294,230 research outputs found

    Junior Recital, Micah Baldwin, tenor & Jasmin Ward, soprano

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    Junior RecitalMicah Baldwin, tenor & Jasmin Ward, sopranoDavid Kim, pianoTuesday, April 16, 2019 at 7:30pmRecital Hall / James W. Black Music Center1015 Grove Avenue / Richmond, Va

    A theorem for the beam splitter entangler

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    It is conjectured that the an entanglement output states from a beam splitter requires the nonclassicality in the input state(M.S. Kim, W. Son, V. Buzek and P. L. Knight, Phys. Rev. A, 65, 032323(2002)). Here we give a proof for this conjecture.Comment: Two relevant literatures added. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Comments on "New Brans-Dicke Wormholes"

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    It is shown that the recently claimed two new Brans-Dicke wormhole solutions [F. He and S-W. Kim, Phys. Rev. D{\bf 65}, 084022 (2002)] are not really new solutions. They are just the well known Brans-Dicke solutions of Class I and II in a different conformal gauge.Comment: 4 page

    Review of \u3cem\u3eInvisible Hands: The Businessmen\u27s Crusade Against the New Deal.\u3c/em\u3e Kim Phillips-Fein. Reviewed by Robert Leighninger.

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    Book review of Kim Phillips-Fein, Invisible Hands: The Businessmen\u27s Crusade Against the New Deal. W. W. Norton, 2009. $16.95 paperback

    KIM-1 interface adapter to 3-wire teletype systems

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    The KIM-1 circuit designed for use with a full duplex isolated 4 terminal system is described. Operation of the circuit with a 3 wire system in conjunction with a single +5v supply interface is discussed

    Physician-prescribed Asthma Treatment Regimen does not differ Between Smoking and Non-smoking Patients With Asthma in Seoul and Gyunggi province of Korea

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Lauren Weisenfluh and Melissa Stauffer, PhD, in collaboration with SCRIBCO, for medical writing assistance. Funding for this research was provided by Merck & Co., Inc. The authors also wish to thank Eric Maiese and Sharlette Everett for their contributions to the design and implementation of the study and the analytic plan. The authors would also like to thank the study investigators who contributed to patient enrollment and data collection: Drs. Young Il Hwang (Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital), Young Min Ye (Ajou University Medical Center), Joo Hee Kim (Ajou University Medical Center), Heung Woo Park (Seoul National University Hospital), Tae Wan Kim (Seoul National University Hospital), Jae Jeong Shim (Korea University Guro Hospital), Gyu Young Hur (Korea University Guro Hospital), Soo Taek Uh (SoonChunHyang University Hospital), Sang Ha Kim (Wonju Christian Hospital), Myoung Kyu Lee (Wonju Christian Hospital), Soo Keol Lee (Dong-A Medical Center), Jin Hong Chung (Yeungnam University Medical Center), Kyu Jin Kim (Yeungnam University Medical Center), Young Koo Jee (Dankook University Hospital), Kyung Mook Kim (Dankook University Hospital), Young Il Koh (Chonnam National University Hospital), Cheol Woo Kim (Inha university Hospital), You Sook Cho (Seoul Asan Medical Center), Tae Bum Kim (Seoul Asan Medical Center), Jae Myung Lee (Myeong Internal Medicine), Young Mok Lee (Good Friends Internal Medicine), Bong Chun Lee (Namsan Hospital), So Yoen Park (A&A Clinic).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    "Kim jestem w pracy" - źródła i determinanty w pracy opiekunów w żłobkach

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    This article examines the ways in which childcare workers position their background in their work practice (sources) and explores how they perceive their work as childcare workers (determinants). This exploratory study focuses on the experiences and perceptions of childcare workers. Twenty individual interviews were organised with qualified childcare workers. Transcriptions were analysed using thematic analysis to explore perceptions of sources and determinants of strategies, which is described in the context of U. Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model. The model reveals that the childcare worker’s professional role forms the basis for his/her self-perceptions, with the mesosystem emphasising the crucial influence of beliefs and behaviours from other childcare workers, directors, parents, and children on the shaping of their professional identity, while the exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem collectively contribute to the dynamic and time-dependent construction of this identity within the broader societal and cultural context (Bronfenbrenner, 1979). The professional experience of childcare workers is analysed in light of the needs for strengthening professional practice, advocating for the implementation of policies that ensure better professional status. The determinants influencing strategies in their work were identified as mental costs, attitudes toward the profession, successes and failures, and the atmosphere in the facility, emphasising the importance of managerial support and the need for clearer tools to address challenges within the childcare profession.Ten artykuł analizuje sposoby, w jakie pracownicy opieki nad dziećmi pozycjonują swoje doświadczenie zawodowe w praktyce pracy (źródła) oraz bada, w jaki sposób postrzegają swoją pracę jako opiekunowie dzieci (czynniki determinujące). To badanie eksploracyjne koncentruje się na doświadczeniach i postrzeganiu swojej pracy przez opiekunów. Przeprowadzono 20 indywidualnych wywiadów z wykwalifikowanymi pracownikami opieki nad dziećmi. Transkrypcje zostały przeanalizowane przy użyciu analizy tematycznej w celu zbadania postrzegania źródeł i determinant strategii, co opisano w kontekście modelu ekologicznego U. Bronfenbrennera. Model ujawnia, że zawodowa rola opiekuna dziecka stanowi podstawę dla jego samooceny, przy czym mesosystem podkreśla kluczowy wpływ przekonań i zachowań innych pracowników opieki nad dziećmi, dyrektorów, rodziców i dzieci na kształtowanie ich tożsamości zawodowej, podczas gdy egzosystem, makrosystem i chronosystem wspólnie przyczyniają się do dynamicznej i czasowej konstrukcji tej tożsamości w szerszym kontekście społecznym i kulturowym (Bronfenbrenner, 1979). Doświadczenie zawodowe pracowników opieki nad dziećmi zostało zanalizowane w kontekście potrzeb wzmacniania praktyki zawodowej, popierania wdrożenia polityk zapewniających lepszy status zawodowy. Czynniki determinujące strategie w ich pracy zostały zidentyfikowane jako koszty psychiczne, postawy wobec zawodu, sukcesy i porażki oraz atmosfera w placówce, podkreślając znaczenie wsparcia ze strony kierownictwa i potrzebę klarownych narzędzi do radzenia sobie z wyzwaniami w zawodzie opieki nad dziećmi

    On the automorphisms of a graph product of abelian groups

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    We study the automorphisms of a graph product of finitely-generated abelian groups W. More precisely, we study a natural subgroup Aut* W of Aut W, with Aut* W = Aut W whenever vertex groups are finite and in a number of other cases. We prove a number of structure results, including a semi-direct product decomposition of Aut* W in which one of the factors is Inn W. We also give a number of applications, some of which are geometric in nature.Comment: 38 pages, 4 figure

    No anomalous scaling in electrostatic calibrations for Casimir force measurements

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    In a recent paper (Phys.Rev.A78, 020101(R) (2008)), Kim at al. have reported a large anomaly in the scaling law of the electrostatic interaction between a sphere and a plate, which was observed during the calibration of their Casimir force set-up. Here we experimentally demonstrate that in proper electrostatic calibrations the scaling law follows the behavior expected from elementary electrostatic arguments, even when the electrostatic voltage that one must apply to minimize the force (typically ascribed to contact potentials) depends on the separation between the surfaces.Comment: Final versio