124 research outputs found

    The Universlity Class of Monopole Condensation in Non-Compact, Quenched Lattice QED

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    Finite size scaling studies of monopole condensation in noncompact quenched lattice QEDQED indicate an authentic second order phase transition lying in the universality class of four dimensional percolation. Since the upper critical dimension of percolation is six, the measured critical indices are far from mean-field values. We propose a simple set of ratios as the exact critical indices for this transition. The implication of these results for critical points in Abelian gauge theories are discussed.Comment: ILL-(TH)-92-6, CERN-TH.6515/92, 10 pages, no figures available as PS fil

    Monte Carlo Methods for Rough Free Energy Landscapes: Population Annealing and Parallel Tempering

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    Parallel tempering and population annealing are both effective methods for simulating equilibrium systems with rough free energy landscapes. Parallel tempering, also known as replica exchange Monte Carlo, is a Markov chain Monte Carlo method while population annealing is a sequential Monte Carlo method. Both methods overcome the exponential slowing associated with high free energy barriers. The convergence properties and efficiency of the two methods are compared. For large systems, population annealing initially converges to equilibrium more rapidly than parallel tempering for the same amount of computational work. However, parallel tempering converges exponentially and population annealing inversely in the computational work so that ultimately parallel tempering approaches equilibrium more rapidly than population annealing.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Kob-Andersen model: a non-standard mechanism for the glassy transition

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    We present new results reflecting the analogies between the Kob-Andersen model and other glassy systems. Studying the stability of the blocked configurations above and below the transition we also give arguments that supports their relevance for the glassy behaviour of the model. However we find, surprisingly, that the organization of the phase space of the system is different from the well known organization of other mean-field spin glasses and structural glasses.Comment: New reference added and one update

    Noise sensitivity of sub- and supercritically bifurcating patterns with group velocities close to the convective-absolute instability

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    The influence of small additive noise on structure formation near a forwards and near an inverted bifurcation as described by a cubic and quintic Ginzburg Landau amplitude equation, respectively, is studied numerically for group velocities in the vicinity of the convective-absolute instability where the deterministic front dynamics would empty the system.Comment: 16 pages, 7 Postscript figure

    A framework for evaluating qualitative changes in learners’ experience and engagement: Developing communicative English teaching and learning in Bangladesh

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    This article presents the context and framework for evaluation studies of educational transformations associated with the English in Action Project, Bangladesh (EIA) as it progresses over a 9-year period. EIA was launched in May 2008 with the intention of developing communicative English language learning and teaching in Bangladesh. Through a range of interventions involving school students, teachers and young adults, EIA aims to achieve measurable changes in the way that English in taught and learned in Bangladesh, such that useful communicative competence results. Before the interventions were launched, baseline research was undertaken to examine the environment and contexts within which the project would operate. The baseline studies not only provide information and data that will enable subsequent comparisons to be made to assess the impact and effects of the project, they also make evidence available to inform the development of project activities. Innovative approaches to language and teacher development are being employed in order to address the challenges and legacy issues identified. Evaluation of the anticipated qualitative changes over the life of EIA requires a broad programme of studies focusing on the various target beneficiaries

    Dynamics of fluctuations in a fluid below the onset of Rayleigh-B\'enard convection

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    We present experimental data and their theoretical interpretation for the decay rates of temperature fluctuations in a thin layer of a fluid heated from below and confined between parallel horizontal plates. The measurements were made with the mean temperature of the layer corresponding to the critical isochore of sulfur hexafluoride above but near the critical point where fluctuations are exceptionally strong. They cover a wide range of temperature gradients below the onset of Rayleigh-B\'enard convection, and span wave numbers on both sides of the critical value for this onset. The decay rates were determined from experimental shadowgraph images of the fluctuations at several camera exposure times. We present a theoretical expression for an exposure-time-dependent structure factor which is needed for the data analysis. As the onset of convection is approached, the data reveal the critical slowing-down associated with the bifurcation. Theoretical predictions for the decay rates as a function of the wave number and temperature gradient are presented and compared with the experimental data. Quantitative agreement is obtained if allowance is made for some uncertainty in the small spacing between the plates, and when an empirical estimate is employed for the influence of symmetric deviations from the Oberbeck-Boussinesq approximation which are to be expected in a fluid with its density at the mean temperature located on the critical isochore.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 52 reference

    Transport in rough self-affine fractures

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    Transport properties of three-dimensional self-affine rough fractures are studied by means of an effective-medium analysis and numerical simulations using the Lattice-Boltzmann method. The numerical results show that the effective-medium approximation predicts the right scaling behavior of the permeability and of the velocity fluctuations, in terms of the aperture of the fracture, the roughness exponent and the characteristic length of the fracture surfaces, in the limit of small separation between surfaces. The permeability of the fractures is also investigated as a function of the normal and lateral relative displacements between surfaces, and is shown that it can be bounded by the permeability of two-dimensional fractures. The development of channel-like structures in the velocity field is also numerically investigated for different relative displacements between surfaces. Finally, the dispersion of tracer particles in the velocity field of the fractures is investigated by analytic and numerical methods. The asymptotic dominant role of the geometric dispersion, due to velocity fluctuations and their spatial correlations, is shown in the limit of very small separation between fracture surfaces.Comment: submitted to PR

    Screened Coulomb interactions in metallic alloys: I. Universal screening in the atomic sphere approximation

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    We have used the locally self-consistent Green's function (LSGF) method in supercell calculations to establish the distribution of the net charges assigned to the atomic spheres of the alloy components in metallic alloys with different compositions and degrees of order. This allows us to determine the Madelung potential energy of a random alloy in the single-site mean field approximation which makes the conventional single-site density-functional- theory coherent potential approximation (SS-DFT-CPA) method practically identical to the supercell LSGF method with a single-site local interaction zone that yields an exact solution of the DFT problem. We demonstrate that the basic mechanism which governs the charge distribution is the screening of the net charges of the alloy components that makes the direct Coulomb interactions short-ranged. In the atomic sphere approximation, this screening appears to be almost independent of the alloy composition, lattice spacing, and crystal structure. A formalism which allows a consistent treatment of the screened Coulomb interactions within the single-site mean-filed approximation is outlined. We also derive the contribution of the screened Coulomb interactions to the S2 formalism and the generalized perturbation method.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    A Solvable Regime of Disorder and Interactions in Ballistic Nanostructures, Part I: Consequences for Coulomb Blockade

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    We provide a framework for analyzing the problem of interacting electrons in a ballistic quantum dot with chaotic boundary conditions within an energy ETE_T (the Thouless energy) of the Fermi energy. Within this window we show that the interactions can be characterized by Landau Fermi liquid parameters. When gg, the dimensionless conductance of the dot, is large, we find that the disordered interacting problem can be solved in a saddle-point approximation which becomes exact as g→∞g\to\infty (as in a large-N theory). The infinite gg theory shows a transition to a strong-coupling phase characterized by the same order parameter as in the Pomeranchuk transition in clean systems (a spontaneous interaction-induced Fermi surface distortion), but smeared and pinned by disorder. At finite gg, the two phases and critical point evolve into three regimes in the um−1/gu_m-1/g plane -- weak- and strong-coupling regimes separated by crossover lines from a quantum-critical regime controlled by the quantum critical point. In the strong-coupling and quantum-critical regions, the quasiparticle acquires a width of the same order as the level spacing Δ\Delta within a few Δ\Delta's of the Fermi energy due to coupling to collective excitations. In the strong coupling regime if mm is odd, the dot will (if isolated) cross over from the orthogonal to unitary ensemble for an exponentially small external flux, or will (if strongly coupled to leads) break time-reversal symmetry spontaneously.Comment: 33 pages, 14 figures. Very minor changes. We have clarified that we are treating charge-channel instabilities in spinful systems, leaving spin-channel instabilities for future work. No substantive results are change
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