganites.Comment: 5 pages, 4 embedded EPS figures; significant changes in the data analysis mad

    Science literacy as the tool for surviving in the changing world

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    The objective of this article is to create background for providing research in science literacy area. Authors suggest ideas for extension of science literacy with the aim to save Ukrainian leading position for this direction in the world. Short information about the presentations on World Conference on Science Literacy is given. The Conference was organized by China Association for Science and Technology jointly with UNESCO and World Federation of Engineering Organizations in Beijing in 2018. Authors’ definition for science literacy and grounding for extension of research in this direction are given. Some recommendations are added for coordination of international cooperation for using science literacy as the tool for surviving in changing world.Целью статьи является методологическое обоснование необходимости исследований в сфере научной грамотности, излагаются идеи по развитию и пропаганде научной грамотности для сохранения ли-дерства Украины по этому направлению в мире. Приведена краткая информация о докладах, сделанных на Всемирной конференции по научной грамотности. Конференция организована Китайской ассоциацией по науке и технике (CAST) совместно с ЮНЕСКО и Всемирной федерацией инженерных организаций в Пекине в 2018 г. Дано авторское определение термина “научная грамотность”, а также обоснование необходимости разработки научной базы по этому направлению. Приведены рекомендации для координации усилий международной общественности, которые будут направлены на формирование научной грамотности как инструмента выживания в меняющемся мире.Метою статті є методологічне обґрунтування необхідності досліджень у сфері наукової грамотності, викладаються ідеї щодо розвитку та пропаганди наукової грамотності для збереження лідерства України у цьому напрямі в світі. Надана стисла інформація про доповіді, зроблені на Всесвітній конференції з наукової грамотності. Конференція була організована Китайською асоціацією з науки та технологій (CAST) спільно з ЮНЕСКО та Всесвітньою федерацією інженерних організацій у Пекіні в 2018 р. Надано авторське визначення терміну “наукова грамотність”, а також обґрунтування необхідності розробки наукової бази у цьому напрямі. Наведено рекомендації для координації зусиль світової спільноти, що будуть спрямовані на формування наукової грамотності як інструмента виживання у світі, що змінюється

    Temperature-dependent properties of the magnetic order in single-crystal BiFeO3

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    We report neutron diffraction and magnetization studies of the magnetic order in multiferroic BiFeO3. In ferroelectric monodomain single crystals, there are three magnetic cycloidal domains with propagation vectors equivalent by crystallographic symmetry. The cycloid period slowly grows with increasing temperature. The magnetic domain populations do not change with temperature except in the close vicinity of the N{\P}eel temperature, at which, in addition, a small jump in magneti- zation is observed. No evidence for the spin-reorientation transitions proposed in previous Raman and dielectric studies is found. The magnetic cycloid is slightly anharmonic for T=5 K. The an- harmonicity is much smaller than previously reported in NMR studies. At room temperature, a circular cycloid is observed, within errors. We argue that the observed anharmonicity provides important clues for understanding electromagnons in BiFeO3.Comment: In Press at PR

    Advanced Digital Competence of the Teacher

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    This chapter is devoted to the issues of changing the structure of the competence of teachers in the transformation of the school of the twenty-first century—the school of digital civilization. With this in mind, this chapter takes a fresh look at the advanced competencies of teachers of the near future in the context of these real school changes, the structure of which can be represented as the “triangle of digital competencies”: life, social, and professional. As shown by analytical studies and experimental experience of teacher training, the results of which are presented in this chapter, this triangle of competences will allow children to be included in the digital school environment and form their further activity in the smart education system in the profession throughout their lives. It is also important to note that new competencies have become the basis of a new profession in the school—a digital curator, which is also discussed in this chapter

    A geomechanical interpretation of the local seismicity related to eruptions and renewed activity on Tolbachik, Koryakskii, and Avacha Volcanoes, Kamchatka, in 2008–2012

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    The local seismicity during the 2012–2013 eruption of Tolbachik Volcano and the 2008–2009 steam–gas eruption of Koryakskii Volcano is here considered as resulting from injections of magma that produced dikes, sills, and renewed activity at preexisting faults. We identified plane-oriented earthquake clusters in order to reveal the above zones using earthquake catalogs made at the Kamchatka Branch of the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KB GS RAS). Subsequent space–time analysis of these observations lends itself to the following interpretation. The November 27, 2012 Tolbachik lava eruption was preceded by an injection of magma resulting in a series of dikes trending west-northwestward in the range of absolute depths between –4 and +3 km in a zone situated southeast of the Ploskii Tolbachik Volcano edifice. The dikes penetrated into a nearly horizontal permeable zone at an absolute depth of approximately zero, producing sills and emplacing a magma-conducting dike along the top of the zone of cinder cones (the dip angle is 50° toward the azimuth 300°) 5.5 km from the epicenter of the initial magma injection. The summit steam–gas eruption of Koryakskii Volcano in 2008–2009 was preceded by magma filling a crustal chamber (the top of the chamber is at –3 km absolute depth; the chamber is 2.5 km across) close to the southwestern base of Koryakskii. Further, magma injection in a nearly north–south zone (7.5 by 2.5 km), the absolute depth between –2 and –5 km) in the north sector of Koryakskii Volcano was occurring concurrently with the summit steam–gas eruption. The injection of magma into the cone of Avacha Volcano (2010) produced sills (at altitudes between +1600 and +1900 m) and dikes (mostly striking northwest)

    On the soliton width in the incommensurate phase of spin-Peierls systems

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    We study using bosonization techniques the effects of frustration due to competing interactions and of the interchain elastic couplings on the soliton width and soliton structure in spin-Peierls systems. We compare the predictions of this study with numerical results obtained by exact diagonalization of finite chains. We conclude that frustration produces in general a reduction of the soliton width while the interchain elastic coupling increases it. We discuss these results in connection with recent measurements of the soliton width in the incommensurate phase of CuGeO_3.Comment: 4 pages, latex, 2 figures embedded in the tex