3 research outputs found

    Combining a Deconvolution and a Universal Library Search Algorithm for the Nontarget Analysis of Data-Independent Acquisition Mode Liquid Chromatography−High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Results

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    Nontarget analysis is considered one of the most comprehensive tools for the identification of unknown compounds in a complex sample analyzed via liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC–HRMS). Due to the complexity of the data generated via LC–HRMS, the data-dependent acquisition mode, which produces the MS<sup>2</sup> spectra of a limited number of the precursor ions, has been one of the most common approaches used during nontarget screening. However, data-independent acquisition mode produces highly complex spectra that require proper deconvolution and library search algorithms. We have developed a deconvolution algorithm and a universal library search algorithm (ULSA) for the analysis of complex spectra generated via data-independent acquisition. These algorithms were validated and tested using both semisynthetic and real environmental data. A total of 6000 randomly selected spectra from MassBank were introduced across the total ion chromatograms of 15 sludge extracts at three levels of background complexity for the validation of the algorithms via semisynthetic data. The deconvolution algorithm successfully extracted more than 60% of the added ions in the analytical signal for 95% of processed spectra (i.e., 3 complexity levels multiplied by 6000 spectra). The ULSA ranked the correct spectra among the top three for more than 95% of cases. We further tested the algorithms with 5 wastewater effluent extracts for 59 artificial unknown analytes (i.e., their presence or absence was confirmed via target analysis). These algorithms did not produce any cases of false identifications while correctly identifying ∼70% of the total inquiries. The implications, capabilities, and the limitations of both algorithms are further discussed

    In Vivo Passive Sampling of Nonpolar Contaminants in Brown Trout (<i>Salmo trutta</i>)

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    Equilibrium passive sampling through in vivo implantation can help circumvent complex extractions of biological tissues, provide more accurate information on chemical contaminant burden based on the fugacity of a chemical in an organism rather than conventional normalization to lipid content, and improve the assessment of contaminant bioaccumulation potential. Here, we explored the feasibility of in vivo implantation for the passive sampling of neutral hydrophobic contaminants through the insertion of a silicone tag into brown trout (<i>Salmo trutta</i>). Implanted fish from the upper reaches of the River Alna (Oslo, Norway) were relocated to a polluted section of the river for a 28 day caged exposure. “Whole fish” lipid-silicone distribution coefficients (<i>D</i><sub>lip‑sil</sub>) were calculated for chlorinated compounds measured in whole fish and in silicone tags of 13 fish. <i>D</i><sub>lip‑sil</sub> ranged from 13.6 to 40.0 g g<sup>–1</sup> for polychlorinated biphenyl congeners 28–156 (CB28 and CB156), respectively, and are in close agreement with literature in vitro lipid phase and tissue-based lipid-silicone partition coefficients. After dissection a further of eight fish, muscle and liver samples were analyzed separately. Muscle-based <i>D</i><sub>lip‑sil</sub> values similar to the whole fish data were observed. However, lipid-normalized concentrations in the liver tended to be lower than in muscle for most compounds (by up to 50%). Values of whole fish <i>D</i><sub>lip‑sil</sub> for brominated diphenyl ethers determined for three fish were in the range of 8.6–51 g g<sup>–1</sup> and in agreement with chlorinated substances. Finally, fugacity ratios calculated from equilibrium concentrations in fish-implanted and water-exposed silicone provided information on the bioaccumulation for chlorinated compounds as well as for some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Equilibrium passive sampling through in vivo implantation can allow the comparison of a chemical’s activity or fugacity in biotic as well as abiotic environmental compartments and at different trophic levels up to humans

    PAH Accessibility in Particulate Matter from Road-Impacted Environments

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    Snowmelt, surface runoff, or stormwater releases in urban environments can result in significant discharges of particulate matter-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) into aquatic environments. Recently, more-specific activities such as road-tunnel washing have been identified as contributing to contaminant load to surface waters. However, knowledge of PAH accessibility in particulate matter (PM) of urban origin that may ultimately be released into urban surface waters is limited. In the present study, we evaluated the accessibility of PAHs associated with seven distinct (suspended) particulate matter samples collected from different urban sources. Laboratory-based infinite sink extractions with silicone rubber (SR) as the extractor phase demonstrated a similar pattern of PAH accessibility for most PM samples. Substantially higher accessible fractions were observed for the less-hydrophobic PAHs (between 40 and 80% of total concentrations) compared with those measured for the most-hydrophobic PAHs (<5% of total concentrations). When we focused on PAHs bound to PM from tunnel-wash waters, first-order desorption rates for PAHs with log <i>K</i><sub>ow</sub> > 5.5 were found in line with those commonly found for slowly or very slowly desorbing sediment-associated contaminants. PAHs with log <i>K</i><sub>ow</sub> < 5.5 were found at higher desorbing rates. The addition of detergents did not influence the extractability of lighter PAHs but increased desorption rates for the heavier PAHs, potentially contributing to increases in the toxicity of tunnel-wash waters when surfactants are used. The implications of total and accessible PAH concentrations measured in our urban PM samples are discussed in a context of management of PAH and PM emission to the surrounding aquatic environment. Although we only fully assessed PAHs in this work, further study should consider other contaminants such as OPAHs, which were also detected in all PM samples