2,009 research outputs found

    Numerical Experiments in Linear Control Theory Using Generalized X-Y Equations

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    Numerical investigations of the relative efficiency of Riccati versus non-Riccati based approaches to the determination of optimal feedback gains for linear dynamics-quadratic cost control processes over a finite interval are presented. The non-Riccati algorithms used are the so-called generalized X — Y functions [1] or Chandrasekhar-type [2] algorithms. The results of the experiments show that the generalized X — Y approach has significant computational advantages over the usual Riccati equation and, in many cases, the computational gain exceeds rough estimates based solely upon a count of the number of equations to be integrated. © 1976, IEEE

    Angular-dependence of magnetization switching for a multi-domain dot: experiment and simulation

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    We have measured the in-plane angular variation of nucleation and annihilation fields of a multi-domain magnetic single dot with a microsquid. The dots are Fe/Mo(110) self-assembled in UHV, with sub-micron size and a hexagonal shape. The angular variations were quantitatively reproduced by micromagnetic simulations. Discontinuities in the variations are observed, and shown to result from bifurcations related to the interplay of the non-uniform magnetization state with the shape of the dot.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, for submission as a regular articl

    Dynamic approach for micromagnetics close to the Curie temperature

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    In conventional micromagnetism magnetic domain configurations are calculated based on a continuum theory for the magnetization which is assumed to be of constant length in time and space. Dynamics is usually described with the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation the stochastic variant of which includes finite temperatures. Using simulation techniques with atomistic resolution we show that this conventional micromagnetic approach fails for higher temperatures since we find two effects which cannot be described in terms of the LLG equation: i) an enhanced damping when approaching the Curie temperature and, ii) a magnetization magnitude that is not constant in time. We show, however, that both of these effects are naturally described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch equation which links the LLG equation with the theory of critical phenomena and turns out to be a more realistic equation for magnetization dynamics at elevated temperatures

    A Method to Assess the Organizing Behaviors Used in Physicians\u27 Counseling of Standardized Parents after Newborn Genetic Screening

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    Well-organized conversation can improve people’s ability to comprehend and retain information. As part of a long-term effort to adapt Quality Improvement techniques for communication, we developed an explicit criteria method to assess usage of three organizing behaviors (OBs): ‘opening behaviors’ to establish goals; ‘structuring behaviors’ to guide patients through conversation; and ‘emphasizing behaviors’ that signal a need for attention. Pairs of abstractors independently reviewed transcripts in a demonstration sample of conversations between physicians and standardized parents after newborn screening identifies carrier status for sickle cell disease. Criteria for at least one OB were identified in 50/84 transcripts (60%), including 27 with at least one opening behavior (32%), 5 with at least one structuring behavior (6%), and 38 with at least one emphasizing behavior (45%). The limited number of OBs raises concern about communication after newborn screening. Assessment and improvement of OB usage may improve understanding and allow parents to more actively participate in health care

    Behavior of tumors under nonstationary theraphy

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    We present a model for the interaction dynamics of lymphocytes-tumor cells population. This model reproduces all known states for the tumor. Futherly,we develop it taking into account periodical immunotheraphy treatment with cytokines alone. A detailed analysis for the evolution of tumor cells as a function of frecuency and theraphy burden applied for the periodical treatment is carried out. Certain threshold values for the frecuency and applied doses are derived from this analysis. So it seems possible to control and reduce the growth of the tumor. Also, constant values for cytokines doses seems to be a succesful treatment.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Implementing Jet Aircraft Training in a University Setting: Instructor Perceptions and Lessons Learned

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    This paper presents the findings of a phenomenological study of instructor pilot first-hand experiences when conducting training for collegiate flight students in a jet aircraft. While jet training has been conducted in simulators in the past, this was one of the first instances of training in an actual aircraft. A total of 22 students completed training in a very light jet aircraft during the spring semester of their junior year at the subject university. A group of four instructors conducted both simulator and flight training with the students. Surveys were used to collect data from instructors longitudinally throughout the length of the 16-week semester. At the conclusion of the training period, participants completed a structured interview. The results of those interviews suggested that students excelled in areas such as avionics programming, use of standardized operating procedures, and checklist usage. Students were challenged by the increased operating speeds of the jet aircraft, descent planning, and lesson preparedness. The instructors offered suggestions to enhance the course and provided a summary of the lessons learned

    Three-dimensional magnetic flux-closure patterns in mesoscopic Fe islands

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    We have investigated three-dimensional magnetization structures in numerous mesoscopic Fe/Mo(110) islands by means of x-ray magnetic circular dichroism combined with photoemission electron microscopy (XMCD-PEEM). The particles are epitaxial islands with an elongated hexagonal shape with length of up to 2.5 micrometer and thickness of up to 250 nm. The XMCD-PEEM studies reveal asymmetric magnetization distributions at the surface of these particles. Micromagnetic simulations are in excellent agreement with the observed magnetic structures and provide information on the internal structure of the magnetization which is not accessible in the experiment. It is shown that the magnetization is influenced mostly by the particle size and thickness rather than by the details of its shape. Hence, these hexagonal samples can be regarded as model systems for the study of the magnetization in thick, mesoscopic ferromagnets.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Energy-resolved electron-spin dynamics at surfaces of p-doped GaAs

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    Electron-spin relaxation at different surfaces of p-doped GaAs is investigated by means of spin, time and energy resolved 2-photon photoemission. These results are contrasted with bulk results obtained by time-resolved Faraday rotation measurements as well as calculations of the Bir-Aronov-Pikus spin-flip mechanism. Due to the reduced hole density in the band bending region at the (100) surface the spin-relaxation time increases over two orders of magnitude towards lower energies. At the flat-band (011) surface a constant spin relaxation time in agreement with our measurements and calculations for bulk GaAs is obtained.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    The BFKL Pomeron in 2+1 Dimensional QCD

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    We investigate the high-energy scattering in the spontaneously broken Yang - Mills gauge theory in 2+1 space--time dimensions and present the exact solution of the leading lns\ln s BFKL equation. The solution is constructed in terms of special functions using the earlier results of two of us (L.N.L. and L.S.). The analytic properties of the tt-channel partial wave as functions of the angular momentum and momentum transfer have been studied. We find in the angular momentum plane: (i) a Regge pole whose trajectory has an intercept larger than 1 and (ii) a fixed cut with the rightmost singularity located at j=1j=1. The massive Yang - Mills theory can be considered as a theoretical model for the (non-perturbative) Pomeron. We study the main structure and property of the solution including the Pomeron trajectory at momentum transfer different from zero. The relation to the results of M. Li and C-I. Tan for the massless case is discussed.Comment: 28 pages LATEX, 3 EPS figures include

    Heavy quark production as sensitive test for an improved description of high energy hadron collisions

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    QCD dynamics at small quark and gluon momentum fractions or large total energy, which plays a major role for HERA, the Tevatron, RHIC and LHC physics, is still poorly understood. For one of the simplest processes, namely bottom-antibottom production, next-to-leading-order perturbation theory fails. We show that the combination of two recently developed theoretical concepts, the k_perp-factorization and the next-to-leading-logarithmic-approximation BFKL vertex, gives perfect agreement with data. One can therefore hope that these concepts provide a valuable foundation for the description of other high energy processes.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 7 figures titel and abstract changed, several formulations modified in the text, 1 figure droppe