9,435 research outputs found

    Ultraluminous X-ray Sources and Star Formation

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    Chandra observations of the Cartwheel galaxy reveal a population of ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) with lifetimes < 10^7 yr associated with a spreading wave of star formation which began some 3 x 10^8 yr ago. A population of high-mass X-ray binaries provides a simple model: donor stars of initial masses M_2 > 15 Msun transfer mass on their thermal timescales to black holes of masses M_1 > 10 Msun. For alternative explanations of the Cartwheel ULX population in terms of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBH) accreting from massive stars, the inferred production rate > 10^-6 yr^-1 implies at least 300 IMBHs, and more probably 3 x 10^4, within the star-forming ring. These estimates are increased by factors eta^-1 if the efficiency eta with which IMBHs find companions of > 15 Msun within 10^7 yr is <1. Current models of IMBH production would require a very large mass (\ga 10^{10}\msun) of stars to have formed new clusters. Further, the accretion efficiency must be low (< 6 x 10^-3) for IMBH binaries, suggesting super-Eddington accretion, even though intermediate black hole masses are invoked with the purpose of avoiding it. These arguments suggest either that to make a ULX, an IMBH must accrete from some as yet unknown non-stellar mass reservoir with very specific properties, or that most if not all ULXs in star-forming galaxies are high-mass X-ray binaries.Comment: 3 pages, no figures; MNRAS accepted with minor amendment

    Abstracting Builtins for Groundness Analysis

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    This note clarifies how to handle solution gathering meta-calls, asserts and retracts in the groundness analysis of Prolog

    Black hole foraging: feedback drives feeding

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    We suggest a new picture of supermassive black hole (SMBH) growth in galaxy centers. Momentum-driven feedback from an accreting hole gives significant orbital energy but little angular momentum to the surrounding gas. Once central accretion drops, the feedback weakens and swept-up gas falls back towards the SMBH on near-parabolic orbits. These intersect near the black hole with partially opposed specific angular momenta, causing further infall and ultimately the formation of a small-scale accretion disk. The feeding rates into the disk typically exceed Eddington by factors of a few, growing the hole on the Salpeter timescale and stimulating further feedback. Natural consequences of this picture include (i) the formation and maintenance of a roughly toroidal distribution of obscuring matter near the hole; (ii) random orientations of successive accretion disk episodes; (iii) the possibility of rapid SMBH growth; (iv) tidal disruption of stars and close binaries formed from infalling gas, resulting in visible flares and ejection of hypervelocity stars; (v) super-solar abundances of the matter accreting on to the SMBH; and (vi) a lower central dark-matter density, and hence annihilation signal, than adiabatic SMBH growth implies. We also suggest a simple sub-grid recipe for implementing this process in numerical simulations.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ Letters, 5 pages, 1 figur

    Do jets precess... or even move at all?

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    Observations of accreting black holes often provoke suggestions that their jets precess. The precession is usually supposed to result from a combination of the Lense-Thirring effect and accretion disc viscosity. We show that this is unlikely for any type of black hole system, as the disc generally has too little angular momentum compared with a spinning hole to cause any significant movement of the jet direction across the sky on short timescales. Uncorrelated accretion events, as in the chaotic accretion picture of active galactic nuclei, change AGN jet directions only on timescales \gtrsim 10^7 yr. In this picture AGN jet directions are stable on shorter timescales, but uncorrelated with any structure of the host galaxy, as observed. We argue that observations of black-hole jets precessing on timescales short compared to the accretion time would be a strong indication that the accretion disc, and not the standard Blandford-Znajek mechanism, is responsible for driving the jet. This would be particularly convincing in a tidal disruption event. We suggest that additional disc physics is needed to explain any jet precession on timescales short compared with the accretion time. Possibilities include the radiation warping instability, or disc tearing.Comment: 4 pages. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    AGN Flickering and Chaotic Accretion

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    Observational arguments suggest that the growth phases of the supermassive black holes in active galactic nuclei have a characteristic timescale ∼105\sim 10^5 yr. We show that this is the timescale expected in the chaotic accretion picture of black hole feeding, because of the effect of self-gravity in limiting the mass of any accretion disc feeding event.Comment: 3 pages. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter
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