42 research outputs found

    Nematic response revealed by coherent phonon oscillations in BaFe2_2As2_2

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    We investigate coherent phonon oscillations of BaFe2_2As2_2 using optical pump-probe spectroscopy. Time-resolved optical reflectivity shows periodic modulations due to A1gA_{1g} coherent phonon of cc-axis arsenic vibrations. Optical probe beams polarized along the orthorhombic aa- and bb-axes reveal that the initial phase of coherent oscillations shows a systematic deviation as a function of temperature, although these oscillations arise from the same cc-axis arsenic vibrations. The oscillation-phase remains anisotropic even in the tetragonal structure, reflecting a nematic response of BaFe2_2As2_2. Our study suggests that investigation on the phase of coherent phonon oscillations in optical reflectivity can offer unique evidence of a nematic order strongly coupled to a lattice instability.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Determination of the thermoelectric properties of a skutterudite-based device at practical operating temperatures by impedance spectroscopy

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    Skutterudite-based thermoelectric materials are promising candidates for waste heat recovery applications at intermediate temperatures (300–500 °C) owing to their high dimensionless figure of merit and power factor. Recently, several researchers have reported the high performance of skutterudite-based thermoelectric devices obtained by optimizing the crystal structure and microstructure of skutterudite materials and developing metallization layers for device fabrication. Despite extensive research efforts toward maximizing the power density and thermoelectric conversion efficiency of skutterudite-based devices, the thermoelectric properties of such devices after fabrication remain largely unknown. Here, we systematically investigated the factors that affect the thermoelectric properties of skutterudite-based devices within the range of practical operating temperatures (23–450 °C). We successfully prepared a two-couple skutterudite-based device with titanium metallization layers on both sides of the thermoelectric legs and characterized it using scanning and transmission electron microscopy and specific contact resistance measurements. Impedance spectroscopy measurements of the two-couple skutterudite-based device revealed the figure of merit of the device and enabled the extraction of three key thermoelectric parameters (Seebeck coefficient, thermal conductivity, and electrical conductivity). The impedance spectra and extracted parameters depended strongly on the measurement temperature and were mainly attributable to the thermoelectric properties of skutterudite materials. These observations demonstrate the interplay between the properties of thermoelectric materials and devices and can aid in directing future research on thermoelectric device fabrication

    The genus Arthrinium (Ascomycota, Sordariomycetes, Apiosporaceae) from marine habitats from Korea, with eight new species

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    Species of Arthrinium are well-known plant pathogens, endophytes, or saprobes found in various terrestrial habitats. Although several species have been isolated from marine environments and their remarkable biological activities have been reported, marine Arthrinium species remain poorly understood. In this study, the diversity of this group was evaluated based on material from Korea, using morphological characterization and molecular analyses with the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, β-tubulin (TUB), and translation elongation factor 1-alpha (TEF). A total of 41 Arthrinium strains were isolated from eight coastal sites which represented 14 species. Eight of these are described as new to science with detailed descriptions.This work was supported by a National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korean government (MSIP) (NRF-2017R1A2B4002071). Additional funding was provided by the project for the survey and excavation of Korean indigenous species of the National Institute of Biological Resources [NIBR201902113] under the Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea, and the Marine Biotechnology Program of the Korea Institute of Marine Science and Technology Promotion (KIMST), funded by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) (No. 20170431 & No. 20170325)

    Laser-printed emissive metasurface implemented with a planar thin-film resonator

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    Optical security is a promising application of metasurfaces because light has large degrees of freedom in metasurfaces. Although many different structures/materials have been proposed for this purpose, the fabrication of dynamic metasurfaces in a straightforward and scalable manner while maintaining a high security level remains a significant challenge. Herein, a metasurface consisting of a phase-changing Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) layer and a thin metal back reflector is presented to space-selectively and dynamically control the infrared emission of the surface by a spatially modulated pulsed laser beam. Unlike conventional laser processes using a focused beam, the employed laser printing is an expanded beam-based parallel process that enables the fabrication of wafer-sized emission patterns. Owing to the multispectral responses of GST, mutually independent visible and infrared images can be printed in one region. Grayscale emission patterns can also be obtained by gradually modulating the spatial profile of the laser beam, which makes the replication of laser-printed emission patterns extremely difficult. These encouraging features are experimentally verified using rigid and flexible substrates, indicating that the presented emissive metasurface has the potential for use as an effective platform for anti-counterfeiting

    Analysis of the Ergothioneine Content in the Fruiting Bodies of Sawdust-cultivated Lentinula edodes Cultivars in Korea

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    Lentinula edodes is a type of mushroom widely consumed in East Asia, and many of the components contained in them are used as raw materials for pharmaceuticals or as health supplements. Ergothioneine, a sulfur-containing amino acid in L. edodes, is attracting attention due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. L. edodes generally contain an ergothioneine content of about 200 to 800 mg per kg; there are some differences in this value depending on the cultivation conditions. In this study, 24 domestic sawdust-cultivated L. edodes cultivars were cultured under the same conditions, and the morphological characteristics and ergothioneine content of the fruiting bodies were investigated. The yield and morphological characteristics of the fruiting bodies were different in each cultivar. Taehyanggo and Sanjo 713ho had the largest and thickest pileus. The pileus of L. edodes had a higher ergothioneine content than the stipe. Sanjo 715ho had the highest ergothioneine content in the pileus and the stipe at 1,225 mg/kg and 753 mg/kg, respectively. An ergothioneine content of more than 1,000 mg/kg in the pileus was observed in Bambithyang, Sansanhyang, Sulbaekhyang, Taehyanggo, Sanjo 705ho, Sanjo 709ho, Sanjo 715ho, and Sanjo 716ho. These cultivars can be used as parental strains to develop new cultivars with enhanced ergothioneine functionalities

    Multi-Layer Metallization Structure Development for Highly Efficient Polycrystalline SnSe Thermoelectric Devices

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    Recently, SnSe material with an outstanding high ZT (Figure of merit) of 2.6 has attracted much attention due to its strong applicability for highly efficient thermoelectric devices. Many studies following the first journal publication have been focused on SnSe materials, not on thermoelectric devices. Particularly, to realize highly efficient intermediate-temperature (600~1000 K) thermoelectric modules with this promising thermoelectric material, a more thermally and electrically reliable interface bonding technology needs to be developed so that the modules can stably perform their power generation in this temperature range. In this work, we demonstrate several approaches to develop metallization layers on SnSe thermoelectric legs. The single-layer metallization shows limitations in their electrical contact resistances and elemental diffusions. The Ag/Co/Ti multi-layer metallization results in lowering their electrical contact resistances, in addition to providing more robust interfaces. Moreover, it is found to maintain the interfacial characteristics without any significant degradation, even after heat treatment at 723 K for 20 h. These results can be effectively applied in the fabrication of thermoelectric devices or modules that are made of the SnSe thermoelectric materials

    Selection of Lentinula edodes Sawdust Cultivation Cultivars Suitable for Sawdust Block Medium Cultivation

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    The cultivation method of shiitake is divided into two methods: log cultivation and sawdust cultivation. Recently, the importance of sawdust cultivation has been highlighted due to problems such as environmental problems, rising labor costs, and a reduced labor force. Among the 24 Sawdust-cultivated Lentinula edodes cultivars in Korea stored by the National Institute of Forest Science, this study was conducted to select excellent cultivars under the sawdust block cultivation method. After inoculation, the sawdust mediums were cultured for 100 days (60 days in dark and then 40 days in light), and only Sanjo 712ho sprouted the primordia on the 10th day of light culture (total 70 days of cultivation). As a result of cultivation, the average total yield of the 24 cultivars were 1,816 g and Sanjo 712ho was 2,267 g. The fruiting body yield was the highest in Sanjo 713ho with 3,443 g followed by Sanjo 710ho (3,355 g). Sanlim 10ho, Sansanhyang, and Sanjo 716ho showed low production with 174, 238, and 214 g, respectively. As a result of investigating the morphological characteristics of the fruit bodies, the fresh weight of Sansanhyang and Bambithyang was about twice as heavy as the overall average, and Sulbaekhyang was about twice as light. Bambithyang was the largest and longest in diameter and length of the stipe, and the thickness of the stem was the thickest in Sanjo 716ho. As for the hardness of pileus, Bambithyang showed the highest value at 1,276 g/5 mm, and Sanjo 711ho showed the lowest value at 542 g/5 mm. In summary, Bambithyang showed the best fruiting body characteristics and Sanjo 713ho showed the highest yield in the sawdust block cultivation method. This study, the cultivar with shortened cultivation periods and cultivars with excellent morphological characteristics and high yields

    Comparison of Mycelium Cultivation and Fruiting Body Characteristics of Lentinula edodes According to the Sawdust Media Nutrients and Inoculation and Cultivation Conditions

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    The cultivation conditions of shiitake mushrooms (Lentinula edodes) influence the production and quality of fruiting bodies. We conducted this study to improve the productivity and quality of shiitake mushrooms by modifying the cultivation conditions. Two types of spawns (sawdust and liquid spawn) were used, and corn flour was used as a nutritional source for the sawdust medium. A blue light-emitting diode (LED; 300 lux) was also used instead of a white LED during the incubation period. Sanbaekhyang was used as the experimental variety. When using corn flour, the mycelial growth rate increased 1.1 to 2.7 times the growth rate of the control up to 21 days of incubation, and the weight loss rate of the media was also higher. Mushroom productivity increased 1.2 times when the liquid spawn was used compared to when the sawdust spawn was used, and the blue LED also increased fruiting body production by 1.1 times compared to the white LED. Mushroom productivity increased when the liquid spawn was used, and the blue LED also increased fruiting body production. Fruiting body weight and the size of the cap were greater when sawdust spawn was used. The fruiting body weight and the stipe diameter were greater when the blue LED was used. Taste analysis showed that the saltiness increased when corn flour was used, and the sourness increased when the blue LED was used