43 research outputs found

    Risk factors and causes of stillbirths among pregnant women in Pakistan

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    Background: Globally 3 million stillbirths occur per year, and Pakistan is ranked 3rd among the countries having the highest burden. Despite being a major public health problem, efforts to reduce this figure are insufficient.Objective: The aim of the study was to identify and measure the inequalities in stillbirth associated risk factors, causes and fertility risk behaviors.Methods: Data were derived from the Pakistan Demographic and Health Surveys (PDHS) 1990-2013. Inequalities on determi- nants were evaluated using rate differences and rate ratios; time trends computed with annualized reduction rate (ARR).Results: Overall ARR determined for stillbirth was -12.52 percent per annum. The high ARR were recorded for mothers age <20, urban areas, educated mothers and for highest wealth quintile. The relative inequalities were most pronounced for wealth quintiles, education and age of mothers. Stillbirth causes were unexplained antepartum (33%), unexplained intrapartum (21%), intrapartum asphyxia (21%) and antepartum maternal disorders (19%). The high fertility risk behavior was found in mothers with age >34 and birth order >3.Conclusion: The study concluded that to achieve gain in child survival, there is need to promote antenatal care, birth spacing, and family planning programs in developing countries.Keywords: Perinatal mortality, stillbirth causes, delivery complications, Pakistan

    IL-4 gene polymorphisms and their association with nematodes infection in Pakistani population

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    Background: Interleukin-4 (IL-4) plays a central role in the humoral immune defense against nematode parasite infections, inducing IgE switch and regulation of worm expulsion from the intestines. The present study aimed to investigate the polymorphisms in IL-4 gene and their association with socio-demographic and environmental factors among patients with gastrointestinal complaints. Method: The screened population comprised 305 patients aged 3-50 years from Rawalpindi and Jhelum districts of Pakistan. A well-prepared questionnaire was administered to collect data on socio-demographic and environmental factors. The data were analyzed by using multiple logistic regression models. Molecular analysis was done on 88 confirmed cases passing worms and eggs in stool by using PCR to amplify IL-4 gene. Results: The result showed higher GI nematodes prevalence in Rawalpindi 34.87% and Jhelum 23.1% among gastrointestinal patients. The multivariate logistic regression model showed significantly (p<0.05) increased risk of infection in participants who were residing in rural areas (OR=321.94; 22.5), having poor economic status (OR=0.34), consuming raw/unwashed vegetables (OR=1.73; 15.39) and did not practice handwashing (OR=2.77; OR=0.30). Sequence analysis showed three novel polymorphisms at SNP g.704_705 ins T, g.3763_3764 ins AC and g.3792 G >A in patients with acute severe infections. Two known polymorphisms SNPs g.8455A>G and g.8492C>A were found in the intron region. Conclusion: IL-4 gene polymorphisms showed disease susceptibility and consuming raw/unwashed vegetables, poor handwashing practices and poor economic status were the most associated factors with the disease. Keywords: Interleukin-4; SNPs; Nematodes; Risk Factors; Pakistan

    Risk factors and causes of stillbirths among pregnant women in Pakistan

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    Background: Globally 3 million stillbirths occur per year, and Pakistan is ranked 3rd among the countries having the highest burden. Despite being a major public health problem, efforts to reduce this figure are insufficient. Objective: The aim of the study was to identify and measure the inequalities in stillbirth associated risk factors, causes and fertility risk behaviors. Methods: Data were derived from the Pakistan Demographic and Health Surveys (PDHS) 1990-2013. Inequalities on determinants were evaluated using rate differences and rate ratios; time trends computed with annualized reduction rate (ARR). Results: Overall ARR determined for stillbirth was -12.52 percent per annum. The high ARR were recorded for mothers age <20, urban areas, educated mothers and for highest wealth quintile. The relative inequalities were most pronounced for wealth quintiles, education and age of mothers. Stillbirth causes were unexplained antepartum (33%), unexplained intrapartum (21%), intrapartum asphyxia (21%) and antepartum maternal disorders (19%). The high fertility risk behavior was found in mothers with age >34 and birth order >3. Conclusion: The study concluded that to achieve gain in child survival, there is need to promote antenatal care, birth spacing, and family planning programs in developing countries. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ahs.v19i1.24 Cite as: Afshan K, Narjis G, M Q. Risk factors and causes of stillbirths among pregnant women in Pakistan. Afri Health Sci. 2019;19(1). 1507-1516. https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ahs.v19i1.2

    Honour Killings of Women in Punjab: A Socio-Political Context

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    This study examined the relationship between the violent practice of honour killing and the role of the socio-cultural institution, such as, the law-makers, i.e., politicians about the reinforcement of this customary practice. The qualitative method has been used to get the in-depth information about the subjective experiences and perceptions of various politicians. By employing purposive sampling comprising of five representatives from the law-makers, i.e., politicians who were working with the cases of the honour killings of women, data were taken from the largest province of Punjab. The Interpretative phenomenological approach (IPA) was used to analyze the semi-structured interviews of various participants. This study discussed the collusion of politicians with other functionaries, lack of effective law enforcement by the police force and the failure of the criminal justice system in combating the honour violence committed against women in Punjab. The resolution of the problem involves the change of mindset of all the associated stakeholders. Various measures have been advocated to address the honour crime through the execution of the relevant policy strategies and pertinent legislation

    Molecular confirmation of Dicrocoelium dendriticum in the Himalayan ranges of Pakistan

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    Lancet liver flukes of the genus Dicrocoelium (Trematoda: Digenea) are recognised parasites of domestic and wild herbivores. The aim of the present study was to confirm the species identity of Dicrocoeliid flukes collected from the Chitral valley in the Himalayan ranges of Pakistan. The morphology of 48 flukes belonging to eight host populations was examined; but overlapping traits prevented accurate species designation. Phylogenetic comparison of published D. dendriticum ribosomal cistron DNA, and cytochrome oxidase-1 (COX-1) mitochondrial DNA sequences with those from D. chinensis was performed to assess within and between species variation and re-affirm the use of species-specific single nucleotide polymorphism markers. PCR and sequencing of 34 corresponding fragments of ribosomal DNA and 14 corresponding fragments of mitochondrial DNA from the Chitral valley flukes, revealed 10 and 4 unique haplotypes, respectively. These confirmed for the first time the molecular species identity of Pakistani lancet liver flukes as D. dendriticum. This work provides a preliminary illustration of a phylogenetic approach that could be developed to study the ecology, biological diversity, and epidemiology of Dicrocoeliid lancet flukes when they are identified in new settings.•First molecular confirmation of Dicrocoelium dendriticum in Himalayan Pakistan.•Use of ribosomal and mitochondrial DNA phylogenetic markers.•Demonstration of the complementary value of morphological and molecular speciation methods for Dicrocoeliid flukes

    Validation of deep amplicon sequencing of Dicrocoelium in small ruminants from Northern regions of Pakistan.

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    Dicrocoelium lancet flukes cause significant production loss in ruminant livestock. Although co-infection with multiple Dicrocoelium species within a host is common, techniques for studying the composition of these complex parasite communities are lacking. The pathogenicity, epidemiology, and therapeutic susceptibility of different helminth species vary, and little is known about the interactions that take place between co-infecting species and their hosts. Here, we describe the first applicationof metabarcoding deep amplicon sequencingmethod to studythe Dicrocoelium species in sheep and goats. First, rDNA ITS-2 sequences of four Dicrocoelium species (Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Dicrocoelium hospes, Dicrocoelium orientalis, and Dicrocoelium chinensis) were extracted from the NCBI public database. Phylogenetic analysis revealed separate clades of Dicrocoelium species; hence, molecular differentiation between each species is possible in co-infections. Second, 202 flukes belonging to seventeen host populations (morphologically verified as belonging to the Dicrocoelium genus) were evaluated to determine the deep amplicon sequencing read thresholdof an individual fluke for each of the four species. The accuracy of the method in proportional quantification of samples collected from single hosts was further assessed. Overall, 198 (98.01%) flukes were confirmed as D. dendriticum and 1.98% produced no reads. The comparison of genetic distances between rDNA ITS-2 revealed 86% to 98% identity between the Dicrocoelium species. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated a distinct clustering of species, apart from D. orientalis and D. chinensis, which sit very close to each other in a singlelarge clade whereas D. hospes and D. dendriticum are separated into their own clade. In conclusion each sample was identified as D. dendriticum based on the proportion of MiSeq reads and validated the presence of this group of parasites in the Gilgit Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces of Pakistan. The metabarcoding deep amplicon sequencing technology and bioinformatics pathway have several potential applications, including speciesinteractions during co-infections, identifying the host and geographical distribution of Dicrocoelium in livestock, drug therapy response evaluation and understanding of the emergence and spread of drug resistance

    Trends of acute poisoning: 22 years experience from a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan.

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    Objective: To determine the trends of acute poisoning in terms of frequency, nature of poisoning agent, clinical presentation and its outcome. Methods: The retrospective study was conducted at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, and comprised data of patients who presented with poisoning between January 1989 and December 2010.The patients were randomly selected , and demographic, chemical information, clinical feature, treatment and outcome were analysed using SPSS 16. Results: Of the total hospital admissions during the period, 3,189(0.3%) were cases of poisoning. Of them, medical records of 705(22%) cases were reviewed; 462(65.5%) adult and 243(34.5%) paediatric cases below 16 years of age. The overall median age was 21 years (interquartile range: 4-32 years)Moreover, 544(87%) were critical at the time of presentation. In 647(92%) cases, the poisoning occurred at home. Psychiatric drugs were found involved in 205(29%) cases, followed by prescription drugs 172(24.4%), pesticides 108(15.3%), hydrocarbons 71(10%), analgesics 59(8.7%), household toxins 59(8.7%), alcohol and drug abuse 21(2.97%) and others 47(6.67%). Conclusion: Poisoning was a serious cause of morbidity in children and young adults. Medications were the leading cause and home was the most common place of incident

    Current methods for the detection of Plasmodium parasite species infecting humans

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    Malaria is the world’s fatal parasitic disease. The ability to quickly and accurately identify malaria infection in challenging environments is crucial to allow efficient administration of the best treatment regime for human patients. If those techniques are accessible and efficient, global detection of Plasmodium species will become more sensitive, allowing faster and more precise action to be taken for disease control strategies. Recent advances in technology have enhanced our ability to diagnose different species of Plasmodium parasites with greater sensitivity and specificity. This literature review provides a summary and discussion of the current methods for the diagnosis and identification of Plasmodium spp. in human blood samples. So far not a single method is precise, but advanced technologies give consistent identification of a Plasmodium infection in endemic regions. By using the power of the recent methods, we can provide a broader understanding of the multiplicity of infection and or transmission dynamics of Plasmodium spp. This will result in improved disease control strategies, better-informed policy, and effective treatment for malaria-positive patients