42 research outputs found

    Deterministic protocol for mapping a qubit to coherent state superpositions in a cavity

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    We introduce a new gate that transfers an arbitrary state of a qubit into a superposition of two quasi-orthogonal coherent states of a cavity mode, with opposite phases. This qcMAP gate is based on conditional qubit and cavity operations exploiting the energy level dispersive shifts, in the regime where they are much stronger than the cavity and qubit linewidths. The generation of multi-component superpositions of quasi-orthogonal coherent states, non-local entangled states of two resonators and multi-qubit GHZ states can be efficiently achieved by this gate

    Hardware-efficient autonomous quantum error correction

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    We propose a new method to autonomously correct for errors of a logical qubit induced by energy relaxation. This scheme encodes the logical qubit as a multi-component superposition of coherent states in a harmonic oscillator, more specifically a cavity mode. The sequences of encoding, decoding and correction operations employ the non-linearity provided by a single physical qubit coupled to the cavity. We layout in detail how to implement these operations in a practical system. This proposal directly addresses the task of building a hardware-efficient and technically realizable quantum memory.Comment: 12 pages,6 figure

    Control of Localized Multiple Excitation Dark States in Waveguide QED

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    Subradiant excited states in finite chains of two-level quantum emitters coupled to a one-dimensional reservoir are a resource for superior photon storage and controlled photon manipulation. Typically, states storing multiple excitations exhibit fermionic correlations and are thus characterized by an anti-symmetric wavefunction, which makes them hard to prepare experimentally. Here we identify a class of quasi-localized dark states with up to half of the qubits excited, which appear for lattice constants that are an integer multiple of the guided-mode wavelength. They allow for a high-fidelity preparation and minimally invasive read out in state-of-the-art setups. In particular, we suggest an experimental implementation using a coplanar wave-guide coupled to superconducting transmon qubits on a chip. As free space and intrinsic losses are minimal, virtually perfect dark states can be achieved even for a low number of qubits, enabling fast preparation and manipulation with high fidelity.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Visualizing the emission of a single photon with frequency and time resolved spectroscopy

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    At the dawn of Quantum Physics, Wigner and Weisskopf obtained a full analytical description (a \textit{photon portrait}) of the emission of a single photon by a two-level system, using the basis of frequency modes (Weisskopf and Wigner, "Zeitschrift f\"ur Physik", 63, 1930). A direct experimental reconstruction of this portrait demands an accurate measurement of a time resolved fluorescence spectrum, with high sensitivity to the off-resonant frequencies and ultrafast dynamics describing the photon creation. In this work we demonstrate such an experimental technique in a superconducting waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics (wQED) platform, using single transmon qubit and two coupled transmon qubits as quantum emitters. In both scenarios, the photon portraits agree quantitatively with the predictions of the input-output theory and qualitatively with Wigner-Weisskopf theory. We believe that our technique allows not only for interesting visualization of fundamental principles, but may serve as a tool, e.g. to realize multi-dimensional spectroscopy in waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures including appendice

    Compatibility and noncontextuality for sequential measurements

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    A basic assumption behind the inequalities used for testing noncontextual hidden variable models is that the observables measured on the same individual system are perfectly compatible. However, compatibility is not perfect in actual experiments using sequential measurements. We discuss the resulting "compatibility loophole" and present several methods to rule out certain hidden variable models which obey a kind of extended noncontextuality. Finally, we present a detailed analysis of experimental imperfections in a recent trapped ion experiment and apply our analysis to that case.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, v2: problem with latex solve