24 research outputs found

    Lungworms and gastrointestinal parasites of domestic cats: a European perspective

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    With the exception of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus, feline lungworms have been poorly studied. Information on their distribution is patchy and mostly limited to case reports. In this study, the occurrence of feline lungworms and co-infecting gastrointestinal parasites has been investigated in 12 European countries (i.e. Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom). An average of 10 domestic cats, with regular outdoor access, was sampled each month for 12 months, and freshly passed faeces were collected. Stools were processed using a McMaster assay and a quantitative Baermann-Wetzel method. Animals positive for lungworms and/or gastrointestinal parasites were treated with a formulation containing fipronil, (S)-methoprene, eprinomectin, and praziquantel (Broadline®, Merial), and re-sampled 28 days post-treatment. The association between lungworm infection and risk factors was analysed using statistical medians/means and the efficacy of the treatment against each lungworm species was assessed. Of 1990 cats sampled, 613 (30.8%) were positive for at least one parasite, while 210 (10.6%) were infected by lungworms. The prevalence of lungworm infection varied between the sampled sites, with the highest recorded in Bulgaria (35.8%) and the lowest in Switzerland (0.8%). None of the cats from Austria or the United Kingdom were infected by lungworms. Aelurostrongylus abstrusus was the species most frequently detected (78.1%), followed by Troglostrongylus brevior (19.5%), Eucoleus aerophilus (14.8%) and Oslerus rostratus (3.8%). The overall efficacy of the treatment was 99% for A. abstrusus and 100% for T. brevior, O. rostratus and E. aerophilus. Data presented provide a comprehensive account of the diagnosis, epidemiology and treatment of feline lungworms in Europe, as well as of the occurrence of co-infections by gastrointestinal parasites.This work was funded by Merial SAS (Europe)

    Vector-borne helminths of dogs and humans in Europe

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    Preliminary study on the prevalence of endoparasite infections and vector-borne diseases in outdoor dogs in Bulgaria

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    The present work was designed to evaluate the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites and some vector-borne pathogens in dogs in Bulgaria. A total of 172 owned dogs, keeping outside, were included in the study. Fecal samples were examined using standard flotation and sedimentation methods. Blood samples were processed by Knott’s technique, SNAP™ 4Dx Plus Test (IDEXX) and Angio Detect™ Test (IDEXX). The overall prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites was 64.5%. Eggs of hookworms (Ancylostoma sp. and Uncinaria sp.) were the most frequently detected (54.1%), followed by Trichuris vulpis (15.1%), Capillaria sp. (11.0%), Toxocara canis (6.4%), Cystoisospora sp. (4.1%), Sarcocystis sp. (2.3%), Toxascaris leonina (1.7%), Taenia sp. (1.2%) and Linguatula serrata (0.6%). In addition, hookworms were the most commonly involved in the cases of single infection (20.3%). Combinations between Capillaria sp./hookworms and T. vulpis/hookworms were the most common co-infections (4.1% and 2.9%, respectively). Blood samples revealed the presence of antibodies against Ehrlichia sp. (13.4%), Anaplasma sp. (13.4%) and Borrelia burgdorferi (1.7%). Antigens of Dirofilaria immitis and Angiostrongylus vasorum were detected in 10.5% and 0.6% of the samples tested, respectively. Microfilariae of Dirofilaria repens were found in 5.8% of the blood samples. Additionally, the prevalence of D. immitis and Ehrlichia sp. was significantly higher in adult than in young dogs (p<0.05). In contrast, the gender was not considered as a risk factor contributing to the occurrence of infections

    Clinical study of acute haemonchosis in lambs

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    In this study are presented clinical approaches in lambs with experimentally induced haemonchosis. Eighteen lambs aged about 3 months were included in the investigation. The animals were divided into 3 groups and were inoculated by Haemonchus contortus infective larvae (L3) in following order: G1 - 6000 L3; G2 - 4000 L3 and G3 served as a noninfected control group. Clinical signs were observed weekly for 77 days. Simultaneously, we also studied the changes in bodyweight and egg shedding from the lambs. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of infective dose on degree of clinical manifestation and bodyweight, and also a rate of egg excretion by feces. The results showed that the most common clinical signs in haemonchosis are weakness, lethargy, lack of appetite, thirst, increased heart rate and breathing, pale conjunctiva and gingiva and mushy stools. Those signs started at 21st day after infection and were most pronounced about 35th day in G2 and 49th day in G1

    Clinical case of life-threatening co-infection due to Dirofilaria immitis and Aelurostrongylus abstrusus in a cat: First report of feline heartworm disease in Bulgaria

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    The present report describes the first clinically manifested and serologically proven case of Dirofilaria immitis infection in a cat in Bulgaria. A 10-year-old intact male cat was referred to the Small Animal Clinic, Trakia University with a history of anorexia, weight loss, intermittent coughing and itching skin lesions on the head and neck. Physical examination revealed abnormal heart sounds and respiration, cyanosis of the mucous membranes, and generalized enlargement of the lymph nodes. Mild infestation with hard ticks and fleas was also detected during the initial skin inspection. In addition, adult Otodectes cynotis mites were observed in the skin lesions. The fecal sample was positive for larvae of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus and eggs of Toxocara cati. Blood serology revealed antigens of D. immitis as well as antibodies against both feline immunodeficiency virus and D. immitis. Thoracic radiographic findings included a pronounced generalized reticular interstitial pattern; alveolar and bronchial shades with multiple nodular thickenings throughout the lungs. Electrocardiography demonstrated a sinus tachycardia, a peaked P-wave (P-pulmonale) and an abnormally low ST-segment. The clinical signs disappeared after treatment with selamectin, doxycycline and corticosteroids. Despite the improvement in general health condition, the cat suddenly died several months later

    Antiproliferative Effects of Fluoxetine on Colon Cancer Cells and in a Colonic Carcinogen Mouse Model

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    The antidepressant fluoxetine has been under discussion because of its potential influence on cancer risk. It was found to inhibit the development of carcinogen-induced preneoplastic lesions in colon tissue, but the mechanisms of action are not well understood. Therefore, we investigated anti-proliferative effects, and used HT29 colon tumor cells in vitro, as well as C57BL/6 mice exposed to intra-rectal treatment with the carcinogen N-methyl-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) as models. Fluoxetine increased the percentage of HT29 cells in the G0/G1 phase of cell-cycle, and the expression of p27 protein. This was not related to an induction of apoptosis, reactive oxygen species or DNA damage. In vivo, fluoxetine reduced the development of MNNG-induced dysplasia and vascularization-related dysplasia in colon tissue, which was analyzed by histopathological techniques. An anti-proliferative potential of fluoxetine was observed in epithelial and stromal areas. It was accompanied by a reduction of VEGF expression and of the number of cells with angiogenic potential, such as CD133, CD34, and CD31-positive cell clusters. Taken together, our findings suggest that fluoxetine treatment targets steps of early colon carcinogenesis. This confirms its protective potential, explaining at least partially the lower colon cancer risk under antidepressant therapy