86 research outputs found

    Emancipation through Secularization: French Feminist Views of Muslim Women’s Condition in Interwar Algeria

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    Cet article examine la condition des musulmanes algĂ©riennes telle que vue par des fĂ©ministes françaises entre les deux guerres mondiales. Une sĂ©rie de colloques nationaux et internationaux dans la rĂ©gion mĂ©diterranĂ©enne analysa les limitations imposĂ©es sur les filles et les femmes musulmanes par la tradition patriarcale et s\u27adressa au gouvernement pour demander des rĂ©formes. Cet article dĂ©montre que ces fĂ©ministes françaises approuvaient la « mission civilisatrice » de la France et conseillaient des mesures visant la modernisation, « le progrĂšs » et la laĂŻcitĂ© en AlgĂ©rie. Alors que ces fĂ©ministes orientalistes critiquaient le Code Civil de 1804 comme une source de l\u27inĂ©galitĂ© des femmes françaises, elles prĂ©conisaient son imposition en AlgĂ©rie pour supplanter les vestiges du droit islamique. Les tentatives de coopĂ©ration entre les fĂ©ministes de France et leurs interlocutrices algĂ©riennes furent gĂȘnĂ©es par des tensions irrĂ©conciliables entre laĂŻcitĂ© et religiositĂ©

    Feminist Lawyers and Political Change in Modern France, 1900-1940. In Eva Schandevyl ed., Women in Law and Law-making in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Europe, chapter 2. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2014: 45-73.

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    This research considers how French female lawyers participated in legal reform during the period from 1900 to 1940. Frenchwomen were admitted to the legal profession in 1900 by an act of parliament and this reform brought political implications in its wake. My research on the first cadres of female lawyers illustrates that that they were unusually political active. As unequal members of the profession and unequal citizens in the society many of these new professionals engaged in a vigorous defense of equality and justice

    The impact of acute lung injury, ECMO and transfusion on oxidative stress and plasma selenium levels in an ovine model

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of smoke induced acute lung. injury (S-ALI), extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and transfusion on oxidative stress and plasma selenium levels. Forty ewes were divided into (i) healthy control (n = 4), (ii) S-ALI control (n = 7), (iii) ECMO control (n = 7), (iv) S-ALI + ECMO (n = 8) and (v) S-ALI + ECM + packed red blood cell (PRBC) transfusion (n = 14). Plasma thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), selenium and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity were analysed at baseline, after smoke injury (or sham) and 0.25, 1, 2, 6, 7, 12 and 24 h after initiation of ECMO. Peak TBARS levels were similar across all groups. Plasma selenium decreased by 54% in S-ALI sheep (1.36 +/- 0.20 to 0.63 +/- 0.27 mu mol/L, p < 0.0001), and 72% in sheep with S-ALI + ECMO at 24 h (1.36 +/- 0.20 to 0.38 +/- 0.19, p < 0.0001). PRBC transfusion had no effect on TBARS, selenium levels or glutathione peroxidase activity in plasma. While ECMO independently increased TBARS in healthy sheep to levels which were similar to the S-ALI control, the addition of ECMO after S-ALI caused a negligible increase in TBARS. This suggests that the initial lung injury was the predominant feature in the TBARS response. In contrast, the addition of ECM in S-ALI sheep exacerbated reductions in plasma selenium beyond that of S-ALI or ECM alone. Clinical studies are needed to confirm the extent and duration of selenium loss associated with ECMO. Crown Copyright (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved

    A Pair of Compact Red Galaxies at Redshift 2.38, Immersed in a 100 kpc Scale Ly-alpha Nebula

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and ground-based observations of a pair of galaxies at redshift 2.38, which are collectively known as 2142-4420 B1 (Francis et al. 1996). The two galaxies are both luminous extremely red objects (EROs), separated by 0.8 arcsec. They are embedded within a 100 kpc scale diffuse Ly-alpha nebula (or blob) of luminosity ~10^44 erg/s. The radial profiles and colors of both red objects are most naturally explained if they are young elliptical galaxies: the most distant yet found. It is not, however, possible to rule out a model in which they are abnormally compact, extremely dusty starbursting disk galaxies. If they are elliptical galaxies, their stellar populations have inferred masses of ~10^11 solar masses and ages of ~7x10^8 years. Both galaxies have color gradients: their centers are significantly bluer than their outer regions. The surface brightness of both galaxies is roughly an order of magnitude greater than would be predicted by the Kormendy relation. A chain of diffuse star formation extending 1 arcsec from the galaxies may be evidence that they are interacting or merging. The Ly-alpha nebula surrounding the galaxies shows apparent velocity substructure of amplitude ~ 700 km/s. We propose that the Ly-alpha emission from this nebula may be produced by fast shocks, powered either by a galactic superwind or by the release of gravitational potential energy.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures, ApJ in press (to appear in Jun 10 issue

    Pre-clinical study protocol: Blood transfusion in endotoxaemic shock

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    The Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SCC) and the American College of Critical Care Medicine (ACCM) guidelines recommend blood transfusion in sepsis when the haemoglobin concentration drops below 7.0 g/dL and 10.0 g/dL respectively, while the World Health Organisation (WHO) guideline recommends transfusion in septic shock ‘if intravenous (IV) fluids do not maintain adequate circulation’, as a supportive measure of last resort. Volume expansion using crystalloid and colloid fluid boluses for haemodynamic resuscitation in severe illness/sepsis, has been associated with adverse outcomes in recent literature. However, the volume expansion effect(s) following blood transfusion for haemodynamic circulatory support, in severe illness remain unclear with most previous studies having focused on evaluating effects of either different RBC storage durations (short versus long duration) or haemoglobin thresholds (low versus high threshold) pre-transfusion. We describe the protocol for a pre-clinical randomised controlled trial designed to examine haemodynamic effect(s) of early volume expansion using packed RBCs (PRBCs) transfusion (before any crystalloids or colloids) in a validated ovine-model of hyperdynamic endotoxaemic shock. Additional exploration of mechanisms underlying any physiological, haemodynamic, haematological, immunologic and tissue specific-effects of blood transfusion will be undertaken including comparison of effects of short (5 days) versus long ( 30 days) storage duration of PRBCs prior to transfusion.National Health and Medical Research Council, NHMRC, Australia (Grant ID APP1061382), Emergency Medicine Foundation, EMF, Australia (Grant ID EMPJ-358R25-2016), Australian Red Cross Blood Service. Nchafatso G. Obonyo is supported and funded through the DELTAS Africa Initiative [DEL-15-003]. The DELTAS Africa Initiative is an independent funding scheme of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS)’s Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa (AESA) and supported by the New Partnership for Africa’s Development Planning and Coordinating Agency (NEPAD Agency) with funding from the Wellcome Trust [107769/Z/10/Z] and the UK government

    Returning Individual Research Results from Digital Phenotyping in Psychiatry

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    Psychiatry is rapidly adopting digital phenotyping and artificial intelligence/machine learning tools to study mental illness based on tracking participants’ locations, online activity, phone and text message usage, heart rate, sleep, physical activity, and more. Existing ethical frameworks for return of individual research results (IRRs) are inadequate to guide researchers for when, if, and how to return this unprecedented number of potentially sensitive results about each participant’s real-world behavior. To address this gap, we convened an interdisciplinary expert working group, supported by a National Institute of Mental Health grant. Building on established guidelines and the emerging norm of returning results in participant-centered research, we present a novel framework specific to the ethical, legal, and social implications of returning IRRs in digital phenotyping research. Our framework offers researchers, clinicians, and Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) urgently needed guidance, and the principles developed here in the context of psychiatry will be readily adaptable to other therapeutic areas

    The development and validation of a scoring tool to predict the operative duration of elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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    Background: The ability to accurately predict operative duration has the potential to optimise theatre efficiency and utilisation, thus reducing costs and increasing staff and patient satisfaction. With laparoscopic cholecystectomy being one of the most commonly performed procedures worldwide, a tool to predict operative duration could be extremely beneficial to healthcare organisations. Methods: Data collected from the CholeS study on patients undergoing cholecystectomy in UK and Irish hospitals between 04/2014 and 05/2014 were used to study operative duration. A multivariable binary logistic regression model was produced in order to identify significant independent predictors of long (> 90 min) operations. The resulting model was converted to a risk score, which was subsequently validated on second cohort of patients using ROC curves. Results: After exclusions, data were available for 7227 patients in the derivation (CholeS) cohort. The median operative duration was 60 min (interquartile range 45–85), with 17.7% of operations lasting longer than 90 min. Ten factors were found to be significant independent predictors of operative durations > 90 min, including ASA, age, previous surgical admissions, BMI, gallbladder wall thickness and CBD diameter. A risk score was then produced from these factors, and applied to a cohort of 2405 patients from a tertiary centre for external validation. This returned an area under the ROC curve of 0.708 (SE = 0.013, p  90 min increasing more than eightfold from 5.1 to 41.8% in the extremes of the score. Conclusion: The scoring tool produced in this study was found to be significantly predictive of long operative durations on validation in an external cohort. As such, the tool may have the potential to enable organisations to better organise theatre lists and deliver greater efficiencies in care
