1,036 research outputs found

    On the Existence of Positive Solutions of Quasilinear Elliptic Boundary Value Problems

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    AbstractWe establish the existence of positive solutions to a class of quasilinear anisotropic problems which have either sublinear or superlinear nonlinearity. With a, b nonnegative constants and α, ÎČ positive constants, one example is If b−a<1 (sublinear case), then for each λ∈[0,∞), (1) has a solution. On the other hand, if b−a>1 (superlinear case), then there exists a λ*>0 such that for 0⩜λ<λ*, (1) has at least one solution, and for λ>λ* no solution exists

    Exact Solution for the Critical State in Thin Superconductor Strips with Field Dependent or Anisotropic Pinning

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    An exact analytical solution is given for the critical state problem in long thin superconductor strips in a perpendicular magnetic field, when the critical current density j_c(B) depends on the local induction B according to a simple three-parameter model. This model describes both isotropic superconductors with this j_c(B) dependence, but also superconductors with anisotropic pinning described by a dependence j_c(theta) where theta is the tilt angle of the flux lines away from the normal to the specimen plane

    REMOVED: Optimization of VMD Process as Draw Solution Recovery Unit in FO Process

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    This article has been removed: please see Elsevier Policy on Article Withdrawal (http://www.elsevier.com/locate/withdrawalpolicy).This article has been removed at the request of the Executive Publisher.This article has been removed because it was published without the permission of the author(s)

    Conductivity sum rule, implication for in-plane dynamics and c-axis response

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    Recently observed cc-axis optical sum rule violations indicate non-Fermi liquid in-plane behavior. For coherent cc-axis coupling, the observed flat, nearly frequency independent cc-axis conductivity σ1(ω)\sigma_{1}(\omega) implies a large in-plane scattering rate Γ\Gamma around (0,π)(0,\pi) and therefore any pseudogap that might form at low frequency in the normal state will be smeared. On the other hand incoherent cc-axis coupling places no restriction on the value of Γ\Gamma and gives a more consistent picture of the observed sum rule violation which, we find in some cases, can be less than half.Comment: 3 figures. To appear in PR

    On Non Commutative Calabi-Yau Hypersurfaces

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    Using the algebraic geometry method of Berenstein et al (hep-th/0005087), we reconsider the derivation of the non commutative quintic algebra Anc(5){\mathcal{A}}_{nc}(5) and derive new representations by choosing different sets of Calabi-Yau charges Cia{C_{i}^{a}}. Next we extend these results to higher dd complex dimension non commutative Calabi-Yau hypersurface algebras Anc(d+2){\mathcal{A}}_{nc}(d+2). We derive and solve the set of constraint eqs carrying the non commutative structure in terms of Calabi-Yau charges and discrete torsion. Finally we construct the representations of Anc(d+2){\mathcal{A}}_{nc}(d+2) preserving manifestly the Calabi-Yau condition ∑iCia=0 \sum_{i}C_{i}^{a}=0 and give comments on the non commutative subalgebras.Comment: 16 pages, Latex. One more subsection on fractional branes, one reference and minor changes are added. To appear in Phy. Let.

    Impact of long-range interactions on the disordered vortex lattice

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    The interaction between the vortex lines in a type-II superconductor is mediated by currents. In the absence of transverse screening this interaction is long-ranged, stiffening up the vortex lattice as expressed by the dispersive elastic moduli. The effect of disorder is strongly reduced, resulting in a mean-squared displacement correlator = characterized by a mere logarithmic growth with distance. Finite screening cuts the interaction on the scale of the London penetration depth \lambda and limits the above behavior to distances R<\lambda. Using a functional renormalization group (RG) approach, we derive the flow equation for the disorder correlation function and calculate the disorder-averaged mean-squared relative displacement \propto ln^{2\sigma} (R/a_0). The logarithmic growth (2\sigma=1) in the perturbative regime at small distances [A.I. Larkin and Yu.N. Ovchinnikov, J. Low Temp. Phys. 34, 409 (1979)] crosses over to a sub-logarithmic growth with 2\sigma=0.348 at large distances.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    Nano encapsulation of Drug-loaded Lipid by Temperature induced Phase Transition

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    Pluronic nanoparticles (NPs) were prepared by means of a temperature-induced phase transition in the mixture composed of Pluronic F-68 and liquid Tween 80/soybean oil containing model drugs such as orlistat, caffeine, and ibuprofen sodium salt. Liquid soybean oil/Tween 80 was used as a solubilizer for model drugs, and Pluronic F-68 was the polymer that stabilizes liquid soybean oil/Tween 80 containing model drugs. Field-emission scanning electron microscopy and particle size analyzer were used to observe the morphology and size distribution of the prepared NPs. X-ray diffractometer was used to understand relationship between the crystalline state of the model drug and its solubility in the aqueous media. To observe the feasibility of Pluronic NPs as a drug delivery system, the release pattern of model drugs was observed

    NC Calabi-Yau Manifolds in Toric Varieties with NC Torus fibration

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    Using the algebraic geometry method of Berenstein and Leigh (BL), hep-th/0009209 and hep-th/0105229), and considering singular toric varieties Vd+1{\cal V}_{d+1} with NC irrational torus fibration, we construct NC extensions Md(nc){\cal M}_{d}^{(nc)} of complex d dimension Calabi-Yau (CY) manifolds embedded in Vd+1(nc){\cal V}_{d+1}^{(nc)}. We give realizations of the NC C∗r\mathbf{C}^{\ast r} toric group, derive the constraint eqs for NC Calabi-Yau (NCCY) manifolds Mdnc{\cal M}^{nc}_d embedded in Vd+1nc{\cal V}_{d+1}^{nc} and work out solutions for their generators. We study fractional DD branes at singularities and show that, due to the complete reducibility property of C∗r\mathbf{C}^{\ast r} group representations, there is an infinite number of non compact fractional branes at fixed points of the NC toric group.Comment: 12 pages, LaTex, no figur
