21 research outputs found

    II Mi臋dzynarodowa Konferencja Psychologii Religii i Duchowo艣ci

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    The Psychology of Religion and Spirituality: 2nd International Conferenc

    Studies on porosity of crystalline microporous materials with the use of thermodesorption of hydrocarbons

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    Materia艂y porowate znajduj膮 szerokie zastosowanie w wielu ga艂臋ziach przemys艂u i codziennym 偶yciu. Nale偶膮 do nich zeolity, czyli mikroporowate krystaliczne glinokrzemiany, wykorzystywane jako przemys艂owe adsorbenty i katalizatory. Inn膮 intensywnie badan膮 grup膮 krystalicznych materia艂贸w mikroporowatych s膮 porowate sieci metaloorganiczne - MOF, kt贸re mog膮 znale藕膰 zastosowanie w roli adsorbent贸w do przechowywania gaz贸w lub no艣nik贸w do kontrolowanego dozowania lek贸w. Podstawowa charakterystyka materia艂贸w porowatych obejmuje powierzchni臋 w艂a艣ciw膮, obj臋to艣膰 mikro i mezopor贸w oraz rozk艂ad ich wielko艣ci. Do wyznaczania tych parametr贸w najcz臋艣ciej wykorzystywane s膮 niskotemperaturowe izotermy adsorpcji azotu lub argonu, kt贸rych pomiary s膮 czasoch艂onne oraz wymagaj膮 kosztownej i specjalistycznej aparatury. Ponadto zastosowanie adsorpcji azotu do charakteryzowania mikropor贸w cz臋sto nie przynosi jednoznacznych wynik贸w ze wzgl臋du na niekorzystne efekty uboczne. Z tego powodu wci膮偶 podejmowane s膮 pr贸by opracowania alternatywnych metod badania materia艂贸w porowatych. Jedn膮 z nich jest opracowana przez dr hab. W. Makowskiego metoda quasi-r贸wnowagowej temperaturowo programowanej desorpcji i adsorpcji (QE-TPDA) w臋glowodor贸w, polegaj膮ca na cyklicznych pomiarach profili desorpcji i adsorpcji w臋glowodor贸w w warunkach zbli偶onych do stanu r贸wnowagi. Umo偶liwia ona wyznaczanie pojemno艣ci sorpcyjnej, obj臋to艣ci mikro- i mezopor贸w oraz rozk艂adu wielko艣ci mezopor贸w. Pozwala tak偶e na wyznaczenie warto艣ci entalpii i entropii adsorpcji w mikroporach, zale偶nych od ich rozmiaru. Celem pracy by艂 rozw贸j quasi-r贸wnowagowej temperaturowo programowanej desorpcji i adsorpcji (QE-TPDA) lotnych zwi膮zk贸w organicznych jako metody badania materia艂贸w porowatych oraz jej wykorzystanie do charakteryzowania zeolit贸w i porowatych polimer贸w koordynacyjnych typu MOF. W szczeg贸lno艣ci celem pracy by艂o zastosowanie wcze艣niej nie wykorzystywanych w臋glowodor贸w do charakteryzowania r贸偶norodnych uk艂ad贸w porowatych. Przedmiotem bada艅 w tej pracy by艂y zeolity klasyczne, mikro-mezoporowate i warstwowe oraz materia艂y typu MOF. W艣r贸d porowatych polimer贸w koordynacyjnych poza materia艂ami komercyjnymi znajdowa艂y si臋 tak偶e materia艂y syntezowane przez autork臋 w trakcie projektu badawczego odbytego w grupie prof. R. Waltona na Uniwersytecie Warwick w Anglii. Praca doktorska sk艂ada si臋 z trzech rozdzia艂贸w. Pierwszy rozdzia艂 stanowi przegl膮d literatury dotycz膮cej klasyfikacji materia艂贸w porowatych z uwzgl臋dnieniem budowy, w艂a艣ciwo艣ci i zastosowa艅 zeolit贸w oraz porowatych polimer贸w krystalicznych. Rozdzia艂 zawiera ponadto kr贸tk膮 charakterystyk臋 metod bada艅 materia艂贸w porowatych. W drugim rozdziale szczeg贸艂owo opisana zosta艂a aparatura QE-TPDA. Zamieszczono tam r贸wnie偶 informacje dotycz膮ce pochodzenia i syntezy materia艂贸w wykorzystanych w pracy. Trzeci rozdzia艂, zawieraj膮cy wyniki bada艅 oraz ich dyskusj臋, zosta艂 podzielony na dwa podrozdzia艂y dotycz膮ce odpowiednio zeolit贸w i porowatych polimer贸w koordynacyjnych. Ka偶dy z nich zako艅czony jest kr贸tkim podsumowaniem. Prac臋 zamyka zestawienie najwa偶niejszych wniosk贸w wynikaj膮cych z przeprowadzonych bada艅. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych bada艅 stwierdzono, 偶e metoda QE-TPDA stanowi uniwersalne narz臋dzie do charakteryzowania materia艂贸w porowatych. Pomiary QE-TPDA n-heksanu, cykloheksanu i n-nonanu pozwoli艂y na pe艂n膮 charakterystyk臋 zeolit贸w o hierarchicznej porowato艣ci. W toku bada艅 desilikowanych zeolit贸w ZSM-5 oraz beta wykazano korzystny wp艂yw wodorotlenku tetrabutyloamoniowego na morfologi臋 wytworzonych mezopor贸w. Pomiary QE-TPDA z zastosowaniem cykloheksanu pozwoli艂y na odr贸偶nienie zeolit贸w o w膮skich i 艣rednich porach od zeolit贸w szerokoporowych. Wykorzystanie cykloheksanu umo偶liwi艂o tak偶e okre艣lenie efektywno艣ci sililacji zeolitu MCM-22 poprzez identyfikacj臋 maksim贸w termodesorpcji cz膮steczek z kana艂贸w 12-cz艂onowych, wytworzonych w wyniku modyfikacji. Zastosowanie 2,2-dimetylooktanu umo偶liwi艂o odr贸偶nienie mikropor贸w strukturalnych od mikropor贸w podpowierzchniowych oraz ilo艣ciow膮 interpretacj臋 ich dost臋pno艣ci w zeolitach. Zosta艂o to wykorzystane do charakterystyki zeolit贸w ZSM-5 r贸偶ni膮cych si臋 wielko艣ci膮 kryszta艂贸w oraz pilarowanych zeolit贸w o strukturze MWW. Metod臋 QE-TPDA zastosowano r贸wnie偶 w badaniach porowatych polimer贸w koordynacyjnych. W toku bada艅 potwierdzono powtarzalno艣膰 syntezy materia艂u MOF-5 oraz obserwowanych na wczesnym etapie prac nietypowych przebieg贸w profili QE-TPDA nonanu, p-ksylenu oraz izooktanu. Podobne w膮skie i intensywne maksima desorpcyjne zosta艂y wykryte r贸wnie偶 na profilach QE-TPDA cykloheksanu, o- i m-ksylenu, a tak偶e etylobenzenu. Obserwowane dla materia艂u MOF-5 efekty zosta艂y przypisane przemianie fazowej adsorbentu wymuszonej przez adsorpcj臋, w czasie kt贸rej dochodzi do wzrostu dost臋pnej obj臋to艣ci por贸w. Metoda QE-TPDA lotnych w臋glowodor贸w zosta艂a zastosowana do charakterystyki komercyjnych materia艂贸w typu MOF z rodziny BASF Basolite, a QE-TPDA wody pos艂u偶y艂o zbadania ich trwa艂o艣ci hydrotermalnej. Badania izostrukturalnej grupy materia艂贸w z rodziny Me-CPO-27 (Me=Co, Ni, Zn, Mg) pokaza艂y, 偶e pomimo takiej samej struktury krystalicznej, w艂a艣ciwo艣ci adsorpcyjne tych materia艂贸w r贸偶ni膮 si臋 znacz膮co.Porous materials are widely used in many fields of technology and everyday life. This group of materials includes zeolites i.e. crystalline microporous aluminosilicates, which are used as industrial adsorbents and catalysts. Another extensively studied group of crystalline microporous materials are metal organic frameworks - MOFs. They may be applied in sorption and gas storage as well as in controlled drug delivering. Surface area, micro- and mesopore volume and pore size distribution comprise basic characteristics of porous materials. Low-temperature adsorption isotherms of nitrogen or argon are commonly used for determination of these parameters. Measurements of adsorption isotherms are time consuming and require expensive advanced equipment. Furthermore, adsorption of nitrogen applied for characterization of micropores often leads to unclear results due to negative side effects. For these reasons, alternative methods for porosity characterization are still being developed. One of such methods is quasi-equilibrated temperature-programmed desorption and adsorption (QE-TPDA) of volatile hydrocarbons developed by dr. hab. Waclaw Makowski. It involves cyclic measurement of hydrocarbon adsorption and desorption at conditions close to the equilibrium. The method allows determination of adsorption capacity, micro- and mesopore volume as well as mesopore size distribution. Moreover, the values of the enthalpy and entropy of adsorption in the micropores, related to their size, may be calculated form QE-TPDA profiles. The aim of this work was development of quasi-equilibrated temperature programmed desorption and adsorption (QE-TPDA) of volatile hydrocarbons as a method for studying porous materials and its application for porosity characterization of zeolites and metal-organic frameworks. In particular, this aim included application of new hydrocarbons in characterization of various porous systems. The subjects of the research were two types of materials: classical, micro-mesoporous and layered zeolites and MOF-type materials. Among porous coordination polymers there were commercial materials as well as synthesized by the author during a research project performed in the group of prof. Richard Walton at the University of Warwick in England. This PhD thesis consists of three chapters. The first chapter provides an overview of the literature concerning the classification of porous materials with particular emphasis on structure, properties and applications of zeolites and metal-organic frameworks. This chapter includes also a brief description of methods widely used for characterization of porous materials. In the second chapter a thorough description of QE-TPDA apparatus was given. This part also contains information on the source and detailed preparation procedures of the studied materials. Results and discussion were included in the third chapter, which was divided into two sections, first concerning zeolites and second dedicated to metal-organic frameworks. Each subsection ends with a short summary. At the end of the thesis the most important conclusions were gathered. Based on the obtained results, it was confirmed that the QE- TPDA is a versatile method for the characterization of porous materials. QE-TPDA of n-hexane, cyclohexane and n-nonane allowed the complete examination of porosity in zeolites with hierarchical porosity. Positive impact of tetrabuthylammonium hydroxide on mesoporosity of desilicated zeolites ZSM-5 and beta was found. Distinguishing between narrow, medium and wide pore zeolites was possible by using QE-TPDA of cyclohexane. Effectiveness of silylation of MCM-22 precursor could be confirmed by QE-TPDA of cyclohexane exhibiting additional maxima attributed to desorption of the molecules from 12-membered channels formed upon the modification. The distinction between structural and subsurface micropores as well as quantitative interpretation of their availability in zeolites were possible due to QE-TPDA of 2,2-dimethyloctane. This observation was used for characterization of ZSM-5 with a different crystallite size and pillared MWW zeolites. The QE-TPDA measurements were also applied in characterization of metal-organic frameworks. Reproducibility of synthesis procedure as well as the unusual QE-TPDA profiles of nonane, p-xylene and isooctane obtained in the early stages of studies ware confirmed. Similar narrow and intense desorption maxima were also found for cyclohexane, o-, m-xylene and ethylbenzene. Nature of these effects observed for MOF-5 were explained in terms of adsorption induced phase transition of the adsorbent, accompanied by increase of the available pore volume. QE-TPDA of volatile hydrocarbons and water was used for characterization of porosity and hydrothermal stability of commercial porous coordination polymers BASF Basolite. Studies on isostructural Me-CPO-27 materials (Me=Co, Ni, Zn, Mg) shown that in spite of the same crystal structure their adsorptive properties differed significantly

    Rozw贸j systemu pomocy w portalu ARIA

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    Porosity and accessibility of acid sites in desilicated ZSM-5 zeolites studied using adsorption of probe molecules

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    Porosity of zeolites ZSM-5 (Si/Al = 32 or 164) desilicated with NaOH or NaOH/TBAOH (tetrabutylammonium hydroxide) solutions was studied by means of quasi-equilibrated temperature programmed desorption and adsorption (QE-TPDA) of selected hydrocarbons. QE-TPDA of n-nonane confirmed substantial formation of mesopores upon desilication, observed also in N2 adsorption/ desorption isotherms. Very narrow mesopore size distributions with maxima at about 4 nm, typical for partially constricted mesopore networks, were obtained for all desilicated zeolites. It was also observed that desilication with NaOH/TBAOH results in formation of additional slightly larger mesopores (ca. 4-6 nm) while even larger mesopores (6-10 nm) were found after leaching with NaOH only. Thermodesorption of n-hexane revealed that the micropores in the desilicated zeolites remained unchanged. Acidity of the zeolites was characterized by quantitative IR measurements of pyridine and collidine (2,4,6-trimethylpyridine) adsorbed on acid sites. Increased numbers of Br酶nsted acid sites accessible for large collidine molecules found for the modified zeolites indicate that during desilication redistribution of the framework Al atoms to the surface of mesopores occurred. The influence of TBAOH presence in desilicating mixture on porosity and accessibility of the acid sites was also discussed

    Application of quasi-equilibrated thermodesorption of hexane and cyclohexane for characterization of porosity of zeolites and ordered mesoporous silicas

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    Quasi equilibrated temperature programmed desorption and adsorption (QE-TPDA) of hexane and cyclohexane was applied for characterization of zeolites 5A, ZSM-5, 13X, Y, NaMOR and ordered mesoporous silicas MCM-41, MCM-41/TMB, SBA-15 and HMS. Similar QE-TPDA profiles of hexane and cyclohexane with a single desorption maximum were observed for the wide pore zeolites. No adsorption of cyclohexane for zeolite 5A and a single desorption maximum for ZSM-5 were found, while two-step desorption profiles of hexane were observed for these zeolites. Similar values of the adsorption enthalpy and entropy of hexane and cyclohexane were obtained by fitting the Langmuir model functions for the zeolites X and Y. For NaMOR and ZSM-5 larger differences in these parameters were found. A single desorption peak found at low temperatures in the QE-TPDA profiles of hexane and cyclohexane for the studied silicas was attributed to the multilayered adsorption on their mesopore surface. The adsorption isobars calculated from the thermodesorption profiles were fitted with the BET function. This way values of the specific surface area and the adsorption heat were calculated. Additionally values of the initial heat of adsorption were found by fitting the Henry鈥檚 law to the high-temperature sections of the linearized isobars. The largest deviations from the BET and Henry functions and the largest values of the adsorption heats found for SBA-15 indicated the greatest heterogeneity of the adsorption sites on its surface