36 research outputs found
The Re-parametrization of the DAS Model Based on 2016-2021 Data of the National Forestry Database: New Results on Cutting Age Distributions = A DAS modell újra paraméterezése az Országos Erdőállomány Adattár 2016-2021 közötti adatainak alapján: a vágáskor eloszlásokra vonatkozó új eredmények
This paper presents the DAS forest model (Distributions Applied on Stands model), a forest stand-based model suitable for projecting standing volume, increment, harvest, and carbon sequestration on the stand, regional, or country levels. The forest subcompartment is the modelling unit of the DAS model, which uses National Forestry Database (NFD) data, including geospatial data. The model is suitable for further processing spatially explicit input parameters such as climate change forecasts. The model output is also georeferenced and can be further processed using GIS software. The model handles the data of approximately 600,000 forest subcompartments. Data on tree species, origin, age, growing stock, increment etc. of each subcompartment are stored in “tree-species rows”, which are the sub-units of the model. The DAS model simultaneously processes the data of 1.2 million tree species rows and describes their development in time. It uses parameters based on the actual processes of the reference period. It also uses empiric cutting age distributions and a regeneration matrix derived from historic NFD data. The ForestLab project (TKP2021-NKTA-43) is currently engaged in the re-parametrization of the model based on 2016–2021 data. This study discusses the functions of the harvesting ratio distribution in the modelling process and in determining the subcompartments selected for harvest. The paper presents the latest results regarding the 2016–2021 cutting age distributions and the preparation of the new set of species-specific and yield class-specific average harvesting ratio distributions.
Cikkünkben bemutatjuk a DAS modellt (Distributions Applied on Stands model), mely egy erdőrészlet alapú erdőállomány prognózis modell, amely alkalmas az élőfakészlet, a növedék, a kitermelt elő- és véghasználati fatérfogat és a szénmegkötés előrejelzésére erdőrészlet szinten, valamint regionális és országos szinten is. A modell az Országos Erdőállomány Adattár adatait használja. Alkalmas térben explicit input-paraméterek fogadására (pl. klímaváltozási előrejelzések) és az eredmények térképi megjelenítésre is, így azok térinformatikai szoftverekkel feldolgozhatóak. A modell kb. 600 ezer erdőrészlet és 1,2 millió fafajsor adatait kezeli. A szabályzó paramétersorok a referencia-időszak ténylegesen tapasztalt folyamatain alapulnak: a modellben valós vágáskor-eloszlások és valós felújítási viszonyok működnek, azaz a modell historikus adatokból levezetett véghasználati- és felújítási mátrixokat használ. A modell újra paraméterezése a 2016-2021 időszak historikus adatainak felhasználásával jelenleg zajlik az ErdőLab projekt (TKP2021-NKTA-43) keretében. Cikkünkben ismertetjük a véghasználati hozami terület arányok eloszlásának funkcióját a modellezési folyamatban és a véghasználatra kerülő terület meghatározásában. Emellett bemutatjuk a 2016-2021-es időszak vágáskor eloszlásaira vonatkozó legfrissebb vizsgálatunkat, és a modell újra paraméterezéséhez használt
új fafaj- és fatermési osztály specifikus véghasználati mátrixok előállítása során elvégzett munkát
WOˇˇ3ˇˇˇ photocatalysts: Influence of structure and composition
Hexagonal (h-) and monoclinic (m-) WO 3 nanoparticles with controlled composition (oxidized/yellow color or partially reduced/blue color) were prepared through annealing (NH 4) x WO 3- y . The formation, structure, composition, morphology, and optical properties of the samples were analyzed by powder X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy combined with electron diffraction, and Raman, X-ray photoelectron, 1H magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance, diffuse reflectance ultraviolet-visual, and photoluminescence spectroscopy. Their photocatalytic properties were tested by decomposing methyl orange in the aqueous phase and acetone in the gas phase. Oxidized m-WO 3 (m-WO 3 ox) was the most active photocatalyst both in the aqueous and in the gas phase, followed by the oxidized h-WO 3 (h-WO 3 ox) sample. Reduced h-WO 3 (h-WO 3 red) and m-WO 3 (m-WO 3 red) exhibited much lower activity. Thus, in contrast to TiO 2, where crystalline structure (rutile or anatase) plays a key effect in photocatalysis, for WO 3, it is the composition that is of greatest importance: the more oxidized the WO 3 sample, the better a photocatalyst it is. The crystal structure of WO 3 has only an indirect effect, in that it influences the composition of WO 3 samples. While oxidized m-WO 3 is completely oxidized, oxidized h-WO 3 is always in a partially reduced state due to the presence of stabilizing positive ions in its hexagonal channels. Consequently, an oxidized monoclinic WO 3 material will always provide better photocatalytic activity than an oxidized hexagonal one. © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
Familiáris myelodysplasiás szindróma és akut myeloid leukaemia klinikai és genetikai háttere
Myelodysplastic syndrome and acute myeloid leukaemia are mainly sporadic diseases, however, rare familial cases exist. These disorders are considered rare, but are likely to be more common than currently appreciated, and are characterized by the autosomal dominant mutations of hematopoietic transcription factors. These syndromes have typical phenotypic features and are associated with an increased risk for developing overt malignancy. Currently, four recognized syndromes could be separated: familial acute myeloid leukemia with mutated CEBPA, familial myelodysplastic syndrome/acute myeloid leukemia with mutated GATA2, familial platelet disorder with propensity to myeloid malignancy with RUNX1 mutations, and telomere biology disorders due to mutations of TERC or TERT. Furthermore, there are new, emerging syndromes associated with germline mutations in novel genes including ANKRD26, ETV6, SRP72 or DDX41. This review will discuss the current understanding of the genetic basis and clinical presentation of familial leukemia and myelodysplasia. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(8), 283-289
Modulation of cortical resting state functional connectivity during a visuospatial attention task in Parkinson's disease
Visual dysfunction is a recognized early symptom of Parkinson's disease (PD) that partly scales motor symptoms, yet its background is heterogeneous. With additional deficits in visuospatial attention, the two systems are hard to disentangle and it is not known whether impaired functional connectivity in the visual cortex is translative in nature or disrupted attentional modulation also contributes. In this study, we investigate functional connectivity modulation during a visuospatial attention task in patients with PD. In total, 15 PD and 16 age-matched healthy controls performed a visuospatial attention task while undergoing fMRI, in addition to a resting-state fMRI scan. Tensorial independent component analysis was used to investigate task-related network activity patterns. Independently, an atlas-based connectivity modulation analysis was performed using the task potency method. Spearman's rank correlation was calculated between task-related network expression, connectivity modulation, and clinical characteristics. Task-related networks including mostly visual, parietal, and prefrontal cortices were expressed to a significantly lesser degree in patients with PD (p < 0.027). Resting-state functional connectivity did not differ between the healthy and diseased cohorts. Connectivity between the precuneus and ventromedial prefrontal cortex was modulated to a higher degree in patients with PD (p < 0.004), while connections between the posterior parietal cortex and primary visual cortex, and also the superior frontal gyrus and opercular cortex were modulated to a lesser degree (p < 0.001 and p < 0.011). Task-related network expression and superior frontal gyrus-opercular cortex connectivity modulation were significantly associated with UPDRSIII motor scores and the Hoehn-Yahr stages (R = -0.72, p < 0.006 and R = -0.90, p < 0.001; R = -0.68, p < 0.01 and R = -0.71, p < 0.007). Task-related networks function differently in patients with PD in association with motor symptoms, whereas impaired modulation of visual and default-mode network connectivity was not correlated with motor function
A TP53-mutáció-analízis jelentősége krónikus lymphocytás leukaemiában | TP53 mutation analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Bevezetés: Az elmúlt években jelentős előrelépések történtek a
krónikus lymphocytás leukaemia kezelésében, ugyanis az új innovatív gyógyszerek
a TP53-defektust hordozó csoportban is hatékonynak bizonyultak. Ezen betegek
maradéktalan azonosításához elengedhetetlen a TP53-defektus mindkét formájának
(17p-deletio és TP53-mutációk) vizsgálata. A
TP53-mutációk vizsgálata ma a nemzetközi ajánlások részét
képezi, segítséget nyújtva az optimális terápiás stratégia megalkotásában.
Célkitűzés: Jelen tanulmány célja a
TP53-mutációk előfordulásának és a 17p-deletióhoz való
viszonyának meghatározása, valamint a mutációk rutindiagnosztikus kimutatására
alkalmas szekvenálási eljárás beállítása volt. Módszer: A
mutációanalízist Sanger-szekvenálással végeztük el 196, krónikus lymphocytás
leukaemiában szenvedő beteg esetében. Eredmények: A betegek
15,8%-ában azonosítottunk TP53-mutációt, ami az esetek felében
17p-deletio nélkül fordult elő. A TP53-defektus mindkét formájának vizsgálatával
összesen a betegek 25,4%-ánál azonosítottunk TP53-defektust.
Következtetések: A mutációanalízis elvégzésével további 10%
magas rizikójú beteg azonosítható, akik számára a legjobb választást az ebben a
betegcsoportban is hatékony új célzott terápiák jelentik. Orv. Hetil., 2017,
158(6), 220–228.
Introduction: In recent years much progress has been made in the
therapy of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, as the new innovative medicine proved
to be effective in managing patients carrying TP53 abnormalities. To identify
all these patients, it is essential to screen for both forms of TP53 defects,
including both 17p deletions and TP53 mutations.
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the frequency
of TP53 mutations and their association with 17p deletions in a
large Hungarian cohort of 196 patients suffering from chronic lymphocytic
leukaemia. Method: We performed mutation analysis of
TP53 (exons 3–10) using Sanger sequencing.
TP53 mutations were present in 15.8% of patients, half of which
were associated with 17p deletion. By analysing both forms, TP53 defect was
identified in 25.4% of the patients. Conclusions: Our study
demonstrates that by performing a TP53 mutation analysis, an
additional 10% of high-risk patients can be detected. Orv. Hetil., 2017,
158(6), 220–228