51 research outputs found


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    The study focuses on factors in the development of information and communications competence. The authors describe the effects of the application of information and communications technology as an applied basis for developing information and communications competence and the impact of pedagogical competence as a theoretical foundation for the development of information and communications competence. The obtained findings are utilized to propose a comprehensive strategy to facilitate the development of information and communications competence in teachers accounting for all the significant factors in it and including all stages of its development. The presented approach ensures consistent development of the competencies from the development of educational programs and to self-assessment and further improvement of the skills. Considering such factors as the educational environment, individual psychological characteristics, pedagogical experience, and motivation, it is possible to considerably improve the results and utilize ICT to increase the quality of education.O estudo centra-se nos factores de desenvolvimento da competência em matéria de informação e comunicação. Os autores descrevem os efeitos da aplicação das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação como base aplicada para o desenvolvimento da competência em matéria de informação e comunicação e o impacto da competência pedagógica como base teórica para o desenvolvimento da competência em matéria de informação e comunicação. Os resultados obtidos são utilizados para propor uma estratégia abrangente para facilitar o desenvolvimento da competência em matéria de informação e comunicação nos professores, tendo em conta todos os factores significativos e incluindo todas as fases do seu desenvolvimento. A abordagem apresentada garante um desenvolvimento consistente das competências, desde o desenvolvimento de programas educativos até à autoavaliação e ao aperfeiçoamento das competências. Considerando factores como o ambiente educativo, as características psicológicas individuais, a experiência pedagógica e a motivação, é possível melhorar consideravelmente os resultados e utilizar as TIC para aumentar a qualidade da educação

    The Abandoned City and the City Rediscoved. The Fate of St. Sergius of Radonezh and Other Fathers of the Russian Church

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    The article is devoted to the Genesis of monasticism in Ancient Russia as the earliest form of deurbanization in Russian culture. The reasons of the rejection of mundane life, the creation of monasteries accoding to the image of the “heavenly city” and causes the return of the monks to the city “sinful” are analysed, the forms of monasticism, the fate of the hermits and monks in extant sources are considered

    Before the city, before the state: the culture of the East Slavic community

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    The article is devoted to the genesis of culture of an East Slavic community up to origin of the cities and the state in Ancient Russia. Reconstruction of a social and economic, political system of the ancient village and religious and moral image of the first peasants in the territory of future Old Russian state is presented

    The Genesis of the Urban Culture of Russia and Europe: a Comparative Historical Analysis

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    In the article a comparative historical analysis of the culture of early cities of Russia and Europe is given. Identifying of features of the Genesis of urban culture, comparison with other types of urban cultures (in this research work - with European) leads to the understanding of originality and uniqueness of the Russian city as a special type of urban culture

    Smart farming: Monitoring and management of wastewater system

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    The paper substantiates the need to develop an information system that enables the monitoring of all processes related to the collection, transport, filtration and use of wastewater from farms of any profile. Such farms use water to carry out their activities, which subsequently becomes polluted and dangerous for the environment. Depending on the degree of pollution, the rules and means of utilization of such water are determined. The developed concept of the information system allows to monitor the condition of the equipment, the level of pollution, to make recommendations on the current maintenance. The application of the methods of analysis and synthesis allowed to define the requirements to the functional capabilities and categories of users of the information system. Application of the objectoriented design method to the obtained results allowed to create a prototype of the graphical user interface of the software product

    Revitalização do sistema de cooperação do consumidor na Rússia; desenvolvimento sustentável do território e crescimento da qualidade de vida

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    The system of consumer cooperation has a certain potential in solving national problems related to the provision of employment and the quality of life of the population, as well as to the social reorganization of the village. The study shows that the cooperative system is characterized by the complementarity of traits (social and economic), the dialectical interaction of which serves as the basis for the formation of civil society (self-organization and voluntary cooperation of shareholders in the process of production and economic activity) and a peculiar locomotive of the evolution of society towards building socially-oriented market economy (non-commercial nature of activities and humanistic values). However, the emerging trend of losing the competitive positions of the consumer cooperative system in the regional consumer markets in Russia leads to an awareness of the need for institutional changes that would make it possible to fully utilize the economic and social potential of the development of consumer cooperation in the context of the structural transformation of Russian society. The authors offer practical recommendations on the design and formation of effective forms of management of economic entities in the cooperative sector. Complex nature of the economic resource requires its inclusion in the correlation algorithm of proactive management. Simulation of sustainable innovation development of the regional system of consumer cooperation is possible only using optimization-qualimetric modeling on the platform of the software product. Computer technologies create objective opportunities for creating the required model. The integrated computer space is able to rework the network of mathematical matrices, building a complete life cycle of an economic resource, consisting not only of collecting and analyzing information, but also the possibility of making operational management decisions.El sistema de cooperación del consumidor tiene cierto potencial para resolver los problemas nacionales relacionados con la provisión de empleo y la calidad de vida de la población, así como con la reorganización social de la aldea. El estudio muestra que el sistema cooperativo se caracteriza por la complementariedad de rasgos (sociales y económicos), cuya interacción dialéctica sirve de base para la formación de la sociedad civil (autoorganización y cooperación voluntaria de los accionistas en el proceso de producción económica) y una locomotora peculiar de la evolución de la sociedad hacia la construcción de una economía de mercado orientada socialmente (naturaleza no comercial de las actividades y valores humanísticos). Sin embargo, la tendencia emergente de perder las posiciones competitivas del sistema de cooperativas de consumo en los mercados de consumo regionales en Rusia lleva a una conciencia de la necesidad de cambios institucionales que permitan aprovechar plenamente el potencial económico y social del desarrollo del consumidor. Los autores ofrecen recomendaciones prácticas sobre el diseño y la formación de formas efectivas de gestión de entidades económicas en el sector cooperativo.  La naturaleza compleja del recurso económico requiere su inclusión en el algoritmo de correlación de la gestión proactiva. La simulación del desarrollo de innovación sostenible del sistema regional de cooperación del consumidor solo es posible mediante el uso del modelado optimizado y cualimétrico en la plataforma del producto de software. Las tecnologías informáticas crean oportunidades objetivas para crear el modelo requerido. El espacio informático integrado es capaz de volver a trabajar la red de matrices matemáticas, creando un ciclo de vida completo de un recurso económico, que consiste no solo en recopilar y analizar información, sino también en la posibilidad de tomar decisiones de gestión operativa.O sistema de cooperação do consumidor tem algum potencial para resolver problemas nacionais relacionados com a oferta de emprego e a qualidade de vida da população, bem como a reorganização social da aldeia. O estudo mostra que o sistema cooperativo é caracterizado pela complementaridade de características (sociais e econômicas), cuja interação dialética serve de base para a formação da sociedade civil (auto-organização e cooperação voluntária dos acionistas no processo de produção econômica) e uma locomotiva peculiar à evolução da sociedade para a construção de uma economia de mercado socialmente orientada (natureza não comercial de atividades e valores humanísticos). No entanto, a tendência emergente de perder as posições competitivas do sistema cooperativo de consumo nos mercados consumidores regionais da Rússia leva à conscientização da necessidade de mudanças institucionais que permitam a plena exploração do potencial econômico e social do desenvolvimento do consumidor. Os autores oferecem recomendações práticas sobre a concepção e formação de formas eficazes de gestão de entidades econômicas no setor cooperativo. A natureza complexa do recurso econômico requer sua inclusão no algoritmo de correlação do gerenciamento proativo. A simulação do desenvolvimento da inovação sustentável do sistema regional de cooperação do consumidor só é possível através do uso de modelagem otimizada e qualitativa na plataforma de produtos de software. As tecnologias computacionais criam oportunidades objetivas para criar o modelo necessário. O espaço computacional integrado é capaz de retrabalhar a rede de matrizes matemáticas, criando um ciclo de vida completo de um recurso econômico, que consiste não apenas em coletar e analisar informações, mas também na possibilidade de tomar decisões de gerenciamento operacional

    Shape memory effect and superelasticity in [001] single crystals of FeNiCoAlNb(B) alloys

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    In given paper presents data research of influence of boron on the functional properties - the shape memory effect and superelasticity in the [001] single crystals FeNiCoAlNb(B) alloys aged at 973 K for 5 hours. On the [001] single crystals FeNiCoAlNbB at aging at T = 973 K for 5 hour, it is shown, that boron leads to decrease the start Ms temperature of γ-α' martensitic transformation on cooling, to the development of γ-α' stress induced martensitic transformation at higher stress at one test temperature and to increase of thermal ΔT and stress Δσ hysteresis is compared to [001] crystals without boron

    Development of new compositions for dust control in the mining and mineral transportation industry

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    Dust control in summer and winter periods is a topical problem associated with conducting open pit mining operations; however, at negative temperatures the additional requirements are imposed on dust suppressants. Preventive compositions are proposed, in which light and heavy gas oils, obtained from catalytic cracking and delayed coking, are used as base components. Involvement of heavy fractions allows to increase the flash point, thereby reducing the flammability of dust suppressant, improve its adhesion properties by increasing the content of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and reduce the cost of the final product. In order to improve low-temperature and adsorption properties of developed dust suppressants, heavy oil residues (cracking residue and tar) are included in their composition in various concentrations: 2-10 wt.%. Alternative compositions of dust suppressants, obtained by water emulsification of vinylated alkyd oligomer, are developed; the ability of this dispersion to form strong films on dusty surfaces is examined. The efficiency of using aqueous solution of vinylated alkyd oligomer as a summer dust suppressant is demonstrated. The results of this study include the development of new preventive compositions with improved low-temperature properties and confirmation of the theoretical part of the study by the results of performance tests on a laboratory facility.Alternative compositions of dust suppressors have been developed, which were obtained by emulsifying a vinyl alkyd oligomer (VAO) in water; the ability of this dispersion to form strong films on dusty surfaces has been studied. The efficiency of using an aqueous solution of vinyl alkyd oligomer in the summer period as a dust suppressant is shown. The results of this study are the development of new prophylactic formulations with improved low-temperature properties and confirmation of the theoretical part of the study by the results of tests of operational characteristics in a laboratory facility