61 research outputs found

    Comments on the symmetry of AdS6_6 solutions in String/M-theory and Killing spinor equations

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    It was recently pointed out in \cite{Kim:2015hya} that AdS6_6 solutions in IIB theory enjoy an extended symmetry structure and the consistent truncation to D=4D=4 internal space leads to a nonlinear sigma model with target SL(3,R)/SO(2,1)SL(3,\mathbb{R})/SO(2,1). We continue to study the purely bosonic D=4D=4 effective action, and elucidate how the addition of scalar potential term still allows Killing spinor equations in the absence of gauge fields. In particular, the potential turns out to be a single diagonal component of the coset representative. Furthermore, we perform a general analysis of the integrability conditions of Killing spinor equations and establish that the effective action can be in fact generalized to arbitrary sizes and signatures, e.g. with target SL(n,R)/SO(p,n−p)SL(n,\mathbb{R})/SO(p,n-p) and the scalar potential expressible by a single diagonal component of the coset representative. We also comment on a similar construction and its generalizations of effective D=5D=5 purely bosonic non-linear sigma model action related to AdS6_6 in M-theory.Comment: v2: 17 pages, version published in PL

    Supersymmetric AdS_6 Solutions of Type IIB Supergravity

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    We study the general requirement for supersymmetric AdS6_6 solutions in type IIB supergravity. We employ the Killing spinor technique and study the differential and algebraic relations among various Killing spinor bilinears to find the canonical form of the solutions. Our result agrees precisely with the work of Apruzzi et. al. \cite{Apruzzi:2014qva} which used the pure spinor technique. We also obtained the four-dimensional theory through the dimensional reduction of type IIB supergravity on AdS6_6. This effective action is essentially a nonlinear sigma model with five scalar fields parametrizing SL(3,R)/SO(2,1)\textrm{SL}(3,\mathbb{R})/\textrm{SO}(2,1), modified by a scalar potential and coupled to Einstein gravity in Euclidean signature. We argue that the scalar potential can be explained by a subgroup CSO(1,1,1) ⊂SL(3,R)\subset\textrm{SL}(3,\mathbb{R}) in a way analogous to gauged supergravity.Comment: v2: 24 pages, misprints corrected, published in EPJ

    Holographic duals of M5-branes on an irregularly punctured sphere

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    We provide explicit holographic duals of M5-branes wrapped on a sphere with one irregular puncture and one regular puncture of arbitrary type. The solutions generalise the solutions corresponding to M5-branes wrapped on a disc recently constructed by Bah-Bonetti-Minasian-Nardoni by allowing for a general choice of regular puncture. We show that the central charges, flavour central charges and conformal dimensions of BPS operators match with a class of Argyres-Douglas theory

    Thermodynamics of accelerating AdS4_4 black holes from the covariant phase space

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    We study the charges and first law of thermodynamics for accelerating, non-rotating black holes with dyonic charges in AdS4_4 using the covariant phase space formalism. In order to apply the formalism to these solutions (which are asymptotically locally AdS and admit a non-smooth conformal boundary I\mathscr{I}) we make two key improvements: 1) We relax the requirement to impose Dirichlet boundary conditions and demand merely a well-posed variational problem. 2) We keep careful track of the codimension-2 corner term induced by the holographic counterterms, a necessary requirement due to the presence of "cosmic strings" piercing I\mathscr{I}. Using these improvements we are able to match the holographic Noether charges to the Wald Hamiltonians of the covariant phase space and derive the first law of black hole thermodynamics with the correct "thermodynamic length'' terms arising from the strings. We investigate the relationship between the charges imposed by supersymmetry and show that our first law can be consistently applied to various classes of non-supersymmetric solutions for which the cross-sections of the horizon are spindles.Comment: 42 pages, 1 figur

    D4-branes wrapped on four-dimensional orbifolds through consistent truncation

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    We construct a consistent truncation of six-dimensional matter coupled F(4) gauged supergravity on a cornucopia of two-dimensional surfaces including a spindle, disc, domain wall and other novel backgrounds to four-dimensional minimal gauged supergravity. Using our consistent truncation we uplift known AdS2 × Σ1 solutions giving rise to four-dimensional orbifold solutions, AdS2 × Σ1 ⋉ Σ2. We further uplift our solutions to massive type IIA supergravity by constructing the full uplift formulae for six-dimensional U(1)2-gauged supergravity including all fields and arbitrary Romans mass and gauge coupling. The solutions we construct are naturally interpreted as the near-horizon geometries of asymptotically AdS6 black holes with a four-dimensional orbifold horizon. Alternatively, one may view them as the holographic duals of superconformal quantum mechanical theories constructed by compactifying five-dimensional USp(2N) theory living on a stack of D4-D8 branes on the four-dimensional orbifolds. As a first step to identifying these quantum mechanical theories we compute the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy holographically

    Four new species of the genus Xynobius Foerster (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Opiinae) from South Korea

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    Four new species, Xynobius azonius sp. nov., X. brevifemora sp. nov., X. duoferus sp. nov., and X. stipitoides sp. nov., are described and illustrated, and one species X. geniculatus (Thomson, 1895) is newly reported from South Korea. Xynobius geniculatus (Thomson, 1895) is redescribed and illustrated, and a new combination, Xynobius (Stigmatopoea) cubitalis (Fischer, 1959), comb. nov. is suggested. An identification key to the Xynobius species known from South Korea is provided

    1/4-BPS M-theory bubbles with SO(3) x SO(4) symmetry

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    In this paper we generalize the work of Lin, Lunin and Maldacena on the classification of 1/2-BPS M-theory solutions to a specific class of 1/4-BPS configurations. We are interested in the solutions of 11 dimensional supergravity with SO(3)×SO(4)SO(3)\times SO(4) symmetry, and it is shown that such solutions are constructed over a one-parameter familiy of 4 dimensional almost Calabi-Yau spaces. Through analytic continuations we can obtain M-theory solutions having AdS2×S3AdS_2\times S^3 or AdS3×S2AdS_3\times S^2 factors. It is shown that our result is equivalent to the AdSAdS solutions which have been recently reported as the near-horizon geometry of M2 or M5-branes wrapped on 2 or 4-cycles in Calabi-Yau threefolds. We also discuss the hierarchy of M-theory bubbles with different number of supersymmetries.Comment: 22 pages, JHEP3.cls; v2. revised version. showed that our results agree with previous works hep-th/0605146 and hep-th/061219
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