25,431 research outputs found

    A study of image quality for radar image processing

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    Methods developed for image quality metrics are reviewed with focus on basic interpretation or recognition elements including: tone or color; shape; pattern; size; shadow; texture; site; association or context; and resolution. Seven metrics are believed to show promise as a way of characterizing the quality of an image: (1) the dynamic range of intensities in the displayed image; (2) the system signal-to-noise ratio; (3) the system spatial bandwidth or bandpass; (4) the system resolution or acutance; (5) the normalized-mean-square-error as a measure of geometric fidelity; (6) the perceptual mean square error; and (7) the radar threshold quality factor. Selective levels of degradation are being applied to simulated synthetic radar images to test the validity of these metrics

    Bandgap and effective mass of epitaxial cadmium oxide

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    The bandgap and band-edge effective mass of single crystal cadmium oxide, epitaxially grown by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy, are determined from infrared reflectivity, ultraviolet/visible absorption, and Hall effect measurements. Analysis and simulation of the optical data, including effects of band nonparabolicity, Moss-Burstein band filling and bandgap renormalization, reveal room temperature bandgap and band-edge effective mass values of 2.16±0.02 eV and 0.21±0.01m0 respectively

    Bound whispering gallery modes in circular arrays of dielectric spherical particles

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    Low-dimensional ordered arrays of optical elements can possess bound modes having an extremely high quality factor. Typically, these arrays consist of metal elements which have significantly high light absorption thus restricting performance. In this paper we address the following question: can bound modes be formed in dielectric systems where the absorption of light is negligible? Our investigation of circular arrays of spherical particles shows that (1) high quality modes in an array of 10 or more particles can be attained at least for a refractive index nr>2n_{r}>2, so optical materials like TiO2_{2} or GaAs can be used; (2) the most bound modes have nearly transverse polarization perpendicular to the circular plane; (3) in a particularly interesting case of TiO2_{2} particles (rutile phase, nr=2.7n_{r}=2.7), the quality factor of the most bound mode increases almost by an order of magnitude with the addition of 10 extra particles, while for particles made of GaAs the quality factor increases by almost two orders of magnitude with the addition of ten extra particles. We hope that this preliminary study will stimulate experimental investigations of bound modes in low-dimensional arrays of dielectric particles.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review

    Atomic swelling upon compression

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    The hydrogen atom under the pressure of a spherical penetrable confinement potential of a decreasing radius r0r_{0} is explored, as a case study. A novel counter-intuitive effect of atomic swelling rather than shrinking with decreasing r0r_{0} is unraveled, when r0r_{0} reaches, and remains smaller than, a certain critical value. Upon swelling, the size of the atom is shown to increase by an order of magnitude, or more, compared to the size of the free atom. Examples of changes of photoabsorption properties of confined hydrogen atom upon its swelling are uncovered and demonstrated.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Anisotropic Magnetoresistance components in (Ga,Mn)As

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    Our experimental and theoretical study of the non-crystalline and crystalline components of the anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) in (Ga,Mn)As is aimed at exploring the basic physical aspects of this relativistic transport effect. The non-crystalline AMR reflects anisotropic lifetimes of the holes due to polarized Mn impurities while the crystalline AMR is associated with valence band warping. We find that the sign of the non-crystalline AMR is determined by the form of spin-orbit coupling in the host band and by the relative strengths of the non-magnetic and magnetic contributions to the impurity potential. We develop experimental methods directly yielding the non-crystalline and crystalline AMR components which are then independently analyzed. We report the observation of an AMR dominated by a large uniaxial crystalline component and show that AMR can be modified by local strain relaxation. We discuss generic implications of our experimental and theoretical findings including predictions for non-crystalline AMR sign reversals in dilute moment systems.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Phys. Rev. Lett. in pres

    Mass-Radius Relationships for Solid Exoplanets

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    We use new interior models of cold planets to investigate the mass-radius relationships of solid exoplanets, considering planets made primarily of iron, silicates, water, and carbon compounds. We find that the mass-radius relationships for cold terrestrial-mass planets of all compositions we considered follow a generic functional form that is not a simple power law: log⁥10Rs=k1+1/3log⁥10(Ms)−k2Msk3\log_{10} R_s = k_1 + 1/3 \log_{10}(M_s) - k_2 M_s^{k_3} for up to Mp≈20M⊕M_p \approx 20 M_{\oplus}, where MsM_s and RsR_s are scaled mass and radius values. This functional form arises because the common building blocks of solid planets all have equations of state that are well approximated by a modified polytrope of the form ρ=ρ0+cPn\rho = \rho_0 + c P^n. We find that highly detailed planet interior models, including temperature structure and phase changes, are not necessary to derive solid exoplanet bulk composition from mass and radius measurements. For solid exoplanets with no substantial atmosphere we have also found that: with 5% fractional uncertainty in planet mass and radius it is possible to distinguish among planets composed predominantly of iron or silicates or water ice but not more detailed compositions; with ∌\sim~5% uncertainty water ice planets with ≳25\gtrsim 25% water by mass may be identified; the minimum plausible planet size for a given mass is that of a pure iron planet; and carbon planet mass-radius relationships overlap with those of silicate and water planets due to similar zero-pressure densities and equations of state. We propose a definition of "super Earths'' based on the clear distinction in radii between planets with significant gas envelopes and those without.Comment: ApJ, in press, 33 pages including 16 figure

    Monogamy of entanglement and other correlations

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    It has been observed by numerous authors that a quantum system being entangled with another one limits its possible entanglement with a third system: this has been dubbed the "monogamous nature of entanglement". In this paper we present a simple identity which captures the trade-off between entanglement and classical correlation, which can be used to derive rigorous monogamy relations. We also prove various other trade-offs of a monogamy nature for other entanglement measures and secret and total correlation measures.Comment: 7 pages, revtex

    Representations of the Canonical group, (the semi-direct product of the Unitary and Weyl-Heisenberg groups), acting as a dynamical group on noncommuting extended phase space

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    The unitary irreducible representations of the covering group of the Poincare group P define the framework for much of particle physics on the physical Minkowski space P/L, where L is the Lorentz group. While extraordinarily successful, it does not provide a large enough group of symmetries to encompass observed particles with a SU(3) classification. Born proposed the reciprocity principle that states physics must be invariant under the reciprocity transform that is heuristically {t,e,q,p}->{t,e,p,-q} where {t,e,q,p} are the time, energy, position, and momentum degrees of freedom. This implies that there is reciprocally conjugate relativity principle such that the rates of change of momentum must be bounded by b, where b is a universal constant. The appropriate group of dynamical symmetries that embodies this is the Canonical group C(1,3) = U(1,3) *s H(1,3) and in this theory the non-commuting space Q= C(1,3)/ SU(1,3) is the physical quantum space endowed with a metric that is the second Casimir invariant of the Canonical group, T^2 + E^2 - Q^2/c^2-P^2/b^2 +(2h I/bc)(Y/bc -2) where {T,E,Q,P,I,Y} are the generators of the algebra of Os(1,3). The idea is to study the representations of the Canonical dynamical group using Mackey's theory to determine whether the representations can encompass the spectrum of particle states. The unitary irreducible representations of the Canonical group contain a direct product term that is a representation of U(1,3) that Kalman has studied as a dynamical group for hadrons. The U(1,3) representations contain discrete series that may be decomposed into infinite ladders where the rungs are representations of U(3) (finite dimensional) or C(2) (with degenerate U(1)* SU(2) finite dimensional representations) corresponding to the rest or null frames.Comment: 25 pages; V2.3, PDF (Mathematica 4.1 source removed due to technical problems); Submitted to J.Phys.

    Water requirements of floodplain rivers and fisheries: existing decision support tools and pathways for development

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    Fisheries / Rivers / Flood plains / Hydrology / Ecology / Models / Decision support tools / Environmental impact assessment / Methodology / Databases
