3,875 research outputs found

    Improving the Functional Control of Aged Ferroelectrics using Insights from Atomistic Modelling

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    We provide a fundamental insight into the microscopic mechanisms of the ageing processes. Using large scale molecular dynamics simulations of the prototypical ferroelectric material PbTiO3, we demonstrate that the experimentally observed ageing phenomena can be reproduced from intrinsic interactions of defect-dipoles related to dopant-vacancy associates, even in the absence of extrinsic effects. We show that variation of the dopant concentration modifies the material's hysteretic response. We identify a universal method to reduce loss and tune the electromechanical properties of inexpensive ceramics for efficient technologies.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Josephson Coupling through a Quantum Dot

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    We derive, via fourth order perturbation theory, an expression for the Josephson current through a gated interacting quantum dot. We analyze our expression for two different models of the superconductor-dot-superconductor (SDS) system. When the matrix elements connecting dot and leads are featureless constants, we compute the Josephson coupling J_c as a function of the gate voltage and Coulomb interaction. In the diffusive dot limit, we compute the probability distribution P(J_c) of Josephson couplings. In both cases, pi junction behavior (J_c < 0) is possible, and is not simply dependent on the parity of the dot occupancy.Comment: 9 pages; 3 encapsulated PostScript figure

    Quickest Paths in Simulations of Pedestrians

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    This contribution proposes a method to make agents in a microscopic simulation of pedestrian traffic walk approximately along a path of estimated minimal remaining travel time to their destination. Usually models of pedestrian dynamics are (implicitly) built on the assumption that pedestrians walk along the shortest path. Model elements formulated to make pedestrians locally avoid collisions and intrusion into personal space do not produce motion on quickest paths. Therefore a special model element is needed, if one wants to model and simulate pedestrians for whom travel time matters most (e.g. travelers in a station hall who are late for a train). Here such a model element is proposed, discussed and used within the Social Force Model.Comment: revised version submitte

    Optical Flow on Evolving Surfaces with an Application to the Analysis of 4D Microscopy Data

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    We extend the concept of optical flow to a dynamic non-Euclidean setting. Optical flow is traditionally computed from a sequence of flat images. It is the purpose of this paper to introduce variational motion estimation for images that are defined on an evolving surface. Volumetric microscopy images depicting a live zebrafish embryo serve as both biological motivation and test data.Comment: The final publication is available at link.springer.co

    Doing gender locally: The importance of ‘place’ in understanding marginalised masculinities and young men’s transitions to ‘safe’ and successful futures

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    Observable anxieties have been developing about the position of boys and young men in contemporary society in recent years. This is expressed as a crisis of masculinity, in which place is often implicitly implicated, but is rarely considered for its role in the shaping of young men’s practices, trajectories and aspirations. Drawing on research conducted with young people who accessed a range of social care support services, this article argues that transition means different things for young men in different locales and that local definitions of masculinity are required to better understand young men’s lives and the opportunities available to them. The authors argue that home life, street life, individual neighbourhoods, regions and nations all shaped the young men’s identities and the practices they (and the staff working with them) drew on in order to create successful futures and ‘safe’ forms of masculinity. It is suggested that this place-based approach has the potential to re-shape the ‘crisis’ discourse surrounding masculinity and the anxieties associated with young men

    The magnitude of educational disadvantage amongst indigenous minority groups in Australia.

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    Indigenous groups are amongst the most disadvantaged minority groups in the developed world. This paper examines the educational disadvantage of indigenous Australians by assessing academic performance at a relatively early age. We find that, by the age of 10, indigenous Australians are substantially behind non-indigenous Australians in academic achievement. Their relative performance deteriorates further over the next 2 years. School and locality do not appear to be important determinants of the indigenous to non-indigenous achievement gap. However, geographic remoteness, indigenous ethnicity and language use at home have a marked influence on educational achievement. A current focus of Australian indigenous policy is to increase school resources. Our results suggest that this will not eliminate indigenous educational disadvantage on its own

    An analysis of integrative outcomes in the Dayton peace negotiations

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    The nature of the negotiated outcomes of the eight issues of the Dayton Peace Agreement was studied in terms of their integrative and distributive aspects. in cases where integrative elements were Sound, further analysis was conducted by concentrating on Pruitt's five types of integrative solutions: expanding the pie, cost cutting, non-specific compensation, logrolling, and bridging. The results showed that real world international negotiations can arrive at integrative agreements even when they involve redistribution of resources tin this case the redistribution of former Yugoslavia). Another conclusion was that an agreement can consist of several distributive outcomes and several integrative outcomes produced by different kinds of mechanisms. Similarly, in single issues more than one mechanism can be used simultaneously. Some distributive bargaining was needed in order to determine how much compensation was required. Finally, each integrative formula had some distributive aspects as well

    Neoliberalisation and 'lad cultures' in higher education

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    This paper links HE neoliberalisation and ‘lad cultures’, drawing on interviews and focus groups with women students. We argue that retro-sexist ‘laddish’ forms of masculine competitiveness and misogyny have been reshaped by neoliberal rationalities to become modes of consumerist sexualised audit. We also suggest that neoliberal frameworks scaffold an individualistic and adversarial culture among young people that interacts with perceived threats to men’s privilege and intensifies attempts to put women in their place through misogyny and sexual harassment. Furthermore, ‘lad cultures’, sexism and sexual harassment in higher education may be invisibilised by institutions to preserve marketability in a neoliberal context. In response, we ask if we might foster dialogue and partnership between feminist and anti-marketisation politics

    Many Body Theory of Charge Transfer in Hyperthermal Atomic Scattering

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    We use the Newns-Anderson Hamiltonian to describe many-body electronic processes that occur when hyperthermal alkali atoms scatter off metallic surfaces. Following Brako and Newns, we expand the electronic many-body wavefunction in the number of particle-hole pairs (we keep terms up to and including a single particle-hole pair). We extend their earlier work by including level crossings, excited neutrals and negative ions. The full set of equations of motion are integrated numerically, without further approximations, to obtain the many-body amplitudes as a function of time. The velocity and work-function dependence of final state quantities such as the distribution of ion charges and excited atomic occupancies are compared with experiment. In particular, experiments that scatter alkali ions off clean Cu(001) surfaces in the energy range 5 to 1600 eV constrain the theory quantitatively. The neutralization probability of Na+^+ ions shows a minimum at intermediate velocity in agreement with the theory. This behavior contrasts with that of K+^+, which shows ... (7 figures, not included. Figure requests: [email protected])Comment: 43 pages, plain TeX, BUP-JBM-

    Level Set Segmentation with Shape and Appearance Models Using Affine Moment Descriptors

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    We propose a level set based variational approach that incorporates shape priors into edge-based and region-based models. The evolution of the active contour depends on local and global information. It has been implemented using an efficient narrow band technique. For each boundary pixel we calculate its dynamic according to its gray level, the neighborhood and geometric properties established by training shapes. We also propose a criterion for shape aligning based on affine transformation using an image normalization procedure. Finally, we illustrate the benefits of the our approach on the liver segmentation from CT images