2,959 research outputs found

    Exercising Towards a Cure: The Gymnasium of the Friends Asylum, 1889-1893

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    Created for the History & Sociology of Science (HSOC) Senior Honors Thesis, overseen by Dr. Ann Greene Advisor: Professor Aaron Wunsch How did the construction of a free-standing gymnasium reflect the changing ideas of medical treatment, and how were these changing ideas accommodated within the existing framework? Key visual elements: Historical photographs Timelinehttps://repository.upenn.edu/showcase_posters/1023/thumbnail.jp

    Community College Students\u27 Deep Learning Approaches in OER Courses

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    Open Educational Resources (OER) have the potential to bridge the gap for community college students not only because they are more affordable or provide access but also because they have the potential to make learning more meaningful for these same students. Although issues related to access and affordability have been extensively researched, less is known about the ways in which OER use may impact community college students’ deep approaches to learning. More qualitative research around OER efficacy from the student perspective is needed. The purpose of this study was to describe the ways students use OER and how students’ OER use may impact their deep approaches to learning. This study employed qualitative research methods, collecting data from focus groups composed of community college students. The major findings indicated that students use OER to relieve some of the financial stress associated with being a community college student. Students often go outside of the class environment to find OER to help them address learning preferences, diagnose and accommodate learning disabilities, remediate weak skills areas, and learn more about topics of interest. These students benefit from and sometimes participate in Open Pedagogical practices and demonstrate deep approaches to learning when they access openly licensed and freely shared OER and use OER to collaborate, peer validate, and publish work outside the class environment. Students also benefit from strong OER design. OER are often well-sequenced, using techniques like scaffolding and chunking to move learners through material at a manageable pace for optimal learning. OER are often interactive and make use of adaptive technologies to personalize instruction and engage learners. Presenting the students’ perspective through qualitative research is a critical component to better understanding the efficacy of OER for student learning in community college. Faculty should continue to explore OER use in their courses and should widen their traditional circles of collaboration to design their courses using OER. Community college administrators should begin to explore OER as part of their strategic plans for decreasing the financial burden of attending college for students and for increasing student learning and success at their colleges

    Cultural Differences in Nutrition in French and Chinese Cuisine

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    Questions about racial and ethnic health disparities are major issues in health psychology and medicine. A previous study on health behaviors showed that there are cross-cultural differences among college students at Southern Adventist University. The previous study examined health behavior variables such as exercise, water, nutrition, sleep, smoking, alcohol, seatbelt use, medical examination, and dental examination. As a follow-up, this study represents phase two of the previous study. In the current study, the focus was on nutrition. Even though nutrition is an important aspect of health behaviors, there has not been significant amount of cross-cultural research done on nutrition in terms of food consumption. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between cultural cuisine and nutrition. Ninety-four recipes from two cookbooks, 56 ofwhich are Chinese and 38 of which are French, were analyzed individually and each ingredient was categorized. Results showed that there are indeed cultural differences in nutrition. Results show that French cuisine use more fruits, milk, egg, sugar, soy sauce, alcohol, cheese, butter, cream, and herbs, while Chinese cooking uses more oil, soy sauce, and cornstarch. Findings from this study raise the question of whether people from different cultures have different diets and thus differing health outcomes

    Analysis of parasite-specific T cells and cellular interactions in the spleen during <em>Plasmodium berghei</em> induced experimental cerebral malaria

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    Vector-transmitted parasitic infections are a global health problem. Diseases such as malaria are a major health threat and economic burden for developing countries. In Sub-Saharan Africa malaria causing Plasmodium parasites may evoke life threatening complications, which mainly affect children under the age of five years. Pathogenesis of cerebral malaria is a multifactorial complex process that involves inflammatory mediators such as effector T cells and IFN-γ. Time, origin and cellular and molecular factors involved in early immune responses priming effector T cells responsible for the pathogenesis of cerebral malaria have been less investigated. In our study we were able to determine the presence of parasite specific cytotoxic T cells in spleen and brain during Plasmodium berghei infection. This enabled us to analyse cellular interactions involved in the priming of T cells directed against the parasite. The place of essential T cell priming during Plasmodium infections was determined in splenectomised mice, in which effector responses were reduced and experimental cerebral malaria (ECM) pathology was absent. Depletion of antigen- presenting cells, involved in maintaining the organized splenic structure, abrogated T cell priming and resulted in the loss of effector responses. Without either macrophages, DCs or B cells lytic activity and IFN-γ production by parasite-specific T cells was diminished and in the absence of effector responses ECM progression was suppressed. In detail, we provide evidence that macrophages, B cells and dendritic cells, as well as CD4+ T cells together with TLR-9 and IL-12 signalling comprise complex interactions affecting T cell generation during blood stage malaria leading to neuropathology. Taken together our study suggests, that early immune responses during P. berghei infection are generated in the spleen and that distinct cells and cytokines drive gen-eration of parasite-specific T cells leading to subsequent pathology.Durch Vektoren übertragene Parasiteninfektionen stellen weltweit eine große Herausforderung dar. Krankheiten, wie z.B. Malaria bergen große gesundheitliche, aber auch ökonomische Risiken. Malaria, ausgelöst durch eine Plasmodium- Infektion, ist eine schwerwiegende Krankheit mit zum Teil lebensgefährlichen Komplikationen, die insbesondere Kinder unter fünf Jahren betreffen. Die Pathogenese von zerebraler Malaria ist ein multifaktorieller und komplexer Entzündungsprozess, bei dem Effektor T-Zellen und IFN-γ eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Obwohl T-Zellen stark in die Entwicklung zerebraler Malaria involviert sind, ist über Ursprung, zeitliche Abfolge und zelluläre und molekulare Prozesse der frühen Immunantwort, die für die Aktivierung von Effektor T-Zellen verantwortlich sind, bisher wenig bekannt. Wir konnten die Existenz von Parasiten-spezifischen zytotoxischen T-zellen in der Milz und im Gehirn während einer Plasmodium berghei ANKA Infektion in einem Mausmodell nachweisen. Das Entfernen der Milz ging mit einem reduziertem Risiko der zerebrale Malaria und einer verminderten Entzündungsreaktion einher. Dies zeigte, dass Effektor T-Zellen in der Milz generiert werden. Durch die Depletion Antigen-präsentierender Zellen, welche strukturgebend für die Milzarchitektur sind, wurde die Generierung und Aktivierung von Effektor T- Zellen verhindert und inflammatorische Reaktionen unterbunden. In Abwesenheit von Makrophagen, dendritischen Zellen, oder B-Zellen war die zytotoxische Aktivität und die INF-γ Antwort reduziert und neuropathologische Symptome blieben aus. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass komplexe Interaktionen von Makrophagen, B- Zellen, und dendritische Zellen, sowie CD4+ T Helfer Zellen zusammen mit TLR-9 und IL-12 Signalwegen, die T-Zell-Generierung in einer Plasmodium-Infektion und somit die Pathogenese von zerebraler Malaria stark beeinflussen. Zusammengefasst liefert dieses Projekt Hinweise dafür, dass die frühe Immunantwort gegen den Parasiten in der Milz hervorgerufen wird, wobei spezifisch Immunzellen und Zytokine an der Bildung von Effektor T-Zellen beteiligt sind, welche wiederum zu der Entstehung von neurologischen Schäden führen

    Social Transmission of Fear in Rats: The Role of 22-kHz Ultrasonic Distress Vocalization

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    Background: Social alarm calls alert animals to potential danger and thereby promote group survival. Adult laboratory rats in distress emit 22-kHz ultrasonic vocalization (USV) calls, but the question of whether these USV calls directly elicit defensive behavior in conspecifics is unresolved. Methodology/Principal Findings: The present study investigated, in pair-housed male rats, whether and how the conditioned fear-induced 22-kHz USVs emitted by the ‘sender ’ animal affect the behavior of its partner, the ‘receiver ’ animal, when both are placed together in a novel chamber. The sender rats ’ conditioned fear responses evoked significant freezing (an overt evidence of fear) in receiver rats that had previously experienced an aversive event but not in naïve receiver rats. Permanent lesions and reversible inactivations of the medial geniculate nucleus (MGN) of the thalamus effectively blocked the receivers ’ freeezing response to the senders ’ conditioned fear responses, and this occurred in absence of lesions/ inactivations impeding the receiver animals ’ ability to freeze and emit 22-kHz USVs to the aversive event per se. Conclusions/Significance: These results—that prior experience of fear and intact auditory system are required for receiver rats to respond to their conspecifics ’ conditioned fear responses—indicate that the 22-kHz USV is the main factor for socia

    Combining polymeric waste streams to improve functional properties of post-consumer mixed polyolefines

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