16,256 research outputs found

    A polynomial kernel for Block Graph Deletion

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    In the Block Graph Deletion problem, we are given a graph GG on nn vertices and a positive integer kk, and the objective is to check whether it is possible to delete at most kk vertices from GG to make it a block graph, i.e., a graph in which each block is a clique. In this paper, we obtain a kernel with O(k6)\mathcal{O}(k^{6}) vertices for the Block Graph Deletion problem. This is a first step to investigate polynomial kernels for deletion problems into non-trivial classes of graphs of bounded rank-width, but unbounded tree-width. Our result also implies that Chordal Vertex Deletion admits a polynomial-size kernel on diamond-free graphs. For the kernelization and its analysis, we introduce the notion of `complete degree' of a vertex. We believe that the underlying idea can be potentially applied to other problems. We also prove that the Block Graph Deletion problem can be solved in time 10knO(1)10^{k}\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, An extended abstract appeared in IPEC201

    High energy-charged cell factory for heterologous protein synthesis

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    Overexpression of gluconeogenic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PCK) under glycolytic conditions enables Escherichia coli to maintain a greater intracellular ATP concentration and, consequently, to up-regulate genes for amino acid and nucleotide biosynthesis. To investigate the effect of a high intracellular ATP concentration on heterologous protein synthesis, we studied the expression of a foreign gene product, enhanced green fluorescence protein (eGFP), under control of the T7 promoter in E. coli BL21(DE3) strain overexpressing PCK. This strain was able to maintain twice as much intracellular ATP and to express two times more foreign protein than the control strain. These results indicate that a high energy-charged cell can be beneficial as a protein-synthesizing cell factory. The potential uses of such a cell factory are discussed

    The effect of a market factor on information flow between stocks using minimal spanning tree

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    We empirically investigated the effects of market factors on the information flow created from N(N-1)/2 linkage relationships among stocks. We also examined the possibility of employing the minimal spanning tree (MST) method, which is capable of reducing the number of links to N-1. We determined that market factors carry important information value regarding information flow among stocks. Moreover, the information flow among stocks evidenced time-varying properties according to the changes in market status. In particular, we noted that the information flow increased dramatically during periods of market crises. Finally, we confirmed, via the MST method, that the information flow among stocks could be assessed effectively with the reduced linkage relationships among all links between stocks from the perspective of the overall market

    An FPT algorithm and a polynomial kernel for Linear Rankwidth-1 Vertex Deletion

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    Linear rankwidth is a linearized variant of rankwidth, introduced by Oum and Seymour [Approximating clique-width and branch-width. J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 96(4):514--528, 2006]. Motivated from recent development on graph modification problems regarding classes of graphs of bounded treewidth or pathwidth, we study the Linear Rankwidth-1 Vertex Deletion problem (shortly, LRW1-Vertex Deletion). In the LRW1-Vertex Deletion problem, given an nn-vertex graph GG and a positive integer kk, we want to decide whether there is a set of at most kk vertices whose removal turns GG into a graph of linear rankwidth at most 11 and find such a vertex set if one exists. While the meta-theorem of Courcelle, Makowsky, and Rotics implies that LRW1-Vertex Deletion can be solved in time f(k)n3f(k)\cdot n^3 for some function ff, it is not clear whether this problem allows a running time with a modest exponential function. We first establish that LRW1-Vertex Deletion can be solved in time 8knO(1)8^k\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}. The major obstacle to this end is how to handle a long induced cycle as an obstruction. To fix this issue, we define necklace graphs and investigate their structural properties. Later, we reduce the polynomial factor by refining the trivial branching step based on a cliquewidth expression of a graph, and obtain an algorithm that runs in time 2O(k)n42^{\mathcal{O}(k)}\cdot n^4. We also prove that the running time cannot be improved to 2o(k)nO(1)2^{o(k)}\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)} under the Exponential Time Hypothesis assumption. Lastly, we show that the LRW1-Vertex Deletion problem admits a polynomial kernel.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, An extended abstract appeared in IPEC201