8 research outputs found

    Functional Morphology of the Tongue in the Nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes)

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    The nutcracker Nucifraga caryocatactes belongs to a group of bird species that use their beak and tongue as tools for obtaining food, such as seeds from hard-to-reach cones or nuts from shells. The aim of the present study, carried out with a scanning electron microscope, was to define the morphological features of the tongue of the nutcracker, which seems to be adapted to its environment through specific methods of obtaining food. One of the characteristic features of the nutcracker's tongue is the unique structure of the anterior part of the tongue, which has two long and highly keratinized processes -a product of the renewable keratinized layer of the epithelium covering the ventral surface of the tongue. These dagger-like processes, which are a modified "lingual nail," take a major role in levering up and shelling seeds, which are transported over the short sulcus-shaped body of the tongue. A unique feature of the nutcracker's tongue is the groove separating the body from the root. Two rows of highly keratinized, mechanical, conical papillae are located at the junction of the body and the root. These papillae are mechanically protective elements for passing food particles in the form of seeds. Among lingual glands, only the posterior lingual glands on the root of the tongue have been observed. Their secretion agglutinates dry food before it is swallowed. Results of the present study indicate that the nutcracker's tongue is an efficient tool resembling a lever that is helpful in shelling seeds

    Morphogenesis of the lingual mucosa in goose and duck during embryonic period

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    Wydzia艂 Hodowli i Biologii Zwierz膮t, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu: Instytut Zoologii, Zak艂ad Histologii i Embriologii Zwierz膮tJ臋zyk ptak贸w wykazuje du偶e zr贸偶nicowanie budowy, wynikaj膮ce z specjalizacji pokarmowych i warunk贸w 艣rodowiska naturalnego. Badania przeprowadzono u g臋si i kaczki domowej. Celem bada艅 by艂 opis budowy makro- i mikroskopowej j臋zyka doros艂ych osobnik贸w oraz scharakteryzowanie rozwoju b艂ony 艣luzowej j臋zyka w trakcie okresu zarodkowego. Do bada艅 wykorzystano techniki LM, SEM i TEM oraz metod臋 rekonstrukcji 3D. Na j臋zyku u doros艂ej g臋si i kaczki wyst臋puje gatunkowo specyficzny uk艂ad 4 typ贸w brodawek j臋zyka, paznokcia, wynios艂o艣ci i grzebienia j臋zyka. R贸偶nice w budowie s膮 wyrazem przystosowania do pobierania pokarmu. J臋zyk pokryty jest nab艂onkiem orto-, pararogowym i niezrogowacia艂ym. W blaszce w艂a艣ciwej b艂ony 艣luzowej wyst臋puj膮 specyficzne gatunkowo cia艂ka Herbsta i Grandry鈥檈go oraz gruczo艂y j臋zykowe przednie i tylne. Gruczo艂y produkuj膮 oboj臋tne i kwa艣ne glikoproteiny. Tempo powstawania brodawek j臋zyka jest gatunkowo r贸偶ne. Brodawki sto偶kowate trzonu powstaj膮 od tylnej cz臋艣ci trzonu w kierunku do wierzcho艂ka, a brodawki sto偶kowate wynios艂o艣ci od cz臋艣ci po艣rodkowej wynios艂o艣ci do jej bok贸w. Brodawki nitkowate nie powstaj膮 w okresie zarodkowym. Rozw贸j nab艂onka przebiega w trakcie 3 stadi贸w. Warstwa rogowa nab艂onka pararogowego powstaje w wyniku 伪-rogowacenia, a nab艂onka ortorogowego 尾-rogowacenia. Zawi膮zki mechanoreceptor贸w powstaj膮 tylko u kaczki. Gruczo艂y j臋zyka powstaj膮 podczas 4 stadi贸w. Gruczo艂y przednie rozwijaj膮 si臋 poprzez rozga艂臋zianie, a gruczo艂y j臋zykowe tylne na drodze wyd艂u偶ania i rozga艂臋ziania. Wydzielina 艣luzowa przed wykluciem ma sk艂ad, jak u osobnik贸w doros艂ych. J臋zyk w trakcie wyklucia, jest przygotowany do spo偶ywania pokarmu tylko na drodze dziobania i skubania. Cechy strukturalne nab艂onka j臋zyka 艣wiadcz膮 o filogenetycznym pokrewie艅stwie ptak贸w i gad贸w.The tongue in birds has a high structural diversity, due to food specialization and environmental condition. The study were conducted on the domestic goose and duck. The aim of the study was to describe the macro- and microscopic structure of the tongue in adult birds and characterize the lingual mucosa development during embryonic period. The study were conducted by using LM, SEM, TEM method and 3D reconstruction method. On the tongue of adult birds are species specific structure such as 4 types of lingual papillae, lingual nail, prominence and lingual comb. The structural differences are an expression of feeding adaptation. The tongue is covered by para-, orthokeratinized and nonkeratinized epihelium. In the lamina propria of the tongue are species specific mechanoreceptors, Herbst and Grandry corpuscles and anterior and posterior lingual glands. Lingual glands produce neutral and acid glicoproteins. The developmental rate of the lingual papillae is different. Conical papillae of the body develop from the posterior part of the body to the apex and conical papillae of the prominence develop from the median part to its sides. Filiform papillae don鈥檛 develop. The epithelium develops during 3 stages. The cornified layer of the parakeratinized epithelium develops by 伪-keratinization and in orthokeratinized epithelium by 尾-keratinization. Primordia of mechanoreceptors develop only in duck. Lingual glands develop during 4 stages. Anterior lingual glands develop by branching and posterior lingual glands by elongating and then by branching. The composition of the mucous before hatching consist like in adult birds. The tongue before hatching is ready to pecking and grazing. The structural features of the epithelium demonstrate phylogenetic affinities of birds and reptiles

    Morphogenesis of the lingual mucosa in goose and duck during embryonic period

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    Wydzia艂 Hodowli i Biologii Zwierz膮t, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu: Instytut Zoologii, Zak艂ad Histologii i Embriologii Zwierz膮tJ臋zyk ptak贸w wykazuje du偶e zr贸偶nicowanie budowy, wynikaj膮ce z specjalizacji pokarmowych i warunk贸w 艣rodowiska naturalnego. Badania przeprowadzono u g臋si i kaczki domowej. Celem bada艅 by艂 opis budowy makro- i mikroskopowej j臋zyka doros艂ych osobnik贸w oraz scharakteryzowanie rozwoju b艂ony 艣luzowej j臋zyka w trakcie okresu zarodkowego. Do bada艅 wykorzystano techniki LM, SEM i TEM oraz metod臋 rekonstrukcji 3D. Na j臋zyku u doros艂ej g臋si i kaczki wyst臋puje gatunkowo specyficzny uk艂ad 4 typ贸w brodawek j臋zyka, paznokcia, wynios艂o艣ci i grzebienia j臋zyka. R贸偶nice w budowie s膮 wyrazem przystosowania do pobierania pokarmu. J臋zyk pokryty jest nab艂onkiem orto-, pararogowym i niezrogowacia艂ym. W blaszce w艂a艣ciwej b艂ony 艣luzowej wyst臋puj膮 specyficzne gatunkowo cia艂ka Herbsta i Grandry鈥檈go oraz gruczo艂y j臋zykowe przednie i tylne. Gruczo艂y produkuj膮 oboj臋tne i kwa艣ne glikoproteiny. Tempo powstawania brodawek j臋zyka jest gatunkowo r贸偶ne. Brodawki sto偶kowate trzonu powstaj膮 od tylnej cz臋艣ci trzonu w kierunku do wierzcho艂ka, a brodawki sto偶kowate wynios艂o艣ci od cz臋艣ci po艣rodkowej wynios艂o艣ci do jej bok贸w. Brodawki nitkowate nie powstaj膮 w okresie zarodkowym. Rozw贸j nab艂onka przebiega w trakcie 3 stadi贸w. Warstwa rogowa nab艂onka pararogowego powstaje w wyniku 伪-rogowacenia, a nab艂onka ortorogowego 尾-rogowacenia. Zawi膮zki mechanoreceptor贸w powstaj膮 tylko u kaczki. Gruczo艂y j臋zyka powstaj膮 podczas 4 stadi贸w. Gruczo艂y przednie rozwijaj膮 si臋 poprzez rozga艂臋zianie, a gruczo艂y j臋zykowe tylne na drodze wyd艂u偶ania i rozga艂臋ziania. Wydzielina 艣luzowa przed wykluciem ma sk艂ad, jak u osobnik贸w doros艂ych. J臋zyk w trakcie wyklucia, jest przygotowany do spo偶ywania pokarmu tylko na drodze dziobania i skubania. Cechy strukturalne nab艂onka j臋zyka 艣wiadcz膮 o filogenetycznym pokrewie艅stwie ptak贸w i gad贸w.The tongue in birds has a high structural diversity, due to food specialization and environmental condition. The study were conducted on the domestic goose and duck. The aim of the study was to describe the macro- and microscopic structure of the tongue in adult birds and characterize the lingual mucosa development during embryonic period. The study were conducted by using LM, SEM, TEM method and 3D reconstruction method. On the tongue of adult birds are species specific structure such as 4 types of lingual papillae, lingual nail, prominence and lingual comb. The structural differences are an expression of feeding adaptation. The tongue is covered by para-, orthokeratinized and nonkeratinized epihelium. In the lamina propria of the tongue are species specific mechanoreceptors, Herbst and Grandry corpuscles and anterior and posterior lingual glands. Lingual glands produce neutral and acid glicoproteins. The developmental rate of the lingual papillae is different. Conical papillae of the body develop from the posterior part of the body to the apex and conical papillae of the prominence develop from the median part to its sides. Filiform papillae don鈥檛 develop. The epithelium develops during 3 stages. The cornified layer of the parakeratinized epithelium develops by 伪-keratinization and in orthokeratinized epithelium by 尾-keratinization. Primordia of mechanoreceptors develop only in duck. Lingual glands develop during 4 stages. Anterior lingual glands develop by branching and posterior lingual glands by elongating and then by branching. The composition of the mucous before hatching consist like in adult birds. The tongue before hatching is ready to pecking and grazing. The structural features of the epithelium demonstrate phylogenetic affinities of birds and reptiles

    The development of lingual glands in the domestic duck (Anas platyrhynchos f. domestica) : 3D-reconstruction, LM, and SEM study

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    The major salivary glands of birds develop by branching or elongation of the epithelial cords. The development of the minor salivary glands in form of the lingual glands has never been described. Among birds, only Anatidae have three types of the lingual glands: rostral, caudo-lateral, and caudo-medial lingual glands. The study aims to characterize the manner and rate of the lingual glands development in the domestic duck and their topographical arrangement relative to the hyoid apparatus. The study reveals that all three types of the lingual glands develop by branching. We describe five stages of the lingual glands development in the domestic ducks: prebud, initial bud, pseudoglandular, canalicular, and terminal bud stage. The pattern of the lingual glands development in birds is similar to that described for mammals, with the exception, that the terminal buds are formed at the same time as the lumen of the glands. Generally, the rostral lingual gland starts to branch earlier than the caudal lingual glands. The 3D-reconstruction shows the location and direction of lingual gland development relative to the entoglossal cartilage and basibranchial bone. Light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy allow to characterize the histogenesis of the embryonic epithelium into glandular epithelium. At a time of hatching only secretory units of caudal lingual glands resemble the secretory units of the adult domestic duck. The rostral and caudo-lateral lingual glands are arranged on the sides of the entoglossal cartilage and basibranchial bone and caudo-madial lingual glands are located over the basibranchial bone. We suggest that such an arrangement of the lingual glands in the domestic duck is important during food intake and responsible for reduction of friction and formation of food bites

    Alpha-Keratin, Keratin-Associated Proteins and Transglutaminase 1 Are Present in the Ortho- and Parakeratinized Epithelium of the Avian Tongue

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    The lingual mucosa in birds is covered with two specific types of multilayered epithelia, i.e., the para- and orthokeratinized epithelium, that differ structurally and functionally. Comprehensive information on proteins synthesized in keratinocyte during their cytodifferentiation in subsequent layers of multilayered epithelia in birds concerns only the epidermis and are missing the epithelia of the lingual mucosa. The aim of the present study was to perform an immunohistochemical (IHC) and molecular analysis (WB) of bird-specific alpha-keratin, keratin-associated proteins (KAPs), namely filaggrin and loricrin, as well as transglutaminase 1 in the para- and orthokeratinized epithelium covering the tongue in the domestic duck, goose, and turkey. The results reveal the presence of alpha-keratin and KAPs in both epithelia, which is a sign of the cornification process. In contrast to the epidermis, the main KAPs involved in the cornification process of the lingual epithelia in birds is loricrin. Stronger expression with KAPs and transglutaminase 1 in the orthokeratinized epithelium than in the parakeratinized epithelium may determine the formation of a more efficient protective mechanical barrier. The presence of alpha-keratin, KAPs, and transglutaminase 1 epitopes characteristic of epidermal cornification in both types of the lingual epithelia may prove that they are of ectodermal origin