47 research outputs found

    Sediment Transport and Floods In A Changing Climate

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    Rainfall intensity and river flood magnitudes in Norway are expected to increase in the near future due to climate change. This thesis investigates the morphological impacts this increase in rainfall intensity will have on pluvial river flood events. The 2-D numerical morphologic model FINEL2D is applied to 3 scenarios, with 5-hour rainfall courses of different intensities. To explore the differences between hydrologic and morphologic models, parallel simulations with the morphologic module turned off are carried out for comparison. Special attention is given to the effect that differences in slope in a river have on sediment transport. Reliability of morphologic models, and their applications in river flood maps, are discussed. The simulation results imply an exponential relationship between rainfall intensity and sediment transport in rivers. A 50% increase in rainfall intensity results in a doubling of transported sediment. The differences between a morphologic and hydrologic simulation amounts to significant variations in flood-levels and flow extension based on the terrain and river layout. Differences in slope is identified as a driving factor of morphological changes. Sediment is eroded from steep segments of a river and causes sedimentation in flatter areas. The model strives towards an equilibrium in flow conditions, and thus flattens out differences in slopes. Morphological models are able to accurately hindcast morphological changes over time. It is argued that the behavior of morphological models to find an equilibrium, makes them in large part able to predict morphological changes in a flood event. Even with the strong non-linear behavior and added uncertainties, a morphologic model has several benefits over a hydrologic model, making them potentially valuable in flood maps. The importance of morphological models may become even more relevant with a future increase in rainfall intensity caused by climate change, which results in larger morphological changes in a flood event.Masteroppgave i anvendt og beregningsorientert matematikkMAB399MAMN-MA

    Creating gender exceptionalism: The role of global indexes

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    In this chapter, the authors examine critically the rise of global indexes and ask how they helped build and shape the idea of Nordic gender exceptionalism, as the region's members moved from being Cold War-era 'middle way countries' to the 'top of the world' in the age of globalization. In so doing, the authors make two principal arguments: that indexes powerfully and peculiarly shape the discourse on Nordic gender exceptionalism and that their constructive limitations and constituent power are often underplayed in policy discussions. Moving beyond the role of indexes in diffusing and strengthening Nordic gender exceptionalism, some comments on the broader power of indexes on shaping the people understanding of Nordic gender equality are warranted. They argued that global indexes may contribute to the shaping of Nordic gender exceptionalism in two discrete ways. It is argued that some caution should be exercised in their naïve reception and use.publishedVersio

    En studie om aksjonslæring i lærende organisasjoner

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    Formålet med oppgaven er å undersøke om aksjonslæring vil bidra til å forsterke Peter Senges disipliner om lærende organisasjoner. Vi har brukt en kvalitativ forskningsmetode, hvor vi har gjennomført semistrukturerte intervjuer av seks kursdeltagere i pilotprosjektet «Lær i veg» i Statens vegvesen. Funnene våre viser at aksjonslæring vil forsterke Senges fem disipliner, og dermed kunne bidra til å skape en lærende organisasjon

    Worst-case analysis of array beampatterns using interval arithmetic

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    Over the past decade, interval arithmetic (IA) has been utilized to determine tolerance bounds of phased array beampatterns. IA only requires that the errors of the array elements are bounded, and can provide reliable beampattern bounds even when a statistical model is missing. However, previous research has not explored the use of IA to find the error realizations responsible for achieving specific bounds. In this study, the capabilities of IA are extended by introducing the concept of ``backtracking'', which provides a direct way of addressing how specific bounds can be attained. Backtracking allows for the recovery of both the specific error realization and the corresponding beampattern, enabling the study and verification of which errors result in the worst-case array performance in terms of the peak sidelobe level. Moreover, IA is made applicable to a wider range of arrays by adding support for arbitrary array geometries with directive elements and mutual coupling, in addition to element amplitude, phase, and positioning errors. Lastly, a simple formula for approximate bounds of uniformly bounded errors is derived and numerically verified. This formula gives insights into how array size and apodization cannot reduce the worst-case peak sidelobe level beyond a certain limit.Comment: This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires author and AIP Publishing prior permission. This article appears in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0019715. The current e-print was typeset by the authors and can differ in, e.g., pagination, reference numbering, and typographic detai

    Security-Related Benefits and Challenges of an Open Source Extension

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    A case study of an antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance system in Indi

    Closing the Gap: A human rights approach to regulating corporations

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    This paper examines the current system regulating state and corporate behavior with regards to human rights. As such it contributes to the debate on a global treaty on business and human rights through an interdisciplinary, human rights approach. The analysis takes a threefold approach to how one can best regulate corporations to secure an increased protection of rights. First, it asks whether there is a regulatory gap in protection in the current system. Reflecting on existing theories the hypothesis is that there is a protection gap. To assess the hypothesis the paper takes an empirical approach, building on data from a newly constructed database holding information on 82 global standards. Through a quantitative analysis of the standards, it concludes that there is a gap in protection that has to be addressed. Second, having established a gap, the analysis further examines corporate and sectorial standards as alternatives to a global treaty. Relying on the same data, it quantitatively analyses the alternatives. Taking a human rights approach, it compares standards on human rights language, inclusion of human rights treaties, strength, parties, and enforcement mechanisms. It concludes that while neither corporate nor sectorial standards appear to have the potential to close the gap, a combination between sectorial standards and a global treaty may be a good solution. Third, given the conclusion that a global treaty may be the best option, the final chapter asks if treaties have an impact. To answer the question, the paper examines the legislative impact of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FWCTC) on domestic legislation. Building on existing research and showing a clear link based on a newly constructed dataset, the analysis concludes that the FWCTC appears to have had a significant impact on the development of new regulation. Based on the theoretical discussions and empirical findings, the paper concludes that the best way to regulate corporations and states, to increase the protection of human rights, appears to be through a global framework convention; perhaps preferably supplemented by sectorial treaties

    Plagiat av musikkverk

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    Krenkelsesvurderingen i opphavsretten når verkstypen er musikkverk

    Ekspertalarm - Dette må du vite om helsefellene

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    Ein kvantitativ og kvalitativ analyse av rettleiingsjournalistikken om kropp og helse i Dagbladet, med særleg vekt på ekspertane si rolle. Analysen tek føre seg året 2011 og peikar på utbreidde trekk og tendensar ved rettleiingsstoffet, både på framsider og i artiklar