106 research outputs found

    Three Models of Faust’s Character

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    The article examines three independent images of Faust, created during XVIII–XIX centuries by F. Klinger, I.F. Goethe and H. Heine and literary models, resulting from these images

    To integrate or to differentiate? - Towards resolving a multi-channel dilemma investigation of the effects of channel integration strategies on consumers\u27 evaluations of multi-channel utility and their adoption of multi-channel shopping

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    Multi-channel retailers have been adopting different multi-channel formats that range from complete channel separation (e.g., Victoria\u27s Secret) to close integration (e.g., Bed, Bath and Beyond). The purpose of this dissertation is to determine which multi-channel strategy offers the most value to multi-channel shoppers. The success of a multi-channel retailing strategy is believed to depend on the degree of channel complementarity as perceived by the retailer\u27s customers. Channel complementarity is defined as the degree to which multiple retail channels work synergistically to create value. Complementary channels give customers integrated solutions that create more value than the sum of the parts. It is proposed that channel complementarity arises from two distinct value creating factors - fulfillment integration and merchandising similarity. Integrated fulfillment refers to consumer perceptions about the existence of logistical links between the channels, which create purchasing process benefits that enable a customer to use the two channels interchangeably. Merchandising similarity is defined as consumer perceptions about the degree of correspondence between the channels in terms of product variety and assortment, pricing, and promotion. Using choice-based conjoint analysis, this dissertation shows that consumers prefer greater fulfillment integration and moderate levels of merchandising similarity between the store and the website of a multi-channel retailer. Website is perceived more favorably than the store in facilitating merchandising diversity in the multi-channel distribution system. The results also suggest that shoppers\u27 evaluations of channel complementarity vary across their shopping motivations, technology factors and perceived risks

    Techniques for upgrading educational standards in tourism: how to integrate business circles into university research?

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    Methodology of developing modern educational standards has to comply with the new economic trends. Meeting the requirements of the market is conditioned by the integration of higher professional education and business all over the world. For the implementation of this integration strategy it is efficient to use the module education principle. This paper considers the main components of the module educational program: projective, innovative, and learner-centered. It has been shown that integration of business into research university programs can provide the necessary synthesis of theoretical and practical aspects of training professionals in tourism

    Activities of Institutions of Russian Red Cross Society in Tobolsk Province during Russo-Japanese War: Materials of Newspaper ‘Sibirskiy Listok’

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    The activities of the institutions of the Russian Red Cross Society in Tobolsk Province during the Russo-Japanese War are presented. The source of the study is a regional periodical publication — the newspaper ‘Sibirskiy Listok’. Publications such as appeals, appeals, notifications, reports, telegrams, and others for the period 1904-1905 (a total of 202 newspaper issues) are examined. It is revealed that the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War contributed to the establishment of the Tobolsk Red Cross Administration and the development of the Tobolsk community of mercy sisters. The extensive materials studied allow us to conclude that the local branch of the Red Cross fully developed during the years of the war. The Ladies’ Committees served as management and organizational structures. The main activity, providing medical assistance, was carried out by the community of mercy sisters. The key directions of the activities of the Tobolsk branch of the Russian Red Cross Society during the Russo-Japanese War were the establishment and maintenance of the community of mercy sisters, the creation of a stage hospital, and the provision of all necessary support to the wounded. For this purpose, donations were collected from the population. Analysis of publications in ‘Sibirskiy Listok’ showed a high degree of activity of the province’s population in the activities of the Tobolsk branch of the Russian Red Cross Society

    MIning and tourism: is it possible to sustain resource-driven region?

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    Зависимость региональной экономики от добывающей промышленности - один их методологических и управленческих вызовов. Важно понять, как стимулировать появление новых социально-экономических траекторий и сформировать устойчивость сырьевого региона. В статье показывается, что новые траектории развития могут формироваться не только в диверсифицированной региональной экономике на основе смежных инноваций и "ответвлений" в технологически связанные отрасли. Технологическая связанность - не единственный способ для "старой" сырьевой экономики развить новое направление. Угольная промышленность и туризм часто рассматриваются как взаимоисключающие фокусы экономики, которые не могут сосуществовать в одном регионе. В этой статье мы покажем успешную модель появления туристической отрасли в традиционном угольном регионе, учитывающую стадии, механизмы, ресурсы и взаимодействие основных агентов изменений. В статье демонстрируется, что финансовые ресурсы, человеческий капитал, инфраструктура, сети, доступ к внешним ресурсам и лоббистский потенциал угольной промышленности могут стать критической основой для формирования туристической отрасли в регионе. Экономические интересы и ресурсы частных акторов, поддержанные стратегическими интересами государственной и местной политики, могут сформировать новую отрасль, технологически не связанную со "старой". Угольная промышленность и туризм могут формировать синергетический эффект и совместно обеспечивать устойчивое развитие территории. Модель несвязанной диверсификации создает условия для долгосрочного устойчивого развития и может быть использована в других российских сырьевых регионах.Dependence of regional economy on resource-driven path is one of methodological and regional policy challenges. It is crucial to understand how to stimulate new paths creation in locked-in resource-driven regions. This paper highlights that new path can appear not only in diversified regional economy by intercrossing innovations or by branching process to related technological spheres. It is shown that technological and infrastructure connectivity is not the only possible way for old industries to create a new one. Mining and tourism are often debated as sectors with conflict interests which never can co-exist in one region. In this article we offer the model to explain stages, interplay between main agents of changes, mechanisms and regional assets in the emergence of the tourism industry in mining region in Western Siberia, Russia. The key findings reveal synergy of mining and tourism in region sustainability. It is demonstrated that financial resources, human resources, networks, access to external resources, lobbing resources of the "coal" path can serve critical inputs to create a "tourism" one. Economic interests and resources of private actors mainstreamed and supported by strategic interests of the public policy may create a new path. Model of unrelated diversification provides long-term sustainable development of the region and can be used in other Russian regions

    The method of generation barcode for DNA certification of plants and organisms

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    In the current paper a new DNA certification method for living organisms were presented. The proposed approach is based on unique barcode that identifies a particular organism. The studies were conducted using several types of crops and model plant (potato, wheat, arabidopsis). The web based application was developed on the base of the proposed technique

    Quality of glycemic control in assessment of the requirement for insulin in patients with type 2 diabetes and comorbid pathology

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    Background. In modern medicine, several diseases exist that require an interdisciplinary approach, and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DT2), which can be considered as an initially comorbid pathology, is certainly one of these. Reportedly, a high level of comorbidity not only changes the presentation of the disease and makes diagnosis challenging, but in patients with comorbid diseases, the progression of the disease also increases, the prognosis worsens, and approaches to diagnosis and therapy change. For patients with DT2, a significant hallmark in the progression of the disease is the formation of insulin dependence. Determination of the mechanism behind comorbidity affecting the course and progression of diabetes, including the development of insulin dependence, necessitates research. In addition, the mutual influence of the quality of disease management of diabetes and the level of comorbidity also require investigation. Aims. We aimed to assess the influence of the quality of metabolic control and severity of comorbidity on the risk of insulin dependence in patients with DТ2. Materials and methods. A total of 166 patients with DT2 were divided into groups on the basis of the variant of hypoglycemic therapy, which was with either oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin therapy. The diagnostic complex included regular monitoring of glycaemia and the evaluation of the level of comorbidity. Results. The relationship between the quality of disease management and the level of comorbidity was established. With comorbidity measured using the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS), a score above 14 points reduced the effectiveness of the therapy and triggered the initiation of more intensive glycemic control. Data on the influence of the quality of glycemic control and the parameters of comorbidity on the risk of insulin dependence in patients with DT2 were obtained. Conclusions. High CIRS scores in patients with DТ2 reduce the likelihood of achieving glycemic control targets. These patients require more intensive self-monitoring (at least four times during the day), and the risk of formation of insulin dependence is increased by 1.5 times

    Monthly Runoff Forecasting by Non-Generalizing Machine Learning Model and Feature Space Transformation (Vakhsh River Case Study)

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    Energy prices and сost of materials for solar and wind power plants have increased over the past year. Therefore, significance increases for the hydropower and long-term (1-10 years) planning generation for the existing hydropower plants, which requires forecasting the average monthly values of the river flow. This task is especially urgent for countries without their own oil-fields and opportunity to invest in the creation of solar or wind power plants. The aim of the research is to decrease the mean absolute forecasting error of the long-term prediction for the Vakhsh River flow (Tajikistan) based on the long-term observations. A study of existing methods for the river runoff forecasting in relation to the object under consideration was carried out, and a new transformation model for the space of the input features was developed. The most significant results are the decrease in the average forecast error in the Vakhsh river flow achieved by the use of the proposed space of polynomial logarithmic features in comparison with other methods, and the need to use at least the 20 year-old observational data for the long-term operation planning of the hydropower plants and cascades of the hydropower plants obtained from the results of computational experiments. The significance of the results lies in the fact that a new approach to the long-term forecasting of river flow has been proposed and verified using the long-term observations. This approach does not require the use of the long-term meteorological forecasts, which are not possible to obtain with high accuracy for all regions. © 2022 Problems of the Regional Energetics. All rights reserved


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    Цель. Статья посвящена проблеме использования спортсменами различных допингов и запрещенных стероидов для повышения спортивных результатов. Авторы ставят целью обосновать усовершенствование Российского законодательства и антидопингового образования.Методология проведения работы. Основу исследования образует анализ правовых документов международного уровня и Российского законодательства, формулирование понятия «допинг», определение роли ВАДА при разработках антидопинговых информационно-образовательных программ для молодого поколения спортсменов. В работе авторы определили педагогические и организационные вопросы проблемы борьбы с допингом в спорте.Результаты. В ходе исследований установлено, что важной стороной педагогического аспекта является воспитательная работа. Авторами разработаны антидопинговые мероприятия, которые рекомендованы к применению в системе детско-юношеского спортивного образования и в вузах физической культуры.Область применения результатов. Результаты исследования рекомендованы к применению в образовательных методиках антидопингового характера в сфере физической культуры и спорта.Purpose. The article is devoted to the use by athletes of different performance enhancing drugs and banned anabolic steroids to enhance athletic performance. Authors aim to justify the improvement of the Russian legislation and anti-doping education.Methodology. The study constitutes an analysis of the legal documents of international standards and Russian legislation, the formulation of the concept of “doping”, the definition of the role of WADA in the development of anti-doping information and education programs for young generation of athletes. The authors identified pedagogical and organizational issues of the fight against doping in sport.Results. The studies found that an important thing of educational work is the pedagogical aspect. The authors have developed anti-doping activities that are recommended for use in the system of youth sports and education in the universities of physical culture.Practical implications. The results of the study are recommended for use in educational techniques anti-doping character in the sphere of physical culture and sports