199 research outputs found

    Differential Operators on Jacobi Forms of Several Variables

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    AbstractIn this paper we study the Rankin–Cohen type bilinear differential operators, more generally, multilinear differential operators on the space of Jacobi forms on H×Cn as well as on the space of modular forms on the orthogonal group O(2, n+2). These types of Jacobi forms have been studied by Gritsenko and Krieg

    Rigidity and Stability for Isometry Groups in Hyperbolic 4-Space

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    It is known that a geometrically finite Kleinian group is quasiconformally stable. We prove that this quasiconformal stability cannot be generalized in 4-dimensional hyperbolic space. This is due to the presence of screw parabolic isometries in dimension 4. These isometries are topologically conjugate to strictly parabolic isometries. However, we show that screw parabolic isometries are not quasiconformally conjugate to strictly parabolic isometries. In addition, we show that two screw parabolic isometries are generically not quasiconformally conjugate to each other. We also give some geometric properties of a hyperbolic 4-manifold related to screw parabolic isometries. A Fuchsian thrice-punctured sphere group has a trivial deformation space in hyperbolic 3-space. Thus, it is quasiconformally rigid. We prove that the Fuchsian thrice-punctured sphere group has a large deformation space in hyperbolic 4-space which is in contrast to lower dimensions. In particular, we prove that there is a 2-dimensional parameter space in the deformation space of the Fuchsian thrice-punctured sphere group for which the deformations are all geometrically finite and generically quasiconformally distinct. In contrast, the thrice-punctured sphere group is still quasiconformally rigid in hyperbolic 4-space. Along the way, we classify the isometries of hyperbolic 4-space by their isometric sphere decompositions. Our techniques involve using 2 x 2 Clifford matrix representations of the isometries of hyperbolic 4-space. This is a natural generalization of the classical cases PSL(2, C) and PSL(2, R)


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    本研究ノートでは、先行研究で提案されてきた因果関係の分類について概観し、関係する言語現象についてまとめる。哲学、言語学両分野の研究において、因果関係をいくつかの種類に分けられることが提案されている。本論ではそのうち4つの分類基準について論じる。すなわち、(A)因果関係の担い手が事実・命題であるか出来事であるか、(B)結果を引き起こすものが個体であるか出来事であるか、(C)原因と結果の間に別の出来事が介在しているか否か、(D)原因と結果の間に、何らかの主体による原因の認識が介在しているか否か、の4点である。2, 3節では(A)の基準にかかわる先行研究をまとめた。まず2節では、因果関係に関する古典的研究として、Davidson(1967)の因果言明causal statementと因果的説明causal explanationの分類について述べた。前者は川来事の間の関係を表すが、後者は事実にかかわるものである。その後3節で、出来事間の因果と事実間の因果の両方を認める研究として、Vendler(1967)とBennet(1988)を取り上げた。4節では、(B)の観点による分類として、日本語の使役動詞を分析した影山(1996)について見た。影山は、使役動詞の形態意味論的分析のための概念として、因果関係をCAUSEとCONTROLの2種類に分けることを提案している。5節と6節は原因と結果の間の介在物に注目した分類を扱った。5節は(C)の観点について、直接因果direct causationと間接因果indirect causationという分類を取り上げ、因果関係の違いが言語現象に影響する場合を見た。最後に6節では、(D)の基準による分類を論じた。原因と結果の間に認識が介在する場合は意思的因果volitional causation、介在しない場合は無意志的因果non-volitional causationとした上で、日本語の(1)のような例にもこの分類が関わることを論じた。(1) a. アクセルペダルが故障したことが事故を引き起こした。(無意志的因果)b. アクセルペダルが故障したことが消費者のトヨタ離れを引き起こした。(意思的因果

    Topological flat bands in rhombohedral tetralayer and multilayer graphene on hexagonal boron nitride moire superlattices

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    We show that rhombohedral four-layer graphene (4LG) nearly aligned with a hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) substrate often develops nearly flat isolated low energy bands with non-zero valley Chern numbers. The bandwidths of the isolated flatbands are controllable through an electric field and twist angle, becoming as narrow as 10 \sim10~meV for interlayer potential differences between top and bottom layers of Δ1015 |\Delta|\approx 10\sim15~meV and θ0.5\theta \sim 0.5^{\circ} at the graphene and boron nitride interface. The local density of states (LDOS) analysis shows that the nearly flat band states are associated to the non-dimer low energy sublattice sites at the top or bottom graphene layers and their degree of localization in the moire superlattice is strongly gate tunable, exhibiting at times large delocalization despite of the narrow bandwidth. We verified that the first valence bands' valley Chern numbers are CV1ν=±1=±nC^{\nu=\pm1}_{V1} = \pm n, proportional to layer number for nnLG/BN systems up to n=8n = 8 rhombohedral multilayers

    Medical Practices and Attitudes of Dual-Licensed Medical Doctors in Korea

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    Unique dual medical system in Korea has resulted in the emergence of dual-licensed medical doctors (DLMDs) who have both traditional Korean medicine (KM) and Western medicine (WM) licenses. There have been few studies on DLMDs in spite of their growing number and importance within the medical system. We surveyed the current status and attitudes of DLMD to assess their role in integrative medicine. Questionnaires were administered to the members of the association of DLMD. Data from 103 DLMD were collected and statistically analyzed. 41.4% of DLMD were copracticing both WM and KM at a single clinic, preferring the WM approach for physical examinations, laboratory tests, and education for patients—and the KM approach for treatment and prescription. Musculoskeletal, gastroenterologic, and allergic diseases were considered to be effectively treated with co-practice. DLMD highly agreed on the efficiency of copractice for disease control and patients’ satisfaction. On the other hand, they regarded the lack of health insurance coverage for copractice and increased medical expenditure as major problems in providing co-practice. To expand the role of DLMD as mediators of integration in primary health care, the effectiveness of their co-practice should be evaluated and a corresponding health insurance reimbursement system should be established