181 research outputs found

    Derepression of a Neuronal Inhibitor due to miRNA Dysregulation in a Schizophrenia-Related Microdeletion

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    Summary22q11.2 microdeletions result in specific cognitive deficits and schizophrenia. Analysis of Df(16)A+/− mice, which model this microdeletion, revealed abnormalities in the formation of neuronal dendrites and spines, as well as altered brain microRNAs. Here, we show a drastic reduction of miR-185, which resides within the 22q11.2 locus, to levels more than expected by a hemizygous deletion, and we demonstrate that this reduction alters dendritic and spine development. miR-185 represses, through an evolutionarily conserved target site, a previously unknown inhibitor of these processes that resides in the Golgi apparatus and shows higher prenatal brain expression. Sustained derepression of this inhibitor after birth represents the most robust transcriptional disturbance in the brains of Df(16)A+/− mice and results in structural alterations in the hippocampus. Reduction of miR-185 also has milder age- and region-specific effects on the expression of some Golgi-related genes. Our findings illuminate the contribution of microRNAs in psychiatric disorders and cognitive dysfunction

    Gene Associations with Country Ham Quality, Quantity and Color Traits

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    The demand for country hams or dry-cured hams has been on the rise in recent years in the U.S., which provides a new market for pork producers. In this study, three genes involved in the regulation of fatty acid synthesis and antioxidative enzyme transcription were investigated for associations with country ham quality, quantity, and color traits. These processes are import for meat quality. Differences in the animals’ genetic sequence, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were detected in each gene and association analyzes were performed. Several significant associations were found and include, but are not limited to, cured weight, ham yield, moisture and salt percentage. The findings in this study provide evidence that pigs carrying favorable variants of these genes could be selected for use in improvements in country ham production

    SREBP pathway genes as candidate markers in country ham production

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    Country hams are dry-cured products from the Southeastern region of the USA. This high value product requires quality fresh meat to avoid later processing problems. The marker SREBF1 is a transcription factor involved in the regulation of fatty acid synthesis and antioxidative enzyme transcription. The SREBF1 gene and its regulators, SCAP and MBTPS1, were investigated for associations with several meat quality traits in country hams. After single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) identification, PCR-RFLP tests were designed for one polymorphism in each of the three investigated genes. Meat quality and physical traits were collected on 299 fresh hams. Significant associations were found with ham yield (MBTPS1, PSREBF1xMBTPS1, PMBTPS1, PSREBF1x MBTPS1, PSREBF1, PMBTPS1, PSREBF1xMBTPS1, PSCAPxMBTPS1, PSREBF1xSCAP, PSREBF1, SCAP and MBTPS1 are associated with some country ham quality traits. Breeders could use these gene tests to improve their animals, which would in turn improve country ham processing and other desired production goals

    Complete head cerebral sensitivity mapping for diffuse correlation spectroscopy using subject-specific magnetic resonance imaging models

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    We characterize cerebral sensitivity across the entire adult human head for diffuse correlation spectroscopy, an optical technique increasingly used for bedside cerebral perfusion monitoring. Sixteen subject-specific magnetic resonance imaging-derived head models were used to identify high sensitivity regions by running Monte Carlo light propagation simulations at over eight hundred uniformly distributed locations on the head. Significant spatial variations in cerebral sensitivity, consistent across subjects, were found. We also identified correlates of such differences suitable for real-time assessment. These variations can be largely attributed to changes in extracerebral thickness and should be taken into account to optimize probe placement in experimental settings

    Comparative genomics of antibiotic-resistant uropathogens implicates three routes for recurrence of urinary tract infections

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    The rise of antimicrobial resistance in uropathogens has complicated the management of urinary tract infections (UTIs), particularly in patients who are afflicted by recurrent episodes of UTIs. Antimicrobial-resistant (AR) uropathogens persistently colonizing individuals at asymptomatic time points have been implicated in the pathophysiology of UTIs. The dynamics of uropathogen persistence following the resolution of symptomatic disease are, however, mostly unclear. To further our understanding, we determined longitudinal AR uropathogen carriage and clonal persistence of uropathogeni

    The Vaginal Microbiome: Disease, Genetics and the Environment

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    The vagina is an interactive interface between the host and the environment. Its surface is covered by a protective epithelium colonized by bacteria and other microorganisms. The ectocervix is nonsterile, whereas the endocervix and the upper genital tract are assumed to be sterile in healthy women. Therefore, the cervix serves a pivotal role as a gatekeeper to protect the upper genital tract from microbial invasion and subsequent reproductive pathology. Microorganisms that cross this barrier can cause preterm labor, pelvic inflammatory disease, and other gynecologic and reproductive disorders. Homeostasis of the microbiome in the vagina and ectocervix plays a paramount role in reproductive health. Depending on its composition, the microbiome may protect the vagina from infectious or non-infectious diseases, or it may enhance its susceptibility to them. Because of the nature of this organ, and the fact that it is continuously colonized by bacteria from birth to death, it is virtually certain that this rich environment evolved in concert with its microbial flora. Specific interactions dictated by the genetics of both the host and microbes are likely responsible for maintaining both the environment and the microbiome. However, the genetic basis of these interactions in both the host and the bacterial colonizers is currently unknown. _Lactobacillus_ species are associated with vaginal health, but the role of these species in the maintenance of health is not yet well defined. Similarly, other species, including those representing minor components of the overall flora, undoubtedly influence the ability of potential pathogens to thrive and cause disease. Gross alterations in the vaginal microbiome are frequently observed in women with bacterial vaginosis, but the exact etiology of this disorder is still unknown. There are also implications for vaginal flora in non-infectious conditions such as pregnancy, pre-term labor and birth, and possibly fertility and other aspects of women’s health. Conversely, the role of environmental factors in the maintenance of a healthy vaginal microbiome is largely unknown. To explore these issues, we have proposed to address the following questions:

*1.	Do the genes of the host contribute to the composition of the vaginal microbiome?* We hypothesize that genes of both host and bacteria have important impacts on the vaginal microbiome. We are addressing this question by examining the vaginal microbiomes of mono- and dizygotic twin pairs selected from the over 170,000 twin pairs in the Mid-Atlantic Twin Registry (MATR). Subsequent studies, beyond the scope of the current project, may investigate which host genes impact the microbial flora and how they do so.
*2.	What changes in the microbiome are associated with common non-infectious pathological states of the host?* We hypothesize that altered physiological (e.g., pregnancy) and pathologic (e.g., immune suppression) conditions, or environmental exposures (e.g., antibiotics) predictably alter the vaginal microbiome. Conversely, certain vaginal microbiome characteristics are thought to contribute to a woman’s risk for outcomes such as preterm delivery. We are addressing this question by recruiting study participants from the ~40,000 annual clinical visits to women’s clinics of the VCU Health System.
*3.	What changes in the vaginal microbiome are associated with relevant infectious diseases and conditions?* We hypothesize that susceptibility to infectious disease (e.g. HPV, _Chlamydia_ infection, vaginitis, vaginosis, etc.) is impacted by the vaginal microbiome. In turn, these infectious conditions clearly can affect the ability of other bacteria to colonize and cause pathology. Again, we are exploring these issues by recruiting participants from visitors to women’s clinics in the VCU Health System.

Three kinds of sequence data are generated in this project: i) rDNA sequences from vaginal microbes; ii) whole metagenome shotgun sequences from vaginal samples; and iii) whole genome shotgun sequences of bacterial clones selected from vaginal samples. The study includes samples from three vaginal sites: mid-vaginal, cervical, and introital. The data sets also include buccal and perianal samples from all twin participants. Samples from these additional sites are used to test the hypothesis of a per continuum spread of bacteria in relation to vaginal health. An extended set of clinical metadata associated with these sequences are deposited with dbGAP. We have currently collected over 4,400 samples from ~100 twins and over 450 clinical participants. We have analyzed and deposited data for 480 rDNA samples, eight whole metagenome shotgun samples, and over 50 complete bacterial genomes. These data are available to accredited investigators according to NIH and Human Microbiome Project (HMP) guidelines. The bacterial clones are deposited in the Biodefense and Emerging Infections Research Resources Repository ("http://www.beiresources.org/":http://www.beiresources.org/). 

In addition to the extensive sequence data obtained in this study, we are collecting metadata associated with each of the study participants. Thus, participants are asked to complete an extensive health history questionnaire at the time samples are collected. Selected clinical data associated with the visit are also obtained, and relevant information is collected from the medical records when available. This data is maintained securely in a HIPAA-compliant data system as required by VCU’s Institutional Review Board (IRB). The preponderance of these data (i.e., that judged appropriate by NIH staff and VCU’s IRB are deposited at dbGAP ("http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gap":http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gap). Selected fields of this data have been identified by NIH staff as ‘too sensitive’ and are not available in dbGAP. Individuals requiring access to these data fields are asked to contact the PI of this project or NIH Program Staff. 

    Acute and persistent effects of commonly used antibiotics on the gut microbiome and resistome in healthy adults

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    Antibiotics are deployed against bacterial pathogens, but their targeting of conserved microbial processes means they also collaterally perturb the commensal microbiome. To understand acute and persistent effects of antibiotics on the gut microbiota of healthy adult volunteers, we quantify microbiome dynamics before, during, and 6 months after exposure to 4 commonly used antibiotic regimens. We observe an acute decrease in species richness and culturable bacteria after antibiotics, with most healthy adult microbiomes returning to pre-treatment species richness after 2 months, but with an altered taxonomy, resistome, and metabolic output, as well as an increased antibiotic resistance burden. Azithromycin delays the recovery of species richness, resulting in greater compositional distance. A subset of volunteers experience a persistent reduction in microbiome diversity after antibiotics and share compositional similarities with patients hospitalized in intensive care units. These results improve our quantitative understanding of the impact of antibiotics on commensal microbiome dynamics, resilience, and recovery

    The Gemini Planet Imager Exoplanet Survey: Giant Planet and Brown Dwarf Demographics From 10-100 AU

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    We present a statistical analysis of the first 300 stars observed by the Gemini Planet Imager Exoplanet Survey (GPIES). This subsample includes six detected planets and three brown dwarfs; from these detections and our contrast curves we infer the underlying distributions of substellar companions with respect to their mass, semi-major axis, and host stellar mass. We uncover a strong correlation between planet occurrence rate and host star mass, with stars M >> 1.5 MM_\odot more likely to host planets with masses between 2-13 MJup_{\rm Jup} and semi-major axes of 3-100 au at 99.92% confidence. We fit a double power-law model in planet mass (m) and semi-major axis (a) for planet populations around high-mass stars (M >> 1.5M_\odot) of the form d2Ndmdamαaβ\frac{d^2 N}{dm da} \propto m^\alpha a^\beta, finding α\alpha = -2.4 ±\pm 0.8 and β\beta = -2.0 ±\pm 0.5, and an integrated occurrence rate of 94+59^{+5}_{-4}% between 5-13 MJup_{\rm Jup} and 10-100 au. A significantly lower occurrence rate is obtained for brown dwarfs around all stars, with 0.80.5+0.8^{+0.8}_{-0.5}% of stars hosting a brown dwarf companion between 13-80 MJup_{\rm Jup} and 10-100 au. Brown dwarfs also appear to be distributed differently in mass and semi-major axis compared to giant planets; whereas giant planets follow a bottom-heavy mass distribution and favor smaller semi-major axes, brown dwarfs exhibit just the opposite behaviors. Comparing to studies of short-period giant planets from the RV method, our results are consistent with a peak in occurrence of giant planets between ~1-10 au. We discuss how these trends, including the preference of giant planets for high-mass host stars, point to formation of giant planets by core/pebble accretion, and formation of brown dwarfs by gravitational instability.Comment: 52 pages, 18 figures. AJ in pres

    Ginsenoside Rb1 Prevents H2O2-Induced HUVEC Senescence by Stimulating Sirtuin-1 Pathway

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    We have previously reported that Ginsenoside Rb1 may effectively prevent HUVECs from senescence, however, the detailed mechanism has not demonstrated up to now. Recent studies have shown that sirtuin-1 (Sirt1) plays an important role in the development of endothelial senescence. The purpose of this study was to explore whether Sirt1 is involved in the action of Ginsenoside Rb1 regarding protection against H2O2-induced HUVEC Senescence.Senescence induced by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) was examined by analyzing plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) expression, cell morphology, and senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) activity. The results revealed that 42% of control-treated HUVECs were SA-β-gal positive after treatment by 60 µmol/L H2O2, however, this particular effect of H2O2 was decreased more than 2-fold (19%) in the HUVECs when pretreated with Rb1 (20 µmol/L) for 30 min. Additionally, Rb1 decreased eNOS acetylation, as well as promoted more NO production that was accompanied by an increase in Sirt1 expression. Furthermore, upon knocking down Sirt1, the effect of Rb1 on HUVEC senescence was blunted.The present study indicated that Ginsenoside Rb1 acts through stimulating Sirt1 in order to protect against endothelial senescence and dysfunction. As such, Sirt1 appears to be of particular importance in maintaining endothelial functions and delaying vascular aging