23 research outputs found

    Taming the terminological tempest in invasion science

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    Standardised terminology in science is important for clarity of interpretation and communication. In invasion science – a dynamic and rapidly evolving discipline – the proliferation of technical terminology has lacked a standardised framework for its development. The result is a convoluted and inconsistent usage of terminology, with various discrepancies in descriptions of damage and interventions. A standardised framework is therefore needed for a clear, universally applicable, and consistent terminology to promote more effective communication across researchers, stakeholders, and policymakers. Inconsistencies in terminology stem from the exponential increase in scientific publications on the patterns and processes of biological invasions authored by experts from various disciplines and countries since the 1990s, as well as publications by legislators and policymakers focusing on practical applications, regulations, and management of resources. Aligning and standardising terminology across stakeholders remains a challenge in invasion science. Here, we review and evaluate the multiple terms used in invasion science (e.g. ‘non-native’, ‘alien’, ‘invasive’ or ‘invader’, ‘exotic’, ‘non-indigenous’, ‘naturalised’, ‘pest’) to propose a more simplified and standardised terminology. The streamlined framework we propose and translate into 28 other languages is based on the terms (i) ‘non-native’, denoting species transported beyond their natural biogeographic range, (ii) ‘established non-native’, i.e. those non-native species that have established self-sustaining populations in their new location(s) in the wild, and (iii) ‘invasive non-native’ – populations of established non-native species that have recently spread or are spreading rapidly in their invaded range actively or passively with or without human mediation. We also highlight the importance of conceptualising ‘spread’ for classifying invasiveness and ‘impact’ for management. Finally, we propose a protocol for classifying populations based on (i) dispersal mechanism, (ii) species origin, (iii) population status, and (iv) impact. Collectively and without introducing new terminology, the framework that we present aims to facilitate effective communication and collaboration in invasion science and management of non-native species

    Клінічний випадок тяжкої негоспітальної пневмонії, ускладненої гострим респіраторним дистрес-синдромом

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    Nowadays, pneumonia continues to be an important medical and social problem, which is associated with an increase in prevalence, disability and mortality rates worldwide. According to epidemiological studies, among patients with pneumonia, men predominate — 55 %, the prevalence and severity of the disease increases with age. According to official statistics, in 2017 the incidence of adult pneumonia in Ukraine amounted to 384.0 per 100,000 of the population, and mortality — 11.7 per 100,000.Community­acquired pneumonia (CAP), which occurred outside of medical facilities or was diagnosed within the first 48 hours of hospitalization, is one of the most common clinical conditions in the adult population. The development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) on the background of CAP deserves of the special attention, the main characteristic features of which are bilateral lung tissue infiltration and severe hypoxemia in the absence of cardiogenic pulmonary edema, whose total mortality is 40—60 % and is compared with mortality from lung cancer.We present the results of the successful treatment of a patient with severe CAP complicated by ARDS on the basis of the Kharkiv Military Medical Clinical Center of the Northern Region in this publication. The treatment was carried out in accordance with a unified protocol for the provision of medical care to adults, patients with CAP and ARDS.Comprehensive treatment of the patient was accompanied by pronounced positive dynamics of the pathological process, which led to a complete radiological recovery. On the 24th day, he was discharged from the clinic in satisfactory condition with recommendations regarding lifestyle and further sanatorium treatment.На сегодняшний день пневмония продолжает оставаться важной медико-социальной проблемой, что связано с ростом показателей распространенности, инвалидизации и смертности во всем мире. По данным эпидемиологических исследований среди больных пневмонией преобладают мужчины — 55 %, а распространенность и тяжесть заболевания увеличивается с возрастом. По данным официальной статистики, в 2017 г. заболеваемость взрослых пневмонией в Украине составила 384,0 на 100 тыс. населения, а смертность – 11,7 на 100 тыс. населения.Негоспитальная пневмония (НП), которая возникла вне лечебных учреждений или была диагностирована в первые 48 ч с момента госпитализации, является одним из самых распространенных клинических состояний среди взрослого населения. Наличие факторов риска способствует не только значительному росту частоты госпитализаций, но и осложнению течения заболевания. Особого внимания заслуживает развитие острого респираторного дистресс-синдрома (ОРДС) на фоне НП, основными характерными признаками которого являются двусторонняя инфильтрация легочной ткани и тяжелая гипоксемия при отсутствии кардиогенного отека легких, общая летальность которого составляет 40—60 % и сравнивается со смертностью от рака легких.В данной публикации представлен клинический пример диагностики и лечения больного НП тяжелого течения, осложненной ОРДС, на базе Военно-медицинского клинического центра северного региона г. Харькова. Лечение проводилось согласно унифицированного протокола оказания медицинской помощи взрослым, больным НП и ОРДС.Комплексное лечение пациента сопровождалось выраженной положительной динамикой патологического процесса, что привело к полному рентгенологическому выздоровлению. На 24-й день он был выписан из клиники в удовлетворительном состоянии с рекомендациями в отношении образа жизни и дальнейшего санаторного лечения.На сьогодні пневмонія продовжує залишатись важливою медико-соціальною проблемою, що пов’язано зі зростанням показників поширеності, інвалідизації та смертності в усьому світі. За даними епідеміологічних досліджень серед хворих на пневмонію переважають чоловіки — 55 %, а поширеність і тяжкість захворювання збільшується з віком. За даними офіційної статистики, у 2017 р. захворюваність дорослих на пневмонію в Україні склала 384,0 на 100 тис. населення, а смертність – 11,7 на 100 тис. населення.Негоспітальна пневмонія (НП), що виникла поза лікувальними закладами або була діагностована в перші 48 год від моменту госпіталізації, є одним із найпоширеніших клінічних станів серед дорослого населення. Наявність факторів ризику сприяє не лише значному зростанню частоти госпіталізацій, але й ускладненню перебігу захворювання. Особливої уваги заслуговує розвиток гострого респіраторного дистрес-синдрому (ГРДС) на тлі НП, основними характерними ознаками якого є двобічна інфільтрація легеневої тканини і тяжка гіпоксемія за відсутності кардіогенного набряку легень, загальна летальність якого складає 40—60 % і порівнюється зі смертністю від раку легень. У цій публікації наведено клінічний приклад діагностики і лікування хворого на НП тяжкого перебігу, ускладнену ГРДС, на базі Військово-медичного клінічного центру північного регіону м. Харкова. Лікування проводилось згідно з уніфікованим протоколом надання медичної допомоги дорослим, хворим на НП та ГРДС. Комплексне лікування пацієнта супроводжувалося вираженою позитивною динамікою патологічного процесу, що призвело до цілковитого рентгенологічного одужання. На 24-й день він був виписаний з лікарні у задовільному стані з рекомендаціями щодо способу життя та подальшого санаторного лікування

    TeV J2032+4130 - very high energy gamma-ray source of unresolved nature

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    The Cygnus Region is one of the brightest regions in all ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum and contains a number of potential GeV and TeV emission sources. It includes active star formation regions, pulsars and supernova remnants. Some of the sources have been detected at high and very high energies. One of them discovered due to its proximity to the well-known microquasar Cyg X-3 is the object TeV J2032+4130. This object is still of unresolved nature and is being intensively studied in different energy ranges. The results of twenty-year observations of TeV J2032+4130 by the SHALON experiment are presented in this paper. The collected experimental data on fluxes, spectrum shape and morphology of TeV J2032+413 can help in the future to determine an object type and reveal mechanisms of generation of very high energy emission

    TeV J2032+4130 - very high energy gamma-ray source of unresolved nature

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    The Cygnus Region is one of the brightest regions in all ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum and contains a number of potential GeV and TeV emission sources. It includes active star formation regions, pulsars and supernova remnants. Some of the sources have been detected at high and very high energies. One of them discovered due to its proximity to the well-known microquasar Cyg X-3 is the object TeV J2032+4130. This object is still of unresolved nature and is being intensively studied in different energy ranges. The results of twenty-year observations of TeV J2032+4130 by the SHALON experiment are presented in this paper. The collected experimental data on fluxes, spectrum shape and morphology of TeV J2032+413 can help in the future to determine an object type and reveal mechanisms of generation of very high energy emission

    Salicaceae-Feeding Leaf-Mining Insects in Siberia: Distribution, Trophic Specialization, and Pest Status

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    International audienceThis paper provides an overview of the leaf-mining insect community feeding on willows (Salix spp.) and poplars (Populus spp.) in Siberia. According to published data and our own observations, 50 leaf-mining insect species (i.e., 24 species of Lepidoptera, 15 Coleoptera, 6 Diptera, and 5 Hymenoptera) feed on those two plant genera in Siberia. Using an integrative approach combining field work, morphological and DNA barcoding analyses, we identified 32 leaf-mining insect species from 14 regions across Siberia (i.e. 64% of all leaf-mining species known on Salicaceae in this part of Russia). Among them, 26 species most often found in parks and botanical gardens, represented new faunistic records for several poorly explored regions of Siberia. We have more than doubled the list of Salicaceae-feeding leaf-mining insects in Tomsk oblast, Altai krai, and the Republic of Tuva, and for the first time provided data on leaf-miners for the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The micromoth Phyllocnistis gracilistylella (Gracillariidae), recently described from Japan, was found on a new host plant (Salix caprea) in the south of Krasnoyarsk krai, is new for Russia. Eight leafmining insect species (i.e., five gracillariids: Phyllocnistis labyrinthella, Ph. unipunctella, Phyllonorycter apparella, Ph. sagitella, and Ph. populifoliella; two beetles: Zeugophora scutellaris and Isochnus sequensi; and one sawfly: Heterarthrus ochropoda) can outbreak on poplars, most often in urban plantations, botanical gardens, and plant nurseries in Siberia, and can also affect natural stands. Forty-five species of 50 leaf-mining insects known to feed on willow and poplar in Siberia also occur in Central and Eastern Europe. The remaining five species (Phyllocnistis gracilistylella, Phyllonorycter sibirica, Heterarthrus fasciatus, Tachyerges dauricus, and Isochnus arcticus) are recorded in Asia only. Species richness of the family Gracillariidae, the most diverse on Salicaceae in Siberia, displays 80% similarity to that in the European part of Russia and 71% to the Russian Far East. We discuss the faunal similarity of these regions and highlight the importance of applying an integrative approach combining ecological, morphological analyses, and DNA barcoding to explore and characterize the insect fauna of poorly studied regions of Asian part of Russia

    Very high energy emission sources beyond the Galaxy

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    Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are considered as potential extragalactic sources of very and ultra high energy cosmic rays. According to theoretical predictions cosmic ray acceleration can take place at the shock created by the expanding cocoons around active galactic nuclei as well as at AGN jets. The measurements of AGN TeV spectra, the variability time scale of TeV emission can provide essential information on the dynamics of AGN jets, the localization of acceleration region and an estimation of its size. SHALON observations yielded data on extragalactic sources of different AGN types in the energy range of 800 GeV–100 TeV. The data from SHALON observations are compared with those from other experiments at high and very high energies