330 research outputs found

    Similarity_Fractionation of a phenolic compound from water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) herbs as anti-dandruff against Malassezia sp.

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    Dandruff is a scalp disorder caused by a fungus (Malassezia sp.). Water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) contains phenolic compounds which have antifungal activity. The purpose of this research is to know the active fraction of water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) herbs that have an anti- dandruff activity against Malassezia sp. The study used a true experimental design for an anti- dandruff activity test. Fractionation of water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) methanol extracts used column chromatography which stationary phase with silica gel 60 powder and mobile phase with chloroform: ethanol: acetyl acetate (8:2:0,1). In vitro anti-dandruff activity based on minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum antifungal concentration (MFC) against Malassezia sp. of human dandruff isolate. The average of MIC and MFC among groups fraction of water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) methanol extracts compared used Friedman test (p≤ 0,05). Fractionation produces 12 fractions, and fraction number 7 of water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) herbs have the best anti-dandruff activity against Malassezia sp. with MIC 125 μg/mL and MFC 250 μg/mL identified as a phenolic compound. Based on the results, a fraction of phenolic compounds from water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) herbs have anti-dandruff activity against Malassezia sp


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    This study aims to determine teacher perceptions regarding critical thinking skills in learning mathematics at SMP Mataram Kasihan as a PISA sample school. This research was conducted in November 2022. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The critical thinking approach in the process of learning mathematics is the focus of this research. The data were taken from an interview with a mathematics teacher at the PISA sample junior high school. Data collection is done by interview, observation. Data analysis used descriptive analysis and the literature-led method. The results of this study showed that: teachers view students as having positive perceptions of students' critical thinking skills by using critical thinking. The teacher's positive perception includes the teacher's perception of students' critical thinking skills


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    Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman yang benar tentang faham radikalisme dan memaksimalkan sosialilasi pencegahan, pembinaan dan pedampingan tentang faham radikalisme dikalangn pelajar SMA se kabupaten Karanganyar. Metode yang digunakan berupa sosialisasi dan pembinaan. Pembinaan dan pembinaan dilaksanakan  dengan sistem kelas dengan metode diskusi interaktif menggunakan teknik presentasi. Sosialisasi yang diberikan adalah bentuk pencegahan dan penanggulangan faham radikalisme melalui modul yang telah disusun bersama dengan Polres, Kodim, Tokoh Agama dan tokoh masyarakat di Karanganyar. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah adanya kesamaan tekad dari seluruh pelajar sekaranganya yang diwakili oleh masing-masing osis bahwa radikalisme penting untung dikaji lebih jauh lagi. Kemudian bersama-sama seluruh elemn masyarakat untuk memberantas adanya terorisme di wilayah Karangnayar. Dampak dari kegiatan ini adalah dalam rangka pencegahan, pembinaan dan pedampingan tentang faham radikalisme sehingga meningkatnya pemahaman yang benar dan dapat menjauhi gerakan radikal dikalangan pelajar SMA se Kabupaten Karanganyar. Kata Kunci: Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan, Radikalisme, Pelajar SMAABSTRACT The purpose of this community service is to provide the proper perceptivity on the ideology of radicalism and maximized the socialization of the prevention,  coaching and mentoring about the ideology of radicalism of high school students in Karanganyar District. The method was socialization and coaching. The coaching was carried out in a class based learning which employed interactive discussion using presentation technique. The given socialization was a form of prevention and treatment to encounter radicalism through a module which was collaboratively constructed by district police office (POLRES), military district commander (KODIM), religious leaders, and community leaders in Karanganyar. The result of this dedication was there is a common determination of all students now represented by each student body that radicalism is important to be further studied. In addition, together with all elements of society to eradicate terrorism in Karangnayar. The impact of this activity is in the context of preventing, fostering and assisting in the understanding of radicalism as well as to increase the correct understanding and be able to avoid radical movements among high school students throughout Karanganyar. Keywords: Prevention and the Treatment, Radicalism, High School Studen

    Presensi Ethnofarmasi

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    Development of Student Worksheet on Rectangular Based on Yogyakarta Culture for Grade VII of Junior High School Students

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    This research aims to develop and quality teaching materials for mathematics student worksheets based on Yogyakarta culture in rectangular materials for grade VII of junior high school students that can be valid, practical, and effective. This research is a development that refers to 3D development models, namely: define, design, and develop. The result shows that (1) there are the development of teaching materials for math worksheets (LKS) based on Yogyakarta culture on rectangular material fulfills the criteria of validity, practicality, and effectiveness; (2) based on the validity aspect of the math worksheets teaching materials, valid criteria were obtained which were reviewed from the material experts' assessment and it was obtained that the value is 3.1 and the results of the material experts' assessment by mathematics lectures and teachers obtained valid criteria with an average of 3.00; (3) based on the practical aspect of math worksheets teaching materials, students' responses were very practical with an average value 3.27; (4) based on the aspect of effectiveness by comparing the average value of students work and the Minimum Mastery Criteria (KKM) set by the school, the result of student value was more than the KKM. After using mathematics LKS teaching materials, 100% scored above the Minimum Mastery Criteria with an average of 88.57. The teaching materials for math worksheets based on Yogyakarta culture meet the criteria of validity, practicality, and effectiveness to improve the learning achievement of grade VII at SMP IT Masjid Syuhada

    Similarity_Effect of 2-dodecyl-6-methoxycyclohexa-2,5-diene-1,4-dione, isolated from Averrhoa carambola L. (Oxalidaceae) roots, on advanced glycation end-product-mediated renal injury in type 2 diabetic KKAy mice

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    The roots of Averrhoa carambola L. (Oxalidaceae) have a long history of medical use in traditional Chinese medicine for treating diabetes and diabetic nephropathy. 2-Dodecyl-6-methoxycyclohexa-2,5-diene-1,4-dione (DMDD) was isolated from the tuberous roots of A. carambola L. The purpose of this study was to investigate the beneficial effect of DMDD on the advanced glycation end-product-mediated renal injury in type 2 diabetic KKAy mice with regard to prove its efficacy by local traditional practitioners in the treatment of kidney frailties in diabetics. KKAy mice were orally administrated DMDD (12.5, 25, 50mg/kg body weight/d) or aminoguanidine (200mg/kg body weight/d) for 8 weeks. Hyperglycemia, renal AGE formation, and the expression of related proteins, such as the AGE receptor, nuclear factor-κB, transforming growth factor-β1, and N(ε)-(carboxymethyl)lysine, were markedly decreased by DMDD. Diabetes-dependent alterations in proteinuria, serum creatinine, creatinine clearance, and serum urea-N and glomerular mesangial matrix expansion were attenuated after treatment with DMDD for 8 weeks. The activities of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase, which are reduced in the kidneys of KKAy mice, were enhanced by DMDD. These findings suggest that DMDD may inhibit the progression of diabetic nephropathy and may be a therapeutic agent for regulating several pharmacological targets to treat or prevent of diabetic nephropathy

    Inflammation and Wound Diabetic

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    The Effectivity of Ethanolic Extract of Binahong Leaves (Anredera Cordifolia (Tenore) Steen) Gel in the Management of Diabetic Wound Healing in Aloxan-induced Rat Models

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    Background : Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disease that can be known by increasing a blood glucose level and caused many kinds of complications if it don\u27t properly treatment, one of those complications is a diabetic ulcer. There are many types of treatments created to overcome the diabetic ulcer, but there are not effective yet. Therefore, ethanolic extract gel of binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Tenore) Steen) leaves is used to make a new innovation of diabetic ulcer treatment Objective : The objective of this research wasto know the concentration of antibacterial and anti-infection activity from ethanolic extract of binahong leaves as wound healing on diabetic ulcer and also to know the changeover of wound diameter. Methods : Binahong leaves were extracted with 96% ethanol by maceration. Then the extract was formulated to be gel product with the concentration of 10% and 30%. The gel product was administrated to diabetic rats which had been made ulcer wound by excision. The result of wound diameter and the percentage of wound healing were analyzed by One Way Anova and then continue analyzed by LSD (Least Significant Different) with significant level of 95%. Results : The result showed that binahong gel with concentration variation of 10% and 30% only affected the organoleptic and doesn\u27t affect the homogeneity, pH, irritation, spreadability and consistency. The result of the effectiveness test of binahong leaves gel is 10% more effective to changeover of wound diameter but there is not significantlydifferent if compared with 30% gel of binahong leaves. Therefore, gel of binahong leavesof 10% is able to provide slightly effective than chloramphenicolTM. Conclusion : The concentration of 10% and 30% of binahong gel were effectively USAge for wound healing diabetic ulcer in rats

    Similarity_Optimization of Phycocyanin Production of Marine Cyanobacteria BTM 11 and its Antioxidant Properties Test

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    Phycocyanin (PC)-producing cyanobacteria has shown many pharmaceutical applications, the main one is the antioxidant properties. Biosynthesis of PC-producing cyanobacteria is affected by many factors like nitrogen availability and light intensity during cultivation. This study aims to analyze the optimum concentration of nitrogen and light intensity during the cultivation of PC biosynthesis of marine cyanobacteria BTM 11 and identify its antioxidant properties This study was an experimental laboratory method and the PC level was determined through the variation of sodium nitrate (NaNO3) as a source of nitrogen dissolved in media and using different light intensities. The most optimum nitrogen and light intensity values of PC were measured by its antioxidant activity by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical capture method. Data was analyzed by one-way ANOVA and the post-hoc Duncan to see whether p<0.05. The result showed that there was a significant difference in the PC level that was cultivated with the variation of NaNO3 concentrations. The highest PC level was observed in media containing 525 mg of NaNO3 and the optimum light intensity of 4500 lux. The result of the antioxidant activity assay showed that the BTM11’s PC’s antioxidant activity had its IC50 at 91.89 μg/mL and the IC50 of ascorbic acid was 2.39 μg/m
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