13 research outputs found

    Circular-Planned Diagrid Systems and an Interrelated Technique Using Planar Elements

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    This paper presents the development of circular-planned diagrid systems in architecture and varying approaches in patents in relation to these developments, together with a technique introduced for producing diagrid implementations using planar elements. A circular plan creates a curved surface at its periphery that leads to the diagrid system on a curved surface, resulting in unique geometric configurations. Patents based on these geometric configurations and their details, registered between 1896 and 2016, are documented. A technique is devised by the authors as a reinterpretation of the diagrid system via planar components with its own parameters and principles. This technique may be utilized by design offices or by the students of architecture for prototyping or modelling a circular-planned diagrid structure in a precise, fast and economical manner by means of conventional CNC manufacturing techniques. © 2017 Kim Williams Books, Turi

    Towards a New Representational Ecosystem for the Design Studio

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    The collection of visual and physical simulation tools available to a design team constitutes what can be termed the Representational Ecosystem of the design studio. Current digital paradigm does not effectively support design discussions because it is limited to the pictorial-frame and scaled representations. We analyzed for the first time the link between the Interconnected Hybrid Ideation Space (HIS) and the representational ecosystem of a design studio as a case study. The Hybrid Representational Ecosystem is proposed to better achieve a comprehensive and closer view of the design solution because it is fully hybrid (analog/digital), it supports multiple kinds of representations, scales, and co-design. The epistemology and principles of the new paradigm are described

    Circular-Planned Diagrid Systems and an Interrelated Technique Using Planar Elements

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    Spatio-Temporally Navigable Representation and Communication of Urban Cultural Heritage

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    Virtual environments are effective tools for the representation and communication of cultural heritage. We suggest that an interactive, immersive and dynamic navigation of the virtual representation of the urban environment will not only convey the essence of the culture and the changes it underwent in a more comprehensible manner, but will engender a 'sense of place'—genius loci— in the visitors. This cognitive mode will help them learn about much more than the geometry and materiality of the city: it will make them 'feel' part of the event itself. By presenting a socially shareable experience, we aim to introduce the medium the character of a genuine place, and make it a social venue for active exploration, discussion and interaction

    Design Flow 2.0, assessing experience during ideation with increased granularity: A proposed method

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    International audienceThis paper presents a new method to measure designers' experience during ideation, by using the technique of self-observation instrumented with a device and an original software. Based on the previous concept of Design Flow and the experience fluctuation model, the proposed procedure asks participants to rate their perceived challenge and skills at each moment of their ideation session while watching the video recording. The method aims at increasing granularity of Design Flow and reducing time of interviews, while retaining the ability to analyse the ideation activity as a whole, not just selected excerpts. After performing a validation test confirming its effectiveness, we conclude that this method is a fast and practical way to obtain continuous quantitative data about designers' experience that can be analysed and triangulated with other sources of data (e.g. verbal analysis)