57 research outputs found

    Parametric Study on Reinforced Concrete Beam using ANSYS

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    Concrete structural components such as beams, columns, walls exist in various buildings and bridges. Understanding the response of these components of structures during loading is crucial for the development of an efficient and safe structure. Recently Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is also used to analyze these structural components. In this paper, four point bending analysis is carried out using reinforced concrete beam. The results of the beam with respect to mesh density, varying depths, use of steel cushions for support and loading points, effect of shear reinforcement on flexure behaviour, impact of tension reinforcement on behaviour of the beam are analyzed and discussed. Finite element software ANSYS 13.0 is used for modeling and analysis by conducting non linear static analysis. Keywords: Material nonlinearity, Finite element analysis, Convergence, Steel cushion, Varying depths, ANSYS

    Development of Biofilms for Antimicrobial Resistance

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    Biofilms are a unit referred to as assemblage of microbial cells growing as surface-attached microbial communities within the natural surroundings. Their genetic and physiological aspects are widely studied. Biofilm development involves the assembly of extracellular compound substances that forms the most bailiwick network. Quorum sensing is one more crucial development specifically connected with biofilm formation in several microorganism species. In ecological purpose, the biofilm offers protection against unfavorable conditions and provides a platform for the genetic transfer. A biofilm-forming bacterium area unit is medically necessary, as they are resistant to several antibiotics and might spread resistant genes. This chapter provides the summary of microorganism biofilm formation and its significance in ecology

    Postoperative sore throat with 0.05% betamethasone gel and 2% lignocaine jelly used as a lubricant for ProSeal LMA (PLMA) insertion

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    AbstractPostoperative sore throat (POST) is a minor complication after general anaesthesia. Many agents have been used as lubricant to reduce the incidence of POST with variable efficacy. We conducted a study to compare the incidence of POST with 0.05% betamethasone gel and 2% lignocaine jelly as a lubricant for PLMA insertion in patients undergoing general anaesthesia.Sixty subjects were divided randomly into two groups. Patients in Group I (n=30) had 2.5ml of 0.05% of betamethasone gel while the Group II had 2.5ml of 2% lignocaine jelly applied on the cuff of PLMA. After standard induction and insertion of PLMA cuff inflated to 60cm of H2O and was maintained at the same throughout the surgery. In PACU, patients were inquired about sore throat at immediate and 24h post operative period.POST was not observed in any of the patients of Group I. In group II 33% of the patients had 1st degree and 10% had 2nd degree of sore-throat in immediate post-operative period. After 24h 16% patients had 1st degree sore-throat and 3% patients had 2nd degree of sore-throat in Group II patients. We conclude that lubricating cuff of PLMA with 0.05% of betamethasone gel is effective in reducing the incidence of POST

    A prospective study to evaluate changes in macular thickness after uncomplicated cataract surgery using optical coherence tomography in diabetic patients

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    Background: The objective of this study is to evaluate the alterations in macular thickness subsequent to cataract surgery in individuals diagnosed with diabetes, utilising optical coherence tomography (OCT) as the imaging modality. Methods: In this prospective study, a cohort of 150 patients was divided into three equal groups based on their diabetic status and presence of retinopathy. Group 1 consisted of nondiabetic patients, Group 2 consisted of diabetic patients without retinopathy, and group 3 consisted of patients with diabetic retinopathy. All patients underwent cataract surgery using manual small incision cataract surgery (m-SICS) technique. A comprehensive ophthalmological assessment was conducted prior to the surgical procedure. The subjects were monitored on the first day following the surgical procedure, and at 2, 6 and 12 weeks after the operation. During each appointment, a comprehensive ophthalmic assessment and OCT of the macula were conducted. Results: There was a notable augmentation in foveal thickness at the 6-week mark among individuals diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy, in contrast to those without retinopathy and the control group. In the study, it was observed that 26% of individuals diagnosed with diabetes experienced the occurrence of macular edoema, whereas only 4% of the control group exhibited the same condition. Conclusions: The postoperative alteration in macular thickness and visual outcomes is contingent upon the individual's diabetic condition, duration of diabetes, and severity of retinopathy. A positive correlation was also observed between the alteration in macular thickness and the levels of HbA1C in individuals diagnosed with diabetes

    Study of pregnancy outcome in women with cardiac disease: a retrospective analysis

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    Background: Cardiac disease complicates 1% of all pregnancies. It is one of the 3 major indirect causes of maternal mortality in India. Objective of the study is to evaluate the maternal and fetal outcome in patients with cardiac disease in pregnancy.Methods: A retrospective analysis was carried out in 117 pregnant women with known or newly diagnosed heart disease from January 2013 to December 2015 at a tertiary care hospital.Results: In the present study, the incidence of cardiac disease was 0.8%. Majority 66 (56.4%) were of 23-27 years of age, 72 (61.5%) were primigravida. Mostly 84 (71.8%) belonging to New York Heart Association (NYHA) Class I and II. Rheumatic heart disease seen in 96 (82.1%) and congenital heart disease in 17.9% subjects. Among RHD Mitral stenosis was the most common, seen in 51 (53.1%) cases. Majority 78 (66.6%) had vaginal delivery and caesarean section in 28 (23.9%) cases. Most common maternal complication was anaemia seen in 54 (46.2%) cases, congestive cardiac failure complicated 23 (19.6%) cases. 18 patients required ICU care and maternal mortality in 6 cases (5.12%). The live births in (94.8%) cases, 33 (28.2%) babies required NICU admission and perinatal mortality was 7.7%.Conclusions: Heart disease in pregnancy is a high risk condition and has a major impact on pregnancy outcome. Rheumatic heart disease being the prominent cardiac lesion. Fetomaternal mortality and morbidity can be reduced with proper antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care in conjunction with cardiologist and neonatologist

    An incidental finding of primary carcinoma of the fallopian tube: a case report

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    Primary fallopian tube carcinoma (PFTC) is a rare malignancy of female genital tract that histologically and clinically resemble epithelial ovarian cancer. Diagnosis of PFTC is difficult, especially at earlier stages. Most of the time it is an incidental finding. Careful surgical and pathological staging is important. It has worse prognosis than ovarian cancer as it is not routinely suspected, hence treatment is delayed.We, hereby, report a rare case of PFTC diagnosed incidentally while doing bilateral salpingoopherectomy for removal of ovarian cyst

    A Review on Current Status of Blood Disorder: Thalassemia and its Treatment

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    The most prevalent hereditary monogenic disorders that claim millions of lives globally are thalassemic syndromes. A thalassemia is an inherited condition, at least one parent must carry the disease's gene. Perhaps a genetic mutation/ defective globin chain or the loss of specific important gene segments is the main cause. Thalassemic illnesses started to strain the healthcare systems of several nations worldwide. Management of thalassemia is now seen as a lifelong treatment that requires continuous monitoring. In this review, we seek to compile and analyze recent research on thalassemia diagnosis and treatment, including papers, studies, and clinical trials. We also intend to present a concise yet comprehensive study. A thalassemia is an inherited condition, at least one parent must carry the disease's gene. Perhaps a genetic mutation/ defective globin chain or the loss of specific important gene segments is the main cause

    Can solar pumps energize Bihar's agriculture?

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    In silico identification and characterization of the SNPs in the human ASTL gene and their probable role in female infertility

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    Ovastacin (ASTL), a zinc metalloprotease, is released from a fertilized egg during exocytosis of cortical granules which occurs minutes after the sperm and egg fuse. ASTL cleaves ZP2, one of the four primary glycoproteins of human zona pellucida, and this cleavage prevents polyspermy, causes zona pellucida hardening, and also protects the pre-implantation embryo. Any perturbation in the activity of ASTL can thus disturb this process and may lead to infertility without changing the gross morphology of the oocyte. A small amount of ASTL is also released by unfertilized oocytes but its catalytic activity is absent as it is bound by its inhibitor, Fetuin-B (FETUB). Pre-mature release of ASTL when FETUB is absent also causes infertility. To identify and understand the structural and functional effects of deleterious SNPs of ASTL on its interaction with ZP2 and FETUB and hence on fertility, a total of 4,748 SNPs from the dbSNP database were evaluated using a variety of in silico tools. All of the 40 shortlisted nsSNPs were present in the catalytic domain of the protein. Comparison of the wild type with mutants using MutPred2 suggests an alteration in the catalytic activity/zinc binding site in many SNPs. Docking studies show the involvement of hydrophobic interactions and H bonding between ASTL and ZP2 and also between ASTL and FETUB. Four positions in ASTL involved in the hydrophobic interactions (P105 and D200 between ASTL and ZP2; D198 and L278 between ASTL and FETUB) and 5 in H bonding (E75 and R159 between ASTL and ZP2; and K93, R159, and C281 between ASTL and FETUB) have SNP’s associated with them validating their importance. Interestingly, a cluster of multiple SNPs was found in the motif 198DRD200, which is also a well-conserved region among several species. Statistical Coupling Analysis (SCA) suggested that the deleterious SNPs were present in the functionally important amino acid positions of ASTL and are evolutionarily coupled. Thus, these results attempt to identify the regions in ASTL, mutations in which can affect its binding with ZP2 or FETUB and cause female infertility

    Analysis of health overseas development aid for internally displaced persons in low- and middle-income countries.

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    Background: There are an estimated 55 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) globally. IDPs commonly have worse health outcomes than host populations and other forcibly displaced populations such as refugees. Official development assistance (ODA) is a major source of the global financial response for health in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), including for populations affected by armed conflict and forced displacement. Analysis of ODA supports efforts to improve donor accountability, transparency and the equitable use of ODA. The aim of this study is to examine international donor support and responsiveness to IDP health needs through analysis of ODA disbursements to LMICs between 2010 and 2019. Methods: ODA disbursement data to LMICs from 2010 to 2019 were extracted from the Creditor Reporting System (CRS) database and analysed with Stata software using a combination of: (i) text searching for IDP and refugee related terms; and (ii) relevant health and humanitarian CRS purpose codes. Descriptive analysis was used to examine patterns of ODA disbursement, and nonlinear least squared regression analysis was used to examine responsiveness of ODA disbursement to recipient country IDP population size and health system capacity and health characteristics. Findings: The study highlighted declining per IDP capita health ODA from USD 5.34 in 2010 to USD 3.72 in 2019 (with annual average decline of -38% from the 2010 baseline). In contrast, health ODA for refugees in LMICs increased from USD 18.55 in 2010 to USD 23.31 in 2019 (with an annual average increase of +14%). Certain health topics for IDPs received very low ODA, with only 0.44% of IDP health ODA disbursed for non-communicable diseases (including mental health). There was also weak evidence of IDP health ODA being related to recipient country IDP population size, and health system capacity and health characteristics. The paper highlights the need for increased investment by donors in IDP health ODA and to ensure that it is responsive to their health needs
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