2,326 research outputs found

    Piezoelectric composite materials

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    A laminated structural devices has the ability to change shape, position and resonant frequency without using discrete motive components. The laminate may be a combination of layers of a piezoelectrically active, nonconductive matrix material. A power source selectively places various levels of charge in electrically conductive filaments imbedded in the respective layers to produce various configurations in a predetermined manner. The layers may be electrically conductive having imbedded piezoelectrically active filaments. A combination of layers of electrically conductive material may be laminated to layers of piezoelectrically active material

    Hydrogen eliminator

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    Vented hydrogen is converted into water by mixing hydrogen with sufficient air to ensure that a flame cannot be maintained and then passing it through a reactor containing palladium catalyst; reaction takes place at relatively low temperature. Device may have wide range of applications for air purification

    A high speed implementation of the random decrement algorithm

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    The algorithm is useful for measuring net system damping levels in stochastic processes and for the development of equivalent linearized system response models. The algorithm works by summing together all subrecords which occur after predefined threshold level is crossed. The random decrement signature is normally developed by scanning stored data and adding subrecords together. The high speed implementation of the random decrement algorithm exploits the digital character of sampled data and uses fixed record lengths of 2(n) samples to greatly speed up the process. The contributions to the random decrement signature of each data point was calculated only once and in the same sequence as the data were taken. A hardware implementation of the algorithm using random logic is diagrammed and the process is shown to be limited only by the record size and the threshold crossing frequency of the sampled data. With a hardware cycle time of 200 ns and 1024 point signature, a threshold crossing frequency of 5000 Hertz can be processed and a stably averaged signature presented in real time

    Digital system for dynamic turbine engine blade displacement measurements

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    An instrumentation concept for measuring blade tip displacements which employs optical probes and an array of micro-computers is presented. The system represents a hitherto unknown instrumentation capability for the acquisition and direct digitization of deflection data concurrently from all of the blade tips of an operational engine rotor undergoing flutter or forced vibration. System measurements are made using optical transducers which are fixed to the case. Measurements made in this way are the equivalent of those obtained by placing three surface-normal displacement transducers at three positions on each blade of an operational rotor


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    living standard, quality of life, liveability, North-East Hungary, regional differences, questionnaire surveyliving standard, quality of life, liveability, North-East Hungary, regional differences, questionnaire survey, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Labor and Human Capital,

    Comparative analysis of micro-regions in the northern Great Plain Region

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    Our short paper examines the region of the Northern Great Plain, mainly due to its disadvantaged situation. Comparative analysis of the micro-regions in this particular region was implemented to identify possible causes for differentiation between the micro-regions. Finding these causes would then help us find more effective ways to address regional inequalities, currently one of the central issues not only in Hungary but throughout Eastern Europe. The methods used for such analysis included statistical indicators, such as difference in migration rates, rate of unemployment, number of incorporated enterprises per 1000 inhabitants etc., as well as the principal component analysis and the currently applicable categorisation system for micro-regions. The findings are univocal: the nationally disadvantageous situation of the region is aggravated by the heterogeneity present within the region, by the huge differences between micro-regions encompassing county seats, and peripheral micro-regions. The outstanding situation of the micro-regions of Nyíregyháza, Debrecen and Szolnok was maintained in 2006 as well; apart from these, only the micro-regions of Jászberény and Hajdúszoboszló can be regarded as being above-average. The micro-region of Csenger is still seriously underdeveloped in comparison with other areas in the region. The key to remedying these problems could lie in their proximity to the border, elimination of the infrastructural deficiencies of the micro-region and improving the population’s qualification levels. ------------------------------ Rövid munkánkban az Észak-alföldi Régiót vizsgáltuk, fÅ‘leg annak hátrányos helyzetébÅ‘l adódóan. A régió kistérségeinek összehasonlító elemzésével az volt a célunk, hogy rávilágítsunk a kistérségek közötti differenciálódás lehetséges okaira, hiszen azok feltárásával a területi egyenlÅ‘tlenségek kezelése – mely nem csak Magyarországon, de Közép-Kelet Európában napjaink egyik központi kérdése – eredményesebbé válhat. Ehhez statisztikai mutatókat – például vándorlási különbözet, munkanélküliségi arány, az 1000 lakosra jutó regisztrált vállalkozások száma stb. –, fÅ‘komponens-analízist és a hatályos kistérségi kategorizálást használtuk fel. Az eredmények egyértelműek: a térség országosan hátrányos helyzetét súlyosbítja a területén belüli heterogenitás, a megyeszékhelyi és perifériális kistérségek közötti óriási különbség. A Nyíregyházi, Debreceni és Szolnoki kistérség régión belüli kiemelkedÅ‘ helyzete 2006-ra is megmaradt, átlagon felüli helyze¬tűnek ezeken túlmenÅ‘en csak a Jászberényi és Hajdúszoboszlói kistérség tekinthetÅ‘. A Csengeri kistérség fejlettségben továbbra is jelentÅ‘sen elmarad a régió további térségeitÅ‘l. Ezen problémák orvoslásának kulcsa lehet a határ mentiség, az infrastrukturális elmaradottság és az alacsony képzettségi színvonal kezelése.regional differences, micro-region, principal component analysis, területi különbségek, kistérség, fÅ‘komponens analízis, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Counter lung

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    Counter lung, incorporated in closed-loop rebreathing system, accommodates user's breathing tidal volume so that the loop pressure is relatively constant during breathing cycles

    Asymmetric fundamental band CO lines as a sign of an embedded giant planet

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    We investigate the formation of double-peaked asymmetric line profiles of CO in the fundamental band spectra emitted by young (1-5Myr) protoplanetary disks hosted by a 0.5-2 Solar mass star. Distortions of the line profiles can be caused by the gravitational perturbation of an embedded giant planet with q=4.7 10^-3 stellar-to-planet mass ratio. Locally isothermal, 2D hydrodynamic simulations show that the disk becomes globally eccentric inside the planetary orbit with stationary ~0.2-0.25 average eccentricity after ~2000 orbital periods. For orbital distances 1-10 AU, the disk eccentricity is peaked inside the region where the fundamental band of CO is thermal excitated. Hence, these lines become a sensitive indicators of the embedded planet via their asymmetries (both in flux and wavelength). We find that the line shape distortions (e.g. distance, central dip, asymmetry and positions of peaks) of a given transition depend on the excitation energy (i.e. on the rotational quantum number J). The magnitude of line asymmetry is increasing/decreasing with J if the planet orbits inside/outside the CO excitation zone (R_CO<=3, 5 and 7 AU for a 0.5,1 and 2 Solar mass star, respectively), thus one can constrain the orbital distance of a giant planet by determining the slope of peak asymmetry-J profile. We conclude that the presented spectroscopic phenomenon can be used to test the predictions of planet formation theories by pushing the age limits for detecting the youngest planetary systems.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, to appear in ApJ