600 research outputs found

    Boundary Layer Transition Protuberance Tests at NASA JSC Arc-Jet Facility

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    A series of tests conducted recently at the NASA JSC arc -jet test facility demonstrated that a protruding tile material can survive the exposure to the high enthalpy flows characteristic of the Space Shuttle Orbiter re-entry environments. The tests provided temperature data for the protuberance and the surrounding smooth tile surfaces, as well as the tile bond line. The level of heating needed to slump the protuberance material was achieved. Protuberance failure mode was demonstrated

    Environmental Effects on Neonatal Mortality of Beef Calves

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    Calving records from 1969 to 1989 from the Roman L. Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Research Center were used to investigate how climatic conditions, in addition to dystocia, age of dam, size of calf, and sex affect calf survival from birth to 1 wk of age. Data were analyzed separately for cows calving with (n = 11,094) or without (n = 72,187) dystocia. Neonatal mortality was described by a logit model and parameters were estimated by maximum-likelihood procedures. Calves born to cows with dystocia were five times as likely to die neonatally than calves born without assistance. Of all calves that died, 43.6% were born with difficulty. Of these calves, survival was lowest for those that were small relative to their genetic group, sex, and age of dam. Large calves had markedly increased mortality only when born to 2-yr-old dams. Average ambient temperature and precipitation on day of calving affected survival nonlinearly and the magnitude of the effect depended on age of dam, sex and size of calf, and dystocia incidence. Calves born to 2-yr-old cows were more susceptible to severe weather conditions than calves born to older cows. The negative effect of precipitation on survival increased with decreasing temperature

    Environmental Effects on Neonatal Mortality of Beef Calves

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    Calving records from 1969 to 1989 from the Roman L. Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Research Center were used to investigate how climatic conditions, in addition to dystocia, age of dam, size of calf, and sex affect calf survival from birth to 1 wk of age. Data were analyzed separately for cows calving with (n = 11,094) or without (n = 72,187) dystocia. Neonatal mortality was described by a logit model and parameters were estimated by maximum-likelihood procedures. Calves born to cows with dystocia were five times as likely to die neonatally than calves born without assistance. Of all calves that died, 43.6% were born with difficulty. Of these calves, survival was lowest for those that were small relative to their genetic group, sex, and age of dam. Large calves had markedly increased mortality only when born to 2-yr-old dams. Average ambient temperature and precipitation on day of calving affected survival nonlinearly and the magnitude of the effect depended on age of dam, sex and size of calf, and dystocia incidence. Calves born to 2-yr-old cows were more susceptible to severe weather conditions than calves born to older cows. The negative effect of precipitation on survival increased with decreasing temperature

    Changing Dose of Progesterone Results in Sudden Changes in Frequency of Luteinizing Hormone Pulses and Secretion of 17β-Estradiol in Bovine Females

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    The aim of the present study was to elucidate the time course according to which changes in circulating concentrations of progesterone influence pulsatile secretion of LH and secretion of 17β-estradiol. Our working hypothesis was that changing the dose of progesterone would result in changes in frequency of LH pulses and secretion of 17β-estradiol within 72 h. Five days after behavioral estrus, thirty-three cows were randomly assigned to one of five groups: 1) control, no treatment (CONT, n = 5); 2) treatment with two progesterone-releasing intravaginal devices (PRIDs) for 11 days (2PRID, 5-6 ng/ml plasma progesterone, n = 7); 3) treatment with a 0.5 PRID for 11 days (0.5PRID, 1-2 ng/ml plasma progesterone, n = 7); 4) treatment with 2 PRIDs for 8 days followed by treatment with a 0.5 PRID for 3 days (2-0.5PRID, n = 7); and 5) treatment with a 0.5 PRID for 8 days followed by treatment with 2 PRIDs for 3 days (0.5-2PRID, n = 7). Cows subject to PRID treatments received injections of prostaglandin F2 on Days 1 and 2 (Day 0 = day of initiation of PRID treatments, fifth day of the estrous cycle in CONT cows) to lyse the existing corpus luteum. Cows were bled for 12 h at 15-min intervals on Day 7.5 of the treatment period (twelfth day of the estrous cycle in CONT cows). The dose of progesterone was changed on Day 8 in cows that were assigned to the 2-0.5PRID and 0.5-2PRID groups, and blood collections continued an additional 72 h to characterize profiles of circulating concentrations of LH and 17β-estradiol. Cows treated with a 0.5 PRID had a greater (p \u3c 0.05) number of LH pulses and higher (p \u3c 0.05) concentrations of 17β-estradiol throughout the entire blood collection period than cows in the 2PRID and CONT groups. An increase in the number of LH pulses was detected within 6 h after the change from the high to the low dose of progesterone (2-0.5PRID), and frequency of LH pulses was similar to that of cows in the 0.5PRID group for the remainder of the period of blood collection. LH pulse frequency declined within 6 h after the shift from the low to the high dose of progesterone (0.5-2PRID) and was similar to that of cows in the 2PRID group by 12 h after the dose was changed. Within 6 h after the dose of progesterone was changed, circulating concentrations of 17p-estradiol increased (p \u3c 0.05) in cows shifted from the high to low dose (2-0.5PRID) and declined (p \u3c 0.05) after the dose of progesterone was changed from low to high (0.5-2PRID). We conclude that changing the circulating concentrations of progesterone concurrently affects frequency of pulsatile LH release and secretion of 17β-estradiol within 6-24 h

    Changing Dose of Progesterone Results in Sudden Changes in Frequency of Luteinizing Hormone Pulses and Secretion of 17β-Estradiol in Bovine Females

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    The aim of the present study was to elucidate the time course according to which changes in circulating concentrations of progesterone influence pulsatile secretion of LH and secretion of 17β-estradiol. Our working hypothesis was that changing the dose of progesterone would result in changes in frequency of LH pulses and secretion of 17β-estradiol within 72 h. Five days after behavioral estrus, thirty-three cows were randomly assigned to one of five groups: 1) control, no treatment (CONT, n = 5); 2) treatment with two progesterone-releasing intravaginal devices (PRIDs) for 11 days (2PRID, 5-6 ng/ml plasma progesterone, n = 7); 3) treatment with a 0.5 PRID for 11 days (0.5PRID, 1-2 ng/ml plasma progesterone, n = 7); 4) treatment with 2 PRIDs for 8 days followed by treatment with a 0.5 PRID for 3 days (2-0.5PRID, n = 7); and 5) treatment with a 0.5 PRID for 8 days followed by treatment with 2 PRIDs for 3 days (0.5-2PRID, n = 7). Cows subject to PRID treatments received injections of prostaglandin F2 on Days 1 and 2 (Day 0 = day of initiation of PRID treatments, fifth day of the estrous cycle in CONT cows) to lyse the existing corpus luteum. Cows were bled for 12 h at 15-min intervals on Day 7.5 of the treatment period (twelfth day of the estrous cycle in CONT cows). The dose of progesterone was changed on Day 8 in cows that were assigned to the 2-0.5PRID and 0.5-2PRID groups, and blood collections continued an additional 72 h to characterize profiles of circulating concentrations of LH and 17β-estradiol. Cows treated with a 0.5 PRID had a greater (p \u3c 0.05) number of LH pulses and higher (p \u3c 0.05) concentrations of 17β-estradiol throughout the entire blood collection period than cows in the 2PRID and CONT groups. An increase in the number of LH pulses was detected within 6 h after the change from the high to the low dose of progesterone (2-0.5PRID), and frequency of LH pulses was similar to that of cows in the 0.5PRID group for the remainder of the period of blood collection. LH pulse frequency declined within 6 h after the shift from the low to the high dose of progesterone (0.5-2PRID) and was similar to that of cows in the 2PRID group by 12 h after the dose was changed. Within 6 h after the dose of progesterone was changed, circulating concentrations of 17p-estradiol increased (p \u3c 0.05) in cows shifted from the high to low dose (2-0.5PRID) and declined (p \u3c 0.05) after the dose of progesterone was changed from low to high (0.5-2PRID). We conclude that changing the circulating concentrations of progesterone concurrently affects frequency of pulsatile LH release and secretion of 17β-estradiol within 6-24 h

    Excitations in confined helium

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    We design models for helium in matrices like aerogel, Vycor or Geltech from a manifestly microscopic point of view. For that purpose, we calculate the dynamic structure function of 4He on Si substrates and between two Si walls as a function of energy, momentum transfer, and the scattering angle. The angle--averaged results are in good agreement with the neutron scattering data; the remaining differences can be attributed to the simplified model used here for the complex pore structure of the materials. A focus of the present work is the detailed identification of coexisting layer modes and bulk--like excitations, and, in the case of thick films, ripplon excitations. Involving essentially two--dimensional motion of atoms, the layer modes are sensitive to the scattering angle.Comment: Phys. Rev. B (2003, in press

    Strong interconversion of non-polar phonons and Josephson plasma oscillations induced by equilibrium Josephson currents in high T_c superconductors

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    We analyze consequences of dynamical modulations of Josephson current by non-polar lattice mode in the Josephson junction barrier. In the high TcT_c junctions, the effect of such modulations can be anomalously strong due to the proximity of the insulating barrier to the superconducting state. Accordingly, the interconversion of sound (as well as other non-polar phonons) and the Josephson plasma oscillations mediated by stationary Josephson currents, which may be present in the junction due to various reasons, becomes possible. We suggest that this effect can be employed for imaging of the stationary Josephson currents. Estimates of the effect are given.Comment: 11 RevTeX pages, no figure

    Melengestrol Acetate at Greater Doses Than Typically Used for Estrous Synchrony in Bovine Females Does Not Mimic Endogenous Progesterone in Regulation of Secretion of Luteinizing Hormone and 17β-Estradiol

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    Our working hypothesis was that doses of melengestrol acetate (MGA) greater than those typically administered in estrous synchrony regimens would regulate secretion of LH and 17β-estradiol (E2) as endogenous progesterone (P4) does during the midluteal phase of the estrous cycle. We also hypothesized that endogenous P4 from the CL would interact with MGA to further decrease the frequency of LH pulses and E2. Cows on Day 5 of their estrous cycle (Day 0 = estrus) were randomly assigned to an untreated control group (CONT, n = 5) or to one of six MGA treatment groups (n = 5 per group): 1) MGA administered orally each day via a gelatin capsule at a dose of 0.5 mg MGA/cow with the CL present (0.5CL); 2) 0.5 mg MGA/cow daily in the absence of CL (0.5NO); 3) 1.0 mg MGA with CL present (1.OCL); 4) 1.0 mg MGA without CL (1.ONO); 5) 1.5 mg MGA with CL present (1.5CL); 6) 1.5 mg without CL (1.5NO). MGA was administered for 10 days (Day 5 = initiation of treatment). To regress CL, cows assigned to groups without CL received injections of prostaglandin F2α (PGF, 0; 25 mg) on Days 6 and 7 of their estrous cycle. All cows were administered PGF2α. at the end of the 10-day treatment period. During the treatment period, daily blood samples were collected to determine concentrations of E2. Serial blood samples were collected at 15-min intervals for 24 h on Days 8, 11, and 14 to determine pattern of LH secretion. Frequency of LH pulses on Days 8, 11, and 14 was greater (p \u3c 0.05) in cows without CL (0.5NO, 1.ONO, and 1.5NO) than in cows with CL (0.5CL, 1.OCL, 1.5CL, and CONT). Mean concentrations of LH were greater (p \u3c 0.05) in cows from the 0.5NO group on Days 8 and 11 and were greater (p \u3c 0.05) in cows from the 0.5NO, 1.ONO, and 1.5NO groups on Day 14 as compared to cows with CL. Overall mean concentrations of LH across Days 8, 11, and 14 were greatest (p \u3c 0.05) in cows from the 0.5NO group and were also greater (p \u3c 0.05) in cows from the 0.5NO, 1.ONO, and 1.5NO groups as compared to cows in the 0.5CL, 1.OCL, 1.5CL, and CONT groups. Mean concentrations of E2 during the treatment period were greater (p \u3c 0.05) in cows from the 0.5NO group than in cows from either the 1.ONO or the 1.5NO group; these values were also greater (p \u3c 0.05) in cows of the 0.5NO, 1.ONO, and 1.5NO groups as compared to cows of the 1.OCL and CONT groups. Therefore, we reject our working hypothesis because doses of MGA greater than those typically used in estrous synchrony protocols did not suppress LH and E2 to the same extent that endogenous P4 does. In addition, MGA treatment when CL were present did not result in a further suppression of LH pulse frequency or of E2 as compared to the values in control cows with functional CL

    Differential Regulation of Gonadotropin Synthesis and Release in Ovariectomized Ewes after Treatment with a Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone Antagonist

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    Our working hypothesis was that synthesis and release of LH, but not FSH, were solely dependent on LHRH. Twenty ovariectomized (OVX) ewes were randomly assigned to one of five treatments (n = 4 per group). Ewes were administered a low (10 μg/kg) or high (100 μg/kg) dose of LHRH antagonist (LHRH-Ant) at 24-h intervals for 3 or 6 days. Control ewes received vehicle (5% mannitol) at 24-h intervals for 6 days. Blood samples were collected every 15 min for 4 h before LHRH-Ant or vehicle and every 2 h during the period of treatment to determine concentrations of LH and FSH. Twenty-four hours after the last treatment with LHRH-Ant or vehicle, anterior pituitaries were collected and divided in half along the midsagittal plane; the number of receptors for LHRH, pituitary content of LH and FSH, and relative amounts of mRNA for α, LHβ, and FSHβ subunits were determined. Concentrations of LH in serum decreased (p \u3c 0.05) from 25.4 ± 4.3 ng/ml before LHRH-Ant to less than 0.5 ng/ml within 4 h after the first treatment of LHRH-Ant and remained low (\u3c 0.5 ng/ml) throughout the study. Serum concentrations of FSH declined gradually during the 3- or 6-day period of treatment with LHRH-Ant, from 37.3 ± 2.4 and 26.5 ± 4.8 ng/ml to 19.9 ± 1.8 and 13.7 ± 2.1 ng/ml, respectively. The magnitude of decline in serum concentrations of LH and FSH did not differ among ewes treated with low or high doses of LHRH-Ant. Pituitary content of LH was not different (p \u3e 0.10) from that in controls, whereas pituitary content of FSH was greater (p \u3c 0.01) in control ewes compared to ewes treated with LHRH-Ant. Receptors for LHRH were nondetectable (\u3c 0.018 x 10-16 mol receptor/μg protein) in pituitaries after 3 or 6 days of treatment with LHRH-Ant (low or high dose). Relative amounts of mRNA for α, LHβ, and FSHβ subunits were lower (p \u3c 0.01) after 6 days of treatment with LHRH-Ant (low or high dose) than after 3 days of treatment with LHRH-Ant (low or high dose). The LHRH was, therefore, required to maintain steady state amounts of mRNA for FSH and LH and to maintain pituitary stores of FSH but not LH. Our data support the hypothesis that differential regulation of LH and FSH release occurs in ewes. While synthesis and release of LH are dependent on LHRH, synthesis but not release of FSH appears to be dependent on LHRH