18 research outputs found

    Community College Student Engagement Patterns: A Typology Revealed Through Exploratory Cluster Analysis

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    This study employs survey data from the Center for Community College Student Engagement to examine the similarities and differences that exist across student-level domains in terms of student engagement in community colleges. In total, the sample used in the analysis pools data from 663 community colleges and includes more than 320,000 students. Using data-mining techniques to discover a parsimonious number of natural clusters and, in turn, a k-means cluster analysis as a means of revealing a naturally occurring typology of engagement patterns, our findings reveal that support service utilization is the most distinguishing feature of the similarities and dissimilarities across student groups, suggesting areas for further theory development and testing

    Community College Student Engagement Patterns: A Typology Revealed Through Exploratory Cluster Analysis

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    This study employs survey data from the Center for Community College Student Engagement to examine the similarities and differences that exist across student-level domains in terms of student engagement in community colleges. In total, the sample used in the analysis pools data from 663 community colleges and includes more than 320,000 students. Using data-mining techniques to discover a parsimonious number of natural clusters and, in turn, a k-means cluster analysis as a means of revealing a naturally occurring typology of engagement patterns, our findings reveal that support service utilization is the most distinguishing feature of the similarities and dissimilarities across student groups, suggesting areas for further theory development and testing

    Radioprotective effects of fucoidan on bone marrow cells: improvement of the cell survival and immunoreactivity

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    Fucoidan is a sulfated polysaccharide purified from brown algae including Fucus vesiculosus and has a variety of biological effects including mobilization of hematopoietic progenitor cells. Recently, we demonstrated that fucoidan stimulates the antigen-presenting functions of dendritic cells. In this study, we investigated the radioprotective effects of fucoidan on bone marrow cells (BMCs), which are the main cellular reservoir for the hematopoietic and immune system. To evaluate the effects of fucoidan, we assayed cell viability and immune responses. In a viability assay, fucoidan significantly increased the viability of BMCs. Based on the results of flow cytometric analysis, the increased viability of fucoidan-treated BMCs was attributed to the inhibition of radiation-induced apoptosis. Furthermore, fucoidan altered the production of immune-related cytokines from BMCs and increased the capability of BMCs to induce proliferation of allogeneic splenocytes. Taken together, our study demonstrated that fucoidan has radioprotective effects on BMCs with respect to cell viability and immunoreactivity. These results may provide valuable information, useful in the field of radiotherapy

    Salvage Treatment for Persistent Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia: Efficacy of Linezolid With or Without Carbapenem

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    Background. Persistent methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteremia is associated with high mortality rates, but no treatment strategy has yet been established. We performed this study to evaluate the efficacy of linezolid with or without carbapenem in salvage treatment for persistent MRSA bacteremia. Methods. All adult patients with persistent MRSA bacteremia for >= 7 days from January 2006 through March 2008 who were treated at Seoul National University Hospital were studied. The results of linezolid salvage therapy with or without carbapenem were compared with those of salvage therapy with vancomycin plus aminoglycosides or rifampicin. Results. Thirty-five patients with persistent MRSA bacteremia were studied. The early microbiological response (ie, negative results for follow-up blood culture within 72 hours) was significantly higher in the linezolid-based salvage therapy group than the comparison group (75% vs 17%; P = .006). Adding aminoglycosides or rifampicin to vancomycin was not successful in treating any of the patients, whereas linezolid-based therapy gave an 88% salvage success rate (P < .001). The S. aureus-related mortality rate was lower for patients treated with a linezolid salvage regimen than for patients continually treated with a vancomycin-based regimen (13% vs 53%; P = .030). Conclusions. Linezolid-based salvage therapy effectively eradicated S. aureus from the blood for patients with persistent MRSA bacteremia. The salvage success rate was higher for linezolid therapy than for vancomycin-based combination therapy.Jenkins TC, 2008, CLIN INFECT DIS, V46, P1000, DOI 10.1086/529190Falagas ME, 2008, LANCET INFECT DIS, V8, P53, DOI 10.1016/S1473-3099(07)70312-2Hawkins C, 2007, ARCH INTERN MED, V167, P1861Kollef MH, 2007, CLIN INFECT DIS, V45, pS191, DOI 10.1086/519470Micek ST, 2007, CLIN INFECT DIS, V45, pS184, DOI 10.1086/519471*CLIN LAB STAND I, 2007, M100S17 CLIN LAB STAHidayat LK, 2006, ARCH INTERN MED, V166, P2138Howden BP, 2006, ANTIMICROB AGENTS CH, V50, P3039, DOI 10.1128/AAC.00422-06Hageman JC, 2006, CLIN INFECT DIS, V43, pE42Jacqueline C, 2006, ANTIMICROB AGENTS CH, V50, P2547, DOI 10.1128/AAC.01501-05Sakoulas G, 2006, CLIN INFECT DIS, V42, pS40Jones RN, 2006, CLIN INFECT DIS, V42, pS13Khatib R, 2006, SCAND J INFECT DIS, V38, P7, DOI 10.1080/00365540500372846Wu VC, 2006, CLIN INFECT DIS, V42, P66Jacqueline C, 2005, ANTIMICROB AGENTS CH, V49, P45, DOI 10.1128/AAC.49.1.45-51.2005*CDCP, 2005, CA MRSA CLIN FAQS CDFowler VG, 2004, J INFECT DIS, V190, P1140Wisplinghoff H, 2004, CLIN INFECT DIS, V39, P309, DOI 10.1086/421946Khosrovaneh A, 2004, CLIN INFECT DIS, V38, P1328Howden BP, 2004, CLIN INFECT DIS, V38, P521KIM SH, 2004, 42 ANN M INF DIS SOC, P142Fowler VG, 2003, ARCH INTERN MED, V163, P2066Kim SH, 2003, CLIN INFECT DIS, V37, P794Moise PA, 2002, J ANTIMICROB CHEMOTH, V50, P1017, DOI 10.1093/jac/dkf215Li JS, 2000, CLIN INFECT DIS, V30, P633You I, 2000, DIAGN MICR INFEC DIS, V36, P37Lowy FD, 1998, NEW ENGL J MED, V339, P520Hiramatsu K, 1997, LANCET, V350, P1670LIBMAN H, 1984, ARCH INTERN MED, V144, P5411

    Pfeiffer Syndrome

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    How to Treat Retrorectal Cysts or Tumors in Adult

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    Side-Chain-Assisted Transition of Conjugated Polymers from a Semiconductor to Conductor and Comparison of Their NO<sub>2</sub> Sensing Characteristics

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    To investigate the effect of a side chain on the electrical properties of a conjugated polymer (CP), we designed two different CPs containing alkyl and ethylene glycol (EG) derivatives as side chains on the same conjugated backbone with an electron donor-acceptor (D-A) type chain configuration. PTQ-T with an alkyl side chain showed typical p-type semiconducting properties, whereas PTQ-TEG with an EG-based side chain exhibited electrically conductive behavior. Both CPs generated radical species owing to their strong D-A type conjugated structure; however, the spin density was much greater in PTQ-TEG. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis revealed that the O atoms of the EG-based side chains in PTQ-TEG were intercalated with the conjugated backbone and increased the carrier density. Upon application to a field-effect transistor sensor for PTQ-T and resistive sensor for PTQ-TEG, PTQ-TEG exhibited a better NO2 detection capability with faster signal recovery characteristics than PTQ-T. Compared with the relatively rigid alkyl side chains of PTQ-T, the flexible EG-based side chains in PTQ-TEG have a higher potential to enlarge the free volume as well as improve NO2-affinity, which promotes the diffusion of NO2 in and out of the PTQ-TEG film, and ultimately resulting in better NO2 detection capabilities

    Kimura's Disease in the Arm

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    Association between shift work and microalbuminuria: data from KNHANES(2012–2014)

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    Abstract Background Shift work disturbs workers’ biological clocks and this condition can cause various health problems including cardiovascular disease. The elevated albuminuria level has been significantly associated with the risk of the cardiovascular disease even within a normal reference range. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the association between shift work and microalbuminuria. Methods Workers aged over 20 years from the fifth and sixth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(KNHANES 2012–2014; n = 3000) were included in this analysis. The multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the association between shift work and microalbuminuria stratified by gender. Results The prevalence of microalbuminuria in male subjects was higher among day workers, but the difference was not significant. However, the prevalence of microalbuminuria among females was higher in shift workers with statistical significance. For female, the Odds ratio of microalbuminuria in shift workers was significantly higher with 1.86 (95% CI 1.02–3.39) compared with day workers. After dividing into 5 subgroups of the shift work pattern, the odds ratio of microalbuminuria for fixed night shift was significantly higher at 4.68 (95% CI 1.29–17.00) compared with day workers. Conclusions This study showed that shift work was associated with microalbuminuria in female workers. Especially we found out the association between fixed night shift and microalbuminuria in female workers