139 research outputs found

    Integument, mortality, and skeletal strength in extended production cycles for laying hens - effects of genotype and dietary zinc source

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    1. This study on long-life layers, covering the period 20-100 weeks of age, investigated longitudinal effects on mortality, layer integument, and skeletal properties in Bovans White (BoW) and Lohmann Selected Leghorn Classic (LSL), with or without supplementation with dietary organic zinc (Zn). 2. Two experiments, using 1440 layers in furnished small group cages (FC) and 1836 layers in a traditional floor housing system (Floor), were run in parallel. Each replicate consisted of five adjacent cages containing eight hens in each FC, or a pen with 102 layers in the Floor group. 3. Mortality was recorded daily. Integument and keel bone condition were scored at 35, 55, 85, and 100 weeks of age on 20% of the layers. Tibial strength was recorded from 933 layers at 100 weeks. Statistical analyses were performed on replicate means, with four to five and nine replicates per combination of hybrid and diet in Floor and FC groups, respectively. 4. Cumulative mortality was 9.6% and 16.3% in FC and Floor, respectively, and increased in the latter part of the production cycle, particularly in the Floor group. 5. In FC, LSL had inferior feather cover, less keel bone deviation, and shorter claws than BoW. In Floor, LSL had superior feather cover, less severe vent wounds, more bumble foot, and cleaner plumage than BoW. In both production systems, claws grew longer and keel bone deviation became more severe with age. 6. In FC, layers fed organic Zn had lower body weight and less keel bone deviation at 100 weeks of age. 7. In conclusion, keel bone integrity, claw length, and mortality rate are potential threats to welfare in long-life layers. Feather pecking is a problem that needs addressing at an early stage in the production period. On the whole, organic Zn did not improve welfare conditions in long-life layers

    Genetics of tibia bone properties of crossbred commercial laying hens in different housing systems

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    Osteoporosis and bone fractures are a severe problem for the welfare of laying hens, with genetics and environment, such as housing system, each making substantial contributions to bone strength. In this work, we performed genetic analyses of bone strength, bone mineral density, and bone composition, as well as body weight, in 860 commercial crossbred laying hens from 2 different companies, kept in either furnished cages or floor pens. We compared bone traits between housing systems and crossbreds and performed a genome-wide association study of bone properties and body weight. As expected, the 2 housing systems produced a large difference in bone strength, with layers housed in floor pens having stronger bones. These differences were accompanied by differences in bone geometry, mineralization, and chemical composition. Genome scans either combining or independently analyzing the 2 housing systems revealed no genome-wide significant loci for bone breaking strength. We detected 3 loci for body weight that were shared between the housing systems on chromosomes 4, 6, and 27 (either genome-wide significant or suggestive) and these coincide with associations for bone length. In summary, we found substantial differences in bone strength, content, and composition between hens kept in floor pens and furnished cages that could be attributed to greater physical activity in pen housing. We found little evidence for large-effect loci for bone strength in commercial crossbred hens, consistent with a highly polygenic architecture for bone strength in the production environment. The lack of consistent genetic associations between housing systems in combination with the differences in bone phenotypes could be due to gene-by-environment interactions with housing system or a lack of power to detect shared associations for bone strength

    Gaucher Disease in Bone: From Pathophysiology to Practice

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    Gaucher disease (GD) is a rare, genetic lysosomal disorder leading to lipid accumulation and dysfunction in multiple organs. Involvement of the skeleton is one of the most prevalent aspects of GD and a major cause of pain, disability, and reduced quality of life. Uniform recommendations for contemporary evaluation and management are needed. To develop practical clinical recommendations, an international group of experienced physicians conducted a comprehensive review of 20 years' of the literature, defining terms according to pathophysiological understanding and pointing out best practice and unmet needs related to the skeletal features of this disorder. Abnormalities of bone modeling, reduced bone density, bone infarction, and plasma cell dyscrasias accompany the displacement of healthy adipocytes in adult marrow. Exposure to excess bioactive glycosphingolipids appears to affect hematopoiesis and the balance of osteoblast and osteoclast numbers and activity. Imbalance between bone formation and breakdown induces disordered trabecular and cortical bone modeling, cortical bone thinning, fragility fractures, and osteolytic lesions. Regular assessment of bone mineral density, marrow infiltration, the axial skeleton and searching for potential malignancy are recommended. MRI is valuable for monitoring skeletal involvement: It provides semiquantitative assessment of marrow infiltration and the degree of bone infarction. When MRI is not available, monitoring of painful acute bone crises and osteonecrosis by plain X-ray has limited value. In adult patients, we recommend DXA of the lumbar spine and left and right hips, with careful protocols designed to exclude focal disease; serial follow-up should be done using the same standardized instrument. Skeletal health may be improved by common measures, including adequate calcium and vitamin D and management of pain and orthopedic complications. Prompt initiation of specific therapy for GD is crucial to optimizing outcomes and preventing irreversible skeletal complications. Investing in safe, clinically useful, and better predictive methods for determining bone integrity and fracture risk remains a need. © 2019 The Authors. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Published by Wiley Periodicals Inc

    Inhibition of Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 by Vildagliptin During Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 Infusion Increases Liver Glucose Uptake in the Conscious Dog

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    OBJECTIVE—This study investigated the acute effects of treatment with vildagliptin on dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) activity, glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) concentration, pancreatic hormone levels, and glucose metabolism. The primary aims were to determine the effects of DPP-4 inhibition on GLP-1 clearance and on hepatic glucose uptake

    Hypervariable intronic region in NCX1 is enriched in short insertion-deletion polymorphisms and showed association with cardiovascular traits

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Conserved non-coding regions (CNR) have been shown to harbor gene expression regulatory elements. Genetic variations in these regions may potentially contribute to complex disease susceptibility.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We targeted CNRs of cardiovascular disease (CVD) candidate gene, <it>Na(+)-Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX1) </it>with polymorphism screening among CVD patients (n = 46) using DHPLC technology. The flanking region (348 bp) of the 14 bp indel in intron 2 was further genotyped by DGGE assay in two Eastern-European CVD samples: essential hypertension (HYPEST; 470 cases, 652 controls) and coronary artery disease, CAD (CADCZ; 257 cases, controls 413). Genotype-phenotype associations were tested by regression analysis implemented in PLINK. Alignments of primate sequences were performed by ClustalW2.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Nine of the identified <it>NCX1 </it>variants were either singletons or targeted by commercial platforms. The 14 bp intronic indel (rs11274804) was represented with substantial frequency in HYPEST (6.82%) and CADCZ (14.58%). Genotyping in Eastern-Europeans (n = 1792) revealed hypervariable nature of this locus, represented by seven alternative alleles. The alignments of human-chimpanzee-macaque sequences showed that the major human variant (allele frequency 90.45%) was actually a human-specific deletion compared to other primates. In humans, this deletion was surrounded by other short (5-43 bp) deletion variants and a duplication (40 bp) polymorphism possessing overlapping breakpoints. This indicates a potential indel hotspot, triggered by the initial deletion in human lineage. An association was detected between the carrier status of 14 bp indel ancestral allele and CAD (<it>P </it>= 0.0016, OR = 2.02; Bonferroni significance level alpha = 0.0045), but not with hypertension. The risk for the CAD development was even higher among the patients additionally diagnosed with metabolic syndrome (<it>P </it>= 0.0014, OR = 2.34). Consistent with the effect on metabolic processes, suggestive evidence for the association with heart rate, serum triglyceride and LDL levels was detected (<it>P </it>= 0.04).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Compared to SNPs targeted by large number of locus-specific and genome-wide assays, considerably less attention has been paid to short indel variants in the human genome. The data of genome dynamics, mutation rate and population genetics of short indels, as well as their impact on gene expressional profile and human disease susceptibility is limited. The characterization of <it>NCX1 </it>intronic hypervariable non-coding region enriched in human-specific indel variants contributes to this gap of knowledge.</p

    Translating Clinical Findings into Knowledge in Drug Safety Evaluation - Drug Induced Liver Injury Prediction System (DILIps)

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    Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is a significant concern in drug development due to the poor concordance between preclinical and clinical findings of liver toxicity. We hypothesized that the DILI types (hepatotoxic side effects) seen in the clinic can be translated into the development of predictive in silico models for use in the drug discovery phase. We identified 13 hepatotoxic side effects with high accuracy for classifying marketed drugs for their DILI potential. We then developed in silico predictive models for each of these 13 side effects, which were further combined to construct a DILI prediction system (DILIps). The DILIps yielded 60–70% prediction accuracy for three independent validation sets. To enhance the confidence for identification of drugs that cause severe DILI in humans, the “Rule of Three” was developed in DILIps by using a consensus strategy based on 13 models. This gave high positive predictive value (91%) when applied to an external dataset containing 206 drugs from three independent literature datasets. Using the DILIps, we screened all the drugs in DrugBank and investigated their DILI potential in terms of protein targets and therapeutic categories through network modeling. We demonstrated that two therapeutic categories, anti-infectives for systemic use and musculoskeletal system drugs, were enriched for DILI, which is consistent with current knowledge. We also identified protein targets and pathways that are related to drugs that cause DILI by using pathway analysis and co-occurrence text mining. While marketed drugs were the focus of this study, the DILIps has a potential as an evaluation tool to screen and prioritize new drug candidates or chemicals, such as environmental chemicals, to avoid those that might cause liver toxicity. We expect that the methodology can be also applied to other drug safety endpoints, such as renal or cardiovascular toxicity

    Tissue Effect on Genetic Control of Transcript Isoform Variation

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    Current genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are moving towards the use of large cohorts of primary cell lines to study a disease of interest and to assign biological relevance to the genetic signals identified. Here, we use a panel of human osteoblasts (HObs) to carry out a transcriptomic survey, similar to recent studies in lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). The distinct nature of HObs and LCLs is reflected by the preferential grouping of cell type–specific genes within biologically and functionally relevant pathways unique to each tissue type. We performed cis-association analysis with SNP genotypes to identify genetic variations of transcript isoforms, and our analysis indicates that differential expression of transcript isoforms in HObs is also partly controlled by cis-regulatory genetic variants. These isoforms are regulated by genetic variants in both a tissue-specific and tissue-independent fashion, and these associations have been confirmed by RT–PCR validation. Our study suggests that multiple transcript isoforms are often present in both tissues and that genetic control may affect the relative expression of one isoform to another, rather than having an all-or-none effect. Examination of the top SNPs from a GWAS of bone mineral density show overlap with probeset associations observed in this study. The top hit corresponding to the FAM118A gene was tested for association studies in two additional clinical studies, revealing a novel transcript isoform variant. Our approach to examining transcriptome variation in multiple tissue types is useful for detecting the proportion of genetic variation common to different cell types and for the identification of cell-specific isoform variants that may be functionally relevant, an important follow-up step for GWAS

    Measurement of the Absolute Magnitude and Time Courses of Mitochondrial Membrane Potential in Primary and Clonal Pancreatic Beta-Cells

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    The aim of this study was to simplify, improve and validate quantitative measurement of the mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔψM) in pancreatic β-cells. This built on our previously introduced calculation of the absolute magnitude of ΔψM in intact cells, using time-lapse imaging of the non-quench mode fluorescence of tetramethylrhodamine methyl ester and a bis-oxonol plasma membrane potential (ΔψP) indicator. ΔψM is a central mediator of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in pancreatic β-cells. ΔψM is at the crossroads of cellular energy production and demand, therefore precise assay of its magnitude is a valuable tool to study how these processes interplay in insulin secretion. Dispersed islet cell cultures allowed cell type-specific, single-cell observations of cell-to-cell heterogeneity of ΔψM and ΔψP. Glucose addition caused hyperpolarization of ΔψM and depolarization of ΔψP. The hyperpolarization was a monophasic step increase, even in cells where the ΔψP depolarization was biphasic. The biphasic response of ΔψP was associated with a larger hyperpolarization of ΔψM than the monophasic response. Analysis of the relationships between ΔψP and ΔψM revealed that primary dispersed β-cells responded to glucose heterogeneously, driven by variable activation of energy metabolism. Sensitivity analysis of the calibration was consistent with β-cells having substantial cell-to-cell variations in amounts of mitochondria, and this was predicted not to impair the accuracy of determinations of relative changes in ΔψM and ΔψP. Finally, we demonstrate a significant problem with using an alternative ΔψM probe, rhodamine 123. In glucose-stimulated and oligomycin-inhibited β-cells the principles of the rhodamine 123 assay were breached, resulting in misleading conclusion