11,363 research outputs found

    Unique Appearance of Lamellar Cleavage Patterns on Fracture Surfaces of Ti-Based Amorphous Matrix Composite

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    In order to improve mechanical properties of Ti-based amorphous matrix composites basically composed of ductile beta-Ti dendrites and brittle amorphous matrix by overcoming their inherent brittle nature, their fracture mechanisms should be verified in relation with microstructure, stress intensity factor level, and crack growth rate. In this study, thus, detailed fractographic observations including the unique appearance of lamellar cleavage patterns, which has not been reported in previous studies on conventional metals and alloys, were conducted. According to fractographic results, lamellar cleavage patterns were formed by repeated interruptions of crack propagation on {100} cleavage planes by difference between dendrite orientation and loading direction. Ductile-to-brittle transition phenomenon (ductile dimpled fracture -> lamellar cleavage fracture -> ordinary cleavage fracture in dendrite areas, and vein pattern -> smooth pattern in amorphous matrix areas) occurred with increasing crack growth rate was also plausibly explained by the concept of time required for crack growth as well as dendrite orientation.open1122sciescopu

    Moxifloxacin: Clinically compatible contrast agent for multiphoton imaging

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    Multiphoton microscopy (MPM) is a nonlinear fluorescence microscopic technique widely used for cellular imaging of thick tissues and live animals in biological studies. However, MPM application to human tissues is limited by weak endogenous fluorescence in tissue and cytotoxicity of exogenous probes. Herein, we describe the applications of moxifloxacin, an FDA-approved antibiotic, as a cell-labeling agent for MPM. Moxifloxacin has bright intrinsic multiphoton fluorescence, good tissue penetration and high intracellular concentration. MPM with moxifloxacin was demonstrated in various cell lines, and animal tissues of cornea, skin, small intestine and bladder. Clinical application is promising since imaging based on moxifloxacin labeling could be 10 times faster than imaging based on endogenous fluorescence.1152sciescopu

    Matrix Models for Supersymmetric Chern-Simons Theories with an ADE Classification

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    We consider N=3 supersymmetric Chern-Simons (CS) theories that contain product U(N) gauge groups and bifundamental matter fields. Using the matrix model of Kapustin, Willett and Yaakov, we examine the Euclidean partition function of these theories on an S^3 in the large N limit. We show that the only such CS theories for which the long range forces between the eigenvalues cancel have quivers which are in one-to-one correspondence with the simply laced affine Dynkin diagrams. As the A_n series was studied in detail before, in this paper we compute the partition function for the D_4 quiver. The D_4 example gives further evidence for a conjecture that the saddle point eigenvalue distribution is determined by the distribution of gauge invariant chiral operators. We also see that the partition function is invariant under a generalized Seiberg duality for CS theories.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures; v2 refs added; v3 conventions in figure 3 altered, version to appear in JHE

    TLR9 regulates adipose tissue inflammation and obesity-related metabolic disorders

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    ObjectiveRecent studies have revealed a link between Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling and the adipose tissue inflammation associated with obesity. Although TLR9 is known to play an important role in inflammation and innate immunity, its role in mediating adipose tissue inflammation has not yet been investigated. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the role of TLR9 in regulating immune cells in visceral adipose tissue and maintaining the metabolic homeostasis. MethodsWild-type and TLR9-deficient mice were fed with a high-fat diet, and the body weight gain, glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, and adipose tissue inflammation were examined. ResultsTLR9-deficient mice gained significantly more weight and body fat under a high-fat diet than wild-type mice and exhibited more severe glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. We also found a dramatic increase of M1 macrophages as well as T(H)1 cells in the adipose tissue of TLR9-deficient mice compared to wild-type mice. Furthermore, the levels of various proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines were higher in TLR9-deficient mice. ConclusionsTLR9 signaling is involved in regulating adipose tissue inflammation and controlling obesity and the metabolic syndrome.1174Ysciescopu

    Carbon nanotube four-terminal devices for pressure sensing applications

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are of high interest for sensing applications,owing to their superior mechanical strength, high Young’s modulus and low density. In this work, we report on a facile approach for the fabrication of carbon nanotube devices using a four terminal configuration. Oriented carbon nanotube films were pulled out from a CNT forest wafer and then twisted into a yarn. Both the CNT film and yarn were arranged on elastomer membranes/diaphragms which were arranged on a laser cut acrylic frame to form pressure sensors. The sensors were calibrated using a precisely controlled pressure system, showing a large change of the output voltage of approximately 50 mV at a constant supply current of 100 μA and under a low applied pressure of 15 mbar. The results indicate the high potential of using CNT films and yarns for pressure sensing applications

    Oral immunization of haemaggulutinin H5 expressed in plant endoplasmic reticulum with adjuvant saponin protects mice against highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus infection

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    Pandemics in poultry caused by the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A virus occur too frequently globally, and there is growing concern about the HPAI A virus due to the possibility of a pandemic among humans. Thus, it is important to develop a vaccine against HPAI suitable for both humans and animals. Various approaches are underway to develop such vaccines. In particular, an edible vaccine would be a convenient way to vaccinate poultry because of the behaviour of the animals. However, an edible vaccine is still not available. In this study, we developed a strategy of effective vaccination of mice by the oral administration of transgenic Arabidopsis plants (HA-TG) expressing haemagglutinin (HA) in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Expression of HA in the ER resulted in its high-level accumulation, N-glycosylation, protection from proteolytic degradation and long-term stability. Oral administration of HA-TG with saponin elicited high levels of HA-specific systemic IgG and mucosal IgA responses in mice, which resulted in protection against a lethal influenza virus infection with attenuated inflammatory symptoms. Based on these results, we propose that oral administration of freeze-dried leaf powders from transgenic plants expressing HA in the ER together with saponin is an attractive strategy for vaccination against influenza A virus.X111411Ysciescopu

    Operator Counting for N=2 Chern-Simons Gauge Theories with Chiral-like Matter Fields

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    The localization formula of Chern-Simons quiver gauge theory on S3S^3 nicely reproduces the geometric data such as volume of Sasaki-Einstein manifolds in the large-NN limit, at least for vector-like models. The validity of chiral-like models is not established yet, due to technical problems in both analytic and numerical approaches. Recently Gulotta, Herzog and Pufu suggested that the counting of chiral operators can be used to find the eigenvalue distribution of quiver matrix models. In this paper we apply this method to some vector-like or chiral-like quiver theories, including the triangular quivers with generic Chern-Simons levels which are dual to in-homogeneous Sasaki-Einstein manifolds Yp,k(CP2)Y^{p,k}(\mathbb{CP}^2). The result is consistent with AdS/CFT and the volume formula. We discuss the implication of our analysis.Comment: 23 pages; v2. revised version; v3. corrected typos and clarified argument

    The mu problem and sneutrino inflation

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    We consider sneutrino inflation and post-inflation cosmology in the singlet extension of the MSSM with approximate Peccei-Quinn(PQ) symmetry, assuming that supersymmetry breaking is mediated by gauge interaction. The PQ symmetry is broken by the intermediate-scale VEVs of two flaton fields, which are determined by the interplay between radiative flaton soft masses and higher order terms. Then, from the flaton VEVs, we obtain the correct mu term and the right-handed(RH) neutrino masses for see-saw mechanism. We show that the RH sneutrino with non-minimal gravity coupling drives inflation, thanks to the same flaton coupling giving rise to the RH neutrino mass. After inflation, extra vector-like states, that are responsible for the radiative breaking of the PQ symmetry, results in thermal inflation with the flaton field, solving the gravitino problem caused by high reheating temperature. Our model predicts the spectral index to be n_s\simeq 0.96 due to the additional efoldings from thermal inflation. We show that a right dark matter abundance comes from the gravitino of 100 keV mass and a successful baryogenesis is possible via Affleck-Dine leptogenesis.Comment: 27 pages, no figures, To appear in JHE

    Compositionality, stochasticity and cooperativity in dynamic models of gene regulation

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    We present an approach for constructing dynamic models for the simulation of gene regulatory networks from simple computational elements. Each element is called a ``gene gate'' and defines an input/output-relationship corresponding to the binding and production of transcription factors. The proposed reaction kinetics of the gene gates can be mapped onto stochastic processes and the standard ode-description. While the ode-approach requires fixing the system's topology before its correct implementation, expressing them in stochastic pi-calculus leads to a fully compositional scheme: network elements become autonomous and only the input/output relationships fix their wiring. The modularity of our approach allows to pass easily from a basic first-level description to refined models which capture more details of the biological system. As an illustrative application we present the stochastic repressilator, an artificial cellular clock, which oscillates readily without any cooperative effects.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures. Accepted by the HFSP journal (13/09/07